910 research outputs found

    Program kuadratik konkaf dengan metode multipleks frisch

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    Dalam penulisan ini akan dibicarakan tentang pengoptimalan masalah Program Kuadratik Konkaf dengan kendala/konstrein linier. Yang dimaksud dengan Program kuadratik konkaf adalah salah -satu program nonlinier dimana fungsi obyektifnya berupa fungsi kuadratik konkaf. Sedangkan kasus yang dibahas adalah memaksimum¬kan fungsi obyektif/sasaran tersebut. Secara matematis dapat dituliskan sebagai berikut Maksimumkan Q(x) = pTx xTCx meinenuhi kendala/konstrein linier : h.(3.)=a.x- b 5- 0 ; j = 1,2,...,m Metoda yang digunakan dalam pembahasan ini adalah metoda Multipleks Frisch. Ide dasar dari metoda ini ieienuhi semua kendala/konstrein dan bergerak menuju ke suatu titik yang lebih baik (optimal), yaitu x = xi) sesuai dengan prosedur iterasi dan algoritma Multipleks Frisch

    Peran Bank Syariah Dalam Penyaluran Dana Bagi USAha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah (UMKM)

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang peranan lembaga perbankan syariah dalam rangka mendukung perekonomian Indonesia. Besarnya porsi pembiayaan yang disalurkan ke sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memberikan bukti komitmen bank syariah terhadap pemberdayaan ekonomi rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan metode triangulasi, triangulasi data dengan teori dan membandingkan data diamati dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembiayaan syariah diarahkan menuju pembiayaan dengan prinsip bagi hasil yang menekankan pola hubungan kemitraan antara pihak bank dan nasabah. Prinsip bagi hasil dapat dilakukan dalam empat akad, yaitu mudharabah, musyarakah, muzara'ah, dan musaqah.Kata kunci: pembiayaan, bank, pemberdayaanTHE ROLE OF SHARIA BANKING IN MSMEs FINANCE. This article discusses about the role of Islamic banking institution to support Indonesian economy. The financial portions transmitted to the micro business sector (Small and Medium Enterprises MSMEs) proves the commitment of shari'ah banking in economic empowerment. This study applies descriptive-qualitative approach. Data are analyzed through triangulation method, comparing data with theory, and the result of interview. Result of this study shows that syariah finance is conducted in accordance with the principle of profit sharing emphasizing on bank and customer's partnership. Profit sharing may be conducted in four agreements: mudharabah, musyarakah, muzara'ah and musaqah


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    In the context of Indonesian, our nation and state life has the slogan “Unity in  Diversity” which reflect the existence of pluralism and multiculturalism that can knit unity and national unity. But in reality there are still many encoutered conflict due to relegious and cuktural sentiments that hamper these noble ideals. Religious differences and cultural diversity have not fully benefited.Multicultural education is one alternative to combine the diversity that exist in the Indonesian nation. Multicultural education has become a non-negotiable demand in building Indonesia. Multicultural education applies strategies and concepts that are based on the diversity that exists in the community, especially those that exist in the learner, whether in the form of ethnic, cultural, linguistic, religious, social status, age, gender, and ability. The dimensions of multicultural education are: Content integration, integrating various cultures and groups to illustrate the fundamental concepts, generalizations and theories in the subject / discipline, The knowledge construction process, that is, to bring students to understand the cultural implications into a subject (discipline), An Equity Pedagogy, ie Adjust teaching methods by means of student learning in order to facilitate students’ diverse academic achievements in terms of rac

    Innovation of Learning Management in Madrasah Level

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    The presence of Islamic education i.e. madrasah has significantly contributed to the live of public citizen in Indonesia. Therefore, the existence of madrasah education develops in accordance with the needs and demands of society today as well as it be able to adjust the existence of the industrial revolution 4.0. The development madrasah education must be done by increasing the quality of human resources, redesigning curriculum development and managing the quality of learning. In this context, as an effort to achieve the above educational goals, new breakthroughs in the field of learning are needed i.e. continuous quality improvement by carrying out various approaches, especially in the field of learning management innovation in order to drive the Islamic education as a central for excellence where the students are able to compete in the midst of the 4.0 industrial revolution era. The existence of learning management essentially aims to build and develop the full potential of learners, and these efforts can only be made if all learning activities are programmed in accordance with the needs of students, parents, and society expectations. Therefore, at the practical level, learning activities are understood to be able to run effectively and efficiently if all of the above activities start from the managerial process, through the learning planning process; learning management; management of students management of quality human resources or professionalism of teachers; development of learning activities and the process of evaluating good learning

