892 research outputs found

    Manuela Solis Sager and Emma Tenayuca: A Tribute

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    The Relationship between Organizational Health and Student Achievement in High Poverty Schools

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational health and student achievement of economically disadvantaged students in a large school district along the Texas-Mexico border that serves 99 % Hispanic students; districtwide approximately 95 % of the students are economically disadvantaged. All schools in the district are Title I schools and enroll 78%- 100% economically disadvantaged students. About forty-eight percent (48.3 %) of students served are English Language Learners. Student achievement was determined using the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and organizational health was determined using an Organizational Health Inventory that measures the ten dimensions of organization-al health posited by Matthew Miles and operationalized by Marvin Fairman and Associates. The strength of the relationship was determined by using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The findings indicate that there is a positive relationship between student achievement in high poverty Hispanic schools and organizational health. The strongest relationship exists with the dimensions of goal focus, problem solving adequacy, and cohesiveness. Student achievement increases as the dimension of goal focus increase

    Efficient parallelization of quantum basis state shift

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    Basis state shift is central to many quantum algorithms, most notably the quantum walk. Efficient implementations are of major importance for achieving a quantum speedup for computational applications. We optimize the state shift algorithm by incorporating the shift in different directions in parallel. This provides a significant reduction in the depth of the quantum circuit in comparison to the currently known methods, giving a linear scaling in the number of gates versus working qubits in contrast to the quadratic scaling of the state-of-the-art method based on the quantum Fourier transform. For a one-dimensional array of size 2n2^n for n>4n > 4, we derive the total number of 15n+7415n + 74 two-qubit CXCX gates in the parallel circuit, using a total of 2n22n-2 qubits including an ancilla register for the decomposition of multi-controlled gates. We focus on the one-dimensional and periodic shift, but note that the method can be extended to more complex cases

    Distributed multivariate regression with unknown noise covariance in the presence of outliers: an MDL approach

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    We consider the problem of estimating the coefficients in a multivariable linear model by means of a wireless sensor network which may be affected by anomalous measurements. The noise covariance matrices at the different sensors are assumed unknown. Treating outlying samples, and their support, as additional nuisance parameters, the Maximum Likelihood estimate is investigated, with the number of outliers being estimated according to the Minimum Description Length principle. A distributed implementation based on iterative consensus techniques is then proposed, and it is shown effective for managing outliers in the data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Distributed AOA-based source positioning in NLOS with sensor networks

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    ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper focuses on the problem of positioning a source using angle-of-arrival measurements taken by a wireless sensor network in which some of the nodes experience non lineof-sight (LOS) propagation conditions. In order to mitigate the errors induced by the nodes in NLOS, we derive an algorithm that combines the expectation-maximization algorithm with a weighted least-squares estimation of the source position so that the nodes in NLOS are eventually identified and discarded. Moreover, a distributed version of this algorithm based on a diffusion strategy that iteratively refines the position estimate while driving the network to a consensus is presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The Role of the School District in High-Performance Title One Schools in South Texas

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    A mixed research study was designed and conducted to identify effective characteristics of high-performing, high-poverty schools. Four South Texas Title 1 schools identified as High Performing Schools by the Texas Education Agency in 2016 were selected for the study. To be selected, these schools were also required to meet or exceed a set of criteria applied by the researchers. An effective school model, comprised of eleven characteristics and school processes, was developed based on a synthesis of effective school research and served as the theoretical framework for the study. The characteristics include Culture, Leadership, Instruction, Improvement, Home and Community Relations, Curriculum, Environment, Professional Development, Vision/Mission, Resources, and Staff. Data was collected from professional school staff, principals, and parents related to the essentiality of the eleven effective characteristics and processes used by the schools. Onsite data collection from each school included a staff survey, focus group session, principal interview, and a parent survey. Results supported the essentiality of the eleven school characteristics synthesized from previous effective schools’ studies. The results also yielded valuable school district strategies that supported the High-Performing Reward Title 1 schools. These strategies included the provision of active specialized support by district staff, district curriculum designed by district teachers during the summer, instructional resources selected through teacher input, flexibility in implementing district supports, professional development during summer and the school year to meet individual teacher needs, district-designed student assessment, an intradistrict and inter-district competitive school environment focused on student achievement, and parent initiatives aligned to local needs

    Programa de prácticas de temas selectos en salud animal (2004)

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    Elaborar un programa integral de salud animal en una unidad de producción pecuaria seleccionada por el discente a partir de identificar por observación y por entrevista las problemáticas; y diagnosticadas, en el caso de las enfermedades hacer uso del laboratorio clínico y confirmar la presencia o ausencia de enfermedad; elaborar un programa sanitario, así como de bienestar animal, de reducción de impacto al medio ambiente y biodiversidad. Trabajar en la implementación de las propuestas y medir su impacto. Acceder a los bancos de información de los organismos nacionales e internacionales y campañas nacionales, para identificar los programas y las enfermedades. Identificación de la presencia o ausencia de enfermedad en la unidad de producción, bienestar animal, alimentación, manejo zootécnico, impacto ambiental y biodiversividad. La práctica se desarrollará en las unidades de producción animal, salón de clases y sala de cómputo para acceder a bases de datos

    The Role of the School District in High-Performance Title One Schools in South Texas

