29 research outputs found
Penilaian Keamanan Tegangan Sistem Kelistrikan Wilayah Lampung Dengan Menggunakan Kurva P-V
Intisari---Tegangan yang stabil merupakan salah satu syarat operasi sistem tenaga listrik yang ideal. Akibat pembebanan dan gangguan yang terjadi, tegangan dapat bervariasi dan dapat mendekati batas operasi yang diijinkan. Pembebanan yang semakin bertambah menyebabkan nilai tegangan dapat jatuh melewati batas operasi. Perencanaan operasi sistem tenaga listrik membutuhkan penilaian keadaan keamanan tegangan untuk mengurangi resiko putusnya pelayanan akibat gangguan yang diakibatkan oleh jatuh tegangan. Salah satu metode yang sering dipakai adalah dengan menggunakan kurva P-V. Kurva ini menjelaskan hubungan antara daya aktif dan tegangan pada suatu bus. Dengan menaikkan beban, maka nilai tegangan kritis pada pembebanan maksimum dapat diperoleh. Makalah ini bertujuan melakukan penilaian keamanan (voltage security assessment) sistem kelistrikan wilayah Lampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi keamanan tegangan pada bus-bus di daerah yang berdekatan dengan PLTU Bukit Asam agak sedikit kritis dengan adanya sedikit kenaikan beban pada bus-bus tersebut. Kenaikan beban sebesar 0,7 pu pada bus Gumawang dapat menyebabkan tegangan pada bus tersebut jatuh mendekati batas tegangan operasi minimumnya. Kata kunci---penilaian keamanan tegangan, stabilitas tegangan, jatuh tegangan, kurva P-V, aliran daya kontinuasi  Abstract---Stable voltage is one condition of ideal electrical power system operation. Due to load increasing and disturbances, voltage may vary and can reach the value near to permissible operation limit. Further load increasing can cause voltage collapse over operation limit. Electrical power system planning needs voltage security assessment to reduce the risks of out of service due to voltage collapse. One of methods which often used is by using P-V curve. This curve describes relationship between real power and voltage at a bus. By increasing load, the critical voltage at maximum loading can be defined. This paper aims to do voltage security assessment on electrical power system of Lampung province. The results show that voltage security condition at bus near the Bukit Asam power plant bus tends to be critical if there is a little load increasing. By increasing load of 0.7 p.u. at Gumawang bus can cause voltage at that bus collapse near to minimum operation limit. Keywords---voltage security assessment, voltage stability, voltage collapse, P-V curve, continuation power flo
Analisis Kelayakan Ekonomi dan Self-Consumption dari PLTS On-grid dan Hibrid Kapasitas 1328 kWp
Abstract — Solar energy is an alternative energy source to meet electrical energy needs. In Indonesia, rooftop solar power plants (PLTS) are widely used to meet people's electrical energy needs. However, the government's policy of limiting the use of solar energy from rooftop PLTS to serve electricity loads in the industrial sector and not allowing energy exports to the public electricity network (grid) means that households and producers providing electrical energy (prosumers) must maximize their own consumption (self-consumption) from solar energy and consider the economic feasibility of installing rooftop solar power plants. This paper aims to analyse the economic feasibility and independent consumption of on-grid and hybrid type rooftop PLTS both with 15% load and with actual load. The case study used is a PLTS with a capacity of 1,328.29 kWp with electricity load and solar panel production for two months used as a pattern for electricity load and solar panel production for a year. Economic feasibility is analysed by calculating economic feasibility parameters for the two types of rooftop PLTS, including net present value (NPV), internal rate return (IRR), profitable index (PI) and payback period (PBP). The simulation is carried out by programming using the Python programming language. The simulation results show that the level of self-consumption is greater when the electricity load served is greater and also when using batteries (hybrid PLTS). The greater the self-consumption value, the greater the economic feasibility of the rooftop PLTS to be built. Overall, on-grid rooftop solar PV is more economically feasible to install.