    Reformasi Pendidikan Dari Pondasi Ke Aksi

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    Excellent Service in The Perspective of Social Reconstruction: Public Perception and Expectation

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    This study aims to identify and analyze excellent service in Madrasahs based on the perspective of social reconstruction by examining public perceptions and expectations of the quality of Madrasah services. This phenomenological research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. To meet the needs of this study, researchers collected data by using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The informants in this study included the head of the madrasa, integrated service staff, students, alums, and the madrasah committee. The results of the study indicate that there is urgency in implementing excellent services in madrasas, perceptions of community satisfaction with madrasa services, and the suitability of community expectations with the implementation of madrasa services. This study implies the importance of service in madrasa development activities that focus on customer satisfaction to survive and win the competition amid competition between educational institutions

    Peningkatan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Kegamaan Islam Melalui Penyusunan Manajemen Strategis Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard: Studi Kasus di STAI Sangatta Kutai Timur

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    College has an important role in nation building. Therefore, university governance systems need to get serious attention and appropriate management touches. One of the modern management concepts that can be used is balanced scorecard, which is expected to improve the quality of the institution. This research uses qualitative approach of case study type with research setting at STAIS Sangatta Kutai Timur. The results showed that; improvement of education quality in STAIS Sangatta Kutai Timur is done through; 1) visionary leadership, 2) internal and external environmental analysis done with SWOT analysis, 3) to make quality as "Spirit" in every organizational activity by implementing quality-based, oriented management; a) Costumer Satisfaction, b) continous improvement, c) full involvement of the academic community, d) continous improvement. In order to improve the quality of education with Balanced Scorecard approach, STAIS Sangatta Kutai Timur focuses on four perspectives, namely; financial perspective, costumer perspectives, internal perspectives and development perspectives of development and growth are very effective in improving the quality of education. From several Balanced Scorecard perspectives applied in STAIS Sangatta Kutai Timur, the most dominant internal perspective on the effectiveness of quality improvement of education, followed by learning and growth perspective, costumer and finansial

    Strategi Komunikasi Kiai dalam Membangun Komitmen Guru di Pesantren Nabil Husein Samarinda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan pola komunikasi kiai dalam membangun komitmen guru di Pesantren Nabil Husein Samarinda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Kiai di Pesantren Nabil Husein Samarinda telah berhasil menjalankan fungsi-fungsi kepemimpinan Pesantren khususnya dalam membangun komitmen guru. Hal tersebut dapat dicapai melalui strategi komunikasi edukatif-persuasif. Strategi komunikasi edukatif-persuasif dalam membangun komitmen guru di Pesantren Nabil Husein Samarinda dilakukan dengan empat (4) cara yaitu: Pertama, memanfaatkan kekharismatikan kiai, kiai dalam memberikan uswah (keteladanan) bagi guru dalam hal nilai-nilai spiritual, diantaranya dari hal adab, ibadah yang langsung dicontohkan oleh kiai. Kedua, guru di Pesantren memiliki komitmen terhadap pesantren karena melihat keluasan ilmu kiai lebih utama ilmu dalam bidang agama (tafaqquh fiddin) dan ilmu hikmah yang dimiliki  kiai. Ketiga, Kiai memotivasi guru untuk terus meningkatkan kompetensi melalui pendidikan, pelatihan, pembinaan, pengembangan karier dan lain-lain. Keempat, guru di Pesantren memiliki komitmen terhadap Pesantren karena melihat sikap  kiai serta kedekatan kiai dengan guru dan masyarakat Pesantren Nabil Husein Samarinda


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    This research stems from the researcher's interest in the marketing strategy for educational services carried out by Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ma'arif NU 003 Samarinda; because of the intense competition in marketing in educational  services and MI Ma'arif NU 003 Samarinda was able to survive and compete superior to other education providers. This study aimed to determine the Education Services Marketing Strategy at MI Ma'arif NU 003 Samarinda and add insight and knowledge about the Education Services Marketing Strategy at MI Ma'arif NU 003 Samarinda. This type of research is qualitative research, and the targets of this research are all school members involved in marketing educational services. The method used is the method of content analysis (content analysis). This research's data source is observation and educational service strategy documents for MI Ma'arif NU 003 Samarinda. To complete the research data, the researcher interviewed the head of the Madrasah, the head of PPDB and the deputy for student affairs. Technical data analysis is carried out by collecting, condensing, presenting, and concluding. In this case, the researcher reveals the factors of consumer behaviour and marketing strategies implemented at MI Ma'arif NU 003 Samarinda. The results of this study indicate that the marketing strategy for educational services has fulfilled two strategies, namely the competitive strategy (mind share strategy) and the marketing mix (marketing mix)
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