7 research outputs found

    Maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies of patients with advanced maternal age resulted from IVF procedures

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    U životu modernih žena primećen je rastući trend ka odlaganju rađanja, tako da je evidentan sve veći broj žena u odmakloj životnoj dobi koje pokušavaju da ostvare trudnoću (1). Usled navedenog, metode vantelesne oplodnje (VTO), doživele su ekspanziju (8). koje nude priliku velikom broju parova da se ostvare u ulozi roditelja. Mogućnosti koje nudi savremena medicina povezane su i sa potencijalnim rizicima kako po majku, tako i po plod odnosno dete (10). Kada su u pitanju majke, rizici proističu iz interakcije stresogenih činilaca koje trudnoća uopšteno nosi i osobenosti pozne životne dobi majki po sebi. Iako je proučavanje povezanosti asistiranih reproduktivnih tehnologija sa zdravljem majke i njenog potomstva predmet retrospektivnih studija još od prve bebe nastale ovom metodom 1978. godine (34) dobijeni rezultati se odlikuju izvesnim stepenom nekonzistentnosti, pa i protivurečnosti. Najveća razlikovanja su dobijena prilikom poređenja različitih zajednica i etniciteta, što čini veoma značajnim pokretanje studije ovog tipa na nacionalnom nivou. Materijal i metode Sprovedena je kohortna studija u koju su uključene sve trudnice starije od 40 godina koje su u toku trudnoće bile hospitalizovane na Ginekološko-akušerskoj klinici „Narodni front“ u Beogradu, u periodu od 01. januara 2007. godine do 31. decembra 2015. godine. Jednu kohortu činile su trudnice kod kojih je uradjena IVF procedura, a drugu, kontrolnu kohortu one kod kojih je trudnoća ostvarena prirodnim putem. Rezultati U studiju je uključeno ukupno 672 pacijentkinje, od čega su ispitivanu grupu činile 372 pacijentkinje, a kontrolnu 300 pacijentkinja koje su ostvarile trudnoću prirodnim putem. Pokazano je da su hronična oboljenja pre trudnoće (hipitireoza, dijabetes mellitus tip II), kao poremećaji zdravlja tokom trudnoće (gestacijska hipertenzija, GDM, placenta previa) značajno češći kod pacijentkinja koje su trudnoću ostvarile vantelesnom oplodnjom. Takođe, višeplodne trudnoće češće su u ispitivanoj grupi, kao i operativno završavanje trudnoće (94,4% pacijentkinja), za razliku od kontrolne grupe gde je carskim rezom porođeno 52% pacijentkinja. Deca rođena iz trudnoća koje su nastale vantelesnom oplodnjom imaju lošiji ishod na rođenju, odnosnu manju APGAR ocenu težinu. Takođe, u ispitivanoj grupi zabeleženo je više slučajeva urođenih anomalija novorđenčadi, kao i veći broj prevremeno rođenih beba. Zaključak Trudnoće ostvarene procesom vantelesne oplodnje kod žena uznapredovale životne dobi nose znatno veću stopu rizika za maternalni i fetalni mortalitet i morbiditet.In the life of modern women it is noticed a growing trend of postponing childbearing (1). Due to the fact mentioned above, the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), has experienced an expansion (8). offering the opportunity to a large number of couples to acomplish the parental role. The possibilities offered by modern medicine are associated with potential risks both for mother and for the fetus or a child (10). As for the mothers, the risks arising from the interaction of stressful factors that generally carries the pregnancy and characteristics of late maternal age itself. Although the study of the relationship between assisted reproductive technology, health of the mother and her offspring is the subject to retrospective studies since the first baby resulting from this method in 1978 (34). The results obtained are characterized by a degree of inconsistency and even contradictions. The biggest distinction are obtained when comparing different communities and ethnicity, which makes it very important performing this type of study on a national level. Method We performed a cohort study in which we have included all pregnant women older than 40, who were hospitalized in Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic “Narodni front”, Belgrade since January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2015. Study cohort consisted of patients who underwent ART procedure, and the control group was formed of patients who have accomplished ther pregnancy naturally. Results The study included a total of 672 patients , of which study group consisted of 372 patients and the control group of 300 patients who achieved pregnancy naturally. It has been shown that chronic diseases before pregnancy ( hipitireoza , diabetes mellitus type II ) , as well as health disorders during pregnancy (gestational hypertension, GDM , placenta previa ) were significantly more common in patients who have achieved pregnancy by in vitro fertilization . Furthermore, multiple pregnancies are more common in the study group , as well as the Cesarean Section ( 94.4 % patients ) , in contrast to the control group where the rate of Caesarean section was 52 %. Newborns which were born from pregnancies that were achived by in vitro fertilization have worse outcomes at birth and lower APGAR score . Also , in the study group there were several cases of congenital anomalies, and a large number of premature babies. Conclusions Pregnancies achieved by in vitro fertilization process in women with advanced maternal age are at the higher risk of maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity

    Maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies of patients with advanced maternal age resulted from IVF procedures

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    U životu modernih žena primećen je rastući trend ka odlaganju rađanja, tako da je evidentan sve veći broj žena u odmakloj životnoj dobi koje pokušavaju da ostvare trudnoću (1). Usled navedenog, metode vantelesne oplodnje (VTO), doživele su ekspanziju (8). koje nude priliku velikom broju parova da se ostvare u ulozi roditelja. Mogućnosti koje nudi savremena medicina povezane su i sa potencijalnim rizicima kako po majku, tako i po plod odnosno dete (10). Kada su u pitanju majke, rizici proističu iz interakcije stresogenih činilaca koje trudnoća uopšteno nosi i osobenosti pozne životne dobi majki po sebi. Iako je proučavanje povezanosti asistiranih reproduktivnih tehnologija sa zdravljem majke i njenog potomstva predmet retrospektivnih studija još od prve bebe nastale ovom metodom 1978. godine (34) dobijeni rezultati se odlikuju izvesnim stepenom nekonzistentnosti, pa i protivurečnosti. Najveća razlikovanja su dobijena prilikom poređenja različitih zajednica i etniciteta, što čini veoma značajnim pokretanje studije ovog tipa na nacionalnom nivou. Materijal i metode Sprovedena je kohortna studija u koju su uključene sve trudnice starije od 40 godina koje su u toku trudnoće bile hospitalizovane na Ginekološko-akušerskoj klinici „Narodni front“ u Beogradu, u periodu od 01. januara 2007. godine do 31. decembra 2015. godine. Jednu kohortu činile su trudnice kod kojih je uradjena IVF procedura, a drugu, kontrolnu kohortu one kod kojih je trudnoća ostvarena prirodnim putem. Rezultati U studiju je uključeno ukupno 672 pacijentkinje, od čega su ispitivanu grupu činile 372 pacijentkinje, a kontrolnu 300 pacijentkinja koje su ostvarile trudnoću prirodnim putem. Pokazano je da su hronična oboljenja pre trudnoće (hipitireoza, dijabetes mellitus tip II), kao poremećaji zdravlja tokom trudnoće (gestacijska hipertenzija, GDM, placenta previa) značajno češći kod pacijentkinja koje su trudnoću ostvarile vantelesnom oplodnjom. Takođe, višeplodne trudnoće češće su u ispitivanoj grupi, kao i operativno završavanje trudnoće (94,4% pacijentkinja), za razliku od kontrolne grupe gde je carskim rezom porođeno 52% pacijentkinja. Deca rođena iz trudnoća koje su nastale vantelesnom oplodnjom imaju lošiji ishod na rođenju, odnosnu manju APGAR ocenu težinu. Takođe, u ispitivanoj grupi zabeleženo je više slučajeva urođenih anomalija novorđenčadi, kao i veći broj prevremeno rođenih beba. Zaključak Trudnoće ostvarene procesom vantelesne oplodnje kod žena uznapredovale životne dobi nose znatno veću stopu rizika za maternalni i fetalni mortalitet i morbiditet.In the life of modern women it is noticed a growing trend of postponing childbearing (1). Due to the fact mentioned above, the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), has experienced an expansion (8). offering the opportunity to a large number of couples to acomplish the parental role. The possibilities offered by modern medicine are associated with potential risks both for mother and for the fetus or a child (10). As for the mothers, the risks arising from the interaction of stressful factors that generally carries the pregnancy and characteristics of late maternal age itself. Although the study of the relationship between assisted reproductive technology, health of the mother and her offspring is the subject to retrospective studies since the first baby resulting from this method in 1978 (34). The results obtained are characterized by a degree of inconsistency and even contradictions. The biggest distinction are obtained when comparing different communities and ethnicity, which makes it very important performing this type of study on a national level. Method We performed a cohort study in which we have included all pregnant women older than 40, who were hospitalized in Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic “Narodni front”, Belgrade since January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2015. Study cohort consisted of patients who underwent ART procedure, and the control group was formed of patients who have accomplished ther pregnancy naturally. Results The study included a total of 672 patients , of which study group consisted of 372 patients and the control group of 300 patients who achieved pregnancy naturally. It has been shown that chronic diseases before pregnancy ( hipitireoza , diabetes mellitus type II ) , as well as health disorders during pregnancy (gestational hypertension, GDM , placenta previa ) were significantly more common in patients who have achieved pregnancy by in vitro fertilization . Furthermore, multiple pregnancies are more common in the study group , as well as the Cesarean Section ( 94.4 % patients ) , in contrast to the control group where the rate of Caesarean section was 52 %. Newborns which were born from pregnancies that were achived by in vitro fertilization have worse outcomes at birth and lower APGAR score . Also , in the study group there were several cases of congenital anomalies, and a large number of premature babies. Conclusions Pregnancies achieved by in vitro fertilization process in women with advanced maternal age are at the higher risk of maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity

    Maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies of patients with advanced maternal age resulted from IVF procedures

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    U životu modernih žena primećen je rastući trend ka odlaganju rađanja, tako da je evidentan sve veći broj žena u odmakloj životnoj dobi koje pokušavaju da ostvare trudnoću (1). Usled navedenog, metode vantelesne oplodnje (VTO), doživele su ekspanziju (8). koje nude priliku velikom broju parova da se ostvare u ulozi roditelja. Mogućnosti koje nudi savremena medicina povezane su i sa potencijalnim rizicima kako po majku, tako i po plod odnosno dete (10). Kada su u pitanju majke, rizici proističu iz interakcije stresogenih činilaca koje trudnoća uopšteno nosi i osobenosti pozne životne dobi majki po sebi. Iako je proučavanje povezanosti asistiranih reproduktivnih tehnologija sa zdravljem majke i njenog potomstva predmet retrospektivnih studija još od prve bebe nastale ovom metodom 1978. godine (34) dobijeni rezultati se odlikuju izvesnim stepenom nekonzistentnosti, pa i protivurečnosti. Najveća razlikovanja su dobijena prilikom poređenja različitih zajednica i etniciteta, što čini veoma značajnim pokretanje studije ovog tipa na nacionalnom nivou. Materijal i metode Sprovedena je kohortna studija u koju su uključene sve trudnice starije od 40 godina koje su u toku trudnoće bile hospitalizovane na Ginekološko-akušerskoj klinici „Narodni front“ u Beogradu, u periodu od 01. januara 2007. godine do 31. decembra 2015. godine. Jednu kohortu činile su trudnice kod kojih je uradjena IVF procedura, a drugu, kontrolnu kohortu one kod kojih je trudnoća ostvarena prirodnim putem. Rezultati U studiju je uključeno ukupno 672 pacijentkinje, od čega su ispitivanu grupu činile 372 pacijentkinje, a kontrolnu 300 pacijentkinja koje su ostvarile trudnoću prirodnim putem. Pokazano je da su hronična oboljenja pre trudnoće (hipitireoza, dijabetes mellitus tip II), kao poremećaji zdravlja tokom trudnoće (gestacijska hipertenzija, GDM, placenta previa) značajno češći kod pacijentkinja koje su trudnoću ostvarile vantelesnom oplodnjom. Takođe, višeplodne trudnoće češće su u ispitivanoj grupi, kao i operativno završavanje trudnoće (94,4% pacijentkinja), za razliku od kontrolne grupe gde je carskim rezom porođeno 52% pacijentkinja. Deca rođena iz trudnoća koje su nastale vantelesnom oplodnjom imaju lošiji ishod na rođenju, odnosnu manju APGAR ocenu težinu. Takođe, u ispitivanoj grupi zabeleženo je više slučajeva urođenih anomalija novorđenčadi, kao i veći broj prevremeno rođenih beba. Zaključak Trudnoće ostvarene procesom vantelesne oplodnje kod žena uznapredovale životne dobi nose znatno veću stopu rizika za maternalni i fetalni mortalitet i morbiditet.In the life of modern women it is noticed a growing trend of postponing childbearing (1). Due to the fact mentioned above, the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), has experienced an expansion (8). offering the opportunity to a large number of couples to acomplish the parental role. The possibilities offered by modern medicine are associated with potential risks both for mother and for the fetus or a child (10). As for the mothers, the risks arising from the interaction of stressful factors that generally carries the pregnancy and characteristics of late maternal age itself. Although the study of the relationship between assisted reproductive technology, health of the mother and her offspring is the subject to retrospective studies since the first baby resulting from this method in 1978 (34). The results obtained are characterized by a degree of inconsistency and even contradictions. The biggest distinction are obtained when comparing different communities and ethnicity, which makes it very important performing this type of study on a national level. Method We performed a cohort study in which we have included all pregnant women older than 40, who were hospitalized in Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic “Narodni front”, Belgrade since January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2015. Study cohort consisted of patients who underwent ART procedure, and the control group was formed of patients who have accomplished ther pregnancy naturally. Results The study included a total of 672 patients , of which study group consisted of 372 patients and the control group of 300 patients who achieved pregnancy naturally. It has been shown that chronic diseases before pregnancy ( hipitireoza , diabetes mellitus type II ) , as well as health disorders during pregnancy (gestational hypertension, GDM , placenta previa ) were significantly more common in patients who have achieved pregnancy by in vitro fertilization . Furthermore, multiple pregnancies are more common in the study group , as well as the Cesarean Section ( 94.4 % patients ) , in contrast to the control group where the rate of Caesarean section was 52 %. Newborns which were born from pregnancies that were achived by in vitro fertilization have worse outcomes at birth and lower APGAR score . Also , in the study group there were several cases of congenital anomalies, and a large number of premature babies. Conclusions Pregnancies achieved by in vitro fertilization process in women with advanced maternal age are at the higher risk of maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity

