33 research outputs found

    Challenges of rapid migration to fully virtual education in the age of the Corona virus pandemic: experiences from across the world

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    The social disruption caused by the sudden eruption of the Corona Virus pandemic has shaken the whole world, influencing all levels of education immensely. Notwithstanding there was a lack of preparedness for this global public health emergency which continues to affect all aspects of work and life. The problem is, naturally, multifaceted, fast evolving and complex, affecting everyone, threatening our well-being, the global economy, the environment and all societal and cultural norms and our everyday activities. In a recent UNESCO report it is noted that nearly a billion and a quarter (which is 67,7 % of the total number) of learners have been affected by the Corona Virus pandemic worldwide. The education sector at all levels has been one of the hardest hit sectors particularly as the academic/school year was in full swing. The impact of the pandemic is widespread, representing a health hazard worldwide. Being such, it profoundly affects society as a whole, and its members that are, in particular, i) individuals (the learners, their parents, educators, support staff), ii) schools, training organisations, pedagogical institutions and education systems, iii) quickly transformed policies, methods and pedagogies to serve the newly appeared needs of the latter. Lengthy developments of such scale usually take years of consultation, strategic planning and implementation. In addition to raising awareness across the population of the dangers of the virus transmission and instigating total lockdown, it has been necessary to develop mechanisms for continuing the delivery of education as well as demanding mechanisms for assuring the quality of the educational experience and educational results. There is often scepticism about securing quality standards in such a fast moving situation. Often in the recent past, the perception was that courses and degrees leading to an award are inferior if the course modules (and sometimes its assessment components) were wholly online. Over the last three decades most Higher Education institutions developed both considerable infrastructure and knowhow enabling distance mode delivery schools (Primary and Secondary) had hardly any necessary infrastructure nor adequate knowhow for enabling virtual education. In addition, community education and various training providers were mainly delivered face-to-face and that had to either stop altogether or rapidly convert materials, exercises and tests for online delivery and testing. A high degree of flexibility and commitment was demanded of all involved and particularly from the educators, who undertook to produce new educational materials in order to provide online support to pupils and students. Apart from the delivery mode of education, which is serving for certificated programmes, it is essential to ensure that learners’ needs are thoroughly and continuously addressed and are efficiently supported throughout the Coronavirus or any other future lockdown. The latter can be originated by various causes and reasons that vary in nature, such as natural or socioeconomical. Readiness, thus, in addition to preparedness, is the primary key question and solution when it comes to quality education for any lockdown. In most countries, the compulsory primary and secondary education sectors have been facing a more difficult challenge than that faced by Higher Education. The poor or in many cases non-existent technological infrastructure and low technological expertise of the teachers, instructors and parents, make the delivery of virtual education difficult or even impossible. The latter, coupled with phenomena such as social exclusion and digital divide where thousands of households do not have adequate access to broadband Internet, Wi-Fi infrastructure and personal computers hamper the promising and strenuous virtual solutions. The shockwaves of the sudden demands on all sectors of society and on individuals required rapid decisions and actions. We will not attempt to answer the question “Why was the world unprepared for the onslaught of the Coronavirus pandemic” but need to ascertain the level of preparedness and readiness particularly of the education sector, to effect the required rapid transition. We aimed to identify the challenges, and problems faced by the educators and their institutions. Through first-hand experiences we also identify best practices and solutions reached. Thus we constructed a questionnaire to gather our own responses but also experiences from colleagues and members of our environment, family, friends, and colleagues. This paper reports the first-hand experiences and knowledge of 33 co-authors from 27 institutions and from 13 different countries from Europe, Asia, and Africa. The communication technologies and development platforms used are identified; the challenges faced as well as solutions and best practices are reported. The findings are consolidated into the four areas explored i.e. Development Platforms, Communications Technologies, Challenges/Problems and Solutions/Best Practices. The conclusion summarises the findings into emerging themes and similarities. Reflections on the lasting impact of the effect of Coronavirus on education, limitations of study, and indications of future work complete the paper

    Rapid migration from traditional or hybrid to fully virtual education in the age of the coronavirus pandemic: challenges, experiences and views of college and university students

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    The abrupt outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic throughout the world in March 2020 resulted in the sudden closure of all schools, colleges and universities, institutions, and an unprecedented pivot to remote learning. Students and teachers were confronted with the overwhelming challenge of migrating from the traditional face-to-face or hybrid mode of education to fully virtual learning and assessment environments within an extremely short amount of time. This migration was exceptionally difficult, as it took place halfway through the academic or school year in most countries. While pandemic restrictions currently vary across different regions, the 2020-2021 academic session continues to pose challenges despite the experience gained. In addition to a review of the current state-of-the-art in relation to the effects of COVID-19 on teaching and learning, this paper reports on an empirical study carried out in 26 countries (from Asia, Europe, Africa and America), by 36 academics from 29 academic institutions. Through an extensive global survey of college and university students, information was collected about the challenges (technological, economic, psychological) faced by them, as a result of the pandemic. We also asked the students’ to offer their ideas and suggestions for further improvements in teaching and learning, as we look toward a post-COVID world. In this paper, we address issues relating to the availability of, and accessibility to, necessary digital technologies (e.g., learning and communication platforms), isolation, disconnection, and loneliness among students, the overall impact of the pandemic on learning and academic performance, and the reliability of assessment methods., cybercrime dangers and fake information. A total of 1005 responses to the survey were received and analysed. The results are presented in this paper together with reflections of the authors. The paper concludes with a summary of suggestions for process improvements in distance education, and the need for preventive preparedness in the post-COVID period

    Identification and Analysis of the Active Phytochemicals from the Anti-Cancer Botanical Extract Bezielle

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    Bezielle is a botanical extract that has selective anti-tumor activity, and has shown a promising efficacy in the early phases of clinical testing. Bezielle inhibits mitochondrial respiration and induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mitochondria of tumor cells but not in non-transformed cells. The generation of high ROS in tumor cells leads to heavy DNA damage and hyper-activation of PARP, followed by the inhibition of glycolysis. Bezielle therefore belongs to a group of drugs that target tumor cell mitochondria, but its cytotoxicity involves inhibition of both cellular energy producing pathways. We found that the cytotoxic activity of the Bezielle extract in vitro co-purified with a defined fraction containing multiple flavonoids. We have isolated several of these Bezielle flavonoids, and examined their possible roles in the selective anti-tumor cytotoxicity of Bezielle. Our results support the hypothesis that a major Scutellaria flavonoid, scutellarein, possesses many if not all of the biologically relevant properties of the total extract. Like Bezielle, scutellarein induced increasing levels of ROS of mitochondrial origin, progressive DNA damage, protein oxidation, depletion of reduced glutathione and ATP, and suppression of both OXPHOS and glycolysis. Like Bezielle, scutellarein was selectively cytotoxic towards cancer cells. Carthamidin, a flavonone found in Bezielle, also induced DNA damage and oxidative cell death. Two well known plant flavonoids, apigenin and luteolin, had limited and not selective cytotoxicity that did not depend on their pro-oxidant activities. We also provide evidence that the cytotoxicity of scutellarein was increased when other Bezielle flavonoids, not necessarily highly cytotoxic or selective on their own, were present. This indicates that the activity of total Bezielle extract might depend on a combination of several different compounds present within it

    LRRK2 deficiency induced mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux inhibition can be rescued by Na+/Ca2+/Li+ exchanger upregulation

