157 research outputs found


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    The Longarini and Cuba lagoons are the largest westlands in a system of lagoons located inland of the Ambra Coast in southeastern Sicily.A reconstruction of their evolution througt a comparative study of textural, compositional and faunal data, showed facies of a lagoonal system influenced differently and in varying degrees by rivers and sea. The oldest layers are made of lagoonal pelitic sediments containing faunal assemblages (mixed biocenoses) referable to the zonal classification of the paralic environment proposed by Guelorget & Perthuisot (1983). In the more recent layers an environmental change is recorded,showing an increase in lagoonal characteristics and a decrease in "mixed" biocenoses, due to a greater input of solid materials from the adjacent hydrographic basin. &nbsp

    Persistent intraepithelial lymphocytosis in celiac patients adhering to gluten-free diet is not abolished despite a gluten contamination elimination diet

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    The gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only validated treatment for celiac disease (CD), but despite strict adherence, complete mucosal recovery is rarely obtained. The aim of our study was to assess whether complete restitutio ad integrum could be achieved by adopting a restrictive diet (Gluten Contamination Elimination Diet, GCED) or may depend on time of exposure to GFD. Two cohorts of CD patients, with persisting Marsh II/Grade A lesion at duodenal biopsy after 12–18 months of GFD (early control) were identified. Patients in Cohort A were re-biopsied after a three-month GCED (GCED control) and patients in Cohort B were re-biopsied after a minimum of two years on a standard GFD subsequent to early control (late control). Ten patients in Cohort A and 19 in Cohort B completed the study protocol. There was no change in the classification of duodenal biopsies in both cohorts. The number of intraepithelial lymphocytes, TCR + (T-Cell Receptor gamma delta) T cell and eosinophils significantly decreased at GCED control (Cohort A) and at late control (Cohort B), compared to early control. Duodenal intraepithelial lymphocytosis persisting in CD patients during GFD is not eliminated by a GCED and is independent of the length of GFD. [NCT 02711696

    The Bodily Illusion in Adverse Conditions: Virtual Arm Ownership During Visuomotor Mismatch

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    Classically, body ownership illusions are triggered by cross-modal synchronous stimulations, and hampered by multisensory inconsistencies. Nonetheless, the boundaries of such illusions have been proven to be highly plastic. In this immersive virtual reality study, we explored whether it is possible to induce a sense of body ownership over a virtual body part during visuomotor inconsistencies, with or without the aid of concomitant visuo-tactile stimulations. From a first-person perspective, participants watched a virtual tube moving or an avatar’s arm moving, with or without concomitant synchronous visuo-tactile stimulations on their hand. Three different virtual arm/tube speeds were also investigated, while all participants kept their real arms still. The subjective reports show that synchronous visuo-tactile stimulations effectively counteract the effect of visuomotor inconsistencies, but at slow arm movements, a feeling of body ownership might be successfully induced even without concomitant multisensory correspondences. Possible therapeutical implications of these findings are discussed

    Pain During Illusory Own Arm Movement: A Study in Immersive Virtual Reality

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    Previous studies have demonstrated that the vision of one’s own body, or of external embodied limbs, can lead to pain relieving outcomes. Analgesic effects have also been related to the vision of illusory limb movements. Nonetheless, whether these two processes can be put together to obtain a summatory analgesic effect is not yet clear. The aim of this work was to investigate if it is possible to combine the analgesic effects of looking at one’s own body with those deriving from the illusion that one’s own limb is moving. Thirty-eight healthy participants underwent four visual conditions in immersive virtual reality while their heat pain thresholds were measured. In different conditions the subject watched from a first-person perspective: i) a still virtual arm, ii) a moving virtual arm, iii) a still non-corporeal object, and iv) a moving non-corporeal object. All participants were asked to keep their arms completely still during the visual exposures. After each condition, participants answered questions about their illusory experience. Our results show that the vision of the ‘own’ body significantly increased participants’ pain threshold as compared to the vision of the non-corporeal object. However, no statistically significant analgesic effect of vision of the virtual arm movement was found. The implications and limitations of this study are discussed

    Addicts with chronic hepatitis C: Difficult to reach, manage or treat?

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    AIM: To assess the acceptance, safety and efficacy of care and treatment for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in drug addicts. METHODS: We designed a multidisciplinary, phase IV prospective cohort study. All illicit drug users (IDUs) visited a Territorial Addiction Service (SerT) in the District of Brescia, and hepatitis C antibody (HCVAb) testing positive were offered as part of a standardised hepatologic visit in our Gastroenterology Unit. Patients with confirmed CHC and without medical contraindications were administered peginterferon alfa-2b 1.5 μg/kg per week plus ribavirin (800-1400 mg/d) for 16-48 wk. All IDUs were unselected because of ongoing addiction and read and signed an informed consent form. Virologic responses at weeks 4 and 12 of therapy, at the end of treatment and 24 wk after the end of treatment were the main measures of efficacy. Adherence was estimated according to the 80/80/80 criteria. RESULTS: From November 2007 to December 2009, 162 HCVAb+ IDUs were identified. Sixty-seven patients (41% of the initial cohort) completed the diagnostic procedure, and CHC was diagnosed in 54 (33% of the total). Forty-nine patients were offered therapy, and 39 agreed (80% of acceptance rate). The prevalent HCV genotype was type 1, and the HCV RNA baseline level was over 5.6 log/mL in 61% of cases. Five patients dropped out, two because of severe adverse events (SAEs) and three without medical need. Twenty-three and 14 patients achieved end of treatment responses (ETRs; 59%) and sustained virologic responses (SVRs; 36%), respectively. Thirty-one patients were fully compliant with the study protocol (80% adherence). The prevalence of host and viral characteristics negatively affecting the treatment response was high: age over 40 years (54%), male gender (85%), overweight body type (36%), previous unsuccessful antiviral therapy (21%), HCV genotype and viral load (60% and 62%, respectively), earlier contact with HBV (40%) and steatosis and fibrosis (44% and 17%, respectively). In a univariate analysis, alcohol intake was associated with a non-response (P = 0.0018, 95%CI: 0.0058-0.4565). CONCLUSION: Drug addicts with CHC can be successfully treated in a multidisciplinary setting using standard antiviral combination therapy, despite several "difficult to reach, manage and treat" characteristics

