101 research outputs found

    Morphodynamics analysis of the Mogi Guaçu River

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    Orientador: Archimedes Perez Filho.Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeocienciasResumo: Este estudo mostra que a dinâmica fluvial do Rio Mogi Guaçu (NE do Estado de São Paulo, SE Brasileiro) é influenciada pelas estruturas geológicas da bacia hidrográfica e pelas litologias que sustentam o leito fluvial. Essas estruturas e litologias afetam a forma do perfil longitudinal, alterando as relações entre a dinâmica da corrente fluvial e a carga sedimentar, seccionando o curso d'água em trechos com diferentes condições de transporte e morfologia do canal. A análise do perfil longitudinal do Vale e do Rio Mogi Guaçu permitiu correlacionar as estruturas geológicas e a distribuição da litologia com as anomalias na forma do perfil. Estas anomalias são setores do curso fluvial situados acima ou abaixo da linha de tendência do perfil longitudinal. Litologias resistentes à erosão fluvial sustentam anomalias acima da linha de tendência do perfil, enquanto que estruturas e lineamentos orientaram movimentos neotectônicos quaternários, promovendo anomalias abaixo da linha de tendência. A análise do desenvolvimento dos meandramentos e a associação de pedofácies mostraram duas planícies do Rio Mogi Guaçu com comportamentos morfodinâmicos distintos. A primeira delas, situada a montante de uma anomalia da forma do perfil longitudinal, mostrou processos de migração dos meandros concentrados exclusivamente no cinturão meândrico e solos com maturidade mínima e intermediária. A segunda, situada a jusante de outra anomalia, mostrou processos de migração dos meandros dispersos por toda a planície aluvial e solos com maturidade mínima. As estruturas geológicas e litologias promovem as anomalias na forma do perfil longitudinal do Rio Mogi Guaçu por meio de mudanças no gradiente fluvial, formando setores com comportamentos morfodinâmicos diferentes.Abstract: This study shows that fluvial dynamics of the Mogi Guaçu River (NE State of São Paulo, SE Brazilian) is influenced by hydrographic basin geological structures and lithologies that sustain the river bed. These structures and lithologies affect the shape of the longitudinal profile, changing the relationships between the stream flow dynamics and sedimentary load, breaking the river into segments with different transport conditions and morphology of the channel. Longitudinal profile analysis of the Mogi Guaçu Valley and River allowed to correlate the geological structures and distribution of lithology with the anomalies in the shape of the profile. These anomalies are segments of the river located above or below the trend line of the longitudinal profile. Lithologies resistant to fluvial erosion sustain anomalies above trend line of the profile, while structures and lineaments oriented Quaternary neotectonics motions, promoting anomalies below the trend line. Meandering development analysis and pedofacies association showed two floodplains of Mogi Guaçu River with different mophodynamics behaviors. The first of them, upstream an anomaly in the shape of the profile, showed meanders migration processes concentrated exclusively in the meander belt and soils with minimum and intermediate maturity. The second, downstream another anomaly in the shape of the profile, showed meanders migration processes for the whole floodplain and soils with minimum maturity. The geological structures and lithologies promote the anomalies in the shape of the longitudinal profile of the Mogi Guaçu River through changes in the fluvial gradient, forming segments with different mophodynamics behaviors.DoutoradoAnálise Ambiental e Dinâmica TerritorialDoutor em Ciência

    Sporotrichosis caused by sporothrix mexicana, Portugal

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    Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous fungal infection present worldwide that is caused by traumatic inoculation or inhalation of spores of the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii complex (1-3). However, molecular studies have shown that the S. schenckii complex constitutes several cryptic infectious species (i.e., S. albicans, S. brasiliensis, S. globosa, S. luriei, S. mexicana, and S. schenckii). Marimon et al. (4) demonstrated 3 major clades grouped into 6 putative phylogenetic species. The natural habitats of these species are soil and plants. The species showed distinct pathologic behavior, antifungal responses, and phenotypes, which suggests that optimal clinical treatment may depend on the taxon involved in the sporotrichosis (1). Human infections have been reported primarily from the Americas, including Latin America (3,5). Asia (e.g., Malaysia, India, Japan), Africa, and Australia are also regions where infections are endemic (6). Although infections are rare in Europe, a case of human infection (7) and a case of an animal infection (8) have been described in southern Italy. We report a case of human sporotrichosis in which S. mexicana was isolated from a patient in Portugal.(undefined

    Development and optimization of a new MALDI-TOF protocol for identification of the Sporothrix species complex

