148 research outputs found

    Corrosion Inhibition of AISI 316L and Modified-AISI 630 Stainless Steel by the New Organic Inhibitor [(CH3)2N]3PSe in Chloride Media:Electrochemical and Physical Study

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    We evaluate the effect of the Tris-dimethylaminoselenophosphoramide (SeAP)on the corrosion inhibition of modified-AISI 630 and AISI 316L stainless steel (SS) in 3 wt. % NaCl. The electrochemical behaviors of tested SS samples are investigated before and after adding the Seep into the chloride media by potentiodynamic polarization technique. The adsorption of SeAP onto both SS surfaces is verified by global discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES).  SeAP is found to be a good inhibitor for SS corrosion, especially when added at a concentration of 0.5 wt. %

    Tectonosedimentary evidence in the Tunisian Atlas, Bou Arada Trough: insights for the geodynamic evolution and Africa-Eurasia plate convergence

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    International audienceThe Bou Arada Trough is an east-west-oriented structure located 80 km SW of Tunis, characterizing the central Tunisian Atlas. This trough is filled by a thick Quaternary sand and clay series and is bordered by complex systems of folds generally trending NE-SW. Contacts between the Bou Arada Trough and the neighbouring folds are accommodated by NE-SW- and NW-SE-oriented faults. In contrast to the other troughs of the Tunisian Atlas, which are related to the Pliocene-Quaternary orogenic period, the geodynamic evolution of the Bou Arada Trough began in the Maastrichtian and has continued until the present day. Structural, tectonosedimentary and seismic data analyses are undertaken in the study area to better understand the evolutionary scenario of this trough. The results obtained show that the Bou Arada Trough is fragmented into three NW-SE-oriented sub-basins and records a continuous history of downthrow. Indeed, during extensional to transtensional regimes, this trough has evolved in response to the two networks of perpendicular fractures whereas during compressive to transpressive periods, the collapse of the Bou Arada Trough has been induced by a pull-apart mechanism using the same network of faults but with a strike-slip movement. The Bou Arada Trough thus preserves a record of the convergence between the European and African plates since the Maastrichtian

    Le front de chevauchement au Jebel Bou El Hanèche-Kalâat Khasba (Tunisie centro-septentrionale). Mise en évidence à partir des donnés géologiques et géophysiques

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    In Central-northern Tunisia, the septentrional border of Kalâat Khasba trough was considered as a normal fault which has functioned since the Cretaceous to Quaternary periods. A stratigraphic and geophysical recent study of the Kalâat Khasba trough and the Jebel Bou El Hanèche fold area, allows us to propose a new tectonic model. The Northern border was reactivated as reverse fault during the Eocene and was considered as a thrust front. A compressive Eocene event resulted in formation of Bou El Hanèche fold (fault propagation fold) and in determination of a decollement level situated in the Triassic series. This deformation was controlled by the reactivation of normal faults inherited from a distensive aptien phase. The compressive deformation was amplified by the propagation of this fold and, when a ramp reached the competent carbonates series of late Campanian-lower Maâstrichtien times, the fold was stacked, involving a breakthrough steep limb and creating a second thrust on the North. The order of evolution of these events shows an out of sequence thrust.[fr] En Tunisie Centro-Septentrionale, la bordure septentrionale du fossé de Kalâat Khasba a été considéré comme une bordure d’effondrement à jeu normal, ayant fonctionnée du Crétacé inférieur jusqu’au Quaternaire. Une étude de terrain et l’interprétation de profils de sismique réflexion permettent de proposer un nouveau modèle tectonique pour ce fossé et du massif adjacent de Bou El Hanèche. La bordure septentrionale du bassin de Kalâat Khasba a été réactivée à l’Eocène en faille inverse. Cette bordure a une valeur de front de chevauchement sur lequel se met en place le pli de propagation de Bou El Hanèche par rapport à l’avant pays de la chaîne alpine. La compression Eocène entraîne la mise en place du pli de Bou El Hanèche à la faveur d’un niveau de décollement situé dans les séries triasiques. Cette déformation est contrôlée par un réseau de failles normales héritées de la phase distensive présumée aptienne. La dynamique compressive continue depuis l’Eocène engendrant la propagation de ce pli. Lorsque la rampe atteint les calcaires de la formation Abiod, le pli se bloque. Ce blocage entraîne la rupture du dressant et la création, vers le Nord du pli, d’un deuxième chevauchement, ce qui implique une évolution du système de chevauchement dans une séquence inverse ou «out of sequence»

    Enhanced accumulation of root hydrogen peroxide is associated with reduced antioxidant enzymes under isoosmotic NaCl and Na2SO4 salinities

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    The inhibitory effect of salt stress on lettuce is one of the main reasons for the reduction of plant growth and crop productivity. In the present study, the response of two lettuce varieties Verte and Romaine to isoosmotic NaCl and Na2SO4 treatments were examined. Both varieties were grown in pots containing nutrient Hoagland solution with or without 100 mM NaCl or 77 mM Na2SO4. Relative growth rate (RGR), hydraulic parameters, root ion content, proline and several antioxidant activities in roots were measured after 12 days of treatment. After prolonged exposure to salt stress, relative growth rate and water content of lettuce significantly decreased. Roots accumulated high level of Na+ under both salts, whereas the accumulation of K+ and Ca2+ decreased. High level of Na+ inside the cells inhibited the K+ uptake and resulted in increased K+/Na+ ratio. In addition, salt stress also caused an increase in the accumulation of proline. This result suggests that proline may play a crucial role in protecting lettuce under salt stress especially in response to Na2SO4 treatment. Membrane damage estimated by electrolyte leakage (EL) increased especially in response to Na2SO4 treatment in both varieties, but Verte had significantly lower EL relative to Romaine under 100 mM NaCl. A reduction in the activities of CAT in both varieties under 100 mM, and GPX activity in Verte under Na2SO4 treatment coincided with an increase in H2O2 level, indicative of cellular damage and a general depression of the antioxidant enzymatic system in lettuce roots.Keywords: Lettuce, NaCl, Na2SO4, RGR, mineral nutrition, antioxidant activities, prolin
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