46 research outputs found

    Handbook for in-service teacher training

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    This Handbook for in-service teacher training is one of the outcomes of the EHISTO (European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education) project. It is intended for use by teacher instructors in both the University context and local institutions during in-service teacher training. The handbook is made up of two parts: - Part 1 introduces the reader to the main project outcomes both in terms of methodological approach to the development of intercultural and media-critical competencies among pupils, and in terms of didactical strategies and materials to be used in Secondary School History classrooms. - Part 2 proposes the design of a course devoted to Secondary School in-service teachers, with the aim of providing participants with both a framework, as well as suggestions for practical use of the learning material in the EHISTO Learning Objects (LOs).This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Valorizing Intercultural Teaching and Learning

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    [ES] A pesar del interés por la interculturalidad como una prioridad en la Unión Europea, el desarrollo de las competencias interculturales las y habilidades en los procesos de aprendizaje para toda la vida aún no se ha logrado. De acuerdo con un estudio de ERICarts, para avanzar hacia una estrategia para el diálogo intercultural, los principales cambios de paradigma todavían están por desarrollarse. Especialmente en el campo de la educación, es necesario pasar de los cánones tradicionales para abrir procesos de interacción creativa y construir puentes interculturales mediante el desarrollo de habilidades y competencias a través de programas educativos y canales tecnológicos relacionados con los medios sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y valorizar las mejores prácticas de los dos proyectos del Programa LifeLongLearning de la Unión Europea (MIH y EHISTO) que se centraron en el desarrollo de habilidades y competencias en la educación intercultural. El equipo involucrado en este trabajo tiene el propósito de desarrollar una red autosostenible, en torno a un ecosistema tecnológico que apoye el fomento de la innovación metodológica, el conocimiento abierto y el intercambio de experiencias y buenas prácticas, tanto en el contexto del aula como en el de las políticas educativas, así como hasta tres iteraciones de un programa de aprendizaje intercultural, como parte de una estrategia de promoción del aprendizaje intercultural en la educación. Esto también incluye el diálogo político, encaminado a elevar el interés de las autoridades educativas y la promoción de su participación.[EN] Despite the interest of interculturality as a priority in the EU, the development of intercultural competences and skills on lifelong learning processes has yet to be achieved. According to an ERICarts study, to move towards a strategy for intercultural dialogue, main changes of paradigm still need to take place. Particularly in the field of education, it is necessary to move from traditional canons to open processes of creative interaction and build bridges by developing intercultural skills and competences through educational and media programmes. The aim of this paper is to identify and valorize the best practices of two LLP projects (MIH and EHISTO) that focused on the development of intercultural skills and competencies in education. The team involved in this paper will implement a self sustainable network, centred around a technological ecosystem that will support the promotion of methodological innovation, open knowledge and sharing of experiences and good practices, both in classroom and policy contexts, as so as three iterations of an intercultural learning programme, as part of a strategy of promoting intercultural learning in education. This will also include policy dialogues, aimed at raising the interest of educational authorities and promoting their involvement

    Delphi study to identify the young people priorities about digital society

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    !is paper aims to present an advance of the results of the application of the Delphi technique, with the aim of gathering the opinion of experts or stakeholders on the topics of priority interest of young people in Europe, especially on the digital society. It is a work framed within the Horizon 2020 WYRED Project (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital Society). !e WYRED project, and in this specific case the Networking process, aims in bringing together children, young people, other stakeholders and policymakers around Europe. !e Delphi technique is one of the prospective methods that study the future, concerning the evolution of the factors of the technosocio- economic environment and the interactions between these factors. !e characteristics that define this technique are anonymity, iteration and controlled feedback, and presentation of group data in the statistical form. !e progress of the presented results allows us to corroborate the agreement of experts about the topics that have been raised. According to experts, the concern of youth towards issues related to the digital society does not appear among the first concerns of young people neither in Spain nor the rest of the countries surveyed

    Learning European history and geography in a multicultural and ICT perspective

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    Despite official educational guidelines, improved linguistic skills have been limited in all partner countries due to cuts in their national budgets. As a consequence, fewer CLIL experiences have been supported, to the benefit of those involving English. Another reason for this project resides in the difficulty in modifying the guidelines of national programmes, which are often short-sighted as far as other cultures are concerned. Finally, all European reports point out the shortage of materials and ICT-based contents suitable for interdisciplinary and multicultural education at school. The Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook (MIH) project meets these needs by providing new tools that will help teachers and pupils to plunge deeper into the culture and the language of another nation via its history and its landscape/geography. Moreover, it intends to promote a common European identity, as it introduces a European perspective in the schools ’ History and Geography syllabuses, which are usually limited to national borders

    Improved Cloud resource allocation: how INDIGO-Datacloud is overcoming the current limitations in Cloud schedulers

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    Trabajo presentado a: 22nd International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP2016) 10–14 October 2016, San Francisco.Performing efficient resource provisioning is a fundamental aspect for any resource provider. Local Resource Management Systems (LRMS) have been used in data centers for decades in order to obtain the best usage of the resources, providing their fair usage and partitioning for the users. In contrast, current cloud schedulers are normally based on the immediate allocation of resources on a first-come, first-served basis, meaning that a request will fail if there are no resources (e.g. OpenStack) or it will be trivially queued ordered by entry time (e.g. OpenNebula). Moreover, these scheduling strategies are based on a static partitioning of the resources, meaning that existing quotas cannot be exceeded, even if there are idle resources allocated to other projects. This is a consequence of the fact that cloud instances are not associated with a maximum execution time and leads to a situation where the resources are under-utilized. These facts have been identified by the INDIGO-DataCloud project as being too simplistic for accommodating scientific workloads in an efficient way, leading to an underutilization of the resources, a non desirable situation in scientific data centers. In this work, we will present the work done in the scheduling area during the first year of the INDIGO project and the foreseen evolutions.The authors want to acknowledge the support of the INDIGO-DataCloud (grant number 653549) project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.Peer Reviewe

    Gaming for Social Inclusion and Civic Participation: the INGAME project

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    [EN] Throughout the European Union, there is a particular need for practices that would provide educators with the devices necessary to create civic engagement locally and supra-nationally responsive. The INGAME project focuses on enhancing the acquisition of social and civic competences, fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of values and fundamental rights with a strong focus on online games and digital skills for the development of civic literacy and skills of young adults. It is placed under the Erasmus + KA3 Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in education and training

    TRAILER project overview: tagging, recognition and acknowledgment of informal learning experiences

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    The evolution of new technology and its increasing use, have for some years been making the existence of informal learning more and more transparent, especially among young and older adults in both Higher Education and workplace contexts. However, the nature of formal and non-formal, coursebased, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily, and although technology bring us near to the solution, it has not yet achieved. TRAILER project aims to address this problem by developing a tool for the management of competences and skills acquired through informal learning experiences, both from the perspective of the user and the institution or company. This paper describes the research and development main lines of this project.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version