72 research outputs found

    Komparativna studija o djelovanju meridol tekućine na smanjenje upalnih promjena gingive

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    The aim o f this study was to evaluate the effects of Ā»MeridolĀ« solution for mouth rinsing (containing SnF2 and aminfluoride 297) on plaque and gingiva. The study was carried out in four groups of children. Group A rinsed their mouth once a week during six months, group B once a day for a month, while groups KA and KB served as control. The criterion for relevant plaque recording was OH index as modified by green and Vermillion. Periodontal status was obtained by applying the CPTIN index. The plaque reduction was significant in groups A and B. When the solution was applied, it was noted the reduction in bleeding sextants. Results showed Ā»MeridolĀ« solution to be recommendable together with proper oral hygiene in the prophylactic treatment o f decay and gingivitis.U radu je ispitivan učinak Meridol tekućine za ispiranje usta (koja sadrži SnF2 i amin fluorid 297) na plak i gingivu. Ispitivanje je provedeno u četiri skupine djece. Skupina A ispirala je usta jedanput tjedno tijekom 6 mjeseci, skupina B jedanput dnevno tijekom mjesec dana, a skupine KA i KB bile su kontrolne. Kriterij za objektivnu registraciju plaka bio je OHI - indeks prema Greenu i Vermillionu. Podaci o stanju parodonta dobiveni su primjenom CPITN indeksa. Smanjenje plaka u A i B skupini bilo je značajno. Primjenom samo Meridola nisu uočene promjene na parodontnom tkivu gdje je već doÅ”lo do bolesnih promjena, uočeno je jedino smanjenje sekstanta s krvarenjem iz gingivnoga sulkusa. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju kako se Meridol tekućina može preporučiti u profilaksi karijesa i gingivitisa, uz odgovarajuće pravilno provođenje oralne higijene

    Uloga ekoloŔkih faktora u nastanku zubne traume

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    The analysis of dental traumas carried out in 731 patients showed the frequency of 59.8% in boys and 40.2% in girls. The frequency ratio between boys and girls was 1.5:1, which shows a greater susceptibility of boys to dental traumas. The place of trauma occurrence was analyzed in 585 (363 boys and 222 girls) school children. The highest frequency is found for school with 37.3% of traumas, while 20.5% of traumas happen in the street, 19.8% at home, 8.5% in the playground, 6.7% in the courtyard and 7.2% goes for other places. Regardless of the place of occurrence, traumas are mostly due to falls and strokes. Falls during bicycle rides should be (particularly emphasized as they represent 10% of all traumas. A comparatively frequent cause of trauma is also the fall on the stairs at school or at home causing 5% of all traumas. Organized sport exercises rarely cause dental traumas (only 1.7% in boys and 2.2% in girls). The dental trauma frequency considerably varies in different months of the year. The lowest trauma frequency is found for July and the highest in October. In order to carry out efficient health education and prevention against traumas it is necessary to introduce children, parents and teachers at school with the most frequent places and causes of traumas.Analizom zubnih trauma 731 ispitanika, utvrđena je učestalost od 59,8% u dječaka i 40,2% u djevojčica. Omjer učestalosti u dječaka i djevojčica je bio 1,5:1, Å”to govori o većoj sklonosti dječaka zubnim traumama. Mjesto nastanka trauma ispitano je u 585 ispitanika (363 dječaka i 222 djevojčice) Å”kolskog uzrasta. Na prvom se mjestu nalazi Å”kola s 37,3% trauma, dok se 20,5% trauma dogodi na ulici, 19,8% kod kuće, 8,5% na igraliÅ”tu, 6,7% u dvoriÅ”tu, a 7,2% otpada na sva ostala mjesta. Bez obzira na mjesto nastanka, traume najčeŔće nastaju zbog pada ili udarca. Posebno treba izdvojiti pad s bicikla, koji je uzrok čak 10% svih trauma zubi. Relativno čest način nastanka traume je i pad na stepenicama, u Å”koli ili kod kuće, koji dovodi do traume u 5% slučajeva. Organizirano bavljenje sportom je rijedak razlog nastanka zubne traume (svega 1,7% u dječaka i 2,2% u djevojčica). Učestalost zubnih trauma značajno varira u pojedinim mjesecima godine. Traume su najrjeđe u srpnju, a najčeŔće u listopadu. U svrhu provođenja zdravstvenog odgoja i prevencije trauma, treba djecu, roditelje i nastavnike u Å”koli, putem predavanja, filmova i broÅ”ura, upoznati s mjestima i načinima najčeŔćeg nastanka zubnih trauma

