6 research outputs found

    La comunicación entre el paciente oncológico y los profesionales. El cuestionario de comunicación de la EORTC

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    The aims of the present work are to introduce to the field of communication between the cancer patient and the professionals, to remark the positive influence communication may have on the patient, and to present the EORTC communication questionnaire. Communication between patient and professional is a key element in the support that is offered to cancer patients. It is important to consider different professionals communicate with cancer patients. There is a need of research in communication between patients and professionals. Two main models of patient care are presented: Paternalistic and Patient-Centered Cancer Care. Patient-Centered Care includes Patient- Centered Communication - PCC. The relation between communication and other PROs - Quality of Life, Information and Satisfaction with Care - is presented. There are cross-cultural differences in communication that could be related to the model of patient care. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group is developing a questionnaire to assess communication between cancer patient and the professionals. This Communication questionnaire mainly assesses professionals’ behaviors. Cultural aspects have a key role in the development of the EORTC questionnaire. This instrument is based on the Patient- Centered Communication – PCC model. The EORTC QLQ-COMU26 is presented. It includes six scales and four individual items. The three phases of the questionnaire development process are described. At the present moment the EORTC QLQ-COMU26 is being field-tested in a larger international study (phase IV), to ensure it is an appropriate and psychometrically valid instrument.Este trabajo pretende introducir el área de la comunicación entre el paciente oncológico y los profesionales, y destacar el impacto que tiene en el paciente. Además, se presenta el cuestionario de comunicación de la EORTC. La comunicación entre el paciente y los profesionales es uno de los elementos claves del soporte que se ofrece a dichos pacientes. En dicha comunicación participan un rango importante de profesionales. Hay una necesidad de realizar más investigación sobre la comunicación. Se presentan dos modelos principales de atención al paciente: el Paternalista y el de Atención Centrada en el Paciente con cáncer. Este último lleva asociada la Comunicación Centrada en el Paciente - CCP. Se revisa la relación entre comunicación y otros PRO: Calidad de Vida, información, y Satisfacción con los Cuidados. Existen diferencias culturales en comunicación que pueden estar relacionadas con el modelo de atención al paciente. El Grupo de Calidad de Vida de la Organización Europea para la Investigación y Tratamiento del Cáncer-EORTC está desarrollando una escala de comunicación entre el paciente oncológico y los profesionales. La mayoría del contenido de dicho cuestionario se centra en las conductas de los profesionales. Los aspectos culturales tienen un papel fundamental en el desarrollo del instrumento. El cuestionario se basa en el modelo de Comunicación Centrada en el Paciente – CCP. Se presenta el cuestionario EORTC QLQ-COMU26, que consta de seis escalas y cuatro ítems individuales. Se describen las tres primeras fases que se han dado en su creación. En la actualidad su funcionamiento psicométrico se está valorando en un estudio internacional

    Quality of life assessment by applying EORTC questionnaires to rectal cancer patients after surgery and neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment

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    Background: Quality of Life (QoL) is a key element in rectal cancer (RC) patients. Aims: this study assesses QoL in a sample of RC patients in their treatment follow-up period, and compares surgery modalities. Patients and methods: eighty four locally advanced RC patients who had received surgery and neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy were included in the study. Of these, 70 had adjuvant chemotherapy. All patients completed the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the QLQ-CR29 once at least one year after completion of their treatment. Low anterior resection (LAR) patients also completed a Functional Evaluation questionnaire. Results: QoL scores in the EORTC questionnaires for the sample as a whole were high in most dimensions, in line with the general population's QoL values, although moderate limitations (> 30 points) were observed in urinary frequency, flatulence, impotence and sexual function. The scores for the Functional Evaluation were adequate (mean combined bowel function score of 18.2). LAR patients had a higher stool frequency than those with abdominoperineal resection (APR; p < 0.001). No differences in body image were found amongst LAR and APR patients. LAR patients with a lower anastomosis had higher faecal incontinence (p = 0.02), whereas those with a reservoir had better emotional functioning (p = 0.04) and higher faecal incontinence (p = 0.03). Conclusions: QoL scores and functional evaluation indicated patients had adapted to their disease and treatment. The few differences in QoL found between surgery modalities are in line with other recent studies and in contrast with earlier ones that suggested a lower QoL in APR patients

    An evaluation study of the determinants of future perspective and global Quality of Life in Spanish long-term premenopausal early-stage breast cancer survivors

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    Aim of the study : Quality of life (QL) is important in premenopausal long-term breast cancer survivors. In this study we assessed QL and factors associated with future perspective and global QL in premenopausal early-stage long-term breast cancer survivors from Spain. Material and methods : 243 premenopausal stage I-IIIA relapse-free breast cancer patients who had received surgery 5–20 years previously completed EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23 questionnaires once during follow-up. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. Results : QL mean scores were high in most areas (> 80 in functioning; < 20 in symptoms). The main factors for future perspective were emotional and social functioning, fatigue, breast symptom, and body image. The main factors for global QL were fatigue, pain and physical functioning, and emotional and social functioning. The best logistic model to explain future perspective associated high emotional and social functioning and low breast symptoms with a lower risk of low future perspective (R 2 = 0.56). Higher scores in physical and emotional functioning and lower scores in fatigue were associated with a lower risk of low global QL (R 2 = 0.50). Conclusions : Psychological, social, and physical factors were found to be possible determinants of global QL and future perspective. QL in premenopausal early-stage long-term breast cancer survivors may benefit from multidisciplinary treatment