    Supplementary material for: Stojsavljević, A.; Zečević, N.; Mihailović, M.; Jagodić, J.; Đurđić, S.; Perović, M.; Manojlović, D. D. Elemental Profiling of Human Semen with Confirmed Normozoospermia: Baseline Levels for 44 Elements. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2022, 74, 127081. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2022.127081.

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    Background: As a consequence of the progressive decline in human semen quality in recent decades, modern epidemiological investigations have identified several trace elements that could be responsible for this phenomenon. However, their levels in semen have not been clearly elucidated, particularly for elements present in ultra-trace levels. Methods: We aimed to determine the levels of 39 (ultra)trace elements and 5 macroelements in human semen samples with confirmed normozoospermia using ICP-based techniques. The research was amplified by analyzing blood samples from the same participants. Results: Among the analyzed (ultra)trace elements in semen samples, Zn is the most and Tm is the least prominent. Zn levels in semen are so high that Zn should be considered as a macroelement in this matrix. The levels of Zn, Rh, Sm, Re, Ir, Tl, Na, and Ca were significantly higher in semen, while the levels of Cu, As, Rb, Gd, Sb, Tb, Tm, Lu, K, and Fe were significantly higher in blood. Correlation analysis of the levels of 44 individual elements in paired semen and blood samples revealed positive correlations between 43 of the elements, particularly for Tl and Pt. An exception was the negative correlation for Cu, which showed that its high level in semen is associated with a low level in blood and contrariwise. Conclusion: The reported data can be used as baseline levels/reference values for 44 elements in human semen. Furthermore, the findings of this study could be relevant for further consideration of male infertility.Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2022.127081]Related to published version: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5628

    Elemental Composition of Pheochromocytoma Resolved on Solid/Adrenal Tissue and Whole Blood Level

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    Pheochromocytoma (PCC) is an unusual benign adrenal tumor with an unexamined status of the elements. This study delivers the first insight into the levels of microelements (Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Th), toxic elements (Cd, Pb, U), and macroelements (Na, K, Mg, Ca) in both adrenal tissue and whole blood samples collected from PCC patients. The results were strengthened by comparing recorded findings with the patients’ healthy adrenal tissue (HAT) and with whole blood samples from the healthy individuals. PCCs had significantly higher levels of Zn, Se, Na, K, and Mg and lower levels of Mn, Co, Pb, and As than that of HATs. Compared to healthy blood samples, the patients’ blood exhibited considerably higher levels of Na, K, and Ca but significantly lower levels of Mn, Cu, Zn, Se, and Mg. Females had significantly higher levels of essential Se and toxic Pb and Cd in their PCC tissue samples compared to males. PCC tissue levels of Mn and Cu were significantly elevated in smokers over levels in nonsmokers and in PCC patients with tumor sizes below 5 cm compared to PCC diameters above 5 cm. The data presented in this study provide a new insight into the pathophysiology of PCC. Thus, recorded elements should be considered as initiators/modifiers of PCC and potential inductors of malignant transformation. The findings of this research deepen scientific understanding of this rare adrenal disease, which, in turn, could highlight the pathogenesis of PCC

    Electrical conductivity of poly (L lactic acid) and poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) composites filled with galvanostatically produced copper powder

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    This manuscript presents experimental studies of composite materials based on poly (L lactic acid) (PLLA) and poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) matrices filled with electrolytic copper powder, having a very high dendritic structure. Volume fractions of the copper powder used as filler in all prepared composites were varied in the range 0.5-6.0 vol.%. Samples were prepared by hot moulding injection at 170 °C. Influence of particle size and morphology, as well as the influence of matrix type on conductivity and percolation threshold of the obtained composites were examined. Characterization included: electrical conductivity measurements using AC impedance spectroscopy (IS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier-transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Presence of three-dimensional conductive pathways was confirmed. The obtained percolation thresholds of 2.83 vol.% for PLLA and 3.13 vol.% for PHB composites were measured, which is about three times lower than the ones stated in the literature for similar composites. This property is ascribed to different morphologies of the filler used in the present investigation. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. ON172046 and Grant no. ON172060