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    Variants of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (lrrk2) are associated with an increased risk in developing Parkinson’s disease (PD). Mitochondrial dysfunction and specifically mitochondrial Ca2+ handling has been linked to the pathogenesis of PD. Here we describe for the second time a mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux deficiency in a model displaying alterations in a PD-associated risk protein. LRRK2 deletion, inhibition and mutations led to an impaired mitochondrial Ca2+ extrusion via Na+/Ca2+/Li+ exchanger (NCLX) which in turn lowered mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP) opening threshold and increased cell death. The mitochondrial membrane potential was found not to be the underlying cause for the Ca2+ extrusion deficiency. NCLX activity was rescued by a direct (phosphomimetic NCLX mutant) and indirect (protein kinase A) activation which in turn elevated the PTP opening threshold. Therefore, at least two PD-associated risk protein pathways appear to converge on NCLX controlling mitochondrial Ca2+ extrusion and therefore mitochondrial health. Since mitochondrial Ca2+ overload has been described in many neurological disorders this study warrants further studies into NCLX as a potential therapeutic target

    Targeted apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells through mitochondrial dysfunction in response to Sambucus nigra agglutinin

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    Ovarian carcinoma (OC) patients encounter the severe challenge of clinical management owing to lack of screening measures, chemoresistance and finally dearth of non-toxic therapeutics. Cancer cells deploy various defense strategies to sustain the tumor microenvironment, among which deregulated apoptosis remains a versatile promoter of cancer progression. Although recent research has focused on identifying agents capable of inducing apoptosis in cancer cells, yet molecules efficiently breaching their survival advantage are yet to be classified. Here we identify lectin, Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) to exhibit selectivity towards identifying OC by virtue of its specific recognition of α-2, 6-linked sialic acids. Superficial binding of SNA to the OC cells confirm the hyper-sialylated status of the disease. Further, SNA activates the signaling pathways of AKT and ERK1/2, which eventually promotes de-phosphorylation of dynamin-related protein-1 (Drp-1). Upon its translocation to the mitochondrial fission loci Drp-1 mediates the central role of switch in the mitochondrial phenotype to attain fragmented morphology. We confirmed mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization resulting in ROS generation and cytochrome-c release into the cytosol. SNA response resulted in an allied shift of the bioenergetics profile from Warburg phenotype to elevated mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, altogether highlighting the involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction in restraining cancer progression. Inability to replenish the SNA-induced energy crunch of the proliferating cancer cells on the event of perturbed respiratory outcome resulted in cell cycle arrest before G2/M phase. Our findings position SNA at a crucial juncture where it proves to be a promising candidate for impeding progression of OC. Altogether we unveil the novel aspect of identifying natural molecules harboring the inherent capability of targeting mitochondrial structural dynamics, to hold the future for developing non-toxic therapeutics for treating OC

    Time-dependent effects of imatinib in human leukaemia cells: a kinetic NMR-profiling study

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate the time course of metabolic changes in leukaemia cells treated with the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib. Human Bcr-Abl+ K562 cells were incubated with imatinib in a dose-escalating manner (starting at 0.1 μM with a weekly increase of 0.1 μM imatinib) for up to 5 weeks. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry were performed to assess a global metabolic profile, including glucose metabolism, energy state, lipid metabolism and drug uptake, after incubation with imatinib. Initially, imatinib treatment completely inhibited the activity of Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase, followed by the inhibition of cell glycolytic activity and glucose uptake. This was accompanied by the increased mitochondrial activity and energy production. With escalating imatinib doses, the process of cell death rapidly progressed. Phosphocreatine and NAD+ concentrations began to decrease, and mitochondrial activity, as well as the glycolysis rate, was further reduced. Subsequently, the synthesis of lipids as necessary membrane precursors for apoptotic bodies was accelerated. The concentrations of the Kennedy pathway intermediates, phosphocholine and phosphatidylcholine, were reduced. After 4 weeks of exposure to imatinib, the secondary necrosis associated with decrease in the mitochondrial and glycolytic activity occurred and was followed by a shutdown of energy production and cell death. In conclusion, monitoring of metabolic changes in cells exposed to novel signal transduction modulators supplements molecular findings and provides further mechanistic insights into longitudinal changes of the mitochondrial and glycolytic pathways of oncogenesis

