263 research outputs found

    El rol de la educación superior para el desarrollo humano y social en los estados árabes

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    El artículo está dividido en tres secciones principales relacionadas con los tres amplios objetivos del análisis. Se tiene en cuenta el contexto de la globalización, dentro del cual funcionan los sistemas de educación superior (ES) árabes. La primera sección examina y evalúa el estado actual del sistema de ES árabe centrándose en los principales desarrollos que han tenido lugar desde la Conferencia Mundial sobre Educación Superior de 1998, incluyendo el nivel de consecución de los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio (ODM) para la educación; y en los aspectos de la globalización que tienen una influencia económica, social y política importante en las sociedades árabes y que pueden afectar directa o indirectamente a las características actuales de los sistemas de ES en la región. Teniendo en cuenta los desarrollos comentados en la primera sección, la segunda examina su impacto en la creación de políticas públicas de ES, pone de manifiesto los principales problemas y retos que afrontan los sistemas de ES árabes, y analiza las implicaciones para el desarrollo humano y social. La tercera sección recomienda las futuras acciones y políticas que se requieren para apoyar y autorizar a los sistemas de ES árabes y para promover su capacidad de respuesta a las necesidades del desarrollo humano y social en la región.Peer Reviewe

    The recovery experiences of refugees from Middle Eastern backgrounds with concussions : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    With the growing number of Middle Eastern refugees in the world, there is a need for more culturally and refugee specific research to examine the ongoing and idiosyncratic nature of the stress and trauma refugees’ experience. As a result of the arduous journeys refugees undergo, they become susceptible to a number of mental and physical illnesses, including Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) such as concussions. Little research so far has been dedicated to understanding Middle Eastern refugees’ experiences of TBI and how understandings of this injury can impact on their journeys to recovery. In this small Australian, community-based, qualitative study six individuals from Middle Eastern refugee backgrounds, who have experienced a concussion in the past five years were interviewed. Participants included two females and four males, aged from mid 20s to early 60s. The interviews focused on participants’ conceptualisation of concussions and their experience of recovery. Interview data was investigated through the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) lens. Six main themes emerged from interview data, these related to: Coping, consequences of injury, professional relationships, conception of brain and brain injuries, refugee related experiences, and experiences of concussion. All participants stressed the importance of family as a source of support in coping with consequences of injury. Faith in a higher power was highlighted as a core value in Arabic Middle Eastern cultures, common in most interviewee accounts. One source of distress in some participants was the worry that others will perceive them as having mental illness as a consequence of their concussion. Future research is encouraged to examine the stigma underlying mental illness in the Middle East, and the obstacles preventing people with similar backgrounds from seeking help

    An Empirical Approach to the Extraction Versus Non-extraction Decision in Orthodontics

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    The extraction versus non-extraction decision is one of the most heavily debated topics in orthodontics. We hypothesize that orthodontic treatment planning can be enhanced by creating an empirical, evidence-based tool to aid in making this decision. To this end, we identified thresholds of overjet, overbite, and crowding that empirically determine whether or not to extract. The thresholds were combined into two prediction models: a decision tree and a logistic regression equation. These pilot models demonstrated clinical viability when tested against four borderline cases. To further improve these models, four additional models were built utilizing machine learning algorithms and an increased number of variables that influence the extraction decision, including demographics, additional clinical values, and cephalometric analysis. The best preforming model, with 81% prediction accuracy, was the convolutional neural network, which included 113 input variables. With continued development these models have potential for valuable clinical utility in the orthodontic profession.Master of Scienc

    High Involvement Management Practices and their Impact on the Self-Efficacy of Human Resources Analytical Study of the Views of a Sample of Faculty Members in some Iraqi Universities and Colleges

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    هدفت الدراسة الى بيان مدى تأثير إدارة الاحتواء العالي بأبعادها } قوة اتخاذ القرار, امتلاك المعلومات ,مشاركة العوائد وامتلاك المعرفة{  في متغير الكفاءة  الذاتية للموارد البشرية وقد تم تطبيق الدراسة في عينة من الكليات الاهلية العراقية شملت (217) من أعضاء الهيأة التدريسية في تلك الكليات. وقد توصل الباحثان الى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات أهمها انه يمكن الإفادة من اليات وابعاد إدارة الاحتواء العالي في تنمية الكفاءة  الذاتية للموارد البشرية وكان من ابرز توصيات الدراسة ضرورة منح أعضاء الهيأة التدريسية الصلاحيات اللازمة لأداء عملهم بشكل سليم ,و إمكانية إدارة الكليات المبحوثة تعزيز الكفاءة الذاتية لأعضاء الهيأة التدريسية.The aim of the study was to determine the extent to which the management of high Involvement affects the dimensions of decision-making, information acquisition, revenue sharing, and knowledge ownership in the self-efficacy variable of human resources. The study was applied in a sample of Iraqi faculties (217) . The researchers reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that it is possible to benefit from the mechanisms and the dimensions of the management of high containment in the development of the self-efficacy of human resources. The main recommendations of the study were the need to give faculty members the necessary authority to perform their work properly,Teaching.                               &nbsp

