151 research outputs found

    Reviews on the Properties of Aggregates made with or without Geopolymerisation Method

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    Aggregates are popular for use in concrete and lightweight concrete applications. Recent research shows that the by-product materials such as fly ash can be used as raw material in producing aggregates and lightweight aggregates. The usage of this material can improve the quality of the aggregates produced compared to conventional in term of structurally strong, physically stable, durable, and environmentally inert. This paper summarized the process and mechanical testing on the fly ash aggregates and lightweight aggregates to be used in concrete

    Infantile acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia with T(1:22) in a non-down syndrome child.

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    Megakaryoblastic leukaemia is the commonest form of leukaemia occuring in Down syndrome infants. However, it’s subtype with translocation t(1;22)(p13;q13)is uncommon comprising <1% of all cases and reported to exclusively occur in infant without Down syndrome. It has a female predominance and carries apoor prognosis. We described this rare form of leukaemia in a 9-month-old girl who presented with bruises, massive hepatosplenomegaly and multiple cervical and inguinal lymphadenopathy. The blood film showed severe anaemia with ovalostomatocytosis, thrombocytopenia and mild leucocytosis. The bone marrow aspirate showed numerous blasts showing high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio and agranular cytoplasm with cytoplasmic blebs. Peroxidase staining was negative. The immunophenotyping of the blasts showed positive expression of CD117, CD13, CD33 and CD61 which confirmed the diagnosis of acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia. Interestingly, the cytogenetic finding of translocation t(1;22) which is most common in acute megaloblastic leukaemia in infants without Down syndrome was found in this case. She received the AML trial 15 ADE protocol chemotherapy regime and developed severe neutropenic sepsis and respiratory distress requiring ventilatory support and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). She recovered wellmafter the first course of chemotherapy and was discharged. Unfortunately, she was not brought in for follow-up chemotherapy and presented a few months later with relapsed AML. She was re-started on ADE protocol and currently is on oral thioguanine for maintenance therapy

    Quantification of atomic force microscopy tip and sample thermal contact

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    A thermal conduction measurement device was fabricated, consisting of a silicon dioxide membrane with integrated thermal sensors (Pt resistance heater/thermometer and Pt–Au thermocouples) using MEMS technology. Heat transfer between the heated device and a number of unused atomic force microscope and scanning thermal microscope probes was measured. Changes in thermal conduction related to changes in the tip shape resulting from initial contact were observed. The sensors were fabricated by electron beam lithography and lift-off followed by local subtractive processing of a Pt–Au multilayer to form Pt heater–resistance thermometer elements and Pt–Au thermocouples. Thermal isolation from the silicon substrate was provided by dry release of the supporting 50 nm thick SiO2 membrane using an isotropic SF6 inductively coupled plasma etch. The high thermal isolation of the sample combined with the sensitivity of the temperature sensors used allowed the detection of thermal conduction between the tip and the sample with high precision. The measured temperature range of the Pt resistor was 293–643 K. The measured thermal resistance of the membrane was 3 × 105 K/W in air and 1.44 × 106 K/W in vacuum. The tip contact resistance was measured with a noise level of 0.3g0 T at room temperature, where g0 is the thermal resistance quantum

    The antibacterial properties of Euphorbia tirucalli stem extracts against dental caries-related bacteria

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    Euphorbia tirucalli dilaporkan mempunyai aktiviti antibakteria terhadap pelbagai mikroorganisma. Kajian in vitro ini bertujuan untuk menilai ciri-ciri antibakteria ekstrak (metanol, etanol dan ekstrak akueus) batang Euphorbia tirucalli terhadap bakteria yang berkaitan dengan karies gigi, iaitu Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) dan Streptococcus sobrinus (S. sobrinus). Sifat-sifat antibakteria telah ditentukan menggunakan ujian resapan agar berlubang pada kepekatan ekstrak yang berbeza (10, 20 dan 30 mg/ml). Komersial amoxicillin (10 μg) telah digunakan sebagai kawalan positif manakala pelarut yang sesuai telah digunakan sebagai kawalan negatif. Ekstrak metanol dan ethanol daripada batang Euphorbia tirucalli didapati berkesan terhadap S. mutans dan S. sobrinus. Walau bagaimanapun, ekstrak akueus batang Euphorbia tirucalli tidak menunjukkan aktiviti terhadap kedua-dua strain bakteria. Perbezaan dalam ciri-ciri antibakteria dalam perbezaan ekstrak Euphorbia tirucalli mungkin disebabkan oleh perbezaan dalam juzuk fitokimia

    Stochastic process and tutorial of the African bufalo optimization

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    This paper presents the data description of the African buffalo optimization algorithm (ABO). ABO is a recently-designed optimization algorithm that is inspired by the migrant behaviour of African buffalos in the vast African landscape. Organizing their large herds that could be over a thousand buffalos using just two principal sounds, the /maaa/ and the /waaa/ calls present a good foundation for the development of an optimization algorithm. Since elaborate descriptions of the manual workings of optimization algorithms are rare in literature, this paper aims at solving this problem, hence it is our main contribution. It is our belief that elaborate manual description of the workings of optimization algorithms make it user-friendly and encourage reproducibility of the experimental procedures performed using this algorithm. Again, our ability to describe the algorithm’s basic flow, stochastic and data generation processes in a language so simple that any non-expert can appreciate and use as well as the practical implementation of the popular benchmark Rosenbrock and Shekel Foxhole functions with the novel algorithm will assist the research community in benefiting maximally from the contributions of this novel algorithm. Finally, benchmarking the good experimental output of the ABO with those of the popular, highly effective and efficient Cuckoo Search and Flower Pollination Algorithm underscores the ABO as a worthy contribution to the existing body of population-based optimization algorithm