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    Accurate species identification of the Sporothrix schenckii complex is essential, since identification based only on phenotypic characteristics is often inconclusive due to phenotypic variability within the species. We used matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for species identification of 70 environmental and clinical isolates of the Sporothrix complex. A reference database was established for MALDI-TOF MS-based species identification according to minor adjustments in the manufacturer's guidelines. The MALDI-TOF MS clearly distinguished strains of Sporothrix brasiliensis, Sporothrix globosa, Sporothrix mexicana, S. schenckii, Sporothrix luriei and Sporothrix pallida, enabling identification of all isolates at the species level, as confirmed by partial calmodulin gene sequence analyses. The present methodology is simple, reliable, rapid and highly suitable for routine identification in clinical mycology laboratories and culture collections, particularly for updating and reclassifying of deposited Sporothrix isolates.The authors wish to thank the following international researchers for generously contributing strains to this study: Conchita Torrielo (EH194, EH252, EH253); Myrtha Arango (04015, 11029, 010221, 10036, 03017, 03022, 12013, 03003, 14879); and Masako Kawasaki (KMU975). Financial support was provided by FAPERJ/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (grant proc. E-26/110.619/2012) and PAPES VI-Fiocruz/CNPq (Proc. 407693/2012-2) R. M. Z-O. is supported in part by CNPq 304976/2013-0 and FAPERJ E-26/103.157/2011. M. M. E. O. was supported by a grant from CAPES 2445/11-5 and PNPD/CAPES-Fiocruz/Pesquisa Clinica em Doencas Infecciosas. M. M. E. O., C. S. and N. L. thank the FCT Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013 and BioHealth-Biotechnology and Bioengineering approaches to improve health quality, Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000027" co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER. Automated sequencing was done using the genomic platform/DNA sequencing platform at the Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz-PDTIS/FIOCRUZ (RPT01A), Brazil

    Potencial de redução da emissão de gases de efeito estufa através de intermodalidade no corredor de carga geral Manaus-Santos

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    O transporte aquaviário possui, de acordo com a literatura, um dos menores fatoresm emissão de gases de efeito estufa por carga transportada, devido principalmente, à sua alta capacidade de carga, superior a de um caminhão ou a de um trem. O Brasil apresenta uma costa muito extensa, favorecendo a cabotagem para o transporte de longa distância para grandes quantidades de carga, embora este modo tenha se mostrado expressivo apenas a partir de 1999 (Sampaio, 2006). A zona Franca de Manaus , um dos principais polos industriais brasileiros, tem sua produção industrial voltada majoritariamente para o mercado consumidor de São Paulo. Assim , este artigo tem como objetivo mensurar o potencial de redução de emissões de gases do efeito estufa (GEE) para o corredor de carga geral conteinerizada Manaus – Santos , ao comparar a alternativa exclusivamente rodoviária à alternativa intermodal que utiliza a cabotagem como modo de transporte principal; além de indicar as principais etapas emissoras na cabotagem. Os principais resultados indicam que a cabotagem é uma opção mais interessante do ponto de vista energético e ambiental, uma vez que emite cerca de 11 vezes menos CO2 (expresso em termos de t.km) que uma viagem realizada por rodoviaThe maritime transportation has, according to the literature, one of the lowest emission factors of greenhouse gases (GHG) by cargo carried, due mainly to its high load capacity, which is greater than a truck or a train. Since the Brazilian coast covers a large territory, cabotage is the ideal mode of transportation for bulk cargo between regions such as southeast and north. However, this mode has become more significant since 1999 (Sampaio, 2006). The free economic zone of Manaus, one of the main industrial centers in Brazil, has its production designated to São Paulo’s consumers market. Thus, this article aims to meas ure the reduction potential of the GHG emission of the containerized general cargo transportation between Manaus and Santos, when comparing a road transportation mode with an intermodal alternative, which has cabotage as its main means of transportation. Besides this article displays the key pollutant stages of cabotage. The results show that cabotage is a better option, since its emissions are 11 times lower (in gCO 2 /t.km) than the emissions in a road tri

    Different scenarios for Candida parapsilosis fungaemia reveal high numbers of mixed C-parapsilosis and Candida orthopsilosis infections

