172 research outputs found
Admissibility Region for Rarefaction Shock Waves in Dense Gases
In the vapour phase and close to the liquid–vapour saturation curve, fluids made of complex molecules are expected to exhibit a thermodynamic region in which the fundamental derivative of gasdynamic G is negative. In this region, non-classical
gasdynamic phenomena such as rarefaction shock waves are physically admissible, namely they obey the second law of thermodynamics and fulfil the speed-orienting condition for mechanical stability. Previous studies have demonstrated that the
thermodynamic states for which rarefaction shock waves are admissible are however not limited to the G <0 region. In this paper, the conditions for admissibility of rarefaction shocks are investigated. This results in the definition of a new thermodynamic region – the rarefaction shocks region – which embeds the G <0 region. The rarefaction shocks region is bounded by the saturation curve and by the locus of the states connecting double-sonic rarefaction shocks, i.e. shock waves in
which both the pre-shock and post-shock states are sonic. Only one double-sonic shock is shown to be admissible along a given isentrope, therefore the double-sonic states can be connected by a single curve in the volume–pressure plane. This curve is named
the double sonic locus. The influence of molecular complexity on the shape and size of the rarefaction shocks region is also illustrated by using the van der Waals model; these results are confirmed by very accurate multi-parameter thermodynamic models applied to siloxane fluids and are therefore of practical importance in experiments aimed at proving the existence of rarefaction shock waves in the single-phase vapour region as well as in future industrial applications operating in the non-classical regime
An empirical evaluation of prediction by partial matching in assembly assistance systems
Industrial assistive systems result from a multidisciplinary effort that integrates IoT (and Industrial IoT), Cognetics, and Artificial Intelligence. This paper evaluates the Prediction by Partial Matching algorithm as a component of an assembly assistance system that supports factory workers, by providing choices for the next manufacturing step. The evaluation of the proposed method was performed on datasets collected within an experiment involving trainees and experienced workers. The goal is to find out which method best suits the datasets in order to be integrated afterwards into our context-aware assistance system. The obtained results show that the Prediction by Partial Matching method presents a significant improvement with respect to the existing Markov predictors
A topological classification of convex bodies
The shape of homogeneous, generic, smooth convex bodies as described by the
Euclidean distance with nondegenerate critical points, measured from the center
of mass represents a rather restricted class M_C of Morse-Smale functions on
S^2. Here we show that even M_C exhibits the complexity known for general
Morse-Smale functions on S^2 by exhausting all combinatorial possibilities:
every 2-colored quadrangulation of the sphere is isomorphic to a suitably
represented Morse-Smale complex associated with a function in M_C (and vice
versa). We prove our claim by an inductive algorithm, starting from the path
graph P_2 and generating convex bodies corresponding to quadrangulations with
increasing number of vertices by performing each combinatorially possible
vertex splitting by a convexity-preserving local manipulation of the surface.
Since convex bodies carrying Morse-Smale complexes isomorphic to P_2 exist,
this algorithm not only proves our claim but also generalizes the known
classification scheme in [36]. Our expansion algorithm is essentially the dual
procedure to the algorithm presented by Edelsbrunner et al. in [21], producing
a hierarchy of increasingly coarse Morse-Smale complexes. We point out
applications to pebble shapes.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure
On the equilibria of finely discretized curves and surfaces
Our goal is to identify the type and number of static equilibrium points of
solids arising from fine, equidistant -discretrizations of smooth, convex
surfaces. We assume uniform gravity and a frictionless, horizontal, planar
support. We show that as approaches infinity these numbers fluctuate around
specific values which we call the imaginary equilibrium indices associated with
the approximated smooth surface. We derive simple formulae for these numbers in
terms of the principal curvatures and the radial distances of the equilibrium
points of the solid from its center of gravity. Our results are illustrated on
a discretized ellipsoid and match well the observations on natural pebble
surfaces.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure
Liver retransplantation as a therapeutic method in graft dysfunctions in the immediate postoperative period
Departament Chirurgie Generală, I.C. Fundeni, București, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și
al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaCu toate că în ultimii ani au apărut progrese importante în domeniul hepatic, problema prevenirii apariției disfuncției și eșecului
post-transplant nu a prezentat progrese semnificative. Intrucât disfuncția hepatică primară influențează dramatic evoluția grefei
și a pacientului transplantat hepatic, prevenirea acestui fenomen devine obligatoriu. Creșterea penuriei de organe și a numărului
persoanelor aflate pe lista de așteptare a dus la folosirea unor grefe ce depășesc criteriile normale de selecție pentru recoltare
precum și transplantarea unor donatori considerați marginali. Aceste circumstanțe au adus în prim plan importanța diagnosticării și
tratamentului disfuncției hepatice primare.
Conceptul de disfuncție hepatică primară nu este clar definit. Există un spectru de evenimente ce definesc disfuncția hepatică
postoperatorie precoce: non funcția primară (PNF), nonfuncția întârziată, funcția slabă/săracă inițială (initial poor function – IPF), non
funcția inițială, insuficiența hepatică primară și disfuncția primară. Distincția între aceste entități ia în considerare gradul disfuncției
hepatice, necesitatea retransplantării urgente, precum și apariția și durata acestor evenimente după transplantul hepatic.Although important progress has been made over the last few years, the problem of preventing dysfunction and post-transplant liver
failure has not shown significant progress. Since primary liver dysfunction dramatically influences the progress of the graft and the
liver transplant patient, prevention of this phenomenon becomes obligatory. The increase in organ shortage and the number of people
on the waiting list led to the use of grafts that exceeded the normal selection criteria for harvesting as well as the transplantation of
marginal donors. These circumstances have highlighted the importance of diagnosis and treatment of primary hepatic dysfunction.
The concept of primary liver dysfunction is not clearly defined. There is a spectrum of events that defines early postoperative liver
dysfunction: primary non-function (PNF), delayed dysfunction, initial poor function (IPF), primary hepatic failure, and primary dysfunction.
The distinction between these entities takes into account the degree of hepatic dysfunction, the need for urgent retransplantation, and
the occurrence and duration of these events after liver transplantation
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