1,295 research outputs found

    A haptic-enabled multimodal interface for the planning of hip arthroplasty

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    Multimodal environments help fuse a diverse range of sensory modalities, which is particularly important when integrating the complex data involved in surgical preoperative planning. The authors apply a multimodal interface for preoperative planning of hip arthroplasty with a user interface that integrates immersive stereo displays and haptic modalities. This article overviews this multimodal application framework and discusses the benefits of incorporating the haptic modality in this area

    Universal power law in the orientational relaxation in thermotropic liquid crystals

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    We observe a surprisingly general power law decay at short to intermediate times in orientational relaxation in a variety of model systems (both calamitic and discotic, and also discrete) for thermotropic liquid crystals. As all these systems transit across the isotropic-nematic phase boundary, two power law relaxation regimes, separated by a plateau, emerge giving rise to a step-like feature (well-known in glassy liquids) in the single-particle second-rank orientational time correlation function. In contrast to its probable dynamical origin in supercooled liquids, we show that the power law here can originate from the thermodynamic fluctuations of the orientational order parameter, driven by the rapid growth in the second-rank orientational correlation length.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    How glassy are orientational dynamics of rodlike molecules near the isotropic-nematic transition?

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    In an attempt to quantitatively characterize the recently observed slow dynamics in the isotropic and nematic phase of liquid crystals, we investigate the single-particle orientational dynamics of rodlike molecules across the isotropic-nematic transition in computer simulations of a family of model systems of thermotropic liquid crystals. Several remarkable features of glassy dynamics are on display including non-exponential relaxation, dynamical heterogeneity, and non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the orientational relaxation time. In order to obtain a quantitative measure of glassy dynamics in line with the estbalished methods in supercooled liquids, we construct a relaxation time versus scaled inverse temperature plot, and demonstrate that one can indeed define a 'fragility index' for thermotropic liquid crystals, that depends on density and aspect ratio. The values of the fragility parameter are surprisingly in the range one observed for glass forming liquids. A plausible correlation between the energy landscape features and the observed fragility is discussed.Comment: 7 figures and 8 page

    TRIS II: search for CMB spectral distortions at 0.60, 0.82 and 2.5 GHz

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    With the TRIS experiment we have performed absolute measurements of the sky brightness in a sky circle at δ=+42\delta = +42^{\circ} at the frequencies ν=\nu = 0.60, 0.82 and 2.5 GHz. In this paper we discuss the techniques used to separate the different contributions to the sky emission and give an evaluation of the absolute temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background. For the black-body temperature of the CMB we get: Tcmbth=(2.837±0.129±0.066)KT_{cmb}^{th}=(2.837 \pm 0.129 \pm 0.066)K at ν=0.60\nu=0.60 GHz; Tcmbth=(2.803±0.0510.300+0.430)KT_{cmb}^{th}=(2.803 \pm 0.051 ^{+0.430} _{-0.300})K at ν=0.82\nu=0.82 GHz; Tcmbth=(2.516±0.139±0.284)KT_{cmb}^{th}=(2.516 \pm 0.139 \pm 0.284)K at ν=2.5\nu=2.5 GHz. The first error bar is statistic (1σ\sigma) while the second one is systematic. These results represent a significant improvement with respect to the previous measurements. We have also set new limits to the free-free distortions, 6.3×106<Yff<12.6×106 -6.3 \times 10^{-6} < Y_{ff} < 12.6 \times 10^{-6}, and slightly improved the Bose-Einstein upper limit, μ<6×105|\mu| < 6 \times 10^{-5}, both at 95% confidence level.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Does exist a correlation between endometriosis and thrombophilic disorders? A pilot study

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    OBJECTIVE: At present, there is growing evidence of the existence of a genetic predisposition in both thrombophilic disorders and endometriosis. The aim of our study was to evaluate for the first time the prevalence of some thrombophilic disorders in patients with endometriosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study on 138 patients with endometriosis and 278 healthy control women. All women were subjected to a blood examination testing for thrombophilic screening and the variables examinated were: hyperhomocysteinemia, factor V Leiden and factor II prothrombin G20210A mutations in heterozygosis and homozigosis. RESULTS: A significant reduced prevalence (p < 0.05) of factor V Leiden mutation in endometriosis patients was found, whereas no significant differences (p = NS) for factor II and hyperhomocysteinemia were observed. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary data do not show any association between thrombophilic condition and endometriosis. Before assuming hormonal therapies, a thrombophilic plasmatic screening seems to be unnecessary in patients affected by endometriosis

