382 research outputs found

    Histopathological changes in testicles and uterus of rats with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this article was to determine the features of pathomorphological changes in testicles and uterus of rats associated with thyroid hormone (TH) levels.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Experimental dysfunction of thyroid gland was induced in rats by daily administration of thyroxin in a dose of 50 μg/100 g (hyperthyroidism) and mercazolil in a dose of 5 μg/100g (hypothyroidism). Thyroid and sex hormone profiles were determined. Microscopy and morphometry of testicles in males and uterus in females were performed. The quantity of spermatids and spermatozoa as well as total number of spermatogenic cells was calculated.RESULTS: Hypothyroidism reduced TH concentrations in female rats and increased sex hormones while hyperthyroidism augmented TH and sex hormone levels. In hypothyroid male rats, a decreased TH and unchanged testosterone levels were found out while in hyperthyroid ones there were increased TH and decreased testosterone levels. There was a gender difference in terms of TH changes in hyperthyroidism, i.e. T3 and T4 elevation was more outlined in male than in female rats. The most significant histopathological changes were established in the uterus of hyperthyroid female rats and presented with signs of an acute vascular insufficiency, inflammation, hypertension and fibrosis. Hypothyroidism exerted a crucial effect on pathomorphological changes in rat testicles consisting in atrophy of spermatogenic epithelium, vascular insufficiency, hypertension and fibrosis as well.CONCLUSION: TH level significantly influences on the pathomorphological changes in the male and female reproductive system.Scripta Scientifica Medica 2013; 45(4): 77-83

    Mechanisms of Geomagnetic Field Influence on Gene Expression Using Influenza as a Model System: Basics of Physical Epidemiology

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    Recent studies demonstrate distinct changes in gene expression in cells exposed to a weak magnetic field (MF). Mechanisms of this phenomenon are not understood yet. We propose that proteins of the Cryptochrome family (CRY) are “epigenetic sensors” of the MF fluctuations, i.e., magnetic field-sensitive part of the epigenetic controlling mechanism. It was shown that CRY represses activity of the major circadian transcriptional complex CLOCK/BMAL1. At the same time, function of CRY, is apparently highly responsive to weak MF because of radical pairs that periodically arise in the functionally active site of CRY and mediate the radical pair mechanism of magnetoreception. It is known that the circadian complex influences function of every organ and tissue, including modulation of both NF-κB- and glucocorticoids- dependent signaling pathways. Thus, MFs and solar cycles-dependent geomagnetic field fluctuations are capable of altering expression of genes related to function of NF-κB, hormones and other biological regulators. Notably, NF-κB, along with its significant role in immune response, also participates in differential regulation of influenza virus RNA synthesis. Presented data suggests that in the case of global application (example—geomagnetic field), MF-mediated regulation may have epidemiological and other consequences

    Biomarkers of platinum resistance in serous ovarian cancer

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    The study was aimed to determine the platinum-resistance biomarkers in patients with ovarian cancer. The expression of ABCA1 is higher in platinum-resistant cases of ovarian cancer. The most pronounced relationship exists between the values of survivin expression, local activity of nitric oxide, the expression of glutathione dependent enzymes, the content of catecholamines in erythrocytes, and the expression of ABCA1 transporte

    Problems of State Programs Forming

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    The article is devoted to consideration of a perspective of state programs forming. The state program is a difficult planned document. The success of aprogram implementation is pledged by forming of its content. In the article based on the analysis of a number of state programs the positive and negative moments of their content are considered

    Cluster of Sports Ecological Tourism

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    The article is devoted sports eco-tourism in the Russian, which includes the active forms of rec-reation and sports trips including pedestrian , water , skiing. Trere are unique natural features for the development of eco-tourism sports in Russia. The initial task of the sports ecological tourism, is that it should be organized. It is not economically profitable to engage in sports eco-tourism for big business, so small business should organize this process. However, there are serious problems in its organization that small businesses do not manage them selves. At the same time, the development of eco-tourism sports is necessary for states of the Russian Federation. Therefore it is necessary to unite small business with states of the Russian Federation in the form of the cluster of sports federations of ecological touris

    Economic Stability and (or) Economic Growth

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    The article is devoted to consideration of two directions of state economic policy — maintaining economic stability and ensuring economic growth. The coronavirus pandemic has divided the world into “before and after”. In the previous period, the financial policy in Russia was based on the principle of macroeconomic stability. It would seem that the macroeconomic stability that has existed for several years has created the basis for economic growth in the country, but it has not been possible to realize the growth potential of the Russian economy. Economic stability is an important criterion for the economy. Only economic stability can be different.The economic stability of the Russian economy in the previous period is the economic stability of stagnation, because the cornerstone of the economic stabilization policy was maintaining a low inflation rate by artificially slowing down demand. N ow this economic stability of stagnation was overturned by the coronavirus epidemic due to a decrease in budget revenues and an increase in budget spending, which results in the threat of inflation.The purpose of the article is to substantiate the necessity and possibility of transition to a new form of economic stability — economic growth stabilit

