15 research outputs found
The Discourse on Legal Utopia for The People with Disabilities in Order to Remove the Educational Segregation
The right to education for persons with disabilities is still a contemporary legal issue with legal and social problems. The laws and regulations governing the right to education with disabilities are still segregated for the research objectives, namely the Pattern of analyzing the educational arrangements for persons with disabilities and the ideal arrangements for achieving equality in education for persons with disabilities in Indonesia. This research method is categorized into normative legal research types. It is based on the issues and or themes raised as research topics using a philosophical and analytical research approach that is analyzed descriptively. The study results show that the segregated polarization of education for persons with disabilities is contained in Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities and Articles 5, 15 and 32 of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. The arrangement divides persons with disabilities into particular groups that have an impact on a homogeneous social environment. Therefore, the ideal design is educational equality, as in the United States, where people with disabilities attend regular schools. Besides that, it is necessary to have equal education for people with disabilities in the laws and regulations in Indonesia
Upaya Pengembangan Potensi Desa Melalui Rancang Bangun Peraturan Desa Dudepo Kecamatan Patilanggio Kabupaten Pohuwato
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini sebagai luaran laporan Program Pengabdian KKN sebagai bentuk upaya untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan potensi desa yang ada, sehingga dapat mewujudkan pembangunan desa. Selain itu sosialisasi dan penyuluhan terkait dengan rancang bangun peraturan desa tentang pengembangan potensi Desa Dudepo di Kabupaten Pohuwato tersebut kepada aparat dan masyarakat desa dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pengetahuan sekaligus keselarasan persepsi dalam melakukan ikhtiar kolektif pembangunan desa melalui pengembangan potensi desa di Kabupaten Pohuwato, serta Pembentukan SATGAS P2D (Satuan Tugas Pengembangan Potensi Desa) yang dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi dan melakukan pendampingan mulai dari tahapan identifikasi potensi desa, perencanaan, pengelolaan dan pengembangan potensi desa sebagai bentuk perwujudan desa tangguh dan berkembang untuk mencerminkan pelaksanaan pembangunan di desa. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah pelaksanaan pendampingan pembentukan peraturan desa sesuai dengan potensi Desa Dudepo, data-data terkait potensi yang ada di Desa Dudepo, Pembentukan SATGAS P2D (Satuan Tugas Pengembangan Potensi Desa) yang melibatkan aparat desa dan masyarakat untuk memudahkan koordinasi, komunikasi program dan kegiatan pengembangan potensi desa di Desa Dudepo.Kata Kunci:Â Pengembangan; Rancang Peraturan Desa; Potensi Desa
Dalam persoalan penegakan hukum, pemahaman riil adalah menjamin kepastian hukum, ketertiban dan perlindungan hukum pada era modernisasi dan globalisasi saat ini dapat terlaksana, apabila berbagai dimensi kehidupan hukum selalu menjaga keselarasan, keseimbangan dan keserasian antara moralitas sipil yang didasarkan oleh nilai-nilai aktual di dalam masyarakat itu sendiri. Penyesuaian diri hukum terhadap perubahan sosial sudah dianggap suatu hak yang tidak perlu diragukan lagi, namun apabila kita dihadapkan pada peranan hukum melakukan kontrol sosial, masih dipertanyakan mengenai kemampuan hukum untuk menjalankan perannya yang demikian itu; karena hukum sebagai sarana kontrol sosial dihadapkan pada persoalan bagaimana menciptakan perubahan dalam masyarakat sehinga mampu mengikuti perubahan yang sedang terjadi. Dalam sistem peradilan pidana pelaksanaan dan penyelenggaraan penegakan hukum pidana melibatkan badan-badan yang masing-masing memiliki fungsi sendiri-sendiri. Badan-badan tersebut yaitu kepolisian, kejaksaan, pengadilan dan lembaga pemasyarakatan. Dalam kerangka kerja sitematik ini tindakan badan yang satu akan berpengaruh pada badan yang lainnya
Fulfillment Of Assimilation Rights And Integration Rights To Corporate Students
This study aims to determine the fulfillment of assimilation rights and integration rights to correctional students. The type of research method used in this study is empirical research with sampling using purposive sampling. This study also uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate thatIn the implementation of the fulfillment of the right of assimilation and the right of integration to correctional students, there are several obstacles, as for these obstacles, namely there is no guarantor of the correctional students, has register f records, Community Environment, excess capacity, minimal quality of officers and less bureaucratic processes. effective. The government carries out alternative non-prison punishments that can be carried out such as supervision and community service which is seen as more efficient than prison law because in achieving the goal of fostering or rehabilitating correctional students before finally being able to be free and return to life in the community and for the community.The community is expected to participate actively in the implementation of community programs, so that correctional students feel they can be accepted again in the community
Legal Consequences of Selling Expired Snack Products by Changing the Production Date Label Conducted by Business Actors
The purpose of this study is to describe the legal consequences of the sale of expired snack products by changing the production date label carried out by business actors. The research method used in this article uses normative research methods by conducting a library study approach. The results of this study are the case of changing the expiration date label on food packaging, as well as other regulations that are relevant to the case, namely Permendag No.25 of 2021 concerning the Determination of Goods that are Required to Use or Equip Indonesian Language Labels and PP No.69 of 1999 concerning Food Labels and Advertising. In MOT 25/2021, it is explained in Article 1 Paragraph (1) that, with this Ministerial Regulation, goods that are obliged to use or complete Indonesian language labels are determined. Then in Article 2 Paragraph (1) of Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 69 of 1999 concerning Food Labels and Advertising, it is stated that, Every person who produces or imports packaged food into the territory of Indonesia for trading is obliged to include a label on, in, and or in food packaging. So, from the explanation above that the use of labels on food products is very important because it provides clear information about the product, whether it is still suitable for consumption or not, so the use of labels must be included. therefore, the replacement of production and expiration date labels on snack and snack food packaging can have a negative impact on society, especially on children who often consume these foods. This can also jeopardize human safety and health, in accordance with the principle of consumer safety and security, which ensures that people can use, use, and use the goods or services they consume or use
Legal Model for Fulfilling Educational Rights for Persons with Disabilities in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
The state has provided guarantees in the education of all citizens. In addition, the 1945 Constitution has clearly stated that education is a human right. Of course, this includes people with disabilities as the nation’s successors. The fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities in Indonesia has various problems in terms of the education pattern, which is still segregated due to lack of accessibility and supporting facilities to fulfill the educational rights of persons with disabilities. This is even more difficult with the policy of learning from home by using online learning facilities. As previously mentioned, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced all students, including persons with disabilities, to adapt to conditions by undergoing distance learning. Of course, various related policies and the distance learning processes must protect people with disabilities to continue receiving education, especially basic education, which must be followed by all Indonesian citizens. Article 4 paragraph (1) of the National Education System Law, which upholds human rights, religious values, cultural values, and national pluralism, implicitly affirms this principle. Therefore, it is necessary to build a mechanism and legal model to fulfill the educational rights of people with disabilities in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. As for the formulation of the problem in this study, namely: How to ensure disabled people’s right to education? What is the legal model for fulfilling the educational rights of Covid-19 Disabilities?
