87 research outputs found

    How the COVID-19 pandemics inspired the development of analogical games: database review and game development

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    COVID-19 pandemics impacted everyone's lives. Risk of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus imposed severe restrictive measures, submitting the population to home isolation, daily use of face masks and restringing social encounters. In this work we present the results of a research on analogical game databases where we searched for COVID-19-themed  tabletop games, discussing which health concepts were presented on these games and what kind of structure and mechanics were used. Subsequently, we present the development of a serious board game, thought to call attention of the prevention measures to reduce the risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses. We discuss the rationale for the selection of game mechanics and how do they fit on the health concepts that we wanted to reinforce. The product is a print and play serious game that will be available as an open educational resource

    Tissue Tropism and Target Cells of NSs-Deleted Rift Valley Fever Virus in Live Immunodeficient Mice

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    Rift Valley fever, caused by a member of the Bunyaviridae family, has spread during recent years to most sub-Saharan African countries, in Egypt and in the Arabian peninsula. The virus can be transmitted by insect vectors or by direct contacts with infectious tissues. The analysis of virus replication and dissemination in laboratory animals has been hampered by the need to euthanize sufficient numbers of animals and to assay appropriate organs at various time points after infection to evaluate the viral replication. By following the bioluminescence and fluorescence of Rift Valley fever viruses expressing light reporters, we were able to track the real-time dissemination of the viruses in live immunodeficient mice. We showed that the first infected organs were the thymus, spleen and liver, but the liver rapidly became the main location of viral replication. Phagocytes also appeared as important targets, and their systemic depletion by use of clodronate liposomes decreased the number of viruses in the blood, delayed the viral dissemination and prolonged the survival of the infected mice

    Trypanosoma cruzi infection patterns in intact and athymic mice of susceptible and resistant genotypes

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    Inbred strains of mice inoculated with the T. cruzi Y strain behaved as susceptible (A/J, C3H/HeN), intermediate (BALB/c) or relatively resistant (C57BL/6) with respect to the magnitude of parasitaemia and mortality rate. C57BL/10 mice were susceptible in relation to parasitaemia but resistant when mortality was analyzed. Infection with T. cruzi CL strain presented the same results, except for C57BL/6 which behaved as susceptible mice. Athymic mice of various backgrounds revealed no differences in susceptibility, presenting the same dramatic parasitaemia, tissue colonization pattern and no inflammatory reaction in any of the tissues studied. Infection of euthymic and athymic BALB/c mice elicited the production of parasite-specific antibodies, which reached similar levels on the first 9 days but differed after day 13. Serum transfer experiments in BALB/c mice did not show great differences in parasitaemia but altered T. cruzi polymorphism reducing the slender forms in athymic mice. Histopathology of athymic BALB/c mice showed the same tissue tropism when infected either with T. cruzi Y or CL strain

    Leishmania amazonensis resistance in murine macrophages: Analysis of possible mechanisms.

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    Leishmaniasis encompass a group of infectious parasitic diseases occurring in 97 endemic countries where over one billion people live in areas at risk of infection. It is in the World Health Organization list of neglected diseases and it is considered a serious public health problem, with more than 20,000 deaths a year and high morbidity. Infection by protozoa from the genus Leishmania can cause several forms of the disease, which may vary from a self-healing ulcer to fatal visceral infection. Leishmania species, as well as host immune response and genetics can modulate the course of the disease. Leishmania sp are obligatory intracellular parasites that have macrophages as their main host cell. Depending on the activation phenotype, these cells may have distinct roles in disease development, acting in parasite control or proliferation. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to analyze Leishmania amazonensis infection in primary macrophage cells obtained from mice with two distinct genetic backgrounds, ie. different susceptibility to the infection; evaluating the cause for that difference. After infection, peritoneal macrophages from the resistant C3H/He strain presented lower parasite load when compared to susceptible BALB/c macrophages. The same was also true when cells received a Th2 stimulus after infection, but the difference was abrogated under Th1 stimulus. Nitric oxide production and arginase activity was different between the strains under Th1 or Th2 stimulus, respectively, but iNOS inhibition was unable to suppress C3H/He resistance. Hydrogen peroxide production was also higher in C3H/He than BALB/c under Th1 stimulus, but it could not account for differences in susceptibility. These results led us to conclude that, although they have an important role in parasite control, neither NO nor H2O2 production can explain C3H/He resistance to infection. Other studies are needed to uncover different mechanisms of resistance/susceptibility to L. amazonensis

    Serum and aqueous humour cytokine response and histopathological alterations during ocular Toxoplasma gondii infection in C57BL/6 mice