    Legionella pneumophila Secretes a Mitochondrial Carrier Protein during Infection

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    The Mitochondrial Carrier Family (MCF) is a signature group of integral membrane proteins that transport metabolites across the mitochondrial inner membrane in eukaryotes. MCF proteins are characterized by six transmembrane segments that assemble to form a highly-selective channel for metabolite transport. We discovered a novel MCF member, termed Legionella nucleotide carrier Protein (LncP), encoded in the genome of Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaire's disease. LncP was secreted via the bacterial Dot/Icm type IV secretion system into macrophages and assembled in the mitochondrial inner membrane. In a yeast cellular system, LncP induced a dominant-negative phenotype that was rescued by deleting an endogenous ATP carrier. Substrate transport studies on purified LncP reconstituted in liposomes revealed that it catalyzes unidirectional transport and exchange of ATP transport across membranes, thereby supporting a role for LncP as an ATP transporter. A hidden Markov model revealed further MCF proteins in the intracellular pathogens, Legionella longbeachae and Neorickettsia sennetsu, thereby challenging the notion that MCF proteins exist exclusively in eukaryotic organisms

    University Students’ Views on the Application of Gamification in Distance Education

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    The COVID-19 affecting the whole world has also affected education. Education has changed from face-to-face education to distance education. In distance education, it is the most basic duty of teachers to increase students’ participation in the lesson, motivate their learning and increase their motivation. Gamification, which is one of the new learning approaches that has come to the fore in the education process, can be used for active learning activities in this model. This study was aimed to determine university students’ views on gamified education. In this context, gamification activities were used in the teaching process. In this study, the qualitative research method was used. The study group of the research consists of 30 second-grade students studying at North Cyprus and some Russian Universities, in the Faculty of Education, Department of Preschool Education. The application was carried out within the scope of the computer I course in the 2020–2021 fall semester. The interview form developed by the researchers was used as a data collection tool within the scope of the research. In preparing the interview questions, the final form of the questions was given by taking the opinions of four experts. Content analysis was used in the study of the data. The findings obtained as a result of the research are given in detail in the findings and results section

    Antimicrobial Activity of Quercetin, Naringenin and Catechin: Flavonoids Inhibit <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>-Induced Hemolysis and Modify Membranes of Bacteria and Erythrocytes

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    Search for novel antimicrobial agents, including plant-derived flavonoids, and evaluation of the mechanisms of their antibacterial activities are pivotal objectives. The goal of this study was to compare the antihemolytic activity of flavonoids, quercetin, naringenin and catechin against sheep erythrocyte lysis induced by α-hemolysin (αHL) produced by the Staphylococcus aureus strain NCTC 5655. We also sought to investigate the membrane-modifying action of the flavonoids. Lipophilic quercetin, but not naringenin or catechin, effectively inhibited the hemolytic activity of αHL at concentrations (IC50 = 65 ± 5 µM) below minimal inhibitory concentration values for S. aureus growth. Quercetin increased the registered bacterial cell diameter, enhanced the fluidity of the inner and surface regions of bacterial cell membranes and raised the rigidity of the hydrophobic region and the fluidity of the surface region of erythrocyte membranes. Our findings provide evidence that the antibacterial activities of the flavonoids resulted from a disorder in the structural organization of bacterial cell membranes, and the antihemolytic effect of quercetin was related to the effect of the flavonoid on the organization of the erythrocyte membrane, which, in turn, increases the resistance of the target cells (erythrocytes) to αHL and inhibits αHL-induced osmotic hemolysis due to prevention of toxin incorporation into the target membrane. We confirmed that cell membrane disorder could be one of the direct modes of antibacterial action of the flavonoids

    Reinforcement Learning in Crystal Structure Prediction

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    Crystal Structure Prediction (CSP) is a fundamental computational problem in materials science. Basin-hopping is a prominent CSP method that combines global Monte Carlo sampling to search over candidate trial structures...</jats:p