988 research outputs found

    Effect of Additives on Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Setting Reaction Product Formation

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    Introduction Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) sets via hydration of calcium silicates to yield calcium silicate hydrates and calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2). However, a drawback of MTA is its long setting time. Therefore, many additives have been suggested to reduce the setting time. The effect those additives have on setting reaction product formation has been ignored. The objective was to examine the effect additives have on MTA\u27s setting time and setting reaction using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Methods MTA powder was prepared with distilled water (control), phosphate buffered saline, 5% calcium chloride (CaCl2), 3% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), or lidocaine in a 3:1 mixture and placed in crucibles for DSC evaluation. The setting exothermic reactions were evaluated at 37°C for 8 hours to determine the setting time. Separate samples were stored and evaluated using dynamic DSC scans (37°C→640°C at10°C/min) at 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months (n = 9/group/time). Dynamic DSC quantifies the reaction product formed from the amount of heat required to decompose it. Thermographic peaks were integrated to determine enthalpy, which was analyzed with analysis of variance/Tukey test (α = 0.05). Results Isothermal DSC identified 2 main exothermal peaks occurring at 44 ± 12 and 343 ± 57 minutes for the control. Only the CaCl2 additive was an accelerant, which was observed by a greater exothermic peak at 101 ± 11 minutes, indicating a decreased setting time. The dynamic DSC scans produced an endothermic peak around 450°C–550°C attributed to Ca(OH)2 decomposition. The use of a few additives (NaOCl and lidocaine) resulted in significantly less Ca(OH)2 product formation. Conclusions DSC was used to discriminate calcium hydroxide formation in MTA mixed with various additives and showed NaOCl and lidocaine are detrimental to MTA reaction product formation, whereas CaCl2 accelerated the reaction

    Magnetically-induced electric polarization in an organo-metallic magnet

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    The coupling between magnetic order and ferroelectricity has been under intense investigation in a wide range of transition-metal oxides. The strongest coupling is obtained in so-called magnetically-induced multiferroics where ferroelectricity arises directly from magnetic order that breaks inversion symmetry. However, it has been difficult to find non-oxide based materials in which these effects occur. Here we present a study of copper dimethyl sulfoxide dichloride (CDC), an organo-metallic quantum magnet containing S=1/2S = 1/2 Cu spins, in which electric polarization arises from non-collinear magnetic order. We show that the electric polarization can be switched in a stunning hysteretic fashion. Because the magnetic order in CDC is mediated by large organic molecules, our study shows that magnetoelectric interactions can exist in this important class of materials, opening the road to designing magnetoelectrics and multiferroics using large molecules as building blocks. Further, we demonstrate that CDC undergoes a magnetoelectric quantum phase transition where both ferroelectric and magnetic order emerge simultaneously as a function of magnetic field at very low temperatures

    Titanium Nitride and Nitrogen Ion Implanted Coated Dental Materials

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    Titanium nitride and/or nitrogen ion implanted coated dental materials have been investigated since the mid-1980s and considered in various applications in dentistry such as implants, abutments, orthodontic wires, endodontic files, periodontal/oral hygiene instruments, and casting alloys for fixed restorations. Multiple methodologies have been employed to create the coatings, but detailed structural analysis of the coatings is generally lacking in the dental literature. Depending on application, the purpose of the coating is to provide increased surface hardness, abrasion/wear resistance, esthetics, and corrosion resistance, lower friction, as well as greater beneficial interaction with adjacent biological and material substrates. While many studies have reported on the achievement of these properties, a consensus is not always clear. Additionally, few studies have been conducted to assess the efficacy of the coatings in a clinical setting. Overall, titanium nitride and/or nitrogen ion implanted coated dental materials potentially offer advantages over uncoated counterparts, but more investigation is needed to document the structure of the coatings and their clinical effectiveness

    Die Transformation in der ehemaligen DDR und die soziologische Theorie der Modernisierung