    Energy and nutrient intakes: findings from the Malaysian Adult Nutrition Survey (MANS)

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    Nutrition surveys based on a representative sample of the Malaysian adult population have hitherto not been reported. In 2003, the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, conducted the Malaysian Adult Nutrition Survey (MANS), the first and largest nutrition survey in the country which aimed to provide detailed quantitative information on nutritional status, food and nutrient intakes, and physical activity pattern on a nationwide representative sample of adult subjects between the ages of 18 and 59 years. The survey covered four zones in Peninsular Malaysia (Central, Southern, Northern and East Coast), Sabah and Sarawak. This paper presents the mean and selected percentiles of energy and nutrient intake of 6886 subjects by selected demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Energy contributions by macronutrients and dietary adequacy in relation to the Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysians are also described. Information on dietary intake was collected by trained nutritionists using a one day 24-hour diet recall. Dietary data were analysed using Nutritionist Pro, a diet analysis software and statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS ver. 13.0. In most of the demographic and socioeconomic groups, males had higher mean energy (1776 kcal) and nutrient intake and percent achievement of RNI than females (1447 kcal). The proportions of calories derived from macronutrients were within the recommendations for a healthy diet. Intake of micronutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamin A was about 50% of RNI particularly in women. Sodium intake of Malaysians, not reported in earlier studies, is also made available. Under-reporting using the EI/BMR ratio was found in half of the population studied. The present study provides the first national estimates of energy and nutrient intake of the Malaysian adult population. Regular nutrition surveys are needed at the national level to provide valuable information on trends in food and nutrient intake, particularly among age and ethnically diverse subgroups of the population

    Daily Energy Intake from Meals and Afternoon Snacks: Findings from the Malaysian Adults Nutrition Survey(MANS)

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    Meal and snack patterns are associated with energy and nutrient intakes and consequently health and nutritional status. The aim of this paper is to describe the percentage of daily energy intake from meals and afternoon snack among Malaysian adults. The study included a representative sample of adults aged 18- 59 years (n=7349) from a nationwide Food Consumption Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health. Information on dietary intake was obtained using a one day 24-hour diet recall (24-HDR). Dietary data on 6886 adults were analysed using Nutritionist ProTM and statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS 13.0. The median percentage of daily energy intake is reported only for adults consuming meals and afternoon tea and by socio-demographic characteristics as well as body mass index (BMI) status. More than 80% of Malaysian adults consumed morning meals, lunch and dinner and 54% reported having afternoon tea. The median percentage of energy intake from morning meals, lunch, dinner and afternoon tea was 29.9%, 30.5%, 32.4% and 17%, respectively. There were variations in the median percentage of energy from meals and snacks according to the socio-demographic variables and BMI status. It is important to understand the eating patterns of Malaysians as the information can assist in efforts to address obesity and diet-related chronic diseases among adults

    College students perception on physical education classes during their high school days

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    This purpose of this study is to identify and investigate whether there are similarities or differences between genders regarding the perceptions on physical activities of college university students in one of the largest University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The focus was on three main categories, namely general knowledge, physical education and scientific basis of physical activities. Each category contained questions which serve to evaluate their perceptions about physical activities. The questionnaire was adapted from a journal article on a study done by Mowatt, DePauw and Hulac (1988). This study investigates the perceptions of 113 students (55 males; 65 females) aged between 19 and 25 about physical activities, using the above-mentioned categories. Results of the t-test showed significant differences for general knowledge, t(23) = 3.9, p0.05 no significant differences in means were found between the male and female students

    Is the Clinical Risk Score for Patients with Colorectal Liver Metastases Still Useable in the Era of Effective Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy?

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    Background: Several clinical risk scores (CRSs) for the outcome of patients with colorectal liver metastases have been validated, but not in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Therefore, this study evaluates the predictive value of these CRSs in this specific group. Methods: Between January 2000 and December 2008, all patients undergoing a metastasectomy were analyzed and divided into two groups: 193 patients did not receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy (group A), and 159 patients received neoadjuvant chemotherapy (group B). In group B, the CRSs were calculated before and after administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Results were evaluated by using the CRSs proposed by Nordlinger et al., Fong et al., Nagashima et al., and Konopke et al. Results: In groups A and B, the overall median survival was 43 and 47 months, respectively (P = 0.648). In group A, all CRSs used were of statistically significant predictive value. Before administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, only the Nordlinger score was of predictive value. After administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, all CRSs were of predictive value again, except for the Konopke score. Conclusions: Traditional CRSs are not a reliable prognostic tool when used in patients before treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. However, CRSs assessed after the administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy are useful to predict prognosis