    Резекційні методи лікування хворих з гастродуоденальними виразками, ускладненими кровотечею

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    Проведено аналіз результатів операційного лікування 399 пацієнтів із приводу виразкових гастродуоденальнихкровотеч (ВГДК), резекційні методи використовували у 108 пацієнтів (27,07 %), з них резекцію шлунка заБільрот-I – у 52 хворих (13,03 %), резекцію шлунка за Більрот-II зі шлунковою локалізацією виразки – у 36пацієнтів (9,02 %), гастректомію – у 2 хворих (0,5 %), резекцію шлунка за Більрот-II при дуоденальній локалізаціїкровоточивої виразки – у 18 пацієнтів (4,51 %)

    On a Question of National Projects Implementation

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    The article is devoted to the consideration of national projects developed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 No. 204 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”. The article discusses the development prospects and problems of the implementation of national projects

    Laparoscopic myomectomy for treatment of leiomyoma of uterus

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    Catedra de obstetrică şi ginecologie nr.1, Universitatea Națională de Medicină, Odessa, Ucraina, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Apariția şi dezvoltarea leiomiomului uterin de tip proliferativ depinde de fundalul premorbid. Sindromul uterului operat se manifestă clinic prin dureri pelviene, disconfort la urinare şi defecație. Utilizarea miomectomiei laparoscopice reduce riscul acestor complicații. Scopul: Studierea caracteristicilor perioadei postoperatorii la femeile supuse miomectomiei conservative deschise şi laparoscopice. Material şi metode: Studiul a inclus 50 femei de vîrstă reproductivă cu leiomiom uterin tip proliferativ şi alele polimorfe de tip II colagen alfa I (COL2AI) care au suportat miomectomie conservativă. Grupul de control a fost constituit din 19 femei supuse miomectomiei conservative prin laparotomie Pfannenstiel, grupul de studiu – 31 femei la care miomectomia conservativă a fost efectuată laparoscopic. Rezultate: S-a constatat că durerile pelviene, disconfortul la urinare şi defecație au fost observate la 35,5% femei din grupul de studiu şi la 68,4% - din grupul de control. Metroragia, menoragia, tuberculoza a fost notată în 89,4%, 68,4%, 57,9% la pacientele din grupul de control, respectiv, şi la 45,2%, 29,0%, 25,8% - din grupul de studiu. Boli inflamatorii ale organelor pelviene: salpingită, colpită, cervicită sunt identificate în 94,7%, 52,6% și 47,4% dintre pacientele din grupul de control, respectiv, şi în 32,3%, 22,6% și 22,6% - în grupul de studiu. Hiperplazia endometrială glandulară în perioada postoperatorie a apărut la 47,4% femei din grupul de control şi la 16,1% - în grupul de studiu. Concluzie: Determinarea variațiilor alelelor genelor de colagen justifică stabilizarea metabolismului țesutului conjunctiv. Perioada postoperatorie mai favorabilă notată la femeile cu tipul polimorf al aleleor II colagen alfa I, după miomectomie conservativă laparoscopică, mărturiseşte despre avantajul acesteia.Introduction: The emergence and development of uterine leiomyoma proliferative type depends on the premorbid background. Developing syndrome of operated uterus clinically manifested by pelvic pain, discomfort at urinating and defecation. The use of laparoscopic myomectomy reduces the risk of these complications. The aim: A study of the clinical features of postoperative period in women undergoing open and laparoscopic conservative myomectomy. Material and methods: The study involved 50 women of reproductive age with diagnosed uterine leiomyoma proliferative type and polymorphic alleles type II collagen alpha I (COL2AI) who underwent conservative myomectomy. The control group consisted of 19 women who had conservative myomectomy performed by Pfannenstiel laparotomy, main group – 31 women in whom conservative myomectomy performed laparoscopically. Results: It was found that pelvic pain, discomfort at urinating, defication was observed in 35.5% women of the main group and in 68.4% women in the control group. Metrorrhagia, menorrhagia, tuberculosis was characterized in 89.4%, 68.4%, 57.9% of patients in the control group, respectively, and in 45.2%, 29.0%, 25.8% - in the main. Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs: salpingitis, colpitis, cervicitis identified in 94.7%, 52.6%, 47.4% of patients in the control group, respectively, and 32.3%, 22.6%, 22.6% - in main group. Glandular endometrial hyperplasia in the postoperative period occurred in 47.4% of cases in the control group and 16.1% in the main. Conclusion: Identify options for alleles of genes of collagen justifies conducting stabilization connective tissue metabolism. More favorable postoperative period in women with polymorphic alleles type II collagen alpha I, underwent laparoscopic myomectomy conservative, testifies to its advantage

    Topical Issues of the Financial Policy of Modern Russia

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    The article is devoted to consideration of two directions of investing the Russian economy. The first direction is the growth of monetization of the economy due to targeted credit emission for priority investment projects implemented in the form of concessions. The second direction lies in the sphere of budgetary policy. The article considers possible additional sources of budget revenue and proposes proposals for reducing budget expenditures