    Seaweed supplementation failed to affect fecal microbiota and metabolome as well as fecal iga and apparent nutrient digestibility in adult dogs

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    The present study investigated in dogs the dietary effects of intact seaweeds on some fecal bacterial populations and metabolites, fecal IgA and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD). Ten healthy adult dogs were enrolled in a 5 × 5 replicated Latin square design to evaluate five dietary treatments: control diet (CD); CD + Ascophyllum nodosum; CD + Undaria pinnatifida; CD + Saccharina japonica; CD + Palmaria palmata (n replicates per treatment = 10). Seaweeds were added to food at a daily dose of 15 g/kg. The CD contained silica as a digestion marker. Each feeding period lasted 28 d, with a 7 d wash-out in between. Feces were collected at days 21 and 28 of each period for chemical and microbiological analyses. Fecal samples were collected during the last five days of each period for ATTD assessment. Dogs showed good health conditions throughout the study. The fecal chemical parameters, fecal IgA and nutrient ATTD were not influenced by algal supplementation. Similarly, microbiological analyses did not reveal any effect by seaweed ingestion. In conclusion, algal supplementation at a dose of 15 g/kg of diet failed to exert noticeable effects on the canine fecal parameters evaluated in the present study

    Orientational order parameters of a de Vries–type ferroelectric liquid crystal obtained by polarized Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction

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    The orientational order parameters 〈P2〉 and 〈P4〉 of the ferroelectric, de Vries–type liquid crystal 9HL have been determined in the SmA* and SmC* phases by means of polarized Raman spectroscopy, and in the SmA* phase using x-ray diffraction. Quantum density functional theory predicts Raman spectra for 9HL that are in good agreement with the observations and indicates that the strong Raman band probed in the experiment corresponds to the uniaxial, coupled vibration of the three phenyl rings along the molecular long axis. The magnitudes of the orientational order parameters obtained in the Raman and x-ray experiments differ dramatically from each other, a discrepancy that is resolved by considering that the two techniques probe the orientational distributions of different molecular axes. We have developed a systematic procedure in which we calculate the angle between these axes and rescale the orientational order parameters obtained from x-ray scattering with results that are then in good agreement with the Raman data. At least in the case of 9HL, the results obtained by both techniques support a “sugar loaf” orientational distribution in the SmA* phase with no qualitative difference to conventional smectics A. The role of individual molecular fragments in promoting de Vries–type behavior is considered

    Critical fluctuations and random-anisotropy glass transition in nematic elastomers

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    We carry out a detailed deuterium NMR study of local nematic ordering in polydomain nematic elastomers. This system has a close analogy to the random-anisotropy spin glass. We find that, in spite of the quadrupolar nematic symmetry in 3-dimensions requiring a first-order transition, the order parameter in the quenched ``nematic glass'' emerges via a continuous phase transition. In addition, by a careful analysis of the NMR line shape, we deduce that the local director fluctuations grow in a critical manner around the transition point. This could be the experimental evidence for the Aizenman-Wehr theorem about the quenched impurities changing the order of discontinuous transition

    Efficient analysis of highly complex nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of flexible solutes in ordered liquids by using molecular dynamics

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    The NMR spectra of n-pentane as solute in the liquid crystal 5CB are measured at several temperatures in the nematic phase. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of this system are carried out to predict the dipolar couplings of the orientationally ordered pentane, and the spectra predicted from these simulations are compared with the NMR experimental ones. The simulation predictions provide an excellent starting point for analysis of the experimental NMR spectra using the covariance matrix adaptation evolutionary strategy. This shows both the power of atomistic simulations for aiding spectral analysis and the success of atomistic molecular dynamics in modeling these anisotropic systems. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4705271

    An iterative destriping technique for diffuse background polarization data

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    We describe a simple but effective iterative procedure specifically designed to destripe Q and U Stokes parameter data as those collected by the SPOrt experiment onboard the International Space Station (ISS). The method is general enough to be useful for other experiments, both in polarization and total intensity. The only requirement for the algorithm to work properly is that the receiver knee frequency must be lower than the signal modulation frequency, corresponding in our case to the ISS orbit period. Detailed performances of the technique are presented in the context of the SPOrt experiment, both in terms of added rms noise and residual correlated noise.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&A (8 pages, 6 figures