100 research outputs found

    Reduced coherence in double-slit diffraction of neutrons

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    In diffraction experiments with particle beams, several effects lead to a fringe visibility reduction of the interference pattern. We theoretically describe the intensity one can measure in a double-slit setup and compare the results with the experimental data obtained with cold neutrons. Our conclusion is that for cold neutrons the fringe visibility reduction is due not to decoherence, but to initial incoherence.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX, 2 figure


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    Jejunoileal diverticulosis is a rare, often asymptomatic condition, consisting of acquired false diverticula. Diagnosis of ileal perforation is usually made incidentally or after complications, including obstruction, haemorrhage and diverticulitis. A previously healthy 17-year-old man presented to the Emergency Department with diffuse abdominal pain and fever. CT scan showed air-fluid level in the RLQ and free intraperitoneal air and fluid. The patient underwent an urgent exploratory laparotomy with an intestinal resection and primary anastomosis. We report a rare case of ileal perforation, due to diverticular disease in a healthy young man, treated an urgent surgery. Such an event requires immediate surgical intervention, especially if it presents as an acute abdomen. Although it can become a surgical emergency, jejunoileal diverticulosis remains underdiagnosed

    Complete vaginal stenosis and hematocolpus in two bitches with a history of GnRH treatment to postpone puberty

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗTwo mixed-breed bitches (18 and 19 months), that had been treated, one year before, with deslorelin acetate implant to postpone puberty, were hospitalized and monitored during their first heat. The heat was presumed by the owners, that observed vulvar swelling in both cases but no vulvar bloody discharge. The following diagnostic procedures were employed: physical genital tract examination, vaginoscopy, vaginal cytology, endocrine assay, ultrasound and X-ray using vaginal infusion of iodum and pneumobladder as positive and negative contrasts. In bitch 1, vaginal cytology and progesterone levels confirmed the presence of an ovulatory “dry” oestrus, without cytological presence of red blood cells, progressing to dioestrus. Ultrasound showed preovulatory follicles and, in the following days, transition to corpora lutea. The caudal abdomen presented a large ovoid cystic structure filled with echoic fluid, next to the bladder. Radiographic scans demonstrated a normal bladder profile, while the contrast medium failed to enter into the cranial vagina. On the basis of these findings, the bitch 1 was submitted to laparotomy 10 days after the end of oestrus. A vaginal dilatation (10x5 cm), from which brown fluid was aspirated, was found and resected together with uterus and ovaries. Bitch 2 had the same diagnostic route and findings, but she was laparotomized 3 months after the heat. During this period no spontaneous regression of the lesion was observed. At laparotomy, the vaginal dilatation (8x4 cm) was only aspirated and the bitch regularly neutered. In both cases, cytology of the fluid taken from the vaginal sac revealed superficial epithelial cells and abundant degenerate red blood cells. Histology (bitch 1) confirmed the vaginal origin of the dilatation and revealed an additional Gärtner duct cyst. The abnormality (hematocolpus) probably originated by an inadequate drainage of proestrous bloody discharge because of a severe vaginal stenosis. A congenital origin of the lesion was unlikely; it was strongly suspected that the treatment of the prepubertal bitches interfered, by an irreversible way, with the normal development of the vagina

    May baseline JCV status influence the MS clinical evolution during Natalizumab treatment? Evidence from a multicenter-2 years-prospective study

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    Abstract Background We prospectively assessed the influence of JCV- status on disability's accrual in RRMS patients treated with Natalizumab at two tertiary MS centres, settled in Italy. Methods Negative binomial model was used to assess the influence of baseline JCV status (positive or negative) treatment on clinical and radiological disease activity during the 24 months' follow-up. Results One hundred eighty four patients treated with Natalizumab were enrolled (83 JCV +, whilst 101 JCV-). Over the two years of follow-up there was not significant clinical and radiological differences between the two groups. Conclusion JCV + RRMS did not showed a severe clinical course than JCV – RRMS

    Hyperplastic and atrophic changes in the genital tract of a female cat following repeated treatment with deslorelin acetate – a case report