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    A mixed research study was designed and conducted to identify effective characteristics of high-performing, high-poverty schools. Four South Texas Title 1 schools identified as High Performing Schools by the Texas Education Agency in 2016 were selected for the study. To be selected, these schools were also required to meet or exceed a set of criteria applied by the researchers. An effective school model, comprised of eleven characteristics and school processes, was developed based on a synthesis of effective school research and served as the theoretical framework for the study. The characteristics include Culture, Leadership, Instruction, Improvement, Home and Community Relations, Curriculum, Environment, Professional Development, Vision/Mission, Resources, and Staff. Data was collected from professional school staff, principals, and parents related to the essentiality of the eleven effective characteristics and processes used by the schools. Onsite data collection from each school included a staff survey, focus group session, principal interview, and a parent survey. Results supported the essentiality of the eleven school characteristics synthesized from previous effective schools’ studies. The results also yielded valuable school district strategies that supported the High-Performing Reward Title 1 schools. These strategies included the provision of active specialized support by district staff, district curriculum designed by district teachers during the summer, instructional resources selected through teacher input, flexibility in implementing district supports, professional development during summer and the school year to meet individual teacher needs, district-designed student assessment, an intra-district and inter-district competitive school environment focused on student achievement, and parent initiatives aligned to local needs

    Bus Rapid Transit (Brt) in Latin America, the case of Bogota (Colombia) and Curitiba (Brazil)

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    The following chapter presents some experiences of Public Transportation, specifically, the organization and performance of the Bus Rapid Transit implemented in the cities of Bogotá (Colombia), and Curitiba (Brazil).The reader will appreciate the overview of such integrated transport systems in their main features, operation, toll costs, etc. Through the description of the most important elements in the mentioned cities, where there is a demand for effective and economical service that will reduce travel time and distance traveled, as well as a reliable transport buses comfortable and neat order to give the user a better stay in the units.In this research the qualitative research method serves as a guiding principle, by studying cases where there have been proposals such as a solution to the demand of users.El presente trabajo trata de dar a conocer algunas experiencias en materia de Transporte Publico, específicamente, la organización y el desempeño del Bus Rapid Transit implementado en las ciudades de Bogotá (Colombia) y Curitiba (Brasil). El lector podrá apreciar el panorama de dichos sistemas integrados de transporte en cuanto a sus principales características, operación, costos del peaje, etc., a través de la descripción de sus particulares y principales elementos en las ciudades mencionadas, donde existe demanda por un servicio efectivo y económico, que permita reducir el tiempo de traslado y distancia del viaje, además de un transporte cómodo en buses confiables y aseados, a fin de brindar al usuario una mejor estancia en las unidades durante el viaje.En esta investigación el método de investigación cualitativo funge como eje rector mediante el estudio de casos en donde se han presentado este tipo de propuestas como solución a la demanda de los usuarios

    Propuesta de nueve menús de cocina de autor en base a tres variedades de papas nativas cultivadas en el Azuay

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    El presente trabajo investigativo pretende crear conocimiento en torno a uno de los productos agrícolas más importantes cultivados en el Azuay, la papa y tres de sus variedades nativas, la papa chaucha colorada, la papa yema de huevo y la papa uvilla; conocer sus diferentes características y propiedades, su importancia nutricional y su versatilidad dentro de la gastronomía, para desarrollar posteriormente y de esta manera rescatar y resaltar nuestros productos, a través de la elaboración de nueve menús de cocina de autor en base a estas tres variedades de papa. A través de los capítulos daremos a conocer ciertos aspectos. En primer lugar revisaremos conceptos sobre la cocina de autor, tendencias gastronómicas historia de este movimiento gastronómico, chefs destacados y técnicas utilizadas. En segundo lugar abordaremos a la papa, producto autóctono de la región andina, muy versátil desde el punto de vista gastronómico. Lo que busca este trabajo investigativo es dar a conocer la importancia de este alimento desde el punto de vista culinario a través de la creación de nueve menús utilizando tres variedades de papas nativas y así poder mostrar la versatilidad de este producto. En la tercera parte de este trabajo encontraremos el desarrollo de los menús cada receta de manera innovadora y teniendo en cuenta las aspiraciones y costumbres de los comensales, aplicando los conocimientos sobre la cocina de autor e incorporando también todo lo aprendido sobre el tubérculo. Finalmente presentamos al final las fichas técnicas, fotografías y análisis de las preparaciones propuestas.This research work aims to create awareness around one of the most important agricultural product cultivated in Azuay, the potatoes and three of his native varieties,chaucha red potato, egg yolk potato and uvilla potato. To know their different characteristics and properties, their nutritional importance and versatility within gastronomy, to develop further and thus rescue and highlight our products through developing nine cuisine menus based on these three varieties of potato. Throughout the chapters we will present some aspects. First we review concepts of cuisine, culinary trends history of this culinary movement, prominent chefs and techniques used. The second chapter will address in the native product, potato, versatile Andean region product from the gastronomic point of view. Look to this research work is to show the importance of this product from the culinary point of view through the creation of nine menus using three varieties of native potatoes and be able to show the versatility of this product. In the third part of this work we find the development of each recipe innovatively menus and taking into account the aspirations and customs of diners, applying knowledge of cuisine and also incorporating everything learned over the tuber. Finally we present the end data sheets, photographs and analysis of the proposed preparations.Licenciado en Gastronomía y Servicio de Alimentos y BebidasCuenc