    Gestão do Capital Intelectual pelo Método de Importância e Desempenho no Instituto Federal do Paraná

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    A Gestão do capital intelectual é destaque na esfera privada e pública. Diante de tal importância, este artigo visa identificar oportunidades de melhorias na gestão do capital intelectual junto às Diretorias de Planejamento e Administração dos Campi do Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR), por meio da técnica da matriz de importância e desempenho, desenvolvida por Martilla e James (1977). Os instrumentos e procedimentos presentes neste artigo têm como contribuição empírica e social a possibilidade de subsidiar o desenvolvimento de programas de identificação de oportunidades de melhorias na gestão do capital intelectual em instituições públicas. Para tanto discorreu-se sobre o capital intelectual no setor público. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa dos dados, aplicado junto aos diretores de planejamento e administração dos primeiros 14 Campi implantados no IFPR. A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante a aplicação do instrumento de pesquisa adaptado de Bossi (2003), o qual contemplou 27 atributos, agrupados em cinco categorias de capital intelectual no setor público: capital humano, organização interna, relações externas, qualidade e transparência. Os resultados evidenciaram em quais atributos e categorias a diretoria apresenta desempenho satisfatório, devendo manter os esforços na manutenção do trabalho que vem desenvolvendo e em quais deve concentrar seus esforços em ações de melhorias visando a suprir suas deficiências

    Taste Alterations Do Not Affect Change in Food Habits and Body Weight in Breast Cancer Patients

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    Background/Aim: Chemotherapy-induced taste alterations (TAs) affect approximately 53-84% of breast cancer patients with significant consequences on flavor perception, possibly leading to food aversion and changes in daily dietary habits. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between TAs and changes in food habits and body weight among early breast cancer (EBC) patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients and Methods: TAs were prospectively evaluated in 182 EBC patients from April 2014 to June 2018. TAs, dietary habits, and body weight were collected by a trained dietician. TAs were classified into different subtypes according to the following basic taste perception: metallic, sweet, bitter, salty, sour, and umami taste. Results: During adjuvant chemotherapy, a significant reduction in the consumption of bread, breadsticks, red meat, fat salami, snacks, added sugar, milk, and alcoholic beverages was observed, regardless of TAs onset. No correlation between these dietary changes and different TAs subtypes was found. Body weight remained stable in most EBC patients (71.4%) and was not influenced by TAs onset and by different TAs subtypes. Conclusion: EBC patients change their dietary habits during adjuvant chemotherapy, mostly following the World Cancer Research Fund recommendations, irrespective of TAs onset and without affecting body weight

    Mediterranean-Oriented Dietary Intervention Is Effective to Reduce Liver Steatosis in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Results from an Italian Clinical Trial

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disease in western countries. Lifestyle interventions are recommended as the primary therapy for NAFLD. Methodology. In this clinical trial, NAFLD patients were enrolled in a 12-month dietary intervention aimed to improve their eating habits according to the Mediterranean pattern, with scheduled appointments every three months. After the exclusion of steatosis, healthy subjects were recruited and received general advice based on current Italian food-based dietary guidelines. Results. One hundred and 8fty 8ve subjects aged 20–59 years underwent (i) liver ultrasound (US), (ii) clinical and anthropometric evaluations, (iii) blood tests, and (iv) assessment of dietary habits. According to US evaluation, 73 of them had severe, moderate, or mild liver steatosis (NAFLD patients) and 82 had no liver steatosis (healthy controls). Fifty-eight NAFLD patients and 73 controls completed the study. Among NAFLD patients, 26 (45%) downgraded steatosis severity, 12 of which achieved complete steatosis regression (21%). *ree of the healthy controls developed NAFLD. *e NAFLD patients improved their dietary habits and reduced BMI and waist circumference, during the study period, more than healthy controls. Liver steatosis remission/regression was independent of changes in BMI or liver enzymes and was more frequent among patients with mild steatosis at baseline. Conclusions. Mediterranean dietary advices, without a personalised meal planning, were eCcient in reducing/remitting NAFLD, especially among patients with mild disease, which argues in favour of early identi8cation and lifestyle intervention. *is trial is registered with NCT03300661

    Towards a circular project, between architecture and exhibition design. Digital platforms for reuse practices

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    Sustainable development and digital transition find wide space in the debate around design disciplines that take up the theme at different paces. While architectural and urban design research has long been working towards innovating design and construction paradigms in a sustainable and circular sense, exhibition design has slowly integrated these aspects into its creation and management structures. From this perspective, the digital transition represents an excellent opportunity to develop integrated systems for circular production chains. The text explores the state of arts in architecture and exhibition design, identifying innovation trajectories within cases of emblematic collaborative platforms, and highlighting their limitations and mutual lessons learned
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