29 research outputs found

    Quest for Methods to Increase Aerobic Capacity in Cyclic Sports

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    Quest for new techniques to increase the aerobic training of the athletes, attempts to apply the methodology of training for semi-skilled athletes based on increasing of VO2 max (Maximal Oxygen Consumption) in slow twitch muscle fibersВ статье рассмотрены поиски новых методик повышения аэробной подготовки легкоатлетов, попытка применить методику тренировки на спортсменах средней квалификации, основанную на повышении МПК в отдельно взятых медленных мышечных волокна

    Melaphen, malamine, and bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid. Acid-base properties and behavior in the presence of some metal cations

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    By means of pH-metry, spectrophotometry, and mathematical modelling of equilibria (CPESSP program) the composition and acid-base properties of melaphen and its components, melamine and bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid were studied. Bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid in water solutions is associated by formation of hydrogen bonds and exists as a trimer, and also as the protonated and deprotonated dimeric, trimeric, and tetrameric anionic forms. In the melamine water solutions additionally to the known previously mono-, di-, and triprotonated cations the monoprotonated dimeric particle is found. Interaction of the melaphen components, bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid and melamine, in water solutions leads to formation of stable formally non-charged particles of the 1:1 and 2:2 composition and the deprotonated associate with 1:1 component ratio. Behavior of the compounds under study in water solutions in the presence of typical complex formers such as the two-charged cations of d-elements and lanthanum(III) is considered. Under the conditions of experiment no noticeable complex formation between melaphen, melamine, and bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid with cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, magnesium, and lanthanum was observed. Adequate description of the pH-metric experimental data for the copper(II)-melamine system is achieved by consideration of formation of the hydroxocopper(II) cation. The equilibral processes revealed are characterized quantitatively. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Electrocatalytic determination of oxalate ions on chemically modified electrodes

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    The electrocatalytic activity with respect to oxalate ions of spongy osmium immobilized within a carbon-paste electrode was studied. A procedure is proposed for electrocatalytic determination of oxalate ions on a chemically modified electrode based on spongy osmium under conditions of flow-through-injection analysis. © 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    The transition problems from traditional physical trainings to the trainings based on interests

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    В статье рассмотрены возможные и существующие проблемы перехода от традиционной формы занятий физической культурой к занятиям физической культурой по интересамThis article describes possible and existing transition problems from traditional physical trainings to the trainings based on interest


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    Combined pathology in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Identification of the relationship with the effect of drug therapy. Сочетанная патология у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом. Выявление взаимосвязи с эффектом от медикаментозной терапии.

    Features of paediatric care in sverdlovsk region in prewar time (1917-1941)

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    The article presents the historical data on pediatric care in the Sverdlovsk region in the prewar period (1917-1941 гг.)В статье представлены результаты исследования о развитии педиатрической помощи в Свердловской области в довоенное время (1917-1941гг.

    Лейкоэнцефалопатия с поздним началом с преимущественным поражением ствола головного мозга, спинного мозга и повышением лактата (клинические наблюдения)

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    Leukoencephalopathy with brain stem and spinal cord involvement and elevated lactate on magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a progressive hereditary disease of the nervous system clinically characterized by pyramidal and cerebellar dysfunction, dorsal column signs and sometimes axonal neuropathy with specific neuroimaging signs of damage to the nervous system, detected by magnetic resonance imaging. This disease is caused by mutations in the DARS2 gene. The article presents an analysis of three clinical cases with the manifestation of neurological symptoms in adolescence. Clinical features and magnetic resonance imaging findings are discussed, difficulties of differential diagnosis with multiple sclerosis are presented. Genetic screening algorithms are proposed.Лейкоэнцефалопатия с преимущественным поражением ствола головного мозга, спинного мозга и повышением лактата при магнитно-резонансной спектроскопии — наследственное заболевание нервной системы с прогрессирующим течением, проявляющееся пирамидными и мозжечковыми нарушениями в сочетании с признаками поражения задних столбов спинного мозга и в некоторых случаях с аксональной нейропатией, со специфическими нейровизуализационными признаками поражения нервной системы, выявляемыми при магнитно-резонансной томографии. Развитие данного заболевания связано с мутациями в гене DARS2. В статье представлен анализ 3 клинических случаев с манифестацией неврологических симптомов в подростковом возрасте. Рассмотрены особенности клинических проявлений и магнитно-резонансной картины, сложности дифференциальной диагностики с рассеянным склерозом, алгоритмы генетического обследования

    STOP-BANG: инструмент для целенаправленной респираторной терапии у бариатрических пациентов

