285 research outputs found

    Modulation of trabectedin (ET-743) hepatobiliary disposition by multidrug resistance-associated proteins (Mrps) may prevent hepatotoxicity

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    Trabectedin is a promising anticancer agent, but dose-limiting hepatotoxicity was observed during phase I/II clinical trials. Dexamethasone (DEX) has been shown to significantly reduce trabectedin-mediated hepatotoxicity. The current study was designed to assess the capability of sandwich-cultured primary rat hepatocytes (SCRH) to predict the hepato-protective effect of DEX against trabectedin-mediated cytotoxicity. The role of multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (Mrp2; Abcc2) in trabectedin hepatic disposition also was examined. In SCRH from wild-type Wistar rats, cytotoxicity was observed after 24-hr continuous exposure to trabectedin. SCRH pretreated with additional DEX (1 µM) exhibited a 2–3-fold decrease in toxicity at 100 nM and 1000 nM trabectedin. Unexpectedly, toxicity in SCRH from Mrp2-deficient (TR−) compared to wild-type Wistar rats was markedly reduced. Depletion of glutathione from SCRH using buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) mitigated trabectedin toxicity associated with 100 nM and 1000 nM trabectedin. Western blot analysis demonstrated increased levels of CYP3A1/2 and Mrp2 in SCRH pretreated with DEX; interestingly, Mrp4 expression was increased in SCRH after BSO exposure. Trabectedin biliary recovery in isolated perfused livers from TR− rats was decreased by ~75% compared to wild-type livers. In conclusion, SCRH represent a useful in vitro model to predict the hepatotoxicity of trabectedin observed in vivo. The protection by DEX against trabectedin-mediated cytotoxicity may be attributed, in part, to enhanced Mrp2 biliary excretion and increased metabolism by CYP3A1/2. Decreased trabectedin toxicity in SCRH from TR− rats, and in SCRH pretreated with BSO, may be due to increased basolateral excretion of trabectedin by Mrp3 and/or Mrp4

    Relationship between Drug/Metabolite Exposure and Impairment of Excretory Transport Function

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    The quantitative impact of excretory transport modulation on the systemic exposure to xenobiotics and derived metabolites is poorly understood. This article presents fundamental relationships between exposure and loss of a specific excretory process that contributes to overall clearance. The mathematical relationships presented herein were explored on the basis of hepatic excretory data for polar metabolites formed in the livers of various transporter-deficient rodents. Experimental data and theoretical relationships indicated that the fold change in exposure is governed by the relationship, 1/(1 – fe), where fe is the fraction excreted by a particular transport protein. Loss of function of a transport pathway associated with fe 0.5. These mathematical relationships may be extended to other organs, such as the intestine and kidney, as well as to systemic drug exposure. Finally, the relationship between exposure and fe is not only applicable to complete loss of function of a transport pathway but also can be extended to partial inhibition scenarios by modifying the equation with the ratio of the inhibitor concentration and inhibition constant

    Apparent Differences in Mechanisms of Harmol Sulfate Biliary Excretion in Mice and Rats

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    Previous experiments demonstrated that the biliary excretion of harmol sulfate (HS) was mediated by Bcrp, and not by Mrp2 or P-glycoprotein in mice. However, recent reports suggested that species differences in hepatic canalicular transport mechanisms for a given substrate exist between mice and rats. In the present study, biliary excretion of HS was examined in perfused livers from mice and rats in the absence or presence of the P-glycoprotein and Bcrp inhibitor, GF120918. As expected, in mouse liver perfusions the biliary excretion of HS was decreased ~3.5-fold by GF120918, consistent with previous reports of Bcrp-mediated HS biliary excretion. However, despite sufficient hepatic unbound concentrations of GF120918 to achieve extensive inhibition of Bcrp, the biliary excretion of HS was not decreased significantly in rats (50 ± 12 vs. 41 ± 6 %). In summary, biliary excretion of HS was mediated by a GF120918-sensitive mechanism in mice, previously elucidated as Bcrp. In contrast the pathway responsible for HS biliary excretion in rats was not impaired by GF120918. Thus, transport mechanism(s) responsible for harmol sulfate biliary excretion appear to differ between mice and rats

