823 research outputs found

    Can Non-Equilibrium Spin Hall Accumulation be Induced in Ballistic Nanostructures?

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    We demonstrate that flow of longitudinal unpolarized current through a ballistic two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling will induce nonequilibrium spin accumulation which has opposite sign for the two lateral edges and it is, therefore, the principal observable signature of the spin Hall effect in two-probe semiconductor nanostructures. The magnitude of its out-of-plane component is gradually diminished by static disorder, while it can be enhanced by an in-plane transverse magnetic field. Moreover, our prediction of the longitudinal component of the spin Hall accumulation, which is insensitive to the reversal of the bias voltage, offers a smoking gun to differentiate experimentally between the extrinsic, intrinsic, and mesoscopic spin Hall mechanisms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 color EPS figures; published versio

    Modeling of diffusion of injected electron spins in spin-orbit coupled microchannels

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    We report on a theoretical study of spin dynamics of an ensemble of spin-polarized electrons injected in a diffusive microchannel with linear Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. We explore the dependence of the spin-precession and spin-diffusion lengths on the strengths of spin-orbit interaction and external magnetic fields, microchannel width, and orientation. Our results are based on numerical Monte Carlo simulations and on approximate analytical formulas, both treating the spin dynamics quantum-mechanically. We conclude that spin-diffusion lengths comparable or larger than the precession-length occur i) in the vicinity of the persistent spin helix regime for arbitrary channel width, and ii) in channels of similar or smaller width than the precession length, independent of the ratio of Rashba and Dresselhaus fields. For similar strengths of the Rashba and Dresselhaus fields, the steady-state spin-density oscillates or remains constant along the channel for channels parallel to the in-plane diagonal crystal directions. An oscillatory spin-polarization pattern tilted by 45∘^{\circ} with respect to the channel axis is predicted for channels along the main cubic crystal directions. For typical experimental system parameters, magnetic fields of the order of Tesla are required to affect the spin-diffusion and spin-precession lengths.Comment: Replaced with final version (some explanations and figures improved). 8 pages, 6 figure

    Radiation Induced Bullous Pemphigoid: When Radiation Dermatitis Is Not The Answer

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    History: A 78-year old black female with history of invasive ductal carcinoma in the left breast status post lumpectomy and cytotoxic chemotherapy presented with acute onset blistering of the left breast with onset during the 24th cycle of radiation therapy which was diagnosed as radiation dermatitis by her radiation oncologist. New bullae on the left breast continued to arise after cessation of radiation therapy (RT). Within 4 weeks, patient was hospitalized with dysphagia, odynophagia, and oral ulcerations. At 8 weeks, patient developed new tense bullae on extremities and presented to dermatology. Examination: The entirety of the left breast extending onto the left flank had multiple flaccid serosanguinous filled bullae and erosions interspersed by well-demarcated depigmented patches with perifollicular macules of re-pigmentation. Three tense serosanguinous bullae were present on the right medial thigh, right medial lower leg and left calcaneal area. Two linear erythematous erosions with mild fibrinous debris extended from the hard palate down the oropharynx. Nikolsky sign was negative. There was no involvement of ocular or genital mucosa.Course and therapy: Punch biopsy of a bulla on the right medial thigh revealed subepidermal blisters with sparse infiltrate of lymphocytes and eosinophils in the underlying dermis. Direct immunofluorescence revealed 3+ linear IgG and C3 staining at the basement membrane zone. Salt split skin analysis revealed localization of linear IgG and C3 to the epidermal side of the dermal-epidermal junction, confirming the diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid (BP). Patient was treated with oral prednisone taper, high potency topical corticosteroids, and doxycycline 100 mg BID with niacinamide 500 mg BID in order to avoid immunosuppression.Discussion: Radiation dermatitis is a common cutaneous side effect of RT; however, persistent bullous eruption with spreads outside the radiation field requires further workup. BP is a rare complication of RT most often seen in breast cancer patients, but may occur in carcinomas of the lung, vulva, or esophagus. Etiology is unclear but may involve RT altering the basal membrane and expression of a mixture of hemidesmosome phenotypes by malignant breast cells which would serve as an antigen for antibody production inducing BP. The majority of cases occur during or up to 6 months after RT and tend to remain localized to RT-treated areas; rarely is there involvement of the oral mucosa. RT-associated BP appears more indolent than traditional BP and may respond to topical and non-systemic corticosteroid use.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2019caserpt/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Scaly plaques in a malnourished patient

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    New records and new taxa of Permian brachiopods from the Khuff Formation, Midhnab Member, central Saudi Arabia

