108 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The Emilia 2012 earthquake highlighted the high vulnerability of historical masonry spires, at the top of bell towers. Indeed almost half of the spires, in the area hit by the seismic event, show the loss of the top. The observed collapse mechanism consists in sliding of the spire top and in the resulting overturning. Once the emergency phase has passed, it is now a duty to learn from this traumatic experience and to provide new tools for the prevention of the destructive effects of future earthquakes. In this perspective, a geodatabase was designed, using the ArcGIS Pro software, for monitoring the vulnerabilities of the surveyed spires. Indeed, as we learn from the study of the effects of past earthquakes, seismic damages are recurrent for each building typology and therefore they can be predictable and avoidable. For example, by statistically elaborating the data of the designed database, a correlation arose between the levels of damage of the spires and their type of masonry arrangement. Indeed four different masonry typologies have been distinguished. The work then focuses on three damaged spires of churches belfries, proposing three consolidation hypotheses to prevent the future loss of the rebuilt top part of the spire. The structural analyses, performed with Abaqus CAE and detailed in a different work, showed that the same intervention produces different results on the different case studies: a demonstration that there is not an "absolute" best solution, but an intervention suitable for each case.</p

    Structure determination of the reconstructed Au(110) surface

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    The LEED pattern of the Au(110) surface shows a (1 × 2) and also a (1× 3) superstructure. The (1 × 2) superstructure has been determined by comparison of LEED intensities with model calculations. The missing row model is the most probable model. A minimum of the averaged r-factor, , has been found for 15% contraction of the first layer spacing without atomic displacements in the second layer

    Structure determination of the clean Co(110) surface by LEED

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    The atomic structure of the (11 0) surface of cobalt has been determined by LEED using six intensity spectra at normal incidence. The surface exhibits the truncated bulk structure with a contraction of the first interlayer spacing by about 8.5% with respect to the bulk value. Quantitative evaluation of the LEED spectra was done using Zanazzi and Jona's and Pendry's r-factors. The minimum averaged r-factors are and . No change of the interatomic distances within the plane could be detected and no rearrangement of the surface structure takes place up to temperatures shortly below the transition temperature

    Multilayer distortion in the reconstructed (110) surface of Au

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    A new LEED intensity analysis of the reconstructed Au(110)-(1×2) surface results in a modification of the missing row model with considerable distortions which are at least three layers deep. The top layer spacing is contracted by about 20%, the second layer exhibits a lateral pairing displacement of 0.07 Å and the third layer is buckled by 0.24 Å. Distortions in deeper layers seem to be probable but have not been considered in this analysis. The inter-atomic distances in the distorted surface region show both an expansion and a contraction compared to the bulk value and range from 5% contraction to about 4% expansion

    Discovery and Functional Categorisation of Expressed Sequence Tags from Flowers of \u3cem\u3eEragrostis Curvula\u3c/em\u3e Genotypes Showing Different Ploidy Levels and Reproductive Modes

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    Two novel genotypes of weeping lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) - a dihaploid strain obtained in vitro from an apomictic cultivar and a tetraploid plant derived from the dihaploid after chromosome duplication – have recently been developed. These materials represent an excellent system for the identification, through transcriptional profiling, of genes involved in diplospory and/or ploidy level gene regulation. The aim of this work was the discovery and functional classification of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from immature inflorescences of the apomictic E. curvula cultivar Tanganyika (2n=4x=40), a dihaploid sexual strain derived from it (2n=2x=20) and a tetraploid sexual strain (2n=4x=40) obtained by colchicine duplication of the dihaploid

    Segregation and ordering at the (1×2) reconstructed Pt80Fe20(110) surface determined by low-energy electron diffraction

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    The surface of an ordered Pt80Fe20(110) crystal exhibits (1×2) and (1×3) reconstructions depending on the annealing treatment after ion bombardment. The (1×3) structure occurs after annealing in the range 750 to 900 K. Annealing above 1000 K leads to the (1×2) structure, which is, from the present result, unambiguously attributed to the same geometrical reconstruction as Pt(110) but with smaller relaxation amplitudes: a detailed low-energy electron-diffraction analysis concludes to a missing-row structure with row pairing in layers 2 and 4 accompanied by a buckling in layers 3 and 5. The top layer spacing is contracted by 13%, and further relaxations are detectable down to the fifth layer. The specific diffraction spots associated with the bulk chemical ordering along the dense [1¯10] rows are very weak: The I(V) analysis shows that this chemical ordering is absent in the outermost ‘‘visible’’ rows but gradually recovers over five to six layers deep. General Pt enrichment is found in the surface ‘‘visible’’ rows (in layers 1–3), but segregation and order yield a subtle redistribution of Pt and Fe atoms in deeper rows: For example, in layer 2, the visible row is Pt rich, whereas the other row (buried under layer 1) is enriched with Fe. Because of the many parameters considered, a fit procedure was applied to a large data basis to solve the structure; the results were confirmed and illustrated subsequently by a standard I(V) analysis for the most relevant parameters. The final r factors are RDE=0.36, RP=0.34, and RZJ=0.14 for two beam sets at normal and oblique incidence consisting of 26 and 21 beams, respectively

    Structure determination of the (1×2) and (1×3) reconstructions of Pt(110) by low-energy electron diffraction

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    The atomic geometry of the (1×2) and (1×3) structures of the Pt(100) surface has been determined from a low-energy electron-diffraction intensity analysis. Both structures are found to be of the missing-row type, consisting of (111) microfacets, and with similar relaxations in the subsurface layers. In both reconstructions the top-layer spacing is contracted by approximately 20% together with a buckling of about 0.17 Å in the third layer and a small lateral shift of about 0.04 Å in the second layer. Further relaxations down to the fourth layer were detectable. The surface relaxations correspond to a variation of interatomic distances, ranging from -7% to +4%, where in general a contraction of approximately 3% for the distances parallel to the surface occurs. The Pendry and Zanazzi-Jona R factors were used in the analysis, resulting in a minimum value of RP=0.36 and RZJ=0.26 for 12 beams at normal incidence for the (1×2) structure, and similar agreement for 19 beams of the (1×3) structure. The (1×3) structure has been reproducibly obtained after heating the crystal in an oxygen atmosphere of 5×10-6 mbar at 1200 K for about 30 min and could be removed by annealing at 1800 K for 45 min after which the (1×2) structure appeared again. Both reconstructed surfaces are clean within the detection limits of the Auger spectrometer. CO adsorption lifts the reconstruction in both structures. After desorption at 500 K the initial structures appear again, indicating that at least one of the reconstructions does not represent the equilibrium structure of the clean surface and may be stabilized by impurities

    Special cases : moons, rings, comets, trojans

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    Non-planetary bodies provide valuable insight into our current under- standing of planetary formation and evolution. Although these objects are challeng- ing to detect and characterize, the potential information to be drawn from them has motivated various searches through a number of techniques. Here, we briefly review the current status in the search of moons, rings, comets, and trojans in exoplanet systems and suggest what future discoveries may occur in the near future.Comment: Invited review (status August 2017
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