Keywords — On-grid, hybrid, economic feasibility, self-consumption, rooftop solar power plant
Stability Improvement of Single Machine using ANFIS-PSS Based on Feedback-linearization
Electrical power system (EPS) operation always follows load changes which occur within time. Load changes and disturbances cause EPS operation to find a new balance point and before can reach the new balance point, the rotor speed will swing around its synchronous speed. This phenomenon causes the stability of the EPS operation decrease significantly, moreover, when the disturbance is large the machine tend to become unstable. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to add a power system stabilizer (PSS). This research proposes ANFIS-PSS based on feedback-linearization to stabilize the EPS operation. Feedback-linearization is a nonlinear control technique which feedback and limits several outputs in order to make the nonlinear system acts as a linear system. Data from conventional PSS is used to train and to update ANFIS-PSS parameters. Simulation results show an improvement of the stability of single machine model such as decreasing in maximum magnitude of rotor speed at the value of 0.466 rad/s and to reduce the time settling to 5.6 s
Analisis Rugi-Rugi (Losses) Transformator Daya 150/20 KV di PT. PLN (Persero) Gardu Induk Sutami ULTG Tarahan
In general, in the distribution of electrical energy, there will always be losses. In a transformer, there are two types of losses, namely technical losses and non-technical losses. Non-technical losses are caused by things outside of system performance, such as accidents, natural disasters, human negligence, and so on. Meanwhile, technical losses are caused by two things, namely copper losses and core losses. Technical losses in the transformer cause the efficiency of the electricity supply to be low. Therefore the author will make a thesis entitled "Analysis of Losses Power Transformer 150/20 KV in PT PLN (PERSERO) Substation Sutami ULTG Tarahan" The analysis was carried out in July 2019, which aims to determine the amount of losses - losses on the transformer every day within a month, as well as calculating the percentage increase in losses due to changes in normal load current to peak load current. The calculation results show that the highest Losses on Transformer 1 falls on July 23, 2019, amounting to 4,588,204 kw. The highest loss on Transformer 2 falls on July 11, 2019, amounting to 16,246,884 kw. Then the magnitude of the change in the increase in current from normal load current to peak load current on Transformer 1, will cause losses to increase by 3.66%, and the amount of change in the increase in current from normal load current to peak load current on Transformer 2, will cause losses to increase by 2,38%.
Keywords: Transformer, losses, copper losses, core losse
Pengendalian Kecepatan Motor DC Menggunakan Perintah Suara Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino
Intisari—Kemajuan teknologi masa kini berkembang sangat pesatdan dibuktikan dengan banyaknya inovasi yang telah diciptakan. Salah satu teknologi yang dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi pemakainya yaitu teknologi dengan fitur pengenalan suara atau voice recognition. Suara yang diucapkan direkam ke dalam database dan sistem hanya mengenal suara yang sudah direkam ke database tersebut.Fitur sistem pengenalan suara ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai-bagai kebutuhan, seperti keamanan dan pengendalian peralatan. Fitur ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mengatur kecepatan motor dc.Suara dapat dikonversi menjadi data digital dan dapat digunakan oleh mikrokontroler untuk merubah nilai tegangan masukan bagi motor dc dengan menggunakan metode PWM (pulse width modulation)sekaligus mengatur kecepatan motor dc tersebut. Penelitian tugas akhir ini bertujuan merancang dan membuat suatu peralatan untuk mengendalikan kecepatan putaran motor dc dengan perintah suara. Disain peralatan menggunakan sensor easy voice recognitionsebagai alat pengkonversi suara menjadi data digital, mikrokontroler Arduino sebagai pengendali utama dan motor dc.Kata-kata yang diucapkan didisain dan diprogram untuk mengatur kecepatan putaran sesuai yang diinginkan. Tegangan masukan untuk mengatur kecepatan motor dc diatur oleh mikrokontroler dengan menggunakan metode PWM. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa peralatan yang dibuat mampu bekerja dengan baik. Pengucapan setiap kata yang telah didesain untuk masing-masing kecepatan motor dc 900 rpm, 1050 rpm, 1100 rpm, dan 1150 rpmmampu menghasilkan kecepatan putaran sebesar 900,2 rpm, 1050,5 rpm, 1101,7 rpm, dan 1152,94 rpm. Kata kunci—pengaturan kecepatan, motor DC, mikrokontroler, perintah suara, sensor voice recognition  Abstract— Advances in technology to day are growing very rapidly and is evidenced by the many innovations that have been created. One of the technologies that can make it easy for the users is technology with voice recognition features. Spoken voice recorded into the database and the system only recognizes the recorded voice into the database. Features voice recognition system can be usedforvariousneeds, such as security and control equipment. This feature can also be used to control the speed ofa dc motor. Sound can be converted into digital data and can be used by the microcontroller to change the value of the input voltage to the dc motor using PWM(pulse width modulation) as well as control the speed of the dc motor. This research aims to design and create an apparatus for controlling the speed of dc motor using voice commands. The design ofthe equipment uses voice recognition sensor as a means converting sound into digital data, Arduino microcontroller as the main controller and dc motors. The words were spoken designed and programmed to adjust therotation speed as desired. Voltage input to control the speed of a dc motor is regulated by the microcontroller by using PWM method. The results obtained indicate that the appliances are made to work well. Pronunciation of words that have been designed for dc motor speed control of 900 rpm, 1050 rpm, 1100 rpm, and 1150 rpm are capable of producing a rotation speed of 900,2 rpm, 1050,5 rpm, 1101,7 rpm, and 1152,94 rpm. Keywords— speed control, DC motor, microcontroller, voice commands, voice recognitionsenso
Rancang Bangun Alat Deteksi Stabilitas Tegangan Jangka Panjang Pada Jaringan Distribusi Tegangan Rendah
Intisari — Stabilitas tegangan telah menjadi perhatian yang penting dalam operasi jaringan distribusi tenaga listrik. Ketidakstabilan tegangan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada peralatan-peralatan listrik bila terjadi dalam waktu yang lama. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membuat peralatan deteksi stabilitas tegangan jangka panjang pada jaringan tegangan rendah. Sensor tegangan dan sensor arus digunakan untuk memperoleh data tegangan dan arus. Mikrokontroler Arduino digunakan untuk memproses perhitungan deteksi stabilitas tegangan jangka panjang dari data tegangan yang diperoleh dari sensor. Hasil deteksi kondisi stabilitas tegangan ditampilkan dengan indikator lampu led. Hasil pengujian pada jaringan distribusi tegangan rendah tiga fasa menunjukkan bahwa peralatan dapat mendeteksi gangguan stabilitas tegangan jangka panjang secara online dan dinamis.Kata kunci — Deteksi, stabilitas tegangan jangka panjang, jaringan distribusi tegangan rendah. Abstract — Voltage stability has become important concern in the operation of electric power distribution networks. Voltage instability can cause damage to electrical equipments if it occurs for a long time. This paper aims to design and build long-term voltage stability detection equipment on low-voltage network. Voltage sensors and current sensors are used to obtain voltage and current data. The Arduino microcontroller is used to process calculation of long-term voltage stability detection from data obtained from the sensors. The results of detection of voltage stability conditions are displayed with the LED indicators. Test result on three-phase low-voltage distribution network shows that equipment can detect long–term voltage stability disturbance online and dynamically.Keywords— Detection, long-term voltage stability, low-voltage distribution network
Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Arus Menggunakan Transformator Arus Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega32