    Impact of Basolateral Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein (Mrp) 3 and Mrp4 on the Hepatobiliary Disposition of Fexofenadine in Perfused Mouse Livers

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    The disposition of fexofenadine, a commonly-used antihistamine drug, is governed primarily by active transport. Biliary excretion of the parent compound is the major route of systemic clearance. Previous studies demonstrated that fexofenadine hepatic uptake is mediated by organic anion transporting polypeptides. Recently, we showed that in mice fexofenadine is excreted into bile primarily by Mrp2 (Abcc2). In the present study, the role of Mrp3 (Abcc3) and Mrp4 (Abcc4) in the hepatobiliary disposition of fexofenadine was examined in knockout mice using in situ liver perfusion. Compared to wild-type mice, basolateral excretion of fexofenadine was impaired resulting in a ~50% decrease in perfusate recovery in Abcc3 ( − / − ) mice; in contrast, fexofenadine hepatobiliary disposition was unaltered in Abcc4 ( − / − ) mice. As expected, in Abcc2 ( − / − ) mice, fexofenadine was redirected from the canalicular to the basolateral membrane for excretion. In Abcc2 ( − / − )/Abcc3 ( − / − ) double knock-out mice, fexofenadine biliary excretion was impaired, but perfusate recovery was similar to wild-type mice, and more than 2-fold higher than in Abcc3 ( − / − ) mice, presumably due to compensatory basolateral transport mechanism(s). These results demonstrate that multiple transport proteins are involved in the hepatobiliary disposition of fexofenadine. In addition to Mrp2 and Mrp3, other transport proteins play an important role in the biliary and hepatic basolateral excretion of this zwitterionic drug

    Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein 2 Is Primarily Responsible for the Biliary Excretion of Fexofenadine in Mice

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    Previous studies implicated P-glycoprotein (P-gp) as the major transport protein responsible for the biliary excretion of fexofenadine (FEX). However, FEX biliary excretion was not impaired in P-gp- or Bcrp-knockout mice, and Mrp2-deficient rats. The present study tested the hypothesis that species differences exist in the transport protein primarily responsible for FEX biliary excretion between mice and rats. Livers from Mrp2-knockout (Mrp2KO) mice and Mrp2-deficient (TR−) rats were perfused in a single-pass manner with 0.5 μM FEX. GF120918 (10 μM) was employed to inhibit P-gp and Bcrp. The biliary excretion rate of FEX was decreased 85% in Mrp2KO relative to wild-type mice (18.4 ± 2.2 vs. 122 ± 34 pmol/min/g liver). In mice, more than 50% of FEX unbound intrinsic biliary clearance (CLbile, int = 3.0 ml/hr/g liver) could be attributed to Mrp2 (Mrp2-dependent CLbile, int ~ 1.7 ml/hr/g liver), with P-gp and Bcrp playing a minor role (P-gp- and Bcrp-dependent CLbile, int ~ 0.3 ml/hr/g liver). Approximately one-third of FEX CLbile, int was attributed to unidentified mechanisms in mice. In contrast to mice, FEX biliary excretion rate (245 ± 38 and 250 ± 25 pmol/min/g liver) and CLbile, int (9.72 ± 2.5 and 6.49 ± 0.68 ml/hr/g liver) were comparable between Mrp2-deficient (TR−) and control Wistar rats, respectively, suggesting that unidentified transport mechanism(s) can completely compensate for the loss of Mrp2 function in rats. Mrp2 clearly plays a major role in FEX biliary excretion in mice. In conclusion, remarkable species differences exist in FEX hepatobiliary transport mechanisms

    Transporters in Drug Development: 2018 ITC Recommendations for Transporters of Emerging Clinical Importance

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    This white paper provides updated International Transporter Consortium (ITC) recommendations on transporters that are important in drug development following the 3rd ITC workshop. New additions include prospective evaluation of organic cation transporter 1 (OCT1) and retrospective evaluation of organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP)2B1 because of their important roles in drug absorption, disposition, and effects. For the first time, the ITC underscores the importance of transporters involved in drug-induced vitamin deficiency (THTR2) and those involved in the disposition of biomarkers of organ function (OAT2 and bile acid transporters)