Keywords: persons with disabilities, education rights, Covid-1
The Principle of Freedom of Contract in Agricultural Product Sharing based on Islamic Law
Islamic financial scheme in practice is still causing problems in the wider community due to differences in perceptions that exist in the community. The principle of freedom of contract in Law No. 2 of 1960 concerning agricultural product sharing and Islamic law, especially related to agricultural product sharing and Article 1338 paragraph (1) of the civil code which stipulates that a legally made Agreement will apply like a law for the maker (Pacta Sunt Servanda principle), the word “all” means that every legal subject can make an agreement whose contents are about anything, legal subjects have the freedom to determine the form of the agreement. This normative research aims to analyse the legal ramifications of violating the concept of freedom of contract in agricultural product sharing from the viewpoints of Islamic law. This result of this article found that the implementing of the revenue sharing system did not get a fair share, this was because at the time of the contract, farmers were in a weak position due to the need for money for children's education and other emergency needs, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The owner of the land has the right to obtain part of the crop on the farm managed by the cultivator and receive back the return of the land upon completion of the agreement
The Urgency of Establishing a Legal Entity Issuing Force Majeure Certificates Against Creditor Protection During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 that occurred in recent years has had an impact on public health as well as the economic sector. It has caused the Indonesian economy to experience a slump in the second quarter of 2020 until the real GDP contracted and its value became IDR 2,590 trillion, which previously was IDR 2,735 trillion in the second quarter of 2019. Accordingly, the government announced Presidential Decree No. 12 of April 13, 2020, on the determination of non-natural disasters due to the spread of COVID-19 in 2019, a national disaster, making use of it. The issue is that the economic impact affects creditors in paying their obligations to debtors. The problem is that the emergency status of Covid-19 does not necessarily cause force majeure that has an impact on losses for creditors. Therefore, it is necessary to form a state agency that specifically issues force majeure certificates like in China so that it can be used as a reference that the debtor is proven to have experienced force majeure. This certificate serves the purpose of proof which will ultimately be considered among all relevant factors by the court. Because in Indonesia, the only way to interpret force majeure in court is based solely on the opinion of the judge, and the creditor’s position does not have strong evidence to prove in a state of force majeure. The formulation of the problem in this study is: what about the concept of force majeure for loan protection in Indonesia? How to Establish a Legal Entity Providing Force Majeure in Indonesia Design Certificate?
Keywords: force majeure certificates, creditor protection, Covid-1
Perluasan Kewenangan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Terhadap Pengawasan Media Digital
Permasalahan penyiaraan sangatlah kompleks yakni definisi dan pengawasan penyiaraan yang masih belum jelas, serta kewenangan KPI lemah untuk mengawasi media digital. Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu: Pertama, pengawasan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia atas Media Digital. Kedua, konsep dan praktek lembaga penyiaran terhadap pengawasan media digital di negara lain. Ketiga, desain pengawasan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia terhadap pengawasan media digital. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pertama, problematika hukum terhadap kedudukan KPI dalam pengawasan media digital yakni penafsiran frasa “media lainnya di Pasal 1 angka 2 UU Penyiaran”. Kedua, pengawasan media digital di Jerman dan Australia cukup maju untuk mengatur secara ketat penyiaraan digital dengan sistem terintegrasi misalnya Jerman mewajibkan youtube untuk mengintegrasikan UU penyiaran dalam sistem dan Australia melakukan take down apabila konten negatif dari domain lokal. Ketiga, desain penguatan lembaga KPI melalui perluasan kewenangan media digital, integrasi kelembagaan Polri dan Kominfo dan pendekatan “konvergensi media” bidang telekomunikasi, media dan internet dalam kerangka peraturan tunggal.The problem of broadcasting is very complex, consisting of the definition and supervision of broadcasting which is still unclear and the authority of KPI is still weak to supervise digital media. The research objectives are: First, to look at the legal problems of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission in supervising Digital Media. Second, the concept and practice of broadcasters on digital media surveillance in other countries. Third, the design of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission's supervision of digital media supervision. The results of the study show that first, there are still legal problems with the position of KPI on digital media supervision. Second, digital media surveillance in Germany and Australia has been quite advanced which has strictly regulated broadcasting in digital with an integrated system. Third, the design is carried out by strengthening KPI institutions, institutional integration, and the "legislative convergence" approach