134 research outputs found

    Exploring the impact of control powers and agency philosophy on the creative identity: an exploratory case study on a Pakistani advertising agency.

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    Creative advertising is considered as vital ingredient for any advertising agency to sell their services. However, in any advertising agency, the creative department serve as a backbone for campaign or any marketing collateral development. Whereas, the client and account managers are also considered as the key factors in a service-oriented advertising business. This study aims explore the impact of client’s power, account manager’s power and agency’s philosophy over the creative identity of advertising professionals, working in a local Pakistani advertising agency. In the context of understanding the impact of each of these factors over the creative identity, the study sought to explore the experiences of these creatives through the lens of realism and interpretivist approach. For this purpose, a qualitative interview-based study had been conducted with ten creatives of a local Pakistani advertising agency, belonging to different functions. The research revealed that the client has the outmost authority over their marketing collateral, and they influence the operations of agency as account manager represent them, due to their monetary involvement. Whereas, the client’s influences the creative identity in negative manner as through ambiguous or no feedback over an idea. Likewise, the account manager also impacts in negative way due to their attitude towards creative and control over the agency. But on the other hand, agency’s philosophy contributes positively towards the strengthening the creative identity of Pakistani creatives, working in this agency. Moreover, the unrealistic deadlines and Budget constraints are also mentioned as significant factors influencing their identities. This study suggests that creatives should have in person communication with client and account managers along with keeping a written record of conversations for smooth flow of creative process

    Eccrine spiradenoma: A rare adnexal tumour with atypical presentation: A case report

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    First described in 1934, eccrine spiradenoma (ES) is a rare, benign adnexal tumour arising from eccrine sweat glands. It commonly presents as a slow-growing nodule on the upper trunk, and head and neck region, mostly in the age bracket of 15-35 years, with no gender preference. While no established guidelines exist for optimal management of malignant ES, some therapies have been studied. The diagnosis of this entity is extremely important as it can harbour a malignant component with disastrous outcomes which may be missed due to its strong resemblance to benign lesions, such as a papilloma. Here, we present the case of a 35-year-old lady who presented with a papilloma-like growth on the upper medial aspect of the thigh which was diagnosed as eccrine spiradenoma upon excision

    Assessment of WT1 expression as a marker of treatment outcome in karyotype normal acute myeloid leukemia patients in Pakistan

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    Currently, there is an effort to predict relapse by follow-up monitoring of MRD and subsequently to begin the treatment of the patients during their clinical and hematological remission prior to overt hematological relapse. Expression of WT1 in AM Lis known to be independently associated with significant inferior response to therapy and short survival outcome. Follow-up monitoring of WT1 gene expression during or after therapy would be a valuable predictive marker for early recurrence or relapse of AMLdisease. This pilot study evaluated newly diagnosed and post-induction or consolidation chemotherapy of AMLpatients who were registered with the Oncology Clinics of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. High WT1 burden (\u3e 5000 copies/ml) in 2 patients was indicative of early recurrence of the disease along with shorter disease-free and overall survival. Low WT1 expression (\u3c 200 copies/ml) in 2 patients after induction and consolidation therapy, respectively, was suggestive of better prognosis

    Effectiveness of Tetrachlorodecaoxide Compounds in the Healing of Mandibular Fracture

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    Fractures of mandible are more common in fighting dogs or can be occur due to accidents. A dog with similar fracture was presented at Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery (CMS) with dropped jaw, drawling of bloody saliva. Animal was reluctant to eat and was depressed. After critical physical examination, the condition was confirmed as bilateral fracture of the mandibular body. After performing the necessary pre-operative test like complete blood count (CBC), Serum biochemistry and urinalysis, fracture was surgically reduced by using inter-dental wiring technique. Tetrachlorodecaoxide drops (TCDO) (Oxoferin®; Brookes Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Pakistan) were applied on fracture site three to four times /day until recovery. Animal was kept on liquid diet (chicken soup and milk) throughout and semi-solid food after 25 days. The fracture healed uneventfully in just 37 days

    Multi-Person Tracking Based on Faster R-CNN and Deep Appearance Features

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    Mostly computer vision problems related to crowd analytics are highly dependent upon multi-object tracking (MOT) systems. There are two major steps involved in the design of MOT system: object detection and association. In the first step, desired objects are detected in every frame of video stream. Detection quality directly influences the performance of tracking. The second step involves the correspondence of detected objects in current frame with the previous to obtain their trajectories. High accuracy in object detection system results in less number of missing detection and finally produces less fragmented tracks. Better object association increases the affinity between objects in different frames. This paper presents a novel algorithm for improved object detection followed by enhanced object tracking. Object detection accuracy has been increased by employing deep learning-based Faster region convolutional neural network (Faster R-CNN) algorithm. Object association is carried out by using appearance and improved motion features. Evaluation results show that we have enhanced the performance of current state-of-the-art work by reducing identity switches and fragmentation

    Giant juvenile fibroadenoma of the breast in a 13-year-old Pakistani girl with excellent cosmetic outcome after subareolar enucleation - A case report

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    Introduction: Fibroadenoma is the most common benign lesion of breast in young women, characterized by an aberrant proliferation of both epithelial and mesenchymal elements. It is termed giant fibroadenoma when it is larger than 5 cm or weighs more than 500 g with an incidence of 0.5-2% of all fibroadenomas.Presentation of case: In this report, we discuss a case of a 13-year-old Pakistani girl who presented with a giant juvenile fibroadenoma in left breast and was treated by a subareolar lump excision through a periareolar incision with excellent cosmetic outcome. To the best of our literature search, this is the first case of giant juvenile fibroadenoma in an adolescent being reported from Pakistan.Discussion: Surgical management of giant juvenile fibroadenoma in immature breast is challenging as it may either result in asymmetric defect or damage to developing breast tissue resulting in long term poor outcomes. Surgical decision should be carefully undertaken and reported for future reference in such cases.Conclusion: The diagnosis and management of giant juvenile fibroadenoma can be challenging because these tumors clinically and histologically mimic phyllodes tumor due to their rapid growth and large size. Excision through a periareolar approach for fibroadenomas located in subareolar region provides good cosmetic results in these patients with minimal scar visibility
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