83 research outputs found

    Opinions on the role of chromium (III) in the prevention and control of diabetes

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    W niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu dostępnej literatury dotyczącej poglądów na temat roli chromu (III) w zapobieganiu i leczeniu cukrzycy typu 2. W badaniach wykazano, że chrom (III) jest niezbędny w regulacji gospodarki węglowodanowej i lipidowej, a jego działanie polega między innymi na zwiększeniu liczby receptorów dla insuliny oraz aktywacji receptora insulinowego przez jego fosforylację. Niektórzy badacze uważają, że niedobór chromu (III) w organizmie może prowadzić do nietolerancji glukozy i wystąpienia objawów cukrzycy typu 2. Ponadto u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 stężenie chromu w tkankach może być obniżone, w związku z tym niektórzy autorzy zalecają suplementację tym pierwiastkiem. W pracy przytoczono wyniki badań na zwierzętach, rezultaty prób klinicznych oraz omówiono czynniki, które mogą wpływać na efekt suplementacji chromem. Jednak ze względu na ograniczenia metodologiczne wielu badań klinicznych stanowisko głównych towarzystw diabetologicznych w sprawie wskazań do suplementacji chromem u chorych na cukrzycę oraz u osób z otyłością pozostaje nadal negatywne.In this work the review of the literature about the role of chromium (III) in prevention and control of diabetes was presented. Studies indicate that Cr (III) is necessary for regulatation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism mainly due to increasing the number of insulin receptors and its activation by phosphorylation. Some authors believe that chromium (III) deficiency can lead to glucose intolerance and symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, in type 2 diabetic patients tissular chromium levels may be decreased, therefore some authors recommend chromium supplementation. The animal and human studies in that subject as well as factors affecting chromium supplementation were discussed. However, due to methodological limitations of many clinical studies, the statements of major diabetes associations concerning recommendation from chromium supplementation in individuals with diabetes and obesity still remains negative

    Dostępność świadczeń podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej

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    Massive copper sulphide mineralization in dolomites from the Lubin Mine (Fore-Sudetic Monocline)

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    Masywna mineralizacja kruszcowa występująca w dolomitach z przedsudeckiego złoża miedzi została opisana szczegółowo po raz pierwszy. W badaniach trzech profili z kopalni Lubin wykorzystano metody mikroskopii optycznej i elektronowej mikroskopii skanningowej z analizą chemiczną w mikroobszarze, katodoluminescencji oraz dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej. Mineralizacja masywna, składająca się głównie z chalkozynu z domieszką kalcytu, występuje w skałach węglanowych (dolomitach i dedolomitach) w formie poziomej pseudożyły, podścielonej lokalnie brekcją ilasto-węglanową i łupkiem. Niżejległe dolomity uległy częściowej kalcytyzacji (dedolomityzacji). Różne generacje kalcytu szczegółowo scharakteryzowano. Zaproponowano model powstania mineralizacji masywnej. Początkowo mezotektoniczne ruchy międzywarstwowe spowodowały powstanie rozwarstwień i brekcji. Następnie proces kalcytyzacji doprowadził do dedolomityzacji oraz częściowego wypełnienia spękania. Całkowite wypełnienie spękań oraz częściowe zastąpienie w nich kalcytu oraz skał otaczających nastąpiły w wyniku działalności roztworów kruszconośnych.Massive ore mineralization in dolomites is described for the first time from the Fore-Sudetic copper deposits. Three cross-sections from the Lubin Mine were studied using polarized optical (PLM) and scanning electron (SEM-EDS) microscopy, also cathodoluminescence (CL) and XRD. Massive mineralization, composed mainly of chalcocite with calcite admixture, occurs in dolomites as horizontal pseudovein, locally underlain by clay-carbonate breccia and shale. Underlying dolomites were partly calcitized (dedolomitized). Various calcite generations are characterized in detail. A model of the formation of massive mineralization is proposed. Mesotectonic intralayer movements caused the cracking of dolomite layers and the formation of breccia. Calcitization led to both dedolomitization and the partial infilling of cracks. Mineralizing fluids infilled the cracks completely, partly replacing calcite and adjacent rocks

    Efficiency of human capital during and after the pandemic in the context of online work and education

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this article is to demonstrate the significance of remote work and learning as tools that reflect the effectiveness of human capital.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research aimed to assess the effectiveness of remote work and learning compared to traditional methods. A survey was conducted in 2022 among a group of 499 students from the Warsaw School of Management. The survey included students from all fields of study. The empirical research was pilot in nature and provides a basis for continuing research in this area, drawing conclusions and formulating recommendations for both employers and the academic community.FINDINGS: The generated conclusions will enable a thorough analysis of key problems in the context of improving solutions and practices implemented in remote work and learning processes as key determinants of the growth of human capital effectiveness in contemporary enterprises.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article identifies the actions, threats, and challenges facing employers in the area of utilizing and increasing the effectiveness of human capital, which is a strategic factor of contemporary enterprises, particularly evident in crisis situations that increasingly affect organizations worldwide for various reasons (pandemics, wars, etc.).ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The authors present remote work and learning as modern and effective tools for increasing the effectiveness of human capital in contemporary enterprises, requiring many actions and far-reaching changes that bring undeniable benefits in the work environment. Until the pandemic and in the face of the war in Ukraine, remote work and learning were not used on such a large scale. According to the authors, they have become commonly used tools, which requires further research.peer-reviewe

