233 research outputs found

    Network Polarization

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    Quantifying dynamical spillover in co-evolving multiplex networks

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    Multiplex networks (a system of multiple networks that have different types of links but share a common set of nodes) arise naturally in a wide spectrum of fields. Theoretical studies show that in such multiplex networks, correlated edge dynamics between the layers can have a profound effect on dynamical processes. However, how to extract the correlations from real-world systems is an outstanding challenge. Here we provide a null model based on Markov chains to quantify correlations in edge dynamics found in longitudinal data of multiplex networks. We use this approach on two different data sets: the network of trade and alliances between nation states, and the email and co-commit networks between developers of open source software. We establish the existence of "dynamical spillover" showing the correlated formation (or deletion) of edges of different types as the system evolves. The details of the dynamics over time provide insight into potential causal pathways

    Clinical condition, Resuscitation and Medical-Psychological Care of Severe COVID-19 patients (part 2)

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    Respiratory rehabilitation is the penultimate step in the medical management of patients with severe COPD-19. It is an essential step before patients’ returning home, and is usually carried out in specialised Follow-up and Rehabilitation Clinics. When discharged from hospital, patients with post-severe COVID-19 usually progress in their medical condition. However, they may remain frail and have a constant fear of possible deterioration leading to (re)hospitalisation and a return to baseline. Psychological support in this phase can reduce patients’ anxiety and increase their motivation to carry out daily rehabilitation activities. This support provides a stable and consistent basis for patients to focus on their progress, leaving the difficulties behind. Being aware of the improvements in their physical condition allows them to maintain their motivation to continue to be physically active. Psychological support during respiratory rehabilitation aims at preparing patients to return to the normal life they had before the disease. It is usually based on brief psychotherapies that focus on strengthening the patient’s abilities through behavioural changes and through reducing risk behaviours. Only after this phase is it sometimes possible to deal with complex issues and to cope with personality mechanisms and maladaptive behaviour patterns

    Clinical condition, resuscitation and medical-psychological care of severe COVID-19 patients

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    This interview covers the clinical and psychological condition of patients afflicted with severe COVID-19 and their pulmonary rehabilitation process. For these patients, symptoms are medically urgent and lifethreatening. The sequelae of this viral attack and immune response to it are significant, and often persist for months after discharge from intensive care. To understand the medical and psychological state of these patients, a description is given of the organs affected, the oxygen cycle in the body and the medical care procedures that are used to help patients with dysfunctional respiratory systems. The link between physical and psychological progress is described. Physical weakness results from pulmonary sequelae and deconditioning, and is often experienced by patients as mental fatigue similar to psychological depression. This may draw the patient into a downward spiral, with multiple health aspects deteriorating, independently of the resolution of initial problems. Conversely, a positive physical or psychological evolution may lead to the evolution of the other. Thus, reversing the negative trend for just one system component can delay, completely arrest the spiralling down, or transform it into an upward spiral, improving the patient’s condition. In addition, for people undergoing severe COVID-19, the return to normal life could be destabilizing and memories that arise from their crisis state may trigger PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Health and psychosocial professionals hold an important role both in post-hospital care and in secondary prevention, i.e. prevention of relapse and re-hospitalization. Physical rehabilitation work must take these psychological factors into account, in the same way that any psychological follow-up is supposed to consider physiological factors

    Networked international politics

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    Network theory and methods are becoming increasingly used to study the causes and consequences of conflict. Network analysis allows researchers to develop a better understanding of the causal dynamics and structural geometry of the complex web of interdependencies at work in the onset, incidence, and diffusion of conflict and peace. This issue features new theoretical and empirical research demonstrating how properly accounting for networked interdependencies has profound implications for our understanding of the processes thought to be responsible for the conflict behavior of state and non-state actors. The contributors examine the variation in networks of states and transnational actors to explain outcomes related to international conflict and peace. They highlight how networked interdependencies affect conflict and cooperation in a broad range of areas at the center of international relations scholarship. It is helpful to distinguish between three uses of networks, namely: (1) as theoretical tools, (2) as measurement tools, and (3) as inferential tools. The introduction discusses each of these uses and shows how the contributions rely on one or several of them. Next, Monte Carlo simulations are used to illustrate one of the strengths of network analysis, namely that it helps researchers avoid biased inferences when the data generating process underlying the observed data contains extradyadic interdependencies. </jats:p

    Democracy, Autocracy and the Likelihood of International Conflict

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    This is a game-theoretic analysis of the link between regime type and international conflict. The democratic electorate can credibly punish the leader for bad conflict outcomes, whereas the autocratic selectorate cannot. For the fear of being thrown out of office, democratic leaders are (i) more selective about the wars they initiate and (ii) on average win more of the wars they start. Foreign policy behaviour is found to display strategic complementarities. The likelihood of interstate war, therefore, is lowest in the democratic dyad (pair), highest in the autocratic dyad with the mixed dyad in between. The results are consistent with empirical findings

    Proximity, maps and conflict: New measures, New maps and New findings

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    This article introduces two new datasets. The first is a new interstate distance dataset. It is recognized that different theories regarding distance and conflict will call for different understandings of “distance” and accordingly, ten different types of distance measurement are presented. Moreover, it is argued that in order for a distance dataset to contain accurate distances, it is necessary for it to be based on maps reflecting state border changes over time. As such, a new map dataset is presented, including annualized maps for all states, stored in KML format. It will be shown that the frequent border changes experienced by states can have large impacts on distance calculations. The significance of the relationship between distance and conflict will be tested for the ten different types of distance measurement, not with the aim of finding a “best measure” but in order to demonstrate that distance remains an important variable and that each different form of distance measure can be significant

    From Democratic Peace to Democratic Distinctiveness: A Critique of Democratic Exceptionalism in Peace and Conflict Studies

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