    Potential Role of Phenolics in Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) Invasion Success

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    Although the detrimental effects of invasive aquatic plants like Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) are well documented, the factors leading to successful aquatic plant invasions are poorly understood. High levels of chemical feeding deterrents in invasive plant species may be at least partially responsible when invasive plants overgrow and dominate the invaded community. To investigate the role of phenolics in Eurasian watermilfoil invasions, whole M. spicatum (invasive) and Ceratophyllum demersum (native) plants were collected from Osbourndale Pond in Derby, Connecticut during September 2016 and frozen at -80°C until phenolic analysis. Colorimetric assays were used to measure total phenolic and condensed tannin content of the two plant species. A choice feeding experiment was conducted to determine if phenolics produced by M. spicatum affected feeding by amphipods, the dominate herbivore at our study site. Artificial diets were prepared by incorporating palatable fish food into an agar matrix and pouring the agar food over window screen. The control diet contained only a palatable food, while the gallic acid diet contained the palatable food plus gallic acid at a concentration common in M. spicatum. Amphipods were simultaneously offered the control food and the gallic acid treated food. The number of squares that were cleared of food after 48 hours was recorded. Data analysis is currently underway, but results from this study can shed light on the role of phenolics in aquatic plant invasion success

    Role of multi-slice CT angiography versus Doppler ultrasonography and conventional angiography in assessment of aorto-iliac arterial disease

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    AbstractThe new clinical entity, known as aorto-iliac atherosclerosis obliterans or aorto-iliac occlusive disease (AIOD), is one of the most frequent clinical problems confronted by vascular surgeons today. Digital subtraction angiography is considered the gold standard technique in assessment of these arteries. However, the invasiveness of the procedure, and radiation exposure led to the need for less and non-invasive imaging techniques.ObjectiveThe aim of this study is to evaluate the MDCT angiography as a recent non invasive technique for investigating aorto-iliac arterial disease as compared to CCD and DSA.Materials and methodsThis study included 16 patients (12 males & 4 females) with an age range of 33–75years. All of these patients underwent MDCT angiography and CCD. Only 13 patients underwent DSA. The arterial tree of the lower limbs was divided into 31 arterial segments. Each segment was evaluated and given a grade from 0 to 4 according to its appearance in the three modalities.ResultsThere was a 98.7% agreement between the findings of DSA and MDCT angiography. While agreement between DSA and CCD was 96.1%.ConclusionConsidering conventional angiography as the gold standard, MDCT angiography shows higher sensitivity (98.7%) than color coded Doppler ultrasonography (96.2%) in the assessment of aorto-iliac arterial disease

    Sensory Marketing and its Impact in Determining the Behavioral Patterns of Customers