    Die Psychologische Vorbereitung des Kindes fĆ¼r einen zahnƤrztlichen Eingriff

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    Autor opisuje metode i postupke koji stomatologu stoje na raspolaganju da bi pridobio dijete za potrebne intervencije. Opisuje kako treba da bude namjeÅ”tena i uređena čekaonica i ordinacija da bi u psiholoÅ”kom smislu pogodno djelovala na malog pacijenta. Autor posebnu pažnju posvećuje psiholoÅ”kim aspektima onih intervencija u ustima koje su u praksi najčeŔće.The author describes methods and ways accessible to the stomatologist to win the child for the necessary intervention. He explains how the waiting room and the consultation room should be furnished and laid oiit from the psychological point of view. Special emphasis is given to the most frequent interventions in the mouth viewed from the psychological aspect.Der Autor gibt Methoden an welche dem Zahnarzt zur VerfĆ¼gung stehen, damit er das Kind fĆ¼r einen therapeutischen Eingriff zugƤnglich macht. Es wird beschreiben wie der Wartesaal und der Behandlungsraum vom psychologischen Gesichtspunkt eingerichtet werden sollen. Insbesondere werden die hƤufigsten Eingriffe im Munde vom psychologischen Standpunkt aus beleuchtet

    The programe of measures of complex caries prevention

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    Na osnovu analize faktora koji uzrokuju karijes, izrađena je piramida zaÅ”tite zdravlja zubi, kojoj je baza zdravstveni odgoj. Osim toga na osnovu dosadaÅ”njih iskustava u provedbi preventive karijesa u Zagrebu, te na osnovu stranih iskustava izvrÅ”ena je epidemioloÅ”ka studija o djelovanju aminflorida na smanjenje karijesa. Ti rezultati upoređeni su sa dosadaÅ”njim metodama fluoridacije i zaključeno je da za naÅ”e prilike najbolje odgovara primjena aminfluorida u obliku otopine za premazivanje i želea za četkanje. Na osnovu svega izrađen je program kompleksne preventive koji je nakon ispitivanja predložen da se provodi u naÅ”oj republici kao obavezni vid preventivnih mjera.On the basis of the analysis of the elements causing caries, a pyramid of health protection has been developed, with health education at its base. Apart from this, an epidemiological study of the effectiveness of amine fluoride with regard to decrease in caries incidence has also been carried out, based on the experiences gathered in already completed actions of caries prevention in Zagreb, as well as on similar experiences from other countries. These results were compared with results of previously applied methods of fluoridation, whereupon it was concluded that in our circumstances the most appropriate method would be application of amine fluoride in the form of solution for bathing or jelly for brushing of the teeths. On the basis of all these elements, the programme of complex caries prevention was developed which - after careful scrutiny - has been recommended to be carried out within our Republic as obligatory aspect of preventive measures

    Prof. Oskar Å tern

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    Marijan Krsnik

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    Die Prothetische Versorgung von Kindern

