6 research outputs found

    Bevacizumab in the 1st line treatment of triple negative metastatic breast cancer patient — case report and review of the literature

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    Wprowadzenie. Angiogeneza i nadekspresja VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) odgrywają istotną rolę w rozwoju wielu typów nowotworów. Rola bewacyzumabu, humanizowanego przeciwciała anty-VEGF, w leczeniu chorych na rozsianego raka piersi pozostaje niejednoznaczna. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie przypadku chorej na potrójnie ujemnego, rozsianego raka piersi, która odniosła długotrwalą korzyść z immunochemioterapii jako pierwszej linii leczenia. Opis przypadku. U 57-letniej chorej na raka przewodowego piersi prawej, po szerokim wycięciu guza i limfadenektomii pachowej prawostronnej (pT1N0M0) oraz uzupełniającej chemio- i radioterapii, po czterech latach od zakończenia leczenia rozpoznano rozsiew choroby do płuca lewego (dwie zmiany) i węzłów chłonnych śródpiersia. Chora została zakwalifikowana do immunochemioterapii — paklitaksel z bewacyzumabem. W wyniku leczenia uzyskano znamienne zmniejszenie wymiarów zmian przerzutowych. Nie obserwowano poważnych działań niepożądanych terapii, po zakończeniu leczenia paklitakselem kontynuowano podawanie bewacyzumabu w ramach leczenia podtrzymującego. Od października 2009 r. do września 2013 r. chora otrzymała 70 wlewów bewacyzumabu. We wrześniu 2013 r. leczenie zakończono z uwagi na progresję wielkości zmian w płucu lewym, nowych zmian przerzutowych nie obserwowano. Chora została zakwalifikowana do stereotaktycznej radioterapii.Dyskusja. Jak dotąd skuteczność bewacyzumabu w leczeniu pierwszej linii u chorych na rozsianego raka piersi oceniono w trzech randomizowanych badaniach III fazy. We wszystkich tych badaniach stwierdzono znamienne wydłużenie PFS, bez istotnego zysku w zakresie OS. Na podstawie danych z literatury można przypuszczać, że konieczne jest wyodrębnienie podgrupy chorych, które odniosą największą korzyść z leczenia antyangiogennego. Aktualne doniesienia sugerują, ze najpewniej są to chore na potrójnie ujemnego raka piersi, które otrzymują bewacyzumab w skojarzeniu z chemioterapią w pierwszej linii leczenia, podobnie jak opisana przez nas chora.Introduction. Angiogenesis and VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) over expression play an important role inthe growth and development of many kinds of cancers. The role of bevacizumab, humanised, anti-VEGF antibody, intreatment of patients with metastatic breast canser (MBC) is still an open question. The aim of this paper is to present a case report of the use of bevacizumab with chemotherapy in the first line treatment of triple negative MBC.Case. We present the case of a 57-year-old woman with infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the right breast (pT1N0M0, TNBC). She underwent wide excision of the tumour with the excision of right axillary lymph nodes, adjuvant chemoterapy and radiotherapy. Four years later metastases in the left lung (two lesions) and mediastinum occured. For this reason the patient started immunochemotherapy — paclitaxel and bevacizumab. She ended paclitaxel after nine cycles, and continued bevacizumab as a maintenance. We observed a marked decrease in size of the metatstatic lesions. No serious adverse events during treatment were noted. From October 2009 to September 2013 the patient received 70 doses of bevacizumab. In September 2013 the treatment was ended due to progression of the size of the lung metastases. No new site of metastases was noted. The patient was considered suitable for stereotactic radiosurgery.Discussion. To date three randomised, multicenter studies, which evaluated effectiveness of adding bevacizumab to chemotherapy were performed. In all trials significant prolongation of progression-free survival (PFS) was observed but with no statistically significant influence on overall survival (OS). The toxicity of the combined treatment was higher. Many experts put a great emphasis on the need to discover a group of patients who will gain a significant benefit from antiangiogenic treatment. Reports in the literature indicate that probably the greatest benefit from adding bevacizumab to the chemotherapy is gained by women with triple-negative breast cancer, who receive bevacizumab as first-line treatment after cancer progression, as our patient described above

    Terapia nadczynności tarczycy jodem promieniotwórczym jest bezpieczna u chorych na chorobę Gravesa i Basedowa z orbitopatią — badanie prospektywne