Intisari---Transformator arus merupakan peralatan yang digunakan dalam pengukuran besaran arus pada instalasi tenaga listrik di sisi primer dengan mentransformasikan besaran arus tinggi tersebut ke amplitudo yang sesuai bagi peralatan proteksi ataupun pengukuran yang terhubung dengan transformator arus tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu sistem alat ukur arus yang terdiri dari transformator arus, pengkondisi sinyal, mikrokontroler ATMega32, LCD 2x16 dan komponen pendukung lainnya. Sistem yang telah dibuat kemudian diuji untuk mengukur arus pada beragam beban yaitu resistif, kapasitif, induktif, dan campuran. Hasil pengukuran kemudian dibandingkan dengan hasil pengukuran menggunakan amperemeter analog dan tang ampere. Alat yang dibuat menunjukkan kemampuan pengukuran yang cukup baik, dimana selisih pengukuran dengan amperemeter analog sangat kecil. Rata-rata deviasi pengukuran alat ini dibandingkan dengan amperemeter analog adalah 1.18 %. Arus terkecil yang dapat dideteksi oleh alat ukur ini adalah 0,5 Ampere dan arus maksimal yang dapat diukur adalah 82 Ampere. Kata kunci---transformator arus, ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) Abstract---Current transformer is used for current measurement in electrical power installation by transforming high current to a suitable level for protection or measurement system. In this research, a digital current measurement system consists of current transformer, signal conditioner, ATMega32 microcontroller, LCD 2x16 and other supporting components, is built. This system is then tested in current measurement of various load types i.e. resistive, capacitive, inductive and mixed loads. Results of measurement are then compared to those of analog amperemeter and clamp meter. The developed system shows good performance, where measurement differences from analog amperemeter and clamp meter is insignificance. Average deviation of this system as compared to analog amperemeter is 1.18 %. This system is capable of measuring current from 0.5 A to 82 A. Keywords---Current transformer, ADC (Analog to Digital Converter
Penerapan Model Beban Zip Untuk Analisa Aliran Daya Tiga Fasa pada Penyulang Katu GI Menggala
Intisari--- Pada penelitian ini, tiga model beban dimasukkan kedalam Aliran Daya Newton-Raphson (UnilaPF) yang menggunakan koordinat tegangan rectangular. Ketiga model beban tersebut adalah Constant Power (CP), Constant Current (CC), dan Constant Impedance (CI), atau biasa disebut dengan Model Beban ZIP. Komposisi beban ZIP yang digunakan pada studi kali ini yaitu 100% CP, 100% CC, 100% CI, dan mixed load (30%CI, 30%CC, 40%CP). Simulasi yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa model beban ZIP memberikan pengaruh pada hasil analisa aliran daya pada sistem distribusi yang diteliti. Hasil dari program UnilaPF dibandingkan dengan program OpenDSS, dan diperoleh tegangan deviasi maksimal sebesar 1.2194% dengan total iterasi dari seluruh kasus sebanyak 10 iterasi pada UnilaPF dan 20 iterasi pada OpenDSS.Kata kunci--- Aliran Daya, Newton Raphson, Rectangular, ZIP. Abstract--- In this work, three load models are included into a Newton-Raphson power flow (UnilaPF) based on rectangular voltage coordinates. Those models includeConstant Power (CP), Constant Current (CC), and Constant Impedance (CI), or commonly called the ZIP load model. Various ZIP load compositions were considered in this study i.e. 100% CP, 100% CC, 100% CI, and mixed load (30% CI, 30% CC, 40% CP). Simulation also confirmed that inclusion of ZIP load model affected power flow results of the studied distribution system. Results of UnilaPF program were compared to OpenDSS program, and maximum voltage deviation of 1.2194% was observed with total iteration of all cases is 10 iterations on UnilaPF and 20 iterations on OpenDSS.Keywords--- Power Flow, Newton Raphson, Rectangular, ZIP