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    هدف البحث الى دراسة كيفية استخدام ابعاد التسويق الحسي بأبعاده (التسويق البصري ,التسويق الذوقي, التسويق اللمسي, التسويق الشمي, التسويق السمعي) ومدى التأثير بالأنماط السلوكية للزبائن( متغير احادي البعد)  والتي اصبحت الموجهة للدوافع البشرية في التسويق, وانطلاقا من مشكلة البحث التي مفادها تم طرحه بالتساؤلات التالية:  ما هو تصور العاملين في مطاعم الدرجة الاولى في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة عن مفهوم وابعاد التسويق الحسي ؟ماهي الابعاد الأكثر أهمية للتسويق الحسي بحسب ادراك عينة الدراسة لها؟ 3. ما هو تصور العاملين في مطاعم الدرجة الاولى في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة عن الانماط السلوكية للزبائن ومستوى تشخيصها ؟ هل يعي العاملون في مطاعم الدرجة الاولى في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة مستوى العلاقة الارتباطية والتأثيرية بين التسويق الحسي والانماط السلوكية للزبائن ؟ وهل يستند ذلك الوعي لمؤشرات رقمية تعكس واقع الحال. لقد تم اختيار خمسة من مطاعم الدرجة الاولى في محافظة كربلاء لغرض إجراء الجانب الميداني للبحث وهي مطعم ركن السلطان , مطعم در النصراوي , مطعم الشلال , مطعم ريحانة , ومطعم فندق روتانا . واختصت بعينة بشرية عشوائية من العاملين في هذه المطاعم , حيث تم توزيع (62) استبانة كان الصالح منها للتحليل الاحصائي (51) استبانة , وتحقيقاً لهذه الأهدافه فقد بني البحث على مجموعة من الفرضيات ابرزها : توجد علاقة ارتباط ذات دلالة معنوية بين التسويق الحسي والانماط السلوكية للزبائن, . يوجد تأثير ذو دلالة معنوية للتسويق الحسي في الانماط السلوكية للزبائن .وتوصلت الباحثة الى مجموعه من الاستنتاجات أهمها ان مصطلح يحاكي بصورة رئيسة الحواس الخمسة للزبائن بهدف اثارتها وتحفيزها نحو المنتجات المقدمة من قبل المسوقين. إضافة الى ان تحديد الانماط السلوكية للزبائن ضرورة ملحة لا مناص منها لأنها تتعلق بتوجهات الزبون وقدرته وطبيعة قراراته الشرائية فضلاً عن مدى تعلقه وارتياده للمنظمات والمحال التي يزورها دوما , وهي تحدد بشكل دقيق تبعاً لمجموعة من العوامل الداخلية التي تتعلق بالزبون نفسه والخارجية التي تتعلق بالبيئة المحيطة بالزبون. وأخيرا توصى الباحثة بتعزيز الاهتمام بأبعاد التسويق الحسي وتوجيه جل اهتمام العاملين في المطاعم عينة البحث الى اثارة وتحفيز حواس الزبائن عن طريق الحواس (البصر, الذوق, الشم, السمع, اللمس) إضافة الى تهيأت واعداد العاملين في إدارة المطاعم بصورة كفؤة مع مختلف الزبائن, واضافة أواصر علائقية مع الزبائن من خلال إدارة العواطف التسويقية وتحليل شخصية الزبون.The aim of the study is to study how to use the marketing dimensions of sensory marketing in its dimensions (visual marketing, taste marketing, tactile marketing, marketing of audio, audio marketing) and the impact on customer behavior patterns (one-dimensional) He was asked the following questions:    What is the perception of the employees of the first class restaurants in the holy province of Karbala on the concept and dimensions of sensory marketing What are the most important dimensions of sensory marketing according to the perception of the study sample? 3. What is the perception of the employees of the first class restaurants in the holy province of Karbala about the behavioral patterns of customers and the level of diagnosis? Are the employees of the first class restaurants in the holy city of Karbala aware of the level of relationship between the sensational marketing and behavioral patterns of customers? Is this awareness based on digital indicators reflecting the reality of the situation. Five of the first class restaurants were selected in Karbala governorate for the purpose of conducting field research, namely Sultan Corner Restaurant, Dar Nasrawi Restaurant, Al Shalal Restaurant, Rehana Restaurant and Rotana Hotel Restaurant. (62) questionnaires were useful for statistical analysis (51) questionnaire. In order to achieve these objectives, the research was based on a set of hypotheses, the most prominent of which is: There is a significant correlation relationship between sensory marketing and behavioral patterns For customers,. There is a significant effect of sensory marketing in the behavioral patterns of customers. The researcher reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the term mainly simulates the five senses of customers with the aim of arousing them and motivating them towards the products provided by marketers. In addition, the identification of behavioral patterns of customers is an unavoidable necessity because they And the nature of purchasing decisions as well as the extent of attachment and attendance of the organizations and shops that he always visits, and is determined accurately according to a range of internal factors that relate to the same customer and external, which relate to the environment surrounding the customer. Finally, the researcher is recommended to enhance attention to the dimensions of sensory marketing and to guide the attention of restaurant employees to the research sample to stimulate and stimulate customer senses through the senses (sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch). Relational ties with customers through the management of marketing emotions and personal analysis of the customer                                                   &nbsp

    Management of High Involvement and Its Impact on the Reinforcement of Psychological Capital Analytical Study for a Sample of Faculty Members in Some Iraqi Universities and Colleges

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        هدفت الدراسة الى بيان مدى تأثير إدارة الاحتواء العالي بأبعادها } قوة اتخاذ القرار , امتلاك المعلومات ,مشاركة العوائد وامتلاك المعرفة{ بتعزيز راس المال النفسي بأبعاده}   الكفاءة الذاتية ,الامل , التفاؤل و المرونة{  وقد تم تطبيق الدراسة في عينة من الكليات الاهلية العراقية شملت (217) من تدريسيا͌ تلك الكليات. وقد توصل الباحثان الى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات أهمها انه يمكن الإفادة من اليات وابعاد إدارة الاحتواء العالي لغرض تعزيز راس المال النفسي لدى التدريسيين في الكليات عينة الدراسة. وكان من ابرز توصيات الدراسة ضرورة قيام الكليات المبحوثة وبالإفادة من أصحاب الخبرة بناء نموذج متكامل لتطبيق مفاهيم إدارة الاحتواء العالي وبما يعزز راس المال النفسي لدى تدريسيها.The aim of the study was to demonstrate the extent to which the management of high involvement affects its dimensions (decision-making power, information acquisition, participation of returns, and knowledge ownership) by enhancing psychological capital by its dimensions. Self-efficiency, hope, optimism and flexibility.) of a sample(217) the teaching of those colleges. The researchers reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that it is possible to benefit from the mechanisms and dimensions of high containment management for the purpose of enhancing the psychological capital of the teachers in the faculties of the study sample. One of the most important recommendations of the study was the need for the faculties studied and benefiting from the experience to build an integrated model to implement the concepts of high containment management and to enhance the psychological capital when teaching.  &nbsp