641 research outputs found

    Connecting the X(5)-β2\beta^2, X(5)-β4\beta^4, and X(3) models to the shape/phase transition region of the interacting boson model

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    The parameter independent (up to overall scale factors) predictions of the X(5)-β2\beta^2, X(5)-β4\beta^4, and X(3) models, which are variants of the X(5) critical point symmetry developed within the framework of the geometric collective model, are compared to two-parameter calculations in the framework of the interacting boson approximation (IBA) model. The results show that these geometric models coincide with IBA parameters consistent with the phase/shape transition region of the IBA for boson numbers of physical interest (close to 10). Nuclei within the rare-earth region and select Os and Pt isotopes are identified as good examples of X(3), X(5)-β2\beta^2, and X(5)-β4\beta^4 behavior

    Balmer line shifts in quasars

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    We offer a broad review of Balmer line phenomenology in type 1 active galactic nuclei, briefly sum- marising luminosity and radio loudness effects, and discussing interpretation in terms of nebular physics along the 4D eigenvector 1 sequence of quasars. We stress that relatively rare, peculiar Balmer line profiles (i.e., with large shifts with respect to the rest frame or double and multiple peaked) that start attracted attentions since the 1970s are still passable of multiple dynamical interpretation. More mainstream objects are still not fully understood as well, since competing dynamical models and geometries are possible. Further progress may come from inter-line comparison across the 4D Eigenvector 1 sequence.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science, Special Issue on Line Shifts in Astrophysics and Laboratory Plasm

    Systematics of 2+ states in semi-magic nuclei

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    We propose a simple systematics of low lying 2+ energy levels and electromagnetic transitions in semi-magic isotopic chains Z=28,50,82 and isotonic chains N=28,50,82,126. To this purpose we use a two-level pairing plus quadrupole Hamiltonian, within the spherical Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA). We derive a simple relation connecting the 2+ energy with the pairing gap and quadrupole-quadupole (QQ) interaction strength. It turns out that the systematics of energy levels and B(E2) values predicted by this simple model is fulfilled with a reasonable accuracy by all available experimental data. Both systematics suggest that not only active nucleons but also those filling closed shells play an important role

    Transition from the Seniority to the Anharmonic Vibrator Regime in Nuclei

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    A recent analysis of experimental energy systematics suggests that all collective nuclei fall into one of three classes -- seniority, anharmonic vibrational, or rotational -- with sharp phase transitions between them. We investigate the transition from the seniority to the anharmonic vibrator regime within a shell model framework involving a single large j-orbit. The calculations qualitatively reproduce the observed transitional behavior, both for U(5) like and O(6) like nuclei. They also confirm the preeminent role played by the neutron-proton interaction in producing the phase transition.Comment: 9 pages with 2 tables, submitted to Physical Review C, November 199

    Molecular Polarizability in Open Ensemble Simulations of Aqueous Nanoconfinements under Electric Field

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    Molecular polarization at aqueous interfaces involves fast degrees of freedom that are often averaged-out in atomistic-modeling approaches. The resulting effective interactions depend on a specific environment, making explicit account of molecular polarizability particularly important in solutions with pronounced anisotropic perturbations, including solid/liquid interfaces and external fields. Our work concerns polarizability effects in nanoscale confinements under electric field, open to an unperturbed bulk environment. We model aqueous molecules and ions in hydrophobic pores using the Gaussian-charge-on-spring BK3-AH representation. This involves nontrivial methodology devel- opments in expanded ensemble Monte Carlo simulations for open systems with long-ranged multibody interactions and necessitates further improvements for efficient modeling of polarizable ions. Structural differences between fixed-charge and polarizable models were captured in molecular dynamics simulations for a set of closed systems. Our open ensemble results with the BK3 model in neat-aqueous systems capture the ∼10% reduction of molecular dipoles within the surface layer near the hydrophobic pore walls in analogy to reported quantum mechanical calculations at water/vapor interfaces. The polarizability affects the interfacial dielectric behavior and weakens the electric-field dependence of water absorption at pragmatically relevant porosities. We observe moderate changes in thermodynamic properties and atom and charged-site spatial distributions; the Gaussian distribution of mobile charges on water and ions in the polarizable model shifts the density amplitudes and blurs the charge-layering effects associated with increased ion absorption. The use of polarizable force field indicates an enhanced response of interfacial ion distributions to applied electric field, a feature potentially important for in silico modeling of electric double layer capacitors

    Band structure from random interactions

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    The anharmonic vibrator and rotor regions in nuclei are investigated in the framework of the interacting boson model using an ensemble of random one- and two-body interactions. We find a predominance of L(P)=0(+) ground states, as well as strong evidence for the occurrence of both vibrational and rotational band structures. This remarkable result suggests that such band structures represent a far more general (robust) property of the collective model space than is generally thought.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Possible experimental signature of octupole correlations in the 02+^+_2 states of the actinides

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    JπJ^{\pi}= 0+^+ states have been investigated in the actinide nucleus 240{}^{240}Pu up to an excitation energy of 3 MeV with a high-resolution (p,t) experiment at EpE_{p}= 24 MeV. To test the recently proposed JπJ^{\pi}= 02+^+_2 double-octupole structure, the phenomenological approach of the spdf-interacting boson model has been chosen. In addition, the total 0+^+ strength distribution and the 0+0^+ strength fragmentation have been compared to the model predictions as well as to the previously studied (p,t) reactions in the actinides. The results suggest that the structure of the 02+^+_2 states in the actinides might be more complex than the usually discussed pairing isomers. Instead, the octupole degree of freedom might contribute significantly. The signature of two close-lying 0+^+ states below the 2-quasiparticle energy is presented as a possible manifestation of strong octupole correlations in the structure of the 02+^+_2 states in the actinides.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, published in Phys. Rev. C 88, 041303(R) (2013

    3C 57 as an Atypical Radio-Loud Quasar: Implications for the Radio-Loud/Radio-Quiet Dichotomy

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    Lobe-dominated radio-loud (LD RL) quasars occupy a restricted domain in the 4D Eigenvector 1 (4DE1) parameter space which implies restricted geometry/physics/kinematics for this subclass compared to the radio-quiet (RQ) majority of quasars. We discuss how this restricted domain for the LD RL parent population supports the notion for a RQ-RL dichotomy among Type 1 sources. 3C 57 is an atypical RL quasar that shows both uncertain radio morphology and falls in a region of 4DE1 space where RL quasars are rare. We present new radio flux and optical spectroscopic measures designed to verify its atypical optical/UV spectroscopic behaviour and clarify its radio structure. The former data confirms that 3C 57 falls off the 4DE1 quasar "main sequence" with both extreme optical FeII emission (R_{FeII} ~ 1) and a large CIV 1549 profile blueshift (~ -1500 km/s). These parameter values are typical of extreme Population A sources which are almost always RQ. New radio measures show no evidence for flux change over a 50+ year timescale consistent with compact steep-spectrum (CSS or young LD) over core-dominated morphology. In the 4DE1 context where LD RL are usually low L/L_{Edd} quasars we suggest that 3C 57 is an evolved RL quasar (i.e. large Black Hole mass) undergoing a major accretion event leading to a rejuvenation reflected by strong FeII emission, perhaps indicating significant heavy metal enrichment, high bolometric luminosity for a low redshift source and resultant unusually high Eddington ratio giving rise to the atypical CIV 1549.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 table