Intisari — Jarak yang jauh antara sisi penyuplai energi listrik dan sisi konsumen (beban) pada jaringandistribusi menimbulkan permasalahan seperti meningkatnya rugi-rugi daya di sepanjang saluran dan jatuhtegangan. Pemasangan kapasitor adalah salah satu solusi untuk meminimalkan rugi-rugi daya sekaligusmemperbaiki profil tegangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari nilai kapasitas optimal daribeberapa bank kapasitor yang dipasang pada jaringan distribusi untuk meminimisasi rugi-rugi daya aktifmenggunakan metode Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO). Lokasi penempatan bank kapasitor ditentukan denganmenggunakan metode faktor sensitivitas rugi-rugi atau Loss Sensitivity Factor (LSF). Studi kasus yangdigunakan adalah jaringan distribusi 20 kV Penyulang Wortel, di Gardu Induk Menggala, ProvinsiLampung. Simulasi penentuan lokasi penempatan dan optimasi kapasitas bank kapasitor dilakukan denganmenggunakan perangkat lunak MATLAB. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa lokasi optimal penempatanempat bank kapasitor menggunakan metode LSF adalah pada bus 42, 51, 58 dan 60 dan kapasitas optimalbank kapasitor pada bus-bus tersebut yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode GWO masing-masingadalah sebesar 0,15 MVAR, 0,45 MVAR, 0,15 MVAR, dan 0,15 MVAR. Rugi-rugi daya aktif yang diperolehsetelah pemasangan bank kapasitor adalah sebesar 0,1041 MW atau berkurang sebesar 23% dari nilai rugirugi daya aktif sebelum pemasangan bank kapasitor yakni 0,1352 MW. Nilai tegangan minimum yangdiperoleh setelah pemasangan bank kapasitor adalah 0,944 pu dan memperbaiki profil tegangan dari nilaitegangan minimum sebelum pemasangan bank kapasitor yakni sebesar 0,916 pu.Kata-kata kunci - optimasi kapasitas, capacitor bank, Grey Wolf Optimizer, rugi-rugi daya aktif, faktorsensitivitas rugi-rugi.Abstract — Long distance between the electricity supply side and the consumer side (load) on the distributionnetwork can cause problems such as increasing power losses along the line and voltage drop. Installingcapacitors is one solution to minimize power losses while improving the voltage profile. The aim of this researchis to find the optimal capacity value of several capacitor banks installed in the distribution network to minimizeactive power losses using the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) method. The location of the capacitor bank placementis determined by using the Loss Sensitivity Factor (LSF) method. The case study used is a 20 kV distributionnetwork of Wortel Feeders, in Menggala substation, Lampung Province. Simulation of determining theplacement location and optimization of capacitor banks capacity is performed using MATLAB software. Thesimulation results show that the location of four capacitor banks using the LSF method is on buses 42, 51, 58and 60 and the optimal capacitor bank capacity on those buses obtained using the GWO method are 0.15 MVAR,0.45 MVAR, 0.15 MVAR, and 0.15 MVAR, respectively. The active power losses obtained after the installation ofcapacitor bank are equal to 0.1041 MW or reduced by 23% from the value of active power losses before theinstallation of capacitor bank which is 0.1352 MW. The minimum voltage value obtained after the installation ofcapacitor bank is 0.94 pu and improves the voltage profile of the minimum voltage value before the installationof capacitor bank which is equal to 0.916 pu.Keywords— capacity optimization, capacitor bank, Grey Wolf Optimizer, active power losses, Loss SensitivityFactor
Penentuan Lokasi dan Kapasitas Kapasitor Bank pada Jaringan Distribusi Penyulang Americano untuk Meminimalkan Rugi-Rugi Daya dengan Metode Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO)
The installation of capacitor banks is one way to reduce power losses and increase the voltage profile. Banks capacitor will supply capacitive reactive power, so that the impedance value can be reduced resistance. The increase in resistance leads to a decrease in the voltage profile and an increase in power reduction. Based on data from the simulation experiment with software ETAP 19.01, the highest decrease in voltage profile in Americano feeder at daylight load was 4.1 kV with total power losses of 449.5 kW and during night loads of 6 kV with total power losses of 917 kW. Based on this, the adding of capacitor banks is carried out using the Gray Wolf Optimizer (GWO) method to help the process of finding the location and capacity of capacitor banks. Decrease in active power loss after installing the capacitor bank during daytime loads was 148.5 kW, with an increase in the average voltage of 1,212 kV and during night loads was 374 kW, with an increase in the average voltage of 1.46 kV. Determining the location and capacity of the capacitor bank, the value of the power decrease and the maximum voltage profile increase are obtained