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    Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite, infects most species of warm-blooded animals, and in humans it causes toxoplasmosis. Healthy people that become infected rarely present clinical symptoms because the immune system prevents the parasite from causing illness. Congenital toxoplasmosis may result in abortion, hydrocephalus, as well as neurological and ocular disease (most frequently retinochoroiditis) of the newborn. in immunocompromised patients, reactivation of latent disease can cause encephalitis. Cell-mediated immunity to T gondii antigens involves innate acute inflammatory responses and antigen-specific adaptive immunity. Considering the complexity of the immunological events triggered during toxoplasmosis, systemic and local responses were evaluated by cytokine measurements. Aqueous humour and serum were obtained from non-infected and T gondii Me-49 strain infected C57BL/6 mice for cytokine quantification. Histopathological analyses were made with eyes enucleated from mice after 30 days of infection. ELISA assays showed an increase of IFN-gamma levels both in serum and aqueous humour of infected mice in opposition to a decrease in IL-10 levels. On the other hand, TGF-beta was high, whereas IL-12 and TNF-alpha were present in small levels in both groups. We also detected higher levels of IL-4 and IL-6 in aqueous humour than in serum of infected mice when compared to the control group. MIP-2 presented no significant differences between the two groups. Fas and Fas-L were also present in similar levels in serum of non-infected and infected mice, but both chemokines were increased in the aqueous humour of infected mice. Histopathological analysis of infected mice showed inflammatory infiltrates around blood vessels and alteration of the outer photoreceptor segments, on the external and inner nuclear layer. Parasites were observed in 82% of eyes, inside the blood vessels associated with inflammatory infiltrate. Edema, characterized by the increase of interstitial spaces between the FTR, forming lacunae was also noted. These alterations take the form of projections (retino-vitreal), characteristic of retinochoroiditis. in conclusion, T gondii infection of C57BL/6 mice revealed that cytokine patterns alone do not assure susceptibility or resistance against infection, thus reinforcing the notion that it is necessary more than cytokine dosage to determine Th1 or Th2 profile in this model. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Instituto Oswaldo CruzFundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Lab Biol Estrutural, BR-21040900 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilFundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Lab Imunomodulacao, BR-21040900 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Disciplina Anat Topograf & Descritiva, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Morfol, BR-04023900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Disciplina Anat Topograf & Descritiva, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Morfol, BR-04023900 São Paulo, BrazilCNPq: 151754/2005-5Web of Scienc

    Interaction of Leishmania (L.) chagasi with the Vero cell line

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    The Vero cell line, a non-phagocytic cell, has supported the intracellular mechanism of Leishmania (L.) chagasi. This strain (MHOM/BR/501/MS00) was isolated from a human case of visceral leishmaniasis in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil and cultivated in Schneider's Drosophila medium with 20 % of heat inactivated fetal calf serum. It was allowed to infect the Vero cells at a ratio of 10 to 20 promastigotes per cell. Within six hours of incubation, promastigote forms were found attached to Vero cells without any particular orientation. The number of amastigotes per cell increased during the incubation period. Results showed that promastigotes of L. (L..) chagasi could interact, transform to amastigote forms and multiply in non-phagocytic cells, demonstrating a new model to study the intracellular cycle of this protozoan

    Interaction of

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    The Vero cell line, a non-phagocytic cell, has supported the intracellular mechanism of Leishmania (L.) chagasi. This strain (MHOM/BR/501/MS00) was isolated from a human case of visceral leishmaniasis in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil and cultivated in Schneider's Drosophila medium with 20 % of heat inactivated fetal calf serum. It was allowed to infect the Vero cells at a ratio of 10 to 20 promastigotes per cell. Within six hours of incubation, promastigote forms were found attached to Vero cells without any particular orientation. The number of amastigotes per cell increased during the incubation period. Results showed that promastigotes of L. (L..) chagasi could interact, transform to amastigote forms and multiply in non-phagocytic cells, demonstrating a new model to study the intracellular cycle of this protozoan

    Regulation and function of neurogenesis in the adult vertebrate brain

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    Most adult tissues retain a reservoir of self-renewing, multipotent stem cells that can generate differentiated tissue components. Until recently, the brain was thought to be an exception to this rule and for many years the pervasive dogma of neurobiology relegated neurogenesis to the embryonic and earlier postnatal stages of development. The discovery of constant neuronal replacement in the adult brain has changed the way we think about neurological diseases and about the exploration of new strategies for brain repair. In this review we will explore the potential of adult neural stem cells and we will present some of our own work on this subject. We will also discuss the possibility that adult neurogenesis and neuronal replacement may also play a role in therapies aimed at restoring impaired brain function. A better understanding of the various aspects of spontaneous neuronal replacement may also be used to increase the success of procedures with cell therapies
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