    Quality determinants of organizational safety

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    PURPOSE: The article shows the quality conditions of organisation security in various areas, including the development, implementation, maintenance, improvement and auditing of the quality management system based on the ISO 9001 standard, taking into account soft and hard quality improvement factors in the organisation.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The purpose of this research was to identify the areas of qualitative activity that affect the stability of the organisation's development and thus its security. The theoretical and cognitive goal was a substantive review of the literature on the subject and scientific studies in the field of quality management in the sense of stable development. The research goal was to identify barriers and limitations in the area of development and achievement of quality goals. The authors analysed and assessed the quality management system in the organisation in three aspects, development and implementation, maintenance and improvement, and audit.FINDINGS: The process of developing, implementing, maintaining, improving and auditing the quality management system affects the security level of the organisation. Owing to that, it is a modern tool focusing on introducing organisational order in the company, both in terms of structure and creativity of all employees.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article identifies the qualitative security of the organisation activities and processes supporting business activities. The authors addressed this topic in the context of the culture of quality, security and excellence.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The authors present the quality management system as a modern and effective quality improvement tool that requires many activities and far-reaching changes, which brings undeniable benefits in the organisational and economic sphere. The culture of quality, security and excellence as well as the employees are the foundation for the effective and efficient implementation of quality management concepts, models of excellence and specific pro-quality approaches, for the development of the organisation and managing the multidimensional risk of its functioning.peer-reviewe

    Cyberspace and related threats

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    PURPOSE: The study encompasses the characterization of cyberspace, and the threats present on the Internet. Furthermore, the changes resulting from the development of information technologies are presented, with particular emphasis on the scale of the phenomenon. The authors elucidate the distinction between the Internet and cyberspace, as well as the origins of the term "cyberspace," which continues to evoke criticism within the scientific community and poses challenges in terms of definition. The authors also address the hazards associated with Internet usage, categorizing them as physical, psychological, social, and dependencies on cyberspace.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Taking into account the magnitude of the phenomenon, the subject of investigation for this study is defined as security threats in cyberspace. Adhering to the theoretical principles of research goal specification, the aim of this study is to present the threats and their impact on cybersecurity in cyberspace. The aforementioned objective is achieved by utilizing theoretical information from the literature on the subject and conducting original research. The primary research problem adopted for this study is as follows: What are the most influential threats to cybersecurity in cyberspace, and what countermeasures exist to mitigate these threats? Accordingly, the following hypothesis is formulated in response to the research problem: Each type of threat carries significant consequences, and it is imperative to counteract these threats through appropriate Internet usage practices. The research employs a methodology that involves literature analysis, the examination of legal acts related to cyber security, detailed analysis of data from the "Teenagers 3.0" nationwide study conducted by NASK – a National Research Institute, as well as synthesis. The authors' existing knowledge on this issue is also taken into account.FINDINGS: The immense potential of opportunities inherent in cyberspace can bring numerous benefits in various aspects of everyday life, particularly for teenagers who seek answers to many pressing questions. However, cyberspace can also pose numerous threats, including those in the physical, psychological, and social spheres. There is a low societal awareness regarding cyber threats, as well as low effectiveness in preventing cyber addictions.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article identifies security threats in cyberspace. The authors address this issue in the context of the occurrence of physical, psychological, and social risks among teenagers, as well as youth's dependency on cyberspace, the Internet, and computer games.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The authors present how the development and widespread use of the Internet influence the creation of the phenomenon of virtualization of reality, which manifests itself in attitudes and behaviours, especially among the younger generation, not always positive. Based on the analysis of literature on the subject and conducted research in this area, one can observe a low effectiveness of the existing prevention of cyber addictions and other media pathologies, currently recognized as diseases/civilizational plagues. Therefore, it is crucial to systematically address this issue from a theoretical and empirical perspective.peer-reviewe

    Nieprawidłowe odejście gałęzi prawej tętnicy płucnej od aorty zstępującej. Opis pomyślnego przebiegu leczenia

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    This report describes an extremely rare case involving anomalous origin of part of the right pulmonary branch from the thoracic aorta in a 3 month-old boy and its successful repair.This report describes an extremely rare case involving anomalous origin of part of the right pulmonary branch from the thoracic aorta in a 3 month-old boy and its successful repair

    Origin of right pulmonary artery branch from descending aorta : case report of the successful treatment

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    This report describes an extremely rare case involving anomalous origin of part of the right pulmonary branch from the thoracic aorta in a 3 month-old boy and its successful repai

    Transformation of a large multi-speciality hospital into a dedicated COVID-19 centre during the coronavirus pandemic

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    Introduction. The article describes the process of converting a large multi-specialized hospital into one dedicated to COVID-19 patients, and present established standards of work organization in all the wards and training system of the medical and supporting staff. The several weeks pandemic of the COVID-19 disease has forced the healthcare systems of numerous countries to adjust their resources to the care of the growing number of COVID-19 patients. Managers were presented with the challenge of protecting the healthcare workers from transmission of the disease within medical institutions, and issues concerning the physical and psychological depletion of personnel. Materials and method. Based on analyses of the structure and work processes in Central Clinical Hospital (CCH) reconstructive strategic plan was developed. It included: division of existing wards into observation and isolation wards; installing locks; weekly plan for supplying personal protection equipment (PPE); designating new access to the hospital and communication routes; training of medical and supporting staff. The plan was implemented from the first days of conversion of the hospital. Results. The wards of the CCH were converted for observation and isolation, and each one was fitted with sanitary locks. There was a big improvement in the supply of PPE for the medical staff. Separation of the ‘dirty’ and ‘clean’ parts of the CCH were attained, and widespread intensive training not only protected personnel against infections, but also diminished unrest which was discernable at the beginning of conversion. Conclusions. The transformation efforts will ultimately be appraised at the end of the epidemic, but the data looks encouraging. Two weeks after conversion, the testing of hospital Staff was started and by the end of April, 459 tests were had been conducted, of which only 11 were positive