The programe of measures of complex caries prevention


Na osnovu analize faktora koji uzrokuju karijes, izrađena je piramida zaštite zdravlja zubi, kojoj je baza zdravstveni odgoj. Osim toga na osnovu dosadašnjih iskustava u provedbi preventive karijesa u Zagrebu, te na osnovu stranih iskustava izvršena je epidemiološka studija o djelovanju aminflorida na smanjenje karijesa. Ti rezultati upoređeni su sa dosadašnjim metodama fluoridacije i zaključeno je da za naše prilike najbolje odgovara primjena aminfluorida u obliku otopine za premazivanje i želea za četkanje. Na osnovu svega izrađen je program kompleksne preventive koji je nakon ispitivanja predložen da se provodi u našoj republici kao obavezni vid preventivnih mjera.On the basis of the analysis of the elements causing caries, a pyramid of health protection has been developed, with health education at its base. Apart from this, an epidemiological study of the effectiveness of amine fluoride with regard to decrease in caries incidence has also been carried out, based on the experiences gathered in already completed actions of caries prevention in Zagreb, as well as on similar experiences from other countries. These results were compared with results of previously applied methods of fluoridation, whereupon it was concluded that in our circumstances the most appropriate method would be application of amine fluoride in the form of solution for bathing or jelly for brushing of the teeths. On the basis of all these elements, the programme of complex caries prevention was developed which - after careful scrutiny - has been recommended to be carried out within our Republic as obligatory aspect of preventive measures

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