6 research outputs found

    Relatório de estágio supervisionado na área de clínica médica de felinos domésticos

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    Relatório de Estágio (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.O estágio curricular é um período da graduação que possibilita adquirir experiência e assimilar na prática os conhecimentos abordados na graduação, neste caso, focados na Clínica Médica de Felinos Domésticos. Durante esse período foi possível acompanhar duas Clínicas Médicas exclusivas em atendimento de felinos domésticos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O presente relatório de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado, apresentado ao Curso de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, como parte dos requisitos para conclusão do curso em Medicina Veterinária, tem como objetivo descrever o período de estágio, desde o local, sua estrutura e funcionamento, as atividades desenvolvidas e a casuística acompanhada, comparando dados importantes entre as clínicas

    Pneumonia química devido à intoxicação por querosene em gato – relato de caso

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever o relato de caso de intoxicação por querosene de um felino atendido na Clínica Veterinária Gatos e Gatos no dia 22 de setembro de 2017, permanecendo internado por 10 dias e indo á óbito após alta médica. O querosene é um destilado do petróleo composto por hidrocarbonetos que apresenta como principal patologia associada á intoxicação a pneumonite química por aspiração do produto, podendo ocorrer lesões em SNC, tegumentos, trato gastrointestinal, rins, fígado e outros. O tratamento é de suporte e sintomático, principalmente com assistência respiratória, suplementando oxigênio e administrando broncodilatador e diuréticos

    Primary Erythrocytosis in a Bitch - Clinical and Laboratorial Aspects

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    Background: Primary erythrocytosis is a rare myeloproliferative disorder in dogs and cats characterized by an autonomous proliferation of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, with low to normal serum erythropoietin concentration, resulting in elevated red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration. Clinical signs are associated with increased blood volume and viscosity, and may include erythema, hyperemic mucous membranes and neurological signs such as seizures and ataxia. In veterinary medicine, the diagnosis should be made by exclusion of secondary or relative causes, after complementary exams. This report aims to describe a case of primary erythrocytosis in a bitch. Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed bitch was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UFRGS with 3 convulsive episodes related by the owner. A previous abdominal ultrasonography revealed splenomegaly and the electrocardiogram showed no abnormalities. No alterations were observed at the physical examination. The laboratorial blood tests demonstrated a persistent erythrocytosis, with high hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cells count, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia, and total plasmatic protein was within the reference interval. The bone marrow cytology revealed reduced cellularity, normal myeloid:erythroid ratio, erythroid hyperplasia, mild myeloid hyperplasia and moderate myelofibrosis. The serum erythropoietin measurement was within the reference range, and the blood gas analysis detected a slight decrease in partial oxygen pressure. Therefore, no evidence of secondary conditions was observed and the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be made. Discussion: Since there is no definitive method, the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be based on the exclusion of all secondary and relative causes of erythrocytosis. The absence of clinical signs of dehydration and high serum albumin levels were findings that conduced for the exclusion of the relative form of the disturbance. The echocardiography and the abdominal ultrasonography ruled out any cardiopulmonary condition or kidney neoplasm, the most common causes of absolute secondary erythrocytosis. The persistently high hematocrit levels and red blood cell counts are significant for the suspicion of primary erythrocytosis, although thrombocytopenia and neutropenia are not commonly reported. The clinical signs of seizure were correlated with increased blood viscosity and reduced blood flow at the central nervous system. The blood gas analysis discarded the occurrence of systemic hypoxia, and the normal levels of erythropoietin gives higher evidence of the occurrence of an autonomous proliferation of the erythroid precursors within the bone marrow. The bone marrow cytology confirmed erythroid hyperplasia and the reduced cellularity that could be attributed to myelofibrosis. Myelofibrosis was described in humans with polycythemia vera, but there are no reports in veterinary, and this occurrence must be elucidated. An identical mutation in the JAK2 gene was observed in humans with polycythemia vera and dogs with primary erythrocytosis, and occurs in more than 50% of humans with myelofibrosis. Further investigations are necessary for veterinary medicine. In conclusion, the systematic approach of all organic systems and the assessment of complementary exams are necessary for the diagnostic of primary erythrocytosis in dogs. This condition should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any erythrocytosis, considering the guarded prognosis of this hematologic disorder.   Keywords: myeloproliferative disorders, erythropoietin, myelofibrosi

    Primary erythrocytosis in a bitch : clinical and laboratorial aspects

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    Background: Primary erythrocytosis is a rare myeloproliferative disorder in dogs and cats characterized by an autonomous proliferation of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, with low to normal serum erythropoietin concentration, resulting in elevated red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration. Clinical signs are associated with increased blood volume and viscosity, and may include erythema, hyperemic mucous membranes and neurological signs such as seizures and ataxia. In veterinary medicine, the diagnosis should be made by exclusion of secondary or relative causes, after complementary exams. This report aims to describe a case of primary erythrocytosis in a bitch. Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed bitch was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from UFRGS with 3 convulsive episodes related by the owner. A previous abdominal ultrasonography revealed splenomegaly and the electrocardiogram showed no abnormalities. No alterations were observed at the physical examination. The laboratorial blood tests demonstrated a persistent erythrocytosis, with high hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cells count, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia, and total plasmatic protein within the reference interval. The bone marrow cytology revealed reduced cellularity, normal myeloid: erythroid ratio, erythroid hyperplasia, mild myeloid hyperplasia and moderate myelofibrosis. The serum erythropoietin measurement was within the reference range, and the blood gas analysis detected a slight decrease in partial oxygen pressure. Therefore, no evidence of secondary conditions was observed and the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be made. Discussion: Since there is no definitive method, the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be based on the exclusion of all secondary and relative causes of erythrocytosis. The absence of clinical signs of dehydration and high serum albumin levels were findings that conduced for the exclusion of the relative form of the disturbance. The echocardiography and the abdominal ultrasonography ruled out any cardiopulmonary condition or kidney neoplasm, the most common causes of absolute secondary erythrocytosis. The persistently high hematocrit levels and red blood cell counts are significant for the suspicion of primary erythrocytosis, although thrombocytopenia and neutropenia are not commonly reported. The clinical signs of seizure were correlated with increased blood viscosity and reduced blood flow at the central nervous system. The blood gas analysis discarded the occurrence of systemic hypoxia, and the normal levels of erythropoietin gives higher evidence of the occurrence of an autonomous proliferation of the erythroid precursors within the bone marrow. The bone marrow cytology confirmed erythroid hyperplasia and the reduced cellularity that could be attributed to myelofibrosis. Myelofibrosis was described in humans with polycythemia vera, but there are no reports in veterinary, and this occurrence must be elucidated. An identical mutation in the JAK2 gene was observed in humans with polycythemia vera and dogs with primary erythrocytosis, and occurs in more than 50% of humans with myelofibrosis. Further investigations are necessary for veterinary medicine. In conclusion, the systematic approach of all organic systems and the assessment of complementary exams are necessary for the diagnostic of primary erythrocytosis in dogs. This condition should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any erythrocytosis, considering the guarded prognosis of this hematologic disorder

    Does preappointment gabapentin affect neurological examination findings? a prospective, randomized and blinded study in healthy cats

