1,363 research outputs found

    Decoherence: Concepts and Examples

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    We give a pedagogical introduction to the process of decoherence - the irreversible emergence of classical properties through interaction with the environment. After discussing the general concepts, we present the following examples: Localisation of objects, quantum Zeno effect, classicality of fields and charges in QED, and decoherence in gravity theory. We finally emphasise the important interpretational features of decoherence.Comment: 24 pages, LATEX, 9 figures, needs macro lamuphys.sty, to appear in the Proceedings of the 10th Born Symposiu

    Viscosity of an ideal relativistic quantum fluid: A perturbative study

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    We show that a quantized ideal fluid will generally exhibit a small but non-zero viscosity due to the backreaction of quantum soundwaves on the background. We use an effective field theory expansion to estimate this viscosity to first order in perturbation theory. We discuss our results, and whether this estimate can be used to obtain a more model-independent estimate of the "quantum bound" on the viscosity of physical systemsComment: Accepted for publication, Phys.Rev.D. Discussion slightly clarified and extended, references added, error in calculation fixed. COnclusions unchange

    Quantum Theory and Time Asymmetry

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    The relation between quantum measurement and thermodynamically irreversible processes is investigated. The reduction of the state vector is fundamentally asymmetric in time and shows an observer-relatedness which may explain the double interpretation of the state vector as a representation of physical states as well as of information about them. The concept of relevance being used in all statistical theories of irreversible thermodynamics is shown to be based on the same observer-relatedness. Quantum theories of irreversible processes implicitly use an objectivized process of state vector reduction. The conditions for the reduction are discussed, and I speculate that the final (subjective) observer system might even be carried by a spacetime point.Comment: Latex version of a paper published in 1979 (with minor revisions), 18 page

    N-particle sector of quantum field theory as a quantum open system

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    We give an exposition of a technique, based on the Zwanzig projection formalism, to construct the evolution equation for the reduced density matrix corresponding to the n-particle sector of a field theory. We consider the case of a scalar field with a gϕ3g \phi^3 interaction as an example and construct the master equation at the lowest non-zero order in perturbation theory.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Following a "Collapsing" Wavefunction

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    I study the quantum mechanics of a spin interacting with an ``apparatus''. Although the evolution of the whole system is unitary, the spin evolution is not. The system is chosen so that the spin exhibits loss of quantum coherence, or ``wavefunction collapse'', of the sort usually associated with a quantum measurement. The system is analyzed from the point of view of the spin density matrix (or ``Schmidt paths''), and also using the consistent histories approach. These two points of view are contrasted with each other. Connections between the results and the form of the Hamiltonian are discussed in detail.Comment: 30 pages, plain LaTex, 3 figures in a separate uuencoded fil

    Quantum Cosmology of Kantowski-Sachs like Models

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    The Wheeler-DeWitt equation for a class of Kantowski-Sachs like models is completely solved. The generalized models include the Kantowski-Sachs model with cosmological constant and pressureless dust. Likewise contained is a joined model which consists of a Kantowski-Sachs cylinder inserted between two FRW half--spheres. The (second order) WKB approximation is exact for the wave functions of the complete set and this facilitates the product structure of the wave function for the joined model. In spite of the product structure the wave function can not be interpreted as admitting no correlations between the different regions. This problem is due to the joining procedure and may therefore be present for all joined models. Finally, the {s}ymmetric {i}nitial {c}ondition (SIC) for the wave function is analyzed and compared with the ``no bouindary'' condition. The consequences of the different boundary conditions for the arrow of time are briefly mentioned.Comment: 21 pages, uses LaTeX2e, epsf.sty and float.sty, three figures (50 kb); changes: one figure added, new interpretation of quantizing procedure for the joined model and many minor change

