30 research outputs found

    Assessment of the impact of NJZ EDU on climatological characteristics of the region

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    The report contains an evaluation of the impact of new cooling towers of the power plant Dukovany on local temperature, humidity and shading by a visible plume

    Quantitative estimation of releases of airborne dust from the mine Bílina (Stage 2)

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    The aim of this study was to calculate the relative deposition of dust in the mine Bílina during the year 2012. The relative deposition was expressed in percentage of a total mass of dust that was created as a result of mining activities . These calculations were made for two sizes of dust (PM10 , PM2.5) and for different types of resources excavators, loaders, etc.). The annual average of the relative deposition was obtained by statistical processing of the calculated deposition for various meteorological scenarios. The scenarios were determined using the local meteorological measurements

    Study of the impact of the new energy block Domoradice on local climate II

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    The study stems from a previous work, where we used a mathematical model CT-PLUME / DOM. It is a basic model CT-PLUME adapted to assess the effect of mechanical cooling towers located in Domoradice on the model area. This study differs from the previous one in two respects: it processes 3-year period (2013, 2014 and 2015) and in addition to the basic climatic characteristics pays attention to icing. For this study, the basic module used before should be extended to model the conditions for the formation of ice in the vicinity. The final version of the model used in this study is referred to as CT-PLUME / DOM-2

    NJZ EDU - droplet drift distribution from the cooling towers and evaluation of the influence of cooling towers on local ice formation

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    The study presents the results obtained during the assessment of water deposition and the occurrence of ice due to droplet drift from the cooling towers in connection with the implementation of the NJZ project at Dukovany site. The present study differs fundamentally from its previous ones by its focus on assessing the impact of droplet drift and, in particular, its possible influence on the formation of icing. It analyzes six configurations of natural cooling towers considered in connection with the realization of the NJZ project in the Dukovany site

    Evaluation of the effect of the old cooling towers and the proposed new cooling tower of the power station Jaslovske Bohunice on local clima

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    The report contains an evaluation of the effect of the old cooling towers and the proposed new cooling tower of the power station Jaslovske Bohunice on local temperature, humidity and shading by visible plume

    The spread of moisture from sources of Mondi SCP and their impact on the microclimate after the project ECO PLUS - Installation of a new paper machine PM19

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    The report summarizes the results of the assessment of the impact of changes in humidity and heat emissions from sources of Mondi SCP for selected climatic characteristics associated with the expansion of production at the new paper machine PS19A. The assessment is based on a comparison of impacts to the existing system resources, including an increase in pulp production (Project 2000), and extended system of resources associated with the operation of PS19A. The results were obtained by applying a mathematical model CT-PLUME/MONDI_R. The calculations were performed for the winter part of the years 2011 to 2014 and included an assessment of the impact of point and diffuse sources on the climatic characteristics of the model area

    A study on the influence of Dukovany power station on microclimate for the EIA documentation

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    The study stems from the previous studies. We adapted the basic mathematical model CT-PLUME to assess the impact of cooling towers with natural draft, stationed in Dukovany site, on the given model area of 60 km x 60 km. The evaluation used meteorological data from 2010-2015 and compared the effect of the current towers with the new system EDU1-4 specified by the customer. This study differs significantly from the previous works in two aspects. It uses 6-year period (years 2010-2015) of data and analyzes the impact of 8 configurations with natural draft cooling towers contemplated in connection with the expansion of the Dukovany power station. The mathematical model CT-PLUME was adapted to the conditions of a specific task and is referred to as CT-PLUME / EDU_3

    First aid about patient with CVA (cerebrovascular accident)

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    Předmětem této bakalářské práce je první pomoc pacientovi při cévní mozkové příhodě. Teoretická část práce pojednává o jednotlivých typech cévní mozkové příhody, jejích projevech, příčinách, přednemocniční a nemocniční terapii. Ve výzkumné části prováděné pomocí nestandardizovaného dotazníku jsem zjišťoval schopnost souboru oslovených respondentů poskytnout laickou první pomoc a obecné znalosti týkající se problematiky cévních mozkových příhod.The subject of this bachelor thesis is a first aid about patient with cerebrovascular accident. Theoretical part of this thesis deal with specific types of cerebrovascular infarction, about symptoms, causes, pre-medical and medical care. The research part of the work, based on data obtain from questionnare, focuses on ability to provide first aid and theoretical knowledge's of public about cerebrovascular infarction.Katedra ošetřovatelstvíHodnocení vedoucího: výborně Hodnocení oponenta: výborně Doplňující otázky k obhajobě: 1. Pokud by bylo zpracováno v budoucnu stejné téma ve větší skupině respondentů, doložené objektivním výzkumem, údaje by mohli být předloženy například odborníkům s České neurologické společnosti k posouzení. Obhajoba bakalářské práce s prezentací výborná