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    Brachiopods are described for the first time from outcrops of the lower part of the Midhnab Member of the Khuff Formation in central Saudi Arabia. The very rare fauna discovered includes Kotlaia sp. ind. of the order Orthida and Omanilasma husseinii n. gen. n. sp. of the order Terebratulida. Besides this new taxon, another new species Omanilasma desertica n. gen. n. sp. from the Khuff Formation of Interior Oman is here erected. The brachiopods were collected from an open-marine horizon and are associated with nautiloids, bactritids, bivalves, foraminifers, algae, and ostracods. A probable Late Permian age is assigned to the lower part of the Midhnab Member based on foraminifers. The brachiopods are compared to similar faunas from the Middle Permian Khuff Formation of Interior Oman, Amb Formation of Salt Range (Pakistan) and Rat Buri Limestone of Southeast Thailand

    Acquired Acrodermatitis Enteropathica Secondary to Nutritional Deficiency from Alcoholism

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    History A 30-year-old white male with history of alcoholism complicated by cirrhosis who presented to an outside hospital with loss of consciousness after being found down in excrement and urine for an unknown amount of time. Patient’s course was complicated by pancreatitis, urosepsis, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and hepatic encephalopathy. Patient was transferred to Henry Ford Hospital for further management, and dermatology was consulted for a one-year history of pruritic rash on the arms and legs with concern for scabies. Examination: Patient appeared thin and malnourished. He was intubated with 2+ pitting edema to his mid-thighs. On his scalp, lateral neck, right abdomen, bilateral dorsal hands extending onto the dorsal forearms, dorsal feet, bilateral inner thighs and the entirety of his scrotum, the patient had well-demarcated pink plaques with cracked riverbed-appearing scale. There was no involvement of the axillae, interdigital finger or toe web spaces, mons pubis, or umbilicus. Course and therapy: Zinc level was found to be markedly decreased at 35 mcg/dL [normal: 70-150 mcg/dL], confirming a diagnosis of acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE). HIV 4th generation Ag/Ab was found to be nonreactive. Alkaline phosphatase was found to be elevated at 735 IU/L [normal: 44-147 IU/L]. Patient was treated with oral zinc replacement at 1.5 mg/kg/day as well as topical petrolatum as needed. Patient had improvement of his zinc level from 35 mcg/dL to within normal limits at 80 mcg/dL within three weeks. Discussion: Acrodermatitis enteropathica is a condition resulting from zinc deficiency characterized by sharply demarcated, symmetric erythematous patches and plaques with erosions and scale-crust in a peri-oral, genital, and acral distribution. Severe deficiency may be accompanied by alopecia, diarrhea, depression, hypogonadism, and immunosuppression. AE may be inherited as an autosomal recessive gene mutation in SLC39A4 leading to deficiency in an intestinal zinc transporter protein. This process often presents in neonates when weaning from breast milk to formula or in cases of low maternal breast milk zinc concentrations. AE, however, may also be acquired secondary to decreased nutritional intake or increased excretion/malabsorption leading to zinc deficiency. Risk factors for decreased nutritional zinc intake include limited resources, alcoholism, anorexia nervosa, vegan diets, and diets high in mineral-binding phytates. Risk factors for increased excretion include intestinal malabsorption, liver disease, renal disease, Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, and sickle cell disease. Diagnosis is made based on clinical features and serum zinc level \u3c 60 mcg/dL. In our patient, his zinc level was found to be significantly lower at 35 mcg/dL. Typically in AE, given that serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is a zinc-dependent enzyme, a decreased ALP is expected. Our patient’s ALP was found to be elevated, likely secondary to concomitant pancreatitis. Appropriate treatment is with oral zinc replacement at 1-2 mg/kg/day of elemental zinc with cutaneous improvement expected in weeks to months. Extracutaneous improvement often shows within 24 hours of beginning treatment. Our patient was treated with 1.5 mg/kg/day of oral elemental zinc, with improvement in his cutaneous lesions seen within 3 weeks.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2019caserpt/1086/thumbnail.jp

    Spin gating electrical current

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    We use an aluminium single electron transistor with a magnetic gate to directly quantify the chemical potential anisotropy of GaMnAs materials. Uniaxial and cubic contributions to the chemical potential anisotropy are determined from field rotation experiments. In performing magnetic field sweeps we observe additional isotropic magnetic field dependence of the chemical potential which shows a non-monotonic behavior. The observed effects are explained by calculations based on the kâ‹…p\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{p} kinetic exchange model of ferromagnetism in GaMnAs. Our device inverts the conventional approach for constructing spin transistors: instead of spin-transport controlled by ordinary gates we spin-gate ordinary charge transport.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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