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a preappointment oral dose of gabapentin on the neurological examination of cats. Methods A prospective, randomized and blinded clinical trial was conducted in 35 client-owned healthy cats. Cats were scheduled for two appointments and randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or a 100 mg gabapentin capsule prior to the second veterinary visit. A neurological examination was performed during each visit, and the results were compared between groups. Normal/abnormal response rates for each test were based on the number of cats that allowed the test to be performed. Results Gabapentin was administered to 17 cats. Gait and postural reactions were significantly affected in the gabapentin group. Comparing the gabapentin with the placebo groups, proprioceptive ataxia was identified in 4/17(23.5%) vs 0/18 cats (P=0.0288); paw placement deficits were seen in 10/11(90.9%) vs 1/4(25%) cats; table tactile placement deficits were identified in 13/17(76.5%) vs 0/18 cats (P<0.0001); hopping deficits were seen in 5/17(29.4%) vs 0/16 cats (P=0.0185); and abnormalities on wheelbarrowing and extensor postural thrust were reported in 5/17(29.4%) vs 0/18 cats (P=0.0129). These results had no correlation with age or dose/kg received. No significant difference was noted in the assessment of level and content of consciousness, posture, cranial nerves and spinal nerves. No significant differences were noted in test compliance or examination duration. Conclusions and relevance Gabapentin significantly altered gait analyses and postural reactions in this group of healthy cats. The administration of gabapentin could lead to false–positive results and, possibly, an incorrect identification of neurological lesions. In contrast, gabapentin did not impair the assessment of cranial nerves and spinal reflexes, which can be assessed in patients receiving the drug

    Primary Erythrocytosis in a Bitch - Clinical and Laboratorial Aspects

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    Background: Primary erythrocytosis is a rare myeloproliferative disorder in dogs and cats characterized by an autonomous proliferation of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, with low to normal serum erythropoietin concentration, resulting in elevated red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration. Clinical signs are associated with increased blood volume and viscosity, and may include erythema, hyperemic mucous membranes and neurological signs such as seizures and ataxia. In veterinary medicine, the diagnosis should be made by exclusion of secondary or relative causes, after complementary exams. This report aims to describe a case of primary erythrocytosis in a bitch. Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed bitch was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UFRGS with 3 convulsive episodes related by the owner. A previous abdominal ultrasonography revealed splenomegaly and the electrocardiogram showed no abnormalities. No alterations were observed at the physical examination. The laboratorial blood tests demonstrated a persistent erythrocytosis, with high hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cells count, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia, and total plasmatic protein was within the reference interval. The bone marrow cytology revealed reduced cellularity, normal myeloid:erythroid ratio, erythroid hyperplasia, mild myeloid hyperplasia and moderate myelofibrosis. The serum erythropoietin measurement was within the reference range, and the blood gas analysis detected a slight decrease in partial oxygen pressure. Therefore, no evidence of secondary conditions was observed and the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be made. Discussion: Since there is no definitive method, the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be based on the exclusion of all secondary and relative causes of erythrocytosis. The absence of clinical signs of dehydration and high serum albumin levels were findings that conduced for the exclusion of the relative form of the disturbance. The echocardiography and the abdominal ultrasonography ruled out any cardiopulmonary condition or kidney neoplasm, the most common causes of absolute secondary erythrocytosis. The persistently high hematocrit levels and red blood cell counts are significant for the suspicion of primary erythrocytosis, although thrombocytopenia and neutropenia are not commonly reported. The clinical signs of seizure were correlated with increased blood viscosity and reduced blood flow at the central nervous system. The blood gas analysis discarded the occurrence of systemic hypoxia, and the normal levels of erythropoietin gives higher evidence of the occurrence of an autonomous proliferation of the erythroid precursors within the bone marrow. The bone marrow cytology confirmed erythroid hyperplasia and the reduced cellularity that could be attributed to myelofibrosis. Myelofibrosis was described in humans with polycythemia vera, but there are no reports in veterinary, and this occurrence must be elucidated. An identical mutation in the JAK2 gene was observed in humans with polycythemia vera and dogs with primary erythrocytosis, and occurs in more than 50% of humans with myelofibrosis. Further investigations are necessary for veterinary medicine. In conclusion, the systematic approach of all organic systems and the assessment of complementary exams are necessary for the diagnostic of primary erythrocytosis in dogs. This condition should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any erythrocytosis, considering the guarded prognosis of this hematologic disorder.   Keywords: myeloproliferative disorders, erythropoietin, myelofibrosi