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    Introduction: Radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy may induce or worsen orbitopathy (GO) in Graves’ disease (GD). The aim of this study was a prospective assessment of the risk of GO exacerbation in a GD patients cohort submitted to RAI therapy for hyperthyroidism.Material and methods: 208 consecutive GD patients treated with 131I in 2007 were enrolled. The analysis was performed on 156 patients strictly monitored for one year. Glucocorticosteroid (GCS) prophylaxis was administered if GO symptoms or GO history were present, and in cases of tobacco smokers even without GO symptoms. Clinical and biochemical evaluation at one, three, six, and 12 months after therapy was performed in the whole group, then at 24 months in 138 patients.Results: There was no severe GO progression in patients without GO symptoms at the time of RAI treatment. The risk of severe GO worsening for preexisting GO patients (demanding systemic GCS administration) during the 12-month follow-up after RAI therapy was 10%. 12 and 24 months after 131I administration, stable improvement compared to the initial GO status had been achieved in most (98–96%) patients.Conclusions:1. In patients with mild GO, the risk of severe GO worsening after RAI therapy is acceptable, as long as RAI therapy is applied with GCS cover.2. In patients without GO symptoms at the time of RAI therapy but with a history of GO and with subclinical GO diagnosed by MRI only, the risk of severe progression is minimal.3. Distant outcomes of RAI treatment confirmed its safety in GO patients. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (1): 40–45)Wstęp: Leczenie jodem promieniotwórczym (131I) może indukować lub nasilać objawy orbitopatii u pacjentów z rozpoznaniem choroby Graves-Basedowa (CHGB). Celem pracy była prospektywna ocena ryzyka zaostrzenia orbitopatii w grupie chorych leczonych 131I z powodu nadczynności tarczycy.Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 208 kolejnych pacjentów z rozpoznaniem CHGB leczonych 131I w 2007. Do analizy włączono 156 chorych ściśle monitorowanych przez rok. Osłona glikokortykoidowa (GCS) była stosowana w przypadku występowania objawów orbitopatii, dodatniego wywiadu w kierunku orbitopatii i u palaczy tytoniu, także bez objawów orbitopatii. Kliniczna i biochemiczna ocena była przeprowadzona w całej grupie 1, 3, 6 i 12 miesięcy po leczeniu 131I i u 138 chorych po 24 miesiącach.Wyniki: Nie obserwowano poważnego zaostrzenia orbitopatii u chorych bez objawów GO w chwili leczenia 131I. Ryzyko istotnej progresji orbitopatii (wymagającej stosowania GKS systemowych) w ciągu 12 miesięcznej obserwacji wynosiło u chorych z wyjściowymi objawami orbitopatii 10%. U większości chorych 12 i 24 miesiące po leczeniu 131I poprawa orbitopatii w porównaniu ze stanem wyjściowym była trwała.Wnioski:1. Ryzyko istotnej progresji objawów po leczeniu 131I u chorych z orbitopatią o umiarkowanym nasileniu jest akceptowalne.2. Ryzyko progresji orbitopatii u chorych bez objawów w chwili leczenia 131I, ale z dodatnim wywiadem w kierunku orbitopatii i z subklinicznymi objawami (obecnymi tylko w badaniu NMR) jest minimalne.3. Odległa ocena potwierdza bezpieczeństwo terapii radiojodem u chorych z orbitopatią. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (1): 40–45

    Tolerability and toxicity of prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients with non-small cell lung cancer – Results of a phase II study (with estimation of hematological toxicity, pituitary function and magnetic resonance spectra changes)

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    AimTo evaluate the tolerability and toxicity of PCI in patients with NSCLC.BackgroundProphylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) is a standard treatment for patients with small cell lung cancer. There are data showing a decreasing ratio of brain metastases after PCI for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC-non small cell lung cancer) patients but, so far, there is no evidence for increasing overall survival. The main concern in this setting is the tolerance and toxicity of the treatment.Materials and methodsFrom 1999 to 2007, 50 patients with NSCLC treated with radical intent underwent PCI (30[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]Gy in 15 fractions). Mean follow-up was 2.8 years. The tolerability and hematological toxicity were evaluated in all patients, a part of participants had done neuropsychological tests, magnetic resonance imaging with 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, and estimation of pituitary function.ResultsDuring follow-up, 20 patients developed distant metastases, 4-brain metastases. Fourteen (30%) patients had acute side effects: (headache, nausea, erythema of the skin). The symptoms did not require treatment breaks. Six patients complained of late side effects (vertigo, nausea, anxiety, lower extremity weakness, deterioration of hearing and olfactory hyperesthesia). Hematological complications were not observed. Testosterone levels tended to decrease (p[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]=[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]0.062). Visual-motor function deteriorated after treatment (p[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]

    The Effectiveness and Toxicity of Frameless CyberKnife Based Radiosurgery for Parkinson’s Disease—Phase II Study

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    Frame-based stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) has an established role in the treatment of tremor in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The low numbers of studies of frameless approaches led to our prospective phase 2 open-label single-arm clinical trial (NCT02406105), which aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CyberKnife frameless SRS. Twenty-three PD patients were irradiated on the area of the thalamic ventral nuclei complex with gradually increasing doses of 70 to 105 Gy delivered in a single fraction. After SRS, patients were monitored for tremor severity and the toxicity of the treatment. Both subjective improvement and dose-dependent efficacy were analysed using standard statistical tests. The median follow-up was 23 months, and one patient died after COVID-19 infection. Another two patients were lost from follow-up. Hyper-response resulting in vascular toxicity and neurologic complications was observed in two patients irradiated with doses of 95 and 100 Gy, respectively. A reduction in tremor severity was observed in fifteen patients, and six experienced stagnation. A constant response during the whole follow-up was observed in 67% patients. A longer median response time was achieved in patients irradiated with doses equal to or less than 85 Gy. Only two patients declared no improvement after SRS. The efficacy of frameless SRS is high and could improve tremor control in a majority of patients. The complication rate is low, especially when doses below 90 Gy are applied. Frameless SRS could be offered as an alternative for patients ineligible for deep brain stimulation; however, studies regarding optimal dose are required