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    Protetske radove kod djece općenito možemo podijeliti u dviie grupe. U prvu grupu spadaju radovi, kƶjima je svrha očuvanje pulpe zuba. NajčeŔći radovi iz ove grupe su krunice i to metalne, jer izradu estetskih krunica odgađamo dok zub ne zavrÅ”i svoj rast, odnosno dok se zubna pulpa toliko retrahira da dopuÅ”ta preparaciju za estetsku krunicu. U drugu grupu spadaju radovi pomoću kojih nadoknađujemo izgubljeni zub, dio zuba ili grupu zubi. Vrst nadcmjestka ovisi o stupnju destrukcije zuba. Prikazane su mogućnosti kojima se možemo poslužiti., da bismo nadoknadili izgubljeni dio zuba. Ako nedostaje veći dio krune zuba ili cijela kruna zuba, preporučamo izradu lijevane nadogradnje i nakon njenog cementiranja u korijenski kanal izradu akrilatne krunice. Kad nedostaje jedan zub ili grupa zubi, umjesto fiksnog protetskog nadom jest ka izrađujemo protezu, kojoj ne reduciramo bazu, nego je ostavimo cla adhezijom svoje velike povrÅ”ine stabilizira protezu. U dječjoj protetici osim osnovnog zadatka koji mora izvrÅ”avati protetski rad tj. funkcije, fonacije i estetike, on mora omogućiti zavrÅ”etak orofacijalnog sustava te po potrebi vrÅ”iti i zadatak ortodontske prevencije. Zato bi bilo sasvim pogreÅ”no primijeniti doslovno sva pravila protetike odraslih u dječjoj protetici.Prosthetics applied to children can be divided into two groups. The first group includes substitutes designed to preserve the derjtal pulp. The most frequent replacements of this kind are metal crowns, because the application of esthetic crowns should be postponed until the teeth have completed\u27 their growth period, i. e. until the dental pulp has sufficiently retracted to allow the application of esthetic crowns .The second group includes provision of substitutes for a lost tooth, a missing part of a tooth, or a group of teeth. The kind of substitute depends on the degree of destruction of the teeth. Possibilities for substituting a missing part of a tooth are presented. If the largest part or the entire crown of a tooth is missing, the author recommends some type of casting, and an acrylatic crown after the costing has been cemented into the root canal. If one tooth or a group of teeth is missing, instead of a fixed replacement a substitute whose basis is not reduced but is lett to stabilize by suction through its large surface should be applied. In addition to the basic task of prosthetics, i. e. to restore impaired function and phonation and improve esthetic appearance, in pediatric prosthetics it is necessary ito complete the orofacial system and, if required, to take preventive orthodontic measures. It would therefore be completely wrong literally to apply to children all prosthetic rules valid for adults.Die prothetische Therapie bei Kindern kann man in zwei Gruppen einteilen. In die erste Gruppe gehƶren Eingriffe die Pulpaerhaltung gewƤhrleisten. Dan HƤufigsien Ersatz stellen Metallkronen dar. Facetten-Kronen werden auf einen spƤteren Zeitpunkt verschoben, bis der Zahn sein Wachstum vollendet hat und das Zahnmark sich soviel zurĆ¼ckgezogen, dass eine ausgiebigere PrƤparation mƶglich ist. Zur zweiten Gruppe zƤhlen Arbeiten die den verlorenen Zahn oder Teile der Zahnkrone, ersetzen. Es werden Mƶglichkeiten fĆ¼r den Ersatz von Teilen der Zahnkrone, dargestellt. Bei grƶsseren Defekten wird ein gegossener Aufbau empfohlen, der in den Wurzelkanal verankert wird, und darĆ¼ber eine Akrylatkrone angefertigt. Bei Mangel eines oder mehrerer ZƤhne wird ein abnehmbarer Ersatz angefertigt, deren Basis nicht reduziert werden soll. Die StabilitƤt wird druch AdhƤsion einer mƶglichst grossen FlƤche, erreicht. Der Ersatz in der Kinderpraxis soll, ausser den Grundforderungen jedes Ersatzes, d. h. der Kaufunktion, Phonetik und Esthetik die Entwicklung des orofazialen Systems nicht behindern und ggf. auch die Forderung der orthodontischen Vorbeugung nachkommen. Darum kƶnnen nicht alle Regeln der Anfertigung des Ersatzes fĆ¼r Erwachsene in die Kinderpraxis Ć¼bernommen werden

    The programe of measures of complex caries prevention

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    Na osnovu analize faktora koji uzrokuju karijes, izrađena je piramida zaÅ”tite zdravlja zubi, kojoj je baza zdravstveni odgoj. Osim toga na osnovu dosadaÅ”njih iskustava u provedbi preventive karijesa u Zagrebu, te na osnovu stranih iskustava izvrÅ”ena je epidemioloÅ”ka studija o djelovanju aminflorida na smanjenje karijesa. Ti rezultati upoređeni su sa dosadaÅ”njim metodama fluoridacije i zaključeno je da za naÅ”e prilike najbolje odgovara primjena aminfluorida u obliku otopine za premazivanje i želea za četkanje. Na osnovu svega izrađen je program kompleksne preventive koji je nakon ispitivanja predložen da se provodi u naÅ”oj republici kao obavezni vid preventivnih mjera.On the basis of the analysis of the elements causing caries, a pyramid of health protection has been developed, with health education at its base. Apart from this, an epidemiological study of the effectiveness of amine fluoride with regard to decrease in caries incidence has also been carried out, based on the experiences gathered in already completed actions of caries prevention in Zagreb, as well as on similar experiences from other countries. These results were compared with results of previously applied methods of fluoridation, whereupon it was concluded that in our circumstances the most appropriate method would be application of amine fluoride in the form of solution for bathing or jelly for brushing of the teeths. On the basis of all these elements, the programme of complex caries prevention was developed which - after careful scrutiny - has been recommended to be carried out within our Republic as obligatory aspect of preventive measures