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    Identification of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and high respiratory risk, optimization of the screening algorithm for these patients and administration of preventive non-invasive lung ventilation, makes it possible to prevent the development of perioperative complications, reduce duration of hospital stay and reduce mortality in patients undergoing surgery and bariatric surgery specifically.The objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of STOP-BANG questionnaire for preventive targeted respiratory therapy to reduce the risk of complications in bariatric patients. Subjects and Methods. We examined 60 patients with BMI above 30 kg/m2 referred to elective secondary surgery, the age made 44.2 ± 10.1 years, 23 men and 37 women. Before the operation, patients underwent STOP-BANG questionnaire survey, night respiratory monitoring with the calculation of the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) and/or saturation during sleep. The standard preoperative examination included clinical and biochemical analyzes.Results. Based on results of STOP-BANG survey, a correlation was revealed between the score and AHI as well as the score and average saturation. The higher score the patients had according to the STOP-BANG questionnaire, the higher AHI was (r = 0.4748, p = 0.002), and the lower mean SpO2 was (r = -0.6958, p < 0.001). Using the ROC analysis, we chose the optimal threshold value - 4 points according to STOP-BANG questionnaire, where the sensitivity of the method was 93% for the AHI, the specificity was 56%, and for the average saturation it was 100% and 63%, respectively. Of the total number of bariatric patients included in the study, 30% required preventive ventilation. In the high respiratory risk group, no significant intraoperative incidents and deaths were reported by the surgical and anesthetic teams. All patients were discharged on time (5‒7 days). Based on the results, a screening procedure has been offered for bariatric patients with high respiratory risk associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.Conclusion. The STOP-BANG questionnaire is a reliable screening tool for high respiratory risk in morbid obese patients. Early diagnosis of high respiratory risk and implementation of preventive ventilation reduces the incidence of perioperative respiratory and cardiovascular complications.Выявление пациентов с синдромом обструктивного апноэ сна (СОАС) и высоким респираторным риском дает возможности для своевременного предупреждения периоперационных осложнений. Одним из важных мероприятий представляется назначение превентивной неинвазивной вентиляции легких, которая может уменьшить сроки госпитализации и снизить уровень летальности у пациентов хирургического профиля, в частности у бариатрических пациентов. Цель: оценить эффективность применения опросника STOP-BANG при назначении превентивной целенаправленной респираторной терапии для снижения риска развития осложнений у бариатрических пациентов.Материал и методы. Обследовано 60 пациентов с индексом массы тела более 30 кг/м2, направленных на бариатрическую операцию в плановом порядке, средний возраст 44,2 ± 10,1 года, мужчин 23 и женщин 37. Пациенты перед операцией прошли анкетирование по опроснику STOP-BANG, полисомнографию с расчетом индекса апноэ/гипопноэ (ИАГ) и/или сатурации во время сна. Стандартное предоперационное обследование включало клинический и биохимический анализы.Результаты. На основании результатов опроса по методике STOP-BANG выявлена корреляционная взаимосвязь между количеством баллов и ИАГ, а также количеством баллов и средней сатурацией. Чем больше баллов было у пациентов по опроснику STOP-BANG, тем выше был ИАГ (r = 0,4748, p = 0,002) и тем ниже SpO2ср (r = -0,6958, p < 0,001). С помощью ROC-анализа мы выбрали оптимальные пороговые значения – 4 балла по опроснику STOP-BANG, где для ИАГ чувствительность метода для диагностики тяжелого обструктивного апноэ сна составила 93%, специфичность – 56%, а для средней сатурации – 100 и 63% соответственно. Из общего числа включенных в исследование бариатрических пациентов 30% потребовали превентивной вентиляции. Значимых интраоперационных инцидентов, осложнений и летальных исходов у пациентов группы высокого респираторного риска не было. Все пациенты были выписаны в установленные сроки (на 5‒7-е сут). По итогам предложен алгоритм скрининга бариатрических пациентов с высоким респираторным риском, ассоциированным с СОАС.Заключение. Опросник STOP-BANG является надежным инструментом скрининга для выявления высокого респираторного риска у пациентов с морбидным ожирением. Ранняя диагностика высокого респираторного риска и выполнение превентивной неинвазивной вентиляции легких позволяют снизить частоту развития периоперационных респираторных и сердечно-сосудистых осложнений

    Martensite-to-austenite reversion and recrystallization in cryogenically-rolled type 321 metastable austenitic steel

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    The annealing behavior of cryogenically-rolled type 321 metastable austenitic steel was established. Cryogenic deformation gave rise to martensitic transformation which developed preferentially within deformation bands. Subsequent annealing in the range of 600 C to 700 C resulted in reversion of the strain-induced martensite to austenite. At 800 C, the reversion was followed by static recrystallization. At relatively-low temperatures, the reversion was characterized by a very strong variant selection, which led to the restoration of the crystallographic orientation of the coarse parent austenite grains. An increase in the annealing temperature relaxed the variant-selection tendency and provided subsequent recrystallization thus leading to significant grain refinement. Nevertheless, a significant portion of the original coarse grains was found to be untransformed and therefore the fine-grain structure was fairly heterogeneous

    Melaphen, malamine, and bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid. Acid-base properties and behavior in the presence of some metal cations

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    By means of pH-metry, spectrophotometry, and mathematical modelling of equilibria (CPESSP program) the composition and acid-base properties of melaphen and its components, melamine and bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid were studied. Bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid in water solutions is associated by formation of hydrogen bonds and exists as a trimer, and also as the protonated and deprotonated dimeric, trimeric, and tetrameric anionic forms. In the melamine water solutions additionally to the known previously mono-, di-, and triprotonated cations the monoprotonated dimeric particle is found. Interaction of the melaphen components, bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid and melamine, in water solutions leads to formation of stable formally non-charged particles of the 1:1 and 2:2 composition and the deprotonated associate with 1:1 component ratio. Behavior of the compounds under study in water solutions in the presence of typical complex formers such as the two-charged cations of d-elements and lanthanum(III) is considered. Under the conditions of experiment no noticeable complex formation between melaphen, melamine, and bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinic acid with cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, magnesium, and lanthanum was observed. Adequate description of the pH-metric experimental data for the copper(II)-melamine system is achieved by consideration of formation of the hydroxocopper(II) cation. The equilibral processes revealed are characterized quantitatively. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd