5 research outputs found

    Aide à la conception de workflows personnalisés : application à la prise en charge à domicile

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    Aujourd'hui, les TIC sont reconnues comme un élément inéluctable pour améliorer les pratiques et les usages du secteur de la santé et particulièrement celui de la PAD. Cependant, malgré tout l'engouement et les avancés accomplies dans ce domaine, un problème de coordination et de continuité des soins personnalisés aux patients subsiste toujours. Un système de gestion de workflow semble approprié pour assurer cette coordination de la PAD. Toutefois, les caractéristiques des processus de la PAD, que nous avons identifié, compliquent la conception de ce workflow. En effet, le processus de la PAD a la particularité d'être un processus, personnalisé pour chaque patient, collaboratif évoluant dans un environnement très dynamique et incertain avec une forte contrainte temporelle. Dans le but d'améliorer la coordination en tenant compte des caractéristiques des processus de la PAD, nous avons proposé une approche de conception d'un workflow personnalisé basé sur les modèles de connaissances et guidée par une approche dirigée par les modèles. Cette approche préconise l'utilisation d'ontologies du domaine de la PAD et du BPMN dans un processus de transformations qui aboutit à la conception d'un workflow personnalisé pour un patient donnée selon son profil. Les travaux développés dans ce mémoire présentent une partie de cette approche qui consiste à construire un processus BPMN personnalisé. Les contributions, que nous y exposons sont : premièrement, la conception d'une ontologie du domaine de la PAD. Cette ontologie inclut : le profil patient (pathologie, entourage, environnement,...), l'aspect organisationnel de la PAD (le rôle de chaque intervenant) et le traitement ou les interventions nécessaires pour chaque pathologie. Deuxièmement une proposition de règles de correspondances entre les termes du domaine de la PAD et du BPMN. Finalement des requêtes permettant la conception d'un processus BPMN personnalisé. Cette approche a été testée sur un cas d'étude de la PAD qui montre son bon fonctionnement.Today, ICT is recognized as a requirement to improve the practices of the health sector and particularly the home care area. However, despite all the advances accomplished in this field, a problem of coordination and continuity of personalized care remains. A workflow management system seems appropriate to ensure the coordination of home care. However, the characteristics of the home care processes complicate the design of the workflow. Indeed, the processes of home care need to be customized for each patient, collaborative, evolving in a very dynamic and uncertain environment with a strong time constraint. In order to improve the coordination taking into account the characteristics of the home care process, we propose an approach to design a custom workflow models based on knowledge and guided by a model driven approach. This approach advocates the use of ontologies in the field of home care and BPMN into a process of transformation that leads to the design of a custom workflow for a given patient according to his profile. The work developed in this thesis are part of this approach is to build a customized BPMN process. Contributions are: first, the design of an ontology for home care. This ontology includes: patient profile (pathology, environment, ...), the organizational aspect of the home care (the role of each actor) and the treatment or interventions necessary for each pathology. Secondly, a proposal of correspondence rules between the terms in the field of home care and BPMN. Finally queries are performed to design a customized BPMN process. This approach has been tested on a significative case study

    Self organizing inter-grids virtual organization

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    National audienceThe pervasive grid environment aim at combining the great computing capabilitiesof grid with the mobility capabilities of pervasive systems. The concept of pervasive grid impliesthe multiplication of users, and consequently of applications and needs. Thus, this mergingmake the integration of several heterogeneous platforms critical, especially in a context oftemporary and dynamic collaborations. Our approach consists, instead of homogenizing themiddlewares, in allowing several of them to interact into heterogeneous and dynamic virtualorganization (VO), called inter grid VO. This article focuses on the data management in thiskind of VO, and more precisely on monitoring information, which are both critical to the managementof the plateforms, and highly frequently updated. Our proposal is a an autonomousand self-organized virtual network architecture able to quiclky desseminate data while limitingthe network consumption. The efficiency of our approach as been proved on the experimentalplatform Grid 5000

    The homecare digital ecosystem : an information system support architecture

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    International audienc

    Self organizing inter-grids virtual organization

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    National audienceThe pervasive grid environment aim at combining the great computing capabilitiesof grid with the mobility capabilities of pervasive systems. The concept of pervasive grid impliesthe multiplication of users, and consequently of applications and needs. Thus, this mergingmake the integration of several heterogeneous platforms critical, especially in a context oftemporary and dynamic collaborations. Our approach consists, instead of homogenizing themiddlewares, in allowing several of them to interact into heterogeneous and dynamic virtualorganization (VO), called inter grid VO. This article focuses on the data management in thiskind of VO, and more precisely on monitoring information, which are both critical to the managementof the plateforms, and highly frequently updated. Our proposal is a an autonomousand self-organized virtual network architecture able to quiclky desseminate data while limitingthe network consumption. The efficiency of our approach as been proved on the experimentalplatform Grid 5000

    A System Architecture Supporting the Agile Coordination of Homecare Services

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    International audienceDependent people (especially the elderly) are nowadays surrounded by various health services, as well as by social and multi-technology monitoring devices. The PASPORD research project focuses on improving the management of processes involved in home care. These processes are known to be collaborative: their activities spread over different organizations, are carried out by diverse health or logistical actors. These activities must be coordinated by an integrated system, which is the purpose of the present project. However, the deployment of such a process takes place in a very dynamic and uncertain environment. In this paper, we seek to characterize and model this complex process. On the basis of its features, we define the principles of a system architecture to support the collaboration between the stakeholders and provide agility to overcome difficulties induced by its specificity