497 research outputs found

    Bacterial atmospheric contamination during routine dental activity

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    Routine dental procedures cause atmospheric bacterial contamination in the dental clinic and laboratory. This environmental hazard, quantified by the Air Microbial Index, was shown in our study to be directly related to aerosol creating instruments and ventilation.peer-reviewe

    Bacterial cross-contamination between the dental clinic and laboratory during prosthetic treatment

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    Prosthetic treatment involves various stages in construction. This may result in cross-contamination between the dental clinic and laboratory. According to results obtained from the study, recommendations were made so as to reduce as much as possible cross-contamination, making a safer environment for the dental team and patient.peer-reviewe

    Kif insabet il-kitba u l-alfabet

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    L-awtur jitkellem dwar min sab u meta nstab l-alfabet u mil-liema kitba sillabika ġie mnissel l-alfabet.N/

    Is-semin u l-ilsien tagħhom

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    F’dan l-artiklu, l-awtur jitkellem dwar is-Semin u lsienhom u mil-liema art oriġinaw dawn is-Semin.N/

    Il-Malti u l-Għarbi

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    Wara l-kotba ta’ Gesenius u Stumme u anke ta’ kittieba Maltin, nikkonkludu li l-Malti hu djalett Għarbi bħal dak tal-Afrika ta’ Fuq.N/

    Il-vokali fil-Malti u fl-ilsna Semin l-oħra

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    Jekk wieħed iħares ftit lejn il-vokali fil-Malti u fl-ilsna Semin l-oħrajn, ma jistax ma jiġix milqut xħin jarahom hekk mifrudin u ‘l bogħod minn xulxin. Mill-banda l-oħra, jekk iħares lejn il-konsonanti hu jara li l-Malti jaqbel ħafna mal-ilsna ħutu.N/

    Il-kelma "ta" fl-ilsien Malti

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    L-awtur jitkellem dwar l-etimoloġija tal-kelma “ta.”N/

    L-ilsien Malti

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    L-awtur jitkellem dwar in-nisel tal-ilsien Malti. Jinkludi wkoll xi awturi Maltin u barranin li tkellmu dwar dan is-suġġett.N/

    Validation of community pharmacy : confirming the effectiveness of a pharmacist in a community setting

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    Validation of community pharmacy is a concept we coined to define the process carried out to demonstrate that the services provided by a community pharmacist are needed by the community. One method to undertake such a process was developed. This method involves the use of a series of Validation Tools which are measurement tools with which to monitor the standards of the service provided by a community pharmacist. Five Validation Tools were developed and subsequently the validity and reliability of these tools were tested. The developed Validation Tools were found to be valid and reliable methods which can be confidently used by community pharmacists to confirm the impact of their services on patient care.peer-reviewe