18 research outputs found

    A study of the relationship between ethical sensitivity and emotional intelligence in nursing, anesthesia, and operating room students

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    When providing healthcare services, healthcare students face a variety of ethical issues and conflicts daily. Such characteristics as ethical sensitivity and emotional intelligence are influential in determining an individual’s performance and can prove useful in coping with challenges in life. Given the significance of these two variables in the career prospects and educational and professional lives of students, the present cross-sectional study with 486 students majoring in nursing, operating room, and anesthesia, aims to investigate the relationship between ethical sensitivity and emotional intelligence. Data were collected using demographics, ethical sensitivity, and emotional intelligence. The students’ ethical sensitivity level was high, while their emotional intelligence was average. Regression analysis revealed that students’ ethical sensitivity was related to their emotional intelligence and gender. There is also a significant correlation between ethical sensitivity and emotional intelligence on one hand and gender on the other: female students possess higher levels of ethical sensitivity, while male students have greater emotional intelligence. Students in nursing schools may benefit from greater insight into the concepts of ethical sensitivity and emotional intelligence and ways to enhance them.peer-reviewe

    The Effect of Collaborative Care Model-Based Intervention on Hope in Caregivers and Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Background: Multiple Sclerosis can affect the patients’ and their families’ life. In this regard, the collaborative care model could be useful. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the collaborative care model on hope in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and their family caregivers. Methods: This randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in May to September 2015 on 60 patients with MS referring to the MS Society of Khuzestan province and 60 family caregivers. After block randomization, the intervention groups (patients and caregivers) received 8 intervention sessions based on collaborative care model over 12 weeks. The data were collected using Snyder’s adult hope scale and a demographic questionnaire at baseline and 12 weeks after the beginning of the intervention. Data analysis was conducted through SPSS, version 19, using frequency, mean, Chi-square, independent, paired t-tests and Fisher’s exact test (P˂0.05). Results: The results of independent t-test before the intervention showed no significant differences between the patients in the intervention (42.76±8.75) and control groups (43.13±7.20) (P=0.86) and caregivers in the intervention (50.26±5.79) and control groups (49.23±6.71) (P=0.52), regarding the score of hope. However, a significant difference was found in this regard 12 weeks after the beginning of the intervention, between the patients in the control (43.63±6.97) and intervention groups (47.96±8.72) (P=0.03), and caregivers in the control (50.66±5.79) and intervention groups (53.80±4.71) (P=0.02) Conclusion: The collaborative care model promoted hope in patients with MS and their family caregivers. Hence, this model can be used by healthcare personnel for promoting hope among patients and caregivers. Trial Registration Number: IRCT2015051121474N

    Patients’ Experience of Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): A Hermeneutic Phenomenology

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    Introduction: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder with a wide range of effects on the individual’s quality of life, emotional state, and identity. Given the lack of knowledge about patients’ perceptions of life with irritable bowel syndrome, this study aimed to describe and interpret patients' experience of living with irritable bowel syndrome Methods: The present qualitative study was conducted using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach on 15 patients with irritable bowel syndrome who referred to three central clinics. The data were collected through in-depth semistructured interviews with the participants who were selected through purposive sampling. Thematic analysis was carried out using Van Manen’s six-step methodological framework as a guide. Besides, MAXQDA software was used for data management. Results: The analysis of the data yielded four themes and eight subthemes. The patients’ experiences of living with IBS were manifested through the themes of “crisis and transient release” (with “storm in the corporeality” and “relief” subthemes); “surrender and harassment” (with “mandatory submitting” and “feeling of helplessness” subthemes); “looking for adaptation” (with “struggle in obtaining insight” and “seeking help from coping strategies” subthemes); and “different selfperceptions” (with “threatened self” and “deep self-knowledge” subthemes). Conclusion: Understanding the life experience of IBS patients can be effective in improving the interdisciplinary medical-care programs and reducing their psychological, social, and physical problems. Therefore, carrying out more studies to promote the quality of life of IBS patients is suggested

    Interactive Multimedia Training in Osteoporosis Prevention of Female High School Students: An Interventional Study