    Bazične amino kiseline sline u patogenezi karijesa

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    Amino acid pattern in total saliva was studied in 43 children with caries, aged 12-15 years, using the method of ion exchange cromatography. The results were compared to those obtained in a control group of 39 children without caries. In saliva from the children with caries, a significantly lower level of arginine (2 2 . 0 2 fxmol/l), and a complete lack of histidine and its derivatives were observed when compared to the control group, where the concentrations of arginine and 1-methylhistidine were 28.36 and 26.34/mmol/1, respectively. The results obtained suggested that a decreased concentration of arginine, and a lack of histidine and its derviatives might imply an increased risk of caries.Istraživan je aminokiselinski profil ukupne sline u 43 djece s karijesom u dobi od 12ā€”15 godina metodom kromatografije na ionskom izmjenjivaču. Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s rezultatima kontrolne skupine od 39 djece bez karijesa. U slini djece s karijesom nađeno je značajno manje arginina (2 2 . 0 2 fimolll) i potpun nedostatak histidina i njegovih derivata u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu, gdje je koncentracija arginina bila 28.36 /imol/1, a 1-metilhistidinu koncentraciji od 26.34 mmol/l. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata moglo bi se zaključiti da smanjena koncentracija arginina i nedostatak histidina, kao i njegovih derivata, ukazuje na povećani rizik prema karijesu

    [Anwendung von promazin in der stomatologie zur beruhigung unruhiger kindern]

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    Autori su primijenili promazin (Prazine Ā»PlivaĀ«, Sparine Ā»WyethĀ« ) u dozi od 25 mg (1 tb l) 1 do 1 i pol sata prije terapijskog zahvata, za smirenje uzbuđene nemirne djece od 3 do 15 godina života. Kod toga su primijetili, da se umanjila hipermotorička aktivnost malih pacijenata. Makar su neka djeca vikala, dopustila su terapijski zahvat u ustima. Promazin je imao kod 70 pacijenata u 80ā€” 86,7% slučajeva sedativno djelovanje. Osobito je kod druge posjete učinak bio izrazitiji, dok se kod daljnjih posjeta mogla izostaviti primjena promazina. Kod djece, kod koje promazin nije djelovao (1 3,3ā€” 2 0 % ), radilo se o osobito teÅ”kim slučajevima. Ta su djeca vriskala već u čekaonici i nisu mogla biti uvedena bez sile u ordinaciju. U tim slučajevima davali smo dan ranije, navečer prije spavanja, 25 mg (1 tb l), a 1 do 1 i pol sata prije terapijskog zahvata joÅ” 25 mg (1 tb l) promazina. Kod neke smo djece opazili nakon primjene promazina indiferentnost prema okolini, stoga ih je trebalo otpustiti iz ambulante s pratnjom.The authors applied Promazine ( Prazine Ā»PlivaĀ«, Sparine Ā»WyethĀ«) in a dose of 25 mg (1 tab let) an hour to an hour and a half prior to undertaking a therapeutic intervention in order to calm agitated and restless children aged from 3 to 15 years. They noticed that the hyperm otorial activity of the small patients decreased. In spite of the fact that some children screamed, they permitted treatment to be carried out in their mouths. Promazine had a sedative effect in 70 patients, i.e. in 80 to 86,7% of ali cases. Especially during the second visit to the dentist was the effect more marked and in the course of the follow ing visits the application of Promazine could be omitted. On some children Promazine had no effect at all (1 3 .3ā€” 2 0 % ). These were particularly serious cases. These children screamed while in the waiting room and it was impossible to take them into the surgery without using force. In such cases we prescribed a day earlier in the evening 25 mg (1 tablet) and another 25 mg (1 tablet) of Promazine an hour to an hour and a half before starting the actual treatment. In some children complete indifference to their urroundings was noticed after application of Promazine and they had to be escorted home.Die Verfasser vervvendeten zur Beruhigung erregter, unruhiger Kinder im Alter von 3ā€” 15 Jahren Promazin (Prazine Ā»PlivaĀ«, Sparine Ā»WyethĀ«) in der Dosis von 25 mg (1 Tabl.) welche 1 bis 1 V2 Stunden vor den therapeuthischen Eingriff verabreicht wurde. Dabei bemerkten wir, dass die hypermotorische Aktivitat der Patienten abnahm. Obwohl einige Kinder noch schrien, gestatteten sie doch den therapeutischen Eingriff im Munde. Promazin entfaltete bei 70 Patienten in 80 bis 86,7% der Falle sedative wirkung. Besonderst in der zweiten Sitzung war die Wirkung noch ausgepragter und bei weiteren Sitzungen konnte sogar auf die Anwendung von Promazin verzichtet werden. Bei den unbeeinflussten Kindern (13,3ā€” 20 %) handelte es sich um besonderst schwierige Falle, die schon im Wartesaal schrien und nicht ohne Zwang in die Ordination gefuhrt werden konnten. In solchen Fallen verabreichten wir am Vorabend vor dem Schlafengehen 25 mg (1 Tabl.) und 1 bis 1 V2 Stunden vor dem therapeutischen Eingriff noch 25 mg (1 Tabl) Promazin. Bei einzelnen Kindern bemerkten wir Teilnahm losigkeit gegenuber der Umwelt, deshalb sollen dieselben auf dem Heimweg begleitet werden
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