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    Nosocomial fungal bloodstream infections (BSI) are increasing significantly in hospitalized patients and Candida parapsilosis has emerged as an important pathogen responsible for numerous outbreaks. The objective of this study was to evaluate C. parapsilosis sensu lato infection scenarios, regarding species distribution and strain relatedness. One hundred isolates of C. parapsilosis sensu lato derived from blood cultures and catheter tips were analysed by multiplex microsatellite typing and by sequencing D1/D2 regions of the ribosomal DNA. Our results indicate that 9.5 % of patients presented infections due to C. parapsilosis and Candida orthopsilosis, 57.1 % due to C. parapsilosis, 28.3 % due to C. orthopsilosis and 4.8% due to Candida metapsilosis. Eighty per cent of the C. parapsilosis BSIs were due to a single strain that was also identified in the catheter, but in 10% of the cases C. parasilosis was identified in the catheter but the BSI was due to C. orthopsilosis. There is a significant probability that C. parapsilosis isolates collected from the same patient at more than 3 months interval are of different strains (P=0.0179). Moreover, several isolates were identified persistently in the same hospital, infecting six different patients. The incidence of polyfungal BSI infections with C. parapsilosis and C. orthopsilosis is reported herein for the first time, emphasizing the fact that the species identified in the catheter is not always responsible for the BSI, thus impacting the treatment strategy. The observation that strains can remain in the hospital environment for years highlights the possible existence of reservoirs and reinforces the need for accurate genotyping tools, such as the markers used for elucidating epidemiological associations and detecting outbreaks.Financial support was provided by CAPES Foundation (BEX 19194/12-9), Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brasilia (DF 70.040-020), by FEDER through POFC-COMPETE and by Portuguese funds from FCT (PEst-OE/BIA/UI4050/2014). R.M.Z.-O. is supported in part by CNPq (350338/2000-0) and FAPERJ E (26/103.157/2011). We are grateful to Ronaldo Rozembaun from HSE and SAM and Andrea Pussenti Derossi from HUPE for providing the Candida isolates and technical assistance in sampling. Automated sequencing was done using the genomic platform/DNA sequencing platform at Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, PDTIS/FIOCRUZ (RPT01A), Brazil. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of river bank material and riparian vegetation on meander erosion: study case of the Claro river, tributary of the Araguaia river

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    A erosão sobre as margens côncavas é um processo intrínseco à migração lateral de meandros. A hidráulica da corrente fluvial e os materiais constituintes das margens influenciam as taxas de erosão e migração lateral. O objetivo deste artigo é verificar a correlação entre as taxas de erosão marginal de dois meandros do baixo curso do Rio Claro, afluente do Rio Araguaia, Centro-Oeste do Brasil, e a natureza dos materiais constituintes das margens côncavas (variação faciológica e desagregação espontânea – estabilidade geotécnica) e a vegetação ciliar presente e ausente. As taxas de erosão foram determinadas pelo monitoramento (2013-2014) de pinos de erosão instalados ao longo das margens côncavas, enquanto que os materiais constituintes foram caracterizados pela descrição faciológica das margens e análises laboratoriais para determinação granulométrica e desagregação espontânea de amostras em submersão aquosa. Os resultados mostraram elevadas taxas de erosão das margens côncavas dos meandros (entre 67 cm e 120 cm), concentradas próximas ao eixo dos meandros, bem como nas porções das margens constituídas por areia média e grossa e resposta mais rápida a desagregação sob submersão. As margens com vegetação ciliar presente não apresentaram taxas de erosão menor que as margens desmatadas, sugerindo que a vegetação ciliar contribui pouco para frear a erosão marginal e migração lateral de sistemas fluviais meandrantes similares ao Rio Claro203623640COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGSem informação201210267000897Erosion on concave streambanks is an intrinsic process to lateral migration of river meanders. Hydraulics of fluvial currents and nature of materials present in the streambanks influence the rates of bank erosion and stream lateral migration. This paper aims at verifying the correlation between concave streambank erosion rates of two meanders located at the lower course of the Claro River, tributary of the Araguaia River, Central Brazil, the nature of materials present at concave streambanks (faciological variation and spontaneous disaggregation - geotechnical stability) and existing or absent riparian vegetation. Streambank erosion rates were determined by monitoring (2013-2014) pins set along concave streambanks whereas concave streambanks materials were characterized by faciological description in the field and laboratory analysis for determination of granulometric classes and spontaneous material disaggregation under aqueous submersion. Results showed high erosion rates of concave streambanks of the meanders (between 67 cm and 120 cm) concentrated close to the axis of the meanders, as well as in portions of river streambanks consisting by medium and coarse sand with faster disaggregation under aqueous submersion. Concave streambanks with riparian vegetation did not show erosion rates lower than those deforested, suggesting the riparian vegetation contributes little to stop streambank erosion and lateral migration of meanders of fluvial systems that are similar to those of the Claro Rive