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    Im ersten Teil dieser Vorlesung wird die Entwicklung der objektiven und der subjektiven Wohlfahrt der Bevölkerung in der ehemaligen DDR seit 1990 anhand von Umfragedaten rekonstruiert. Eine klare Verbesserung der Einkommenssituation geht einher mit einer klaren Verschlechterung der Stimmung, d.h. mit zunehmenden Unzufriedenheiten, Sorgen und Ängsten (I). Bei den Erklärungen für diese Konstellation wird im zweiten Teil vor allem auf ostdeutsche Autoren selbst zurückgegriffen. Sie heben den Zusammenbruch gewohnter Lebensweisen sowie die paradoxen Effekte einer "nachholenden Abstandnahme" sowie einer "von oben" eingeführten Liberalisierung hervor, die im Augenblick die positiven Möglichkeiten der neuen Freiheiten noch eindämmen (II). Im dritten Teil werden die Transitionsprobleme als ein besonderer Fall von Modernisierungsproblemen behandelt. Die gegenwärtige theoretische Diskussion um Modernisierung und Moderne wird rekapituliert (III). Abschließend folgen einige Beobachtungen über die Rückwirkungen der Transition in Deutschland auf die alte Bundesrepublik (IV).The first part of this lecture reconstructs, by help of survey data, the development of objective welfare and subjective welfare of the population of the former GDR (East Germany) since 1990. It can be observed how a definite improvement of incomes concurs with a clear deterioration of the public mood, expressed in dissatisfaction, sorrows and fears (I). In explaining this constellation we draw mostly upon East German authors and their analyses. They demonstrate the breakdown of established ways of life and the paradoxical effects of a "belated distance towards the West" and resistance towards a "liberalization by orders". These features, at present, restrict the positive potentials of the new freedom (II). In the third part transition problems are discussed as a special case of modernization problems. The current theoretical debate on modernization is recapitulated (III). In conclusion, some observations about repercussions of the German transition for the former Federal Republic (West Germany) are noted (IV)

    Electronic Scattering Effects in Europium-Based Iron Pnictides

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    In a comprehensive study, we investigate the electronic scattering effects in EuFe2_{2}(As1−x_{1-x}Px_{x})2_{2} by using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. In spite of the fact that Eu2+^{2+} local moments order around TEu≈20T_\text{Eu} \approx 20\,K, the overall optical response is strikingly similar to the one of the well-known Ba-122 pnictides. The main difference lies within the suppression of the lower spin-density-wave gap feature. By analysing our spectra with a multi-component model, we find that the high-energy feature around 0.7\,eV -- often associated with Hund's rule coupling -- is highly sensitive to the spin-density-wave ordering, this further confirms its direct relationship to the dynamics of itinerant carriers. The same model is also used to investigate the in-plane anisotropy of magnetically detwinned EuFe2_{2}As2_{2} in the antiferromagnetically ordered state, yielding a higher Drude weight and lower scattering rate along the crystallographic aa-axis. Finally, we analyse the development of the room temperature spectra with isovalent phosphor substitution and highlight changes in the scattering rate of hole-like carriers induced by a Lifshitz transition

    Persistent detwinning of iron pnictides by small magnetic fields

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    Our comprehensive study on EuFe2_2As2_2 reveals a dramatic reduction of magnetic detwinning fields compared to other AFe2_2As2_2 (A = Ba, Sr, Ca) iron pnictides by indirect magneto-elastic coupling of the Eu2+^{2+} ions. We find that only 0.1T are sufficient for persistent detwinning below the local Eu2+^{2+} ordering; above TEuT_\text{Eu} = 19K, higher fields are necessary. Even after the field is switched off, a significant imbalance of twin domains remains constant up to the structural and electronic phase transition (190K). This persistent detwinning provides the unique possibility to study the low temperature electronic in-plane anisotropy of iron pnictides without applying any symmetrybreaking external force.Comment: accepted by Physical Review Letter
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