    Quantum discreteness is an illusion

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    I review arguments demonstrating how the concept of "particle" numbers arises in the form of equidistant energy eigenvalues of coupled harmonic oscillators representing free fields. Their quantum numbers (numbers of nodes of the wave functions) can be interpreted as occupation numbers for objects with a formal mass (defined by the field equation) and spatial wave number ("momentum") characterizing classical field modes. A superposition of different oscillator eigenstates, all consisting of n modes having one node, while all others have none, defines a nondegenerate "n-particle wave function". Other discrete properties and phenomena (such as particle positions and "events") can be understood by means of the fast but smooth process of decoherence: the irreversible dislocalization of superpositions. Any wave-particle dualism thus becomes obsolete. The observation of individual outcomes of this decoherence process in measurements requires either a subsequent collapse of the wave function or a "branching observer" in accordance with the Schr\"odinger equation - both possibilities applying clearly after the decoherence process. Any probability interpretation of the wave function in terms of local elements of reality, such as particles or other classical concepts, would open a Pandora's box of paradoxes, as is illustrated by various misnomers that have become popular in quantum theory.Comment: 18 pages. v2: Some text and two references added. v3: Minor changes, one reference added. v4: 21 pages. Submitted to AmJP (not accepted). v5: Minor changes (mainly formulations). v6: Accepted by Found.Phys. Final version is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Efficient distributed machine learning via combinatorial multi-armed bandits

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    We consider the distributed stochastic gradient descent problem, where a main node distributes gradient calculations among n workers from which at most b ≤ n can be utilized in parallel. By assigning tasks to all the workers and waiting only for the k fastest ones, the main node can trade-off the error of the algorithm with its runtime by gradually increasing k as the algorithm evolves. However, this strategy, referred to as adaptive k-sync, can incur additional costs since it ignores the computational efforts of slow workers. We propose a cost-efficient scheme that assigns tasks only to k workers and gradually increases k. As the response times of the available workers are unknown to the main node a priori, we utilize a combinatorial multi-armed bandit model to learn which workers are the fastest while assigning gradient calculations, and to minimize the effect of slow workers. Assuming that the mean response times of the workers are independent and exponentially distributed with different means, we give empirical and theoretical guarantees on the regret of our strategy, i.e., the extra time spent to learn the mean response times of the workers. Compared to adaptive k-sync, our scheme achieves significantly lower errors with the same computational efforts while being inferior in terms of speed

    Decentralizing police detectives: Increasing efficiency of property crime investigations

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    Beginning in November, 2007, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department implemented organizational changes to the Financial/Property Crimes Bureau by decentralizing all property crime detectives. Although no previous research was found on the decentralization of police detectives specifically, there is existing research on similar concepts that suggest at least two benefits of decentralizing police detectives: improved communication with patrol officers and increased efficiency of investigations. With these benefits in mind, the current study examines the following hypotheses: hypothesis 1: decentralizing property crime detectives will lead to improved quality of communication between property crime detectives and patrol officers; hypothesis 2: decentralizing property crime detectives will lead to greater efficiency of property crime investigations. This research will assume a quasi-experimental design with the Southeast Area Command (SEAC) being the experimental group by having detectives decentralized to an area command level and the Southwest Area Command (SWAC) being the comparison group, their detectives remaining at the centralized bureau level. The experimental condition began on November 1, 2007 and continued for 8 months, terminating on June 30, 2008 when SWAC was decentralized, ending the department wide reorganization and decentralization of property crimes detectives. Secondary data in the form of a survey that was administered to patrol officers and performance indicators from the area command and detective levels were received from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. These data were used to evaluate the impact that the decentralization had on communication between detectives and officers and the efficiency of property crime investigations

    Early optical observations of GRBs by the TAROT telescopes: period 2001-2008

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    The TAROT telescopes (Telescopes a Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires) are two robotic observatories designed to observe the prompt optical emission counterpart and the early afterglow of gamma ray bursts (GRBs). We present data acquired between 2001 and 2008 and discuss the properties of the optical emission of GRBs, noting various interesting results. The optical emission observed during the prompt GRB phase is rarely very bright: we estimate that 5% to 20% of GRBs exhibit a bright optical flash (R<14) during the prompt gamma-ray emission, and that more than 50% of the GRBs have an optical emission fainter than R=15.5 when the gamma-ray emission is active. We study the apparent optical brightness distribution of GRBs at 1000 s showing that our observations confirm the distribution derived by other groups. The combination of these results with those obtained by other rapid slewing telescopes allows us to better characterize the early optical emission of GRBs and to emphasize the importance of very early multi-wavelength GRB studies for the understanding of the physics of the ejecta.Comment: 13 pages, 2 color figures, 5 b&w figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa
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