6 research outputs found

    The impact of relationship dynamics on regular condom use in a South African rural community : a case of Vulindlela.

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    Masters in Development Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College 2014.Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are one of the most effective methods to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; and unplanned pregnancies among sexually active individuals. In South Africa, the male condom is the most freely available and distributed method of contraception, yet young people still engage in risky sexual practices. Condom use is normally determined by considering whether a condom was used during the last sexual encounter. The purpose of this study was to determine which relationships dynamics were associated with consistent condom use within a rural South African setting. A secondary analysis was conducted on data from Project Accept; a randomized control trial. The analysis, with 2596 respondents, took the form of a bivariate Chi-square and multivariate binary logistic regression to determine which factors had an association with regular condom use among all the sampled respondents, the male respondents and the female respondents respectively. The findings of the study showed that among all the sampled respondents and the female respondents respectively, type of relationship, number of sexual encounters, HIV status and occupation were significantly associated with consistent condom use. The other variables included; such as age, sex, level of education, religion, number of sexual partners, age difference and household socioeconomic status did not show an association with consistent condom use among all the sampled respondents and female respondents respectively. Among the male respondents, only the type of relationship and number of sexual encounters were significantly associated with consistent condom use while sex, level of education, occupation, religion, number of sexual partners, HIV status, age difference and household socioeconomic status were not significantly associated with consistent condom use among this group of respondents. These findings show that consistent condom use is impacted by a number of relationship dynamics, and that there is a need to focus on enhancing communication, negotiation and ultimately consistency of condom use among heterosexual couples

    Telegestão de rede de rega em aproveitamentos hidroagrícolas

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Eléctrica e Electrónica, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016O apoio ao desenvolvimento da agroindústria está na génese do Grupo Hubel, quer na vertente agronómica quer nas vertentes tecnológicas, como por exemplo telecomunicações, tecnologias de informação e automação. A agroindústria carece de tecnologias fiáveis, eficientes, inovadoras e competitivas de modo a dar resposta às crescentes necessidades desta indústria para possibilitar um aumento de eficiência e rentabilidade. Dentro da agroindústria, a agricultura está a assistir a uma revolução tecnologia denominada “Agricultura de Precisão”, esta agricultura assenta na premissa que é possível medir, prever e actuar em todos os factores que interfiram com o bom desenvolvimento das culturas de modo a minimizar os riscos de perdas de capitais e racionalização dos recursos naturais disponíveis. Para melhor gerir, armazenar, contabilizar e racionalizar a água para a rega, foram criados em Portugal diversos aproveitamentos hidroagrícolas, com especial incidência na zona de influência da barragem do Alqueva. Enquanto colaborador do Grupo Hubel, tive o privilégio de participar no projecto e na construção de vários destes aproveitamentos, ao nível da automatização das redes de rega e no desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação para o seu controlo e gestão. No presente relatório descrevo essencialmente as actividades, enquanto profissional de engenharia, que desenvolvi na concepção e instalação dos sistemas de automatização acima referidos. Dando especial enfoque ao projecto, à análise de soluções e de arquiteturas de comunicação e de automação, realçando os aspectos de aquisição e comunicação de dados. Por último, efectuo uma pequena abordagem às redes LPWAN em que assentam a maioria das soluções IoT

    Using an action learning methodology to develop skills of health managers: experiences from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Abstract Background Strong management skills are key to improving performance of health systems. Action learning, a technique to develop management skills, has been used successfully with health managers but not usually among lower level managers or in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods This study uses a qualitative approach to explore experiences, successes and challenges of using an action learning approach to improve skills of managers in neonatal units in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa. Eight action learning groups were convened with neonatal unit managers from all 39 district hospitals in KZN, each group had 4–6 participants. Meetings were conducted by a facilitator trained in action learning techniques, and groups met a minimum of ten times over a one-year period. After completion of the intervention, 14 in-depth interviews were conducted with purposively selected action learning participants. Data was transcribed and analysed using framework analysis. Results Neonatal unit managers found that action learning generated a sense of empowerment in their abilities, trust and confidence among participants was nurtured, problem solving and critical thinking skills were developed, and a continuous support system was created. The action learning process led to several positive changes in neonatal units, which enhanced the quality of care for patients. A number of challenges were also identified, mainly relating to administrative issues such as the provision of a skilled facilitator, permission to attend action learning meetings and logistical issues, including transport and other financial implications. Conclusions This paper illustrates that action learning can be an effective and practical method to support public health workers to manage their health units despite the challenges associated with the method. Time, energy and financial resources used to facilitate action learning for this cadre of health workers is rewarded by improved skills of managers and better quality of care for patients