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    Given the limitations of traditional teaching methods in the learning process of adolescents, this study was designed to investigate the effects of osteoporosis prevention training through interactive multimedia method on the degree of knowledge and self-efficacy of female high school students. In this interventional study which was conducted in 2016 in Fars province, Iran, 120 high school students were selected through proportional stratified sampling from schools and different classes at first, second, third, and pre-university grades. The participants were randomly divided into two groups, each containing 60 students. Educational interventions for the test group included an interactive multimedia CD, and for the control group was an educational booklet. Before and one month after the intervention the students' level of knowledge and self-efficacy was measured. The spss 19 statistical software was used, and descriptive and analytical tests were performed to analyze the data. Results showed a significant difference in self-efficacy scores after the intervention (P=0.012) with the test group obtained a higher self-efficacy score than the control group. Also, a significant increase was observed in the knowledge score of both groups after the training (P<0.001), but the knowledge score between the two groups was not statistically significant (P=0.38) after the intervention. The use of new training methods like interactive multimedia CD for public education, particular adolescents about health and hygiene is recommended

    Problem Based Learning: An Experience of a New Educational Method in Dentistry

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    Introduction: Considering the necessity of dentistry students' involvement in learning treatment topics and, in order to achieve deeper learning, this study was performed to evaluate problem based learning method and compare it to traditional method of teaching orthodontics to dentistry students. Methods: This interventional study was performed on 64, fifth year dentistry students in 2007-2008 academic years. After selection and orientation of tutors, a trainer helped them to adjust to the new method. After orientation of students about PBL method, the groups were identified and the PBL method was performed in four steps. A pretest was taken from students to assess their attitude and satisfaction about traditional method of lecture. Then, A post-test evaluated their attitude toward and satisfaction with the new method. The domains of this method were assessed by 5 point Likert scale. Results were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The average of achieved scores out of the total score of five was as so in areas of material organization (main subjects) (3.41±0.75), internal motivation (3.41±0.7), assignments appropriateness (3.38±0.53), and suitability of evaluation method (3.67±1.17). The mean of satisfaction score was 14 out of the total score of 20 which demonstrates agreement higher than average. Conclusion: By promoting learner's internal motivation, enhancing the quality of education, and, increasing continuous learning, PBL method could prove useful in teaching dentistry students

    Examining the educational curriculum of undergraduate degree in nursing based on the needs assessment of oral and dental health indicators: the experience of Iranian nursing students

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    Background: Oral and dental health is one of the components of public health, and improving oral and dental health is one of the most important goals of disease prevention. The integration of oral health in public health care is strongly recommended by the World Health Organization. Nurses can actively participate in the promotion of oral health care. The aim of the research was to assess the need for oral and dental health indicators in the curriculum of nursing students. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 119 third- and fourth-year nursing students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences were included in the study. Checklist was used as a tool to evaluate students' level of knowledge about oral and dental health, and Chi-square test was used by spss software to analyze the data. Results: There was no significant relationship between the level of knowledge and ability of students about oral and dental hygiene with the duration of studying at the university, gender, marital status and grade point average (p>0.05), while there was no significant relationship between the level of knowledge of nursing students in the field of health indicators. There is a significant relationship between mouth and teeth and the need to teach these topics in nursing (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study shows the weak knowledge and ability of nursing students in the field of oral and dental indicators and the important role of the nurse in the health team, and as a result, the need to include this topic in the curriculum of nursing students and present this topic as part of the internship

    Anger management in substance abuse based on cognitive behavioral therapy: an interventional study

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    Abstract Background Anger and aggression have been developing notably in societies, especially among patients depending on substance abuse. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of anger management based on group education among patients depending on substances according to Patrick Reilly’s cognitive behavioral approach. Methods In a quasi- experimental study, all patients who met the inclusion criteria were evaluated regarding their aggression level. The participants were assigned to 12 educational sessions based on group therapy and Patrick-Reilly’s anger management by focusing on using a combination of cognitive intervention, relaxation, and communication skills. The data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical software, version 16. Results The findings showed a significant difference between the two groups regarding aggression level after the intervention (p = 0.001). No significant relationship was observed between aggression level and demographic variables (p > 0.05). Conclusion The intervention of this study can be used for establishing self-management and decreasing anger among patients depending on substances. They can also be used as a therapeutic program in addition to pharmacotherapy. Trial registration IRCT2016102030398N1

    Design and Psychometrics of Measurement Tool of Health Needs in Patients with Chronic Back Ache