    Fractional dynamics pharmacokinetics–pharmacodynamic models

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    While an increasing number of fractional order integrals and differential equations applications have been reported in the physics, signal processing, engineering and bioengineering literatures, little attention has been paid to this class of models in the pharmacokinetics–pharmacodynamic (PKPD) literature. One of the reasons is computational: while the analytical solution of fractional differential equations is available in special cases, it this turns out that even the simplest PKPD models that can be constructed using fractional calculus do not allow an analytical solution. In this paper, we first introduce new families of PKPD models incorporating fractional order integrals and differential equations, and, second, exemplify and investigate their qualitative behavior. The families represent extensions of frequently used PK link and PD direct and indirect action models, using the tools of fractional calculus. In addition the PD models can be a function of a variable, the active drug, which can smoothly transition from concentration to exposure, to hyper-exposure, according to a fractional integral transformation. To investigate the behavior of the models we propose, we implement numerical algorithms for fractional integration and for the numerical solution of a system of fractional differential equations. For simplicity, in our investigation we concentrate on the pharmacodynamic side of the models, assuming standard (integer order) pharmacokinetics

    Expression of ABC Efflux Transporters in Placenta from Women with Insulin-Managed Diabetes

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    Drug efflux transporters in the placenta can significantly influence the materno-fetal transfer of a diverse array of drugs and other xenobiotics. To determine if clinically important drug efflux transporter expression is altered in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM-I) or type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM-I), we compared the expression of multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1), multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (MRP2) and the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) via western blotting and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in samples obtained from insulin-managed diabetic pregnancies to healthy term-matched controls. At the level of mRNA, we found significantly increased expression of MDR1 in the GDM-I group compared to both the T1DM-I (p<0.01) and control groups (p<0.05). Significant changes in the placental protein expression of MDR1, MRP2, and BCRP were not detected (p>0.05). Interestingly, there was a significant, positive correlation observed between plasma hemoglobin A1c levels (a retrospective marker of glycemic control) and both BCRP protein expression (r = 0.45, p<0.05) and BCRP mRNA expression (r = 0.58, p<0.01) in the insulin-managed DM groups. Collectively, the data suggest that the expression of placental efflux transporters is not altered in pregnancies complicated by diabetes when hyperglycemia is managed; however, given the relationship between BCRP expression and plasma hemoglobin A1c levels it is plausible that their expression could change in poorly managed diabetes

    Mechanistic evaluation of primary human hepatocyte culture using global proteomic analysis reveals a selective dedifferentiation profile

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    © 2016 The Author(s)The application of primary human hepatocytes following isolation from human tissue is well accepted to be compromised by the process of dedifferentiation. This phenomenon reduces many unique hepatocyte functions, limiting their use in drug disposition and toxicity assessment. The aetiology of dedifferentiation has not been well defined, and further understanding of the process would allow the development of novel strategies for sustaining the hepatocyte phenotype in culture or for improving protocols for maturation of hepatocytes generated from stem cells. We have therefore carried out the first proteomic comparison of primary human hepatocyte differentiation. Cells were cultured for 0, 24, 72 and 168 h as a monolayer in order to permit unrestricted hepatocyte dedifferentiation, so as to reveal the causative signalling pathways and factors in this process, by pathway analysis. A total of 3430 proteins were identified with a false detection rate of <1 %, of which 1117 were quantified at every time point. Increasing numbers of significantly differentially expressed proteins compared with the freshly isolated cells were observed at 24 h (40 proteins), 72 h (118 proteins) and 168 h (272 proteins) (p < 0.05). In particular, cytochromes P450 and mitochondrial proteins underwent major changes, confirmed by functional studies and investigated by pathway analysis. We report the key factors and pathways which underlie the loss of hepatic phenotype in vitro, particularly those driving the large-scale and selective remodelling of the mitochondrial and metabolic proteomes. In summary, these findings expand the current understanding of dedifferentiation should facilitate further development of simple and complex hepatic culture systems