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    This study aimed to investigate the morphological patterns of the genital tract after long-term treatment of deslorelin acetate in a female cat, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist currently used in adult cats to obtain transient oestrus suppression. A 1-year-old Chartreux female cat was treated with 4.7 mg deslorelin acetate to suppress oestrus manifestations. The treatment was repeated for a total of × 3 every 2 years. After 8 years, the female cat came into oestrus again, but she was no more implanted, and an ovariohysterectomy was performed. Before surgery, an ultrasound examination was performed that showed a normal uterus and the presence of about 5 follicles in ovaries. Concentrations of oestradiol, progesterone, and vaginal smears were compatible with oestrus. During surgery, a very short ovarian pedicle was observed yet neither uterus nor ovaries presented appreciable alterations. At histology, the ovaries presented a juvenile appearance with numerous primordial and periovulatory follicles. The uterus showed marked endometrial hyperplasia with polypoid projection and atrophic myometrium. Based on this case report, deslorelin acetate is a powerful drug able to preserve ovarian function. However, the suppression of gonadotrophin, especially for a long period, has a detrimental atrophic effect on the target organs during treatment and, on the opposite, hyperplastic changes may occur after the restoring of normal cyclicity

    Complete vaginal stenosis and hematocolpus in two bitches with a history of GnRH treatment to postpone puberty

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    Two mixed-breed bitches (18 and 19 months), that had been treated, one year before, with deslorelin acetate implant to postpone puberty, were hospitalized and monitored during their first heat. The heat was presumed by the owners, that observed vulvar swelling in both cases but no vulvar bloody discharge. The following diagnostic procedures were employed: physical genital tract examination, vaginoscopy, vaginal cytology, endocrine assay, ultrasound and X-ray using vaginal infusion of iodum and pneumobladder as positive and negative contrasts. In bitch 1, vaginal cytology and progesterone levels confirmed the presence of an ovulatory "dry" oestrus, without cytological presence of red blood cells, progressing to dioestrus. Ultrasound showed preovulatory follicles and, in the following days, transition to corpora lutea. The caudal abdomen presented a large ovoid cystic structure filled with echoic fluid, next to the bladder. Radiographic scans demonstrated a normal bladder profile, while the contrast medium failed to enter into the cranial vagina. On the basis of these findings, the bitch 1 was submitted to laparotomy 10 days after the end of oestrus. A vaginal dilatation (10x5 cm), from which brown fluid was aspirated, was found and resected together with uterus and ovaries. Bitch 2 had the same diagnostic route and findings, but she was laparotomized 3 months after the heat. During this period no spontaneous regression of the lesion was observed. At laparotomy, the vaginal dilatation (8x4 cm) was only aspirated and the bitch regularly neutered. In both cases, cytology of the fluid taken from the vaginal sac revealed superficial epithelial cells and abundant degenerate red blood cells. Histology (bitch 1) confirmed the vaginal origin of the dilatation and revealed an additional Gärtner duct cyst. The abnormality (hematocolpus) probably originated by an inadequate drainage of proestrous bloody discharge because of a severe vaginal stenosis. A congenital origin of the lesion was unlikely; it was strongly suspected that the treatment of the prepubertal bitches interfered, by an irreversible way, with the normal development of the vagina

    Locality and Causality in Hidden Variables Models of Quantum Theory

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    Motivated by Popescu's example of hidden nonlocality, we elaborate on the conjecture that quantum states that are intuitively nonlocal, i.e., entangled, do not admit a local causal hidden variables model. We exhibit quantum states which either (i) are nontrivial counterexamples to this conjecture or (ii) possess a new kind of more deeply hidden irreducible nonlocality. Moreover, we propose a nonlocality complexity classification scheme suggested by the latter possibility. Furthermore, we show that Werner's (and similar) hidden variables models can be extended to an important class of generalized observables. Finally a result of Fine on the equivalence of stochastic and deterministic hidden variables is generalized to causal models.Comment: revised version, 21 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    A microscopic derivation of the quantum mechanical formal scattering cross section

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    We prove that the empirical distribution of crossings of a "detector'' surface by scattered particles converges in appropriate limits to the scattering cross section computed by stationary scattering theory. Our result, which is based on Bohmian mechanics and the flux-across-surfaces theorem, is the first derivation of the cross section starting from first microscopic principles.Comment: 28 pages, v2: Typos corrected, layout improved, v3: Typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Comm. Math. Phy

    La colla di fibrina nelle ernioplastiche tension-free: nostra esperienza

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    Scopo di questo studio è dimostrare la possibilità, nell’ernioplastica secondo Lichtenstein, di fissare la mesh alle strutture muscolo-fasciali con colla di fibrina, evitando l’uso di punti di sutura. La fissazione della rete di prolene con Tissucol è stata effettuata in 28 pazienti, mentre nello stesso periodo la tecnica tradizionale di Lichtenstein è stata eseguita in altri 28 pazienti. I vantaggi dell’uso della colla di fibrina sono: nessun trauma chirurgico, perfetta fissazione della mesh, riduzione del dolore e della morbilità, abbassamento dei costi. La metodica è sicura e facilmente riproducibile. I risultati sono promettenti anche se la verifica va effettuata con casistiche più consistenti e follow-up più lungo