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    he necessity of valid, reliable and objective toolsis one of the subjects that have always beenemphasized in studies related to the health ofindividuals. However, it is believed that existing tools generallydo not have the necessary credibility and validityand cannot correctly assess the health needs of patientswith chronic back ache. This study aimed to design a validand reliable tool for assessing the health needs of patientswith chronic back ache.This is an exploratory sequential mixed (qualitative-quantitative)method research conducted in medical sciencesclinics of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education inShiraz in 2017. In the qualitative content analysis phasethrough interview with patients, their family carers, thetreatment team in relation to these patients, the healthneeds of patients with chronic back ache were definedand then, based on the findings and with extensive reviewof the texts, the tool&rsquo;s dimensions and items weredesigned. Then, in the quantitative phase of the psychometricsof tool, the content (quantitative and qualitative)validity and structural validity (factor analysis) were doneby using different methods of formal (quantitative andqualitative) validity. Reliability was also calculated throughinternal consistency and stability.29 people are the participants included patients withchronic back ache, family carers and specialists associatedwith the disease. The health needs of patients withchronic back ache were explained in four dimensions: educationand information needs, spiritual / religious needs,socio-economic needs, and physical-psychological needs.Based on these four dimensions, 109 original items weredesigned. 91 items in the Item Impact section acquiredthe scores 1/5 and higher. In terms of content validity, 49items received 0.49 and higher. The content validity indexof the individual items was equal to one, and the contentvalidity index of the entire tool, both as S-CVI / Universaland as S-CVI / Average, was 1 at this stage. The kappacoefficient of all the terms was equal to one.In this structure, using exploratory factor analysis, fourfactors were also explained; they were named based onthe items of each group. The internal consistency of thetool by calculating the total Cronbach&rsquo;s alpha coefficientwas 0.75, which was 0.73 in education and 0.72 in social/economic needs, 0.74 in physical needs and 0.72 inpsychological needs. The intra-cluster correlation wasequal to &hellip;The designed tool for the needs of chronic back ache patientshas different dimensions and has a good validity andreliability. This tool can provide an appropriate assessmentof the health needs of patients with chronic back acheand improve the quality of services provided to patients

    Teacher-student communication in medical sciences: a qualitative study in Iran

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    Introduction: The existence of an effective relationship between teachers and students plays a pivotal role in the improvement of the education process, learning, and students&rsquo; growth. Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the experiences of students and professors of medical sciences from the effective factors in the student-teacher relationship. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted on 10 professors and 10 students. The study data were collected using Individual in-depth interviews, focus group interviews, and observation. The study data were analyzed using conventional content analysis proposed by Granheim and Landman. Results: The results revealed 16 subcategories and 4 main categories. The main categories included &ldquo;adherence to moral values&rdquo;, &ldquo;professor&rsquo;s professional competence&rdquo;, &ldquo;sociocultural factors&rdquo;, and&rdquo; clinical communication&rdquo;. Conclusions: The present findings helped to identify a wide range of the dimensions and various factors affecting the student-teacher relationship in medical universities. Educational Managers and decision-makers can use the results of the study to determine the problems of the relationship process between the Professor and the student and to decide on the appropriate action to develop this important proces

    Which method of teaching would be better cooperative or lecture?

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    Introduction: Most of the knowledge acquired through lecturing is forgotten rapidly. As dentistry is becoming a more complicated field of study and as new techniques are introduced, the use of modern educational approaches to promote lifelong learning becomes necessary. This study is to compare cooperative teaching method and lecture method in terms of their impact on students' learning and their satisfaction in school of dentistry in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this quasi experimental study sampling was census and all 9th semester students (60 students) taking theoretical orthodontics(I) were included. One topic, etiology of mandibular abnormalities, was taught to both randomly selected experiment & control groups. First, to assess knowledge & satisfaction of the students with lecture methods for etiology, a pre-test was applied. Then both groups were taught the control group received instruction through lecture method and the experiment group formed 5-member subgroups and received instruction through cooperation. Then, both groups took a post-test. Data were analyzed through Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U using SPSS 12. Results: A significant difference was found between the mean scores of the students' satisfaction before and after applying the cooperative method. Also, there was a significant difference between the pre–test scores in the lecture group and the cooperative group (p<0.001), but no significant difference was observed between post-test scores of the two groups (P=0.1). Conclusion: The study showed that cooperative teaching method could be useful in teaching dentistry students and could enhance their intrinsic motivation, which in turn could improve learning quality