563 research outputs found

    Rio Grande do Sul as published by Livraria do Globo: Regionalist temporalities and publishing (1924-1960)

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    In this article I intend to analyze the nexuses between the editorial project of Livraria do Globo, a publishing house of Porto Alegre, andgaĂșcho regionalism in Rio Grande do Sul in three temporalities: the heroic gauchismo of the 1920s; the critique and downward path of regionalism in the 1930s; and the return to themes and topics involving the South by local intelligentsia, with new criteria, after the end of the Estado Novo (1937-1945). The publication of regionalist books took up a significant proportion of the life of Livraria do Globo, fluctuating according to the interest of the public, the political situation, the development of the Brazilian market, and the relatively increased autonomy in the cultural field. On the one hand it can be said that, as a literary and for a while political movement, gaĂșcho regionalism depended almost exclusively on Globo’s investments in publishing, which enabled efforts to reconfigure this line ideologically and esthetically. On the other, we know that at least at two points in time (in the second half of the 1920s and the 1950s) regionalism gave the business considerable financial returns: first, together with the translated literature published for the masses, it supported the expansion of the editorial structure of the old bookstore, and then it ensured a dependable revenue in times of crisis.Keywords: Editora Globo, gaĂșcho regionalism, History of Culture.In this article I intend to analyze the nexuses between the editorial project of Livraria do Globo, a publishing house of Porto Alegre, and gaĂșcho regionalism in Rio Grande do Sul in three temporalities: the heroic gauchismo of the 1920s; the critique and downward path of regionalism in the 1930s; and the return to themes and topics involving the South by local intelligentsia, with new criteria, after the end of the Estado Novo (1937-1945). The publication of regionalist books took up a significant proportion of the life of Livraria do Globo, fluctuating according to the interest of the public, the political situation, the development of the Brazilian market, and the relatively increased autonomy in the cultural field. On the one hand it can be said that, as a literary and for a while political movement, gaĂșcho regionalism depended almost exclusively on Globo’s investments in publishing, which enabled efforts to reconfigure this line ideologically and esthetically. On the other, we know that at least at two points in time (in the second half of the 1920s and the 1950s) regionalism gave the business considerable financial returns: first, together with the translated literature published for the masses, it supported the expansion of the editorial structure of the old bookstore, and then it ensured a dependable revenue in times of crisis.Keywords: Editora Globo, gaĂșcho regionalism, History of Culture

    Evaluation of tracing techniques in the rat spinal cord using a custom MATLAB application.

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    The objective of this research project is to evaluate the efficiency of traditional chemical tracing compared to dual-viral tracing for labeling long ascending propriospinal neurons (LAPNs) in the uninjured rat spinal cord, and to develop a MATLAB program which will accurately quantify this labeling. To evaluate chemical tracing, Fluoro-Ruby (FR) was injected at the level of the axon terminals, and the number of ipsilateral labeled cell bodies at lumbar level was quantified. Similarly, two dual-viral systems were evaluated, by either injecting retro-AAV-Cre or HiRet-Lenti-Cre unilaterally in combination with a Cre-dependent adeno-associated virus. The HiRet-Lenti and FR groups labeled significantly greater numbers of LAPNs than the retro-AAV group, showing that dual-viral systems utilizing retro-AAVs do not provide robust labeling when tracing LAPNs. Additionally, dual-viral tracing utilizing the HiRet-lentivirus provides more specificity than traditional chemical tracing with FR. Thus, dual-viral labeling utilizing HiRet-lentiviruses is preferred due to greater specificity and more prominent labeling. To automate the cell counting process, a MATLAB program was developed to accurately determine the number of ipsilateral cell bodies labeled by each of the tracing techniques. To validate the accuracy of the MATLAB program, the number of labeled cells counted for each tracing technique by manual counting was compared to the number generated by the MATLAB program. The number of LAPNs counted manually did not significantly differ from the number of LAPNs counted by the MATLAB application between labeling groups, and there was a highly significant correlation between the two methods

    Giving the Giggles: Prediction, Intervention, and Young Children's Representation of Psychological Events

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    Adults recognize that if event A predicts event B, intervening on A might generate B. Research suggests that young children have difficulty making this inference unless the events are initiated by goal-directed actions. The current study tested the domain-generality and development of this phenomenon. Replicating previous work, when the events involved a physical outcome, toddlers (mean: 24 months) failed to generalize the outcome of spontaneously occurring predictive events to their own interventions; toddlers did generalize from prediction to intervention when the events involved a psychological outcome. We discuss these findings as they bear on the development of causal concepts.Templeton Foundation (Grant 12667)James S. McDonnell FoundationNational Science Foundation (U.S.). (CAREER Award 0744213

    Gilda Marinho: uma mulher “tradicionalmente moderna”

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    Rio Grande do Sul as published by Livraria do Globo: Regionalist temporalities and publishing (1924-1960)

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    Neste artigo, pretendo analisar os nexos entre o projeto editorial da Livraria do Globo, de Porto Alegre, e o regionalismo gaĂșcho, em trĂȘs temporalidades: o gauchismo heroico, nos anos 1920; a crĂ­tica e o descenso do regional na dĂ©cada de 1930; e a retomada dos temas e assuntos do Sul pela intelectualidade local, sob novos critĂ©rios, apĂłs o fim do Estado Novo. A edição de livros regionalistas ocupou parcela significativa da vida da casa editora, oscilando de acordo com o interesse do pĂșblico, a conjuntura polĂ­tica, o desenvolvimento do mercado brasileiro e a relativa autonomização do campo cultural. De um lado, pode-se afirmar que, enquanto movimento literĂĄrio e, por certo tempo, polĂ­tico, o regionalismo gaĂșcho dependeu quase que exclusivamente dos investimentos da Globo em edição, o que permitiu os esforços de reconfiguração ideolĂłgica e estĂ©tica da vertente. De outro, sabemos que, em pelo menos dois momentos (segunda metade da dĂ©cada de 1920 e anos 1950), a linha regionalista deu retorno financeiro considerĂĄvel: primeiro, sustentando, juntamente com a literatura de massa traduzida, a expansĂŁo da estrutura editorial da antiga livraria; depois, garantindo numerĂĄrio seguro em tempos de crise.Palavras-chave: Editora Globo, regionalismo gaĂșcho, HistĂłria Cultural.In this article I intend to analyze the nexuses between the editorial project of Livraria do Globo, a publishing house of Porto Alegre, and gaĂșcho regionalism in Rio Grande do Sul in three temporalities: the heroic gauchismo of the 1920s; the critique and downward path of regionalism in the 1930s; and the return to themes and topics involving the South by local intelligentsia, with new criteria, after the end of the Estado Novo (1937-1945). The publication of regionalist books took up a significant proportion of the life of Livraria do Globo, fluctuating according to the interest of the public, the political situation, the development of the Brazilian market, and the relatively increased autonomy in the cultural field. On the one hand it can be said that, as a literary and for a while political movement, gaĂșcho regionalism depended almost exclusively on Globo’s investments in publishing, which enabled efforts to reconfigure this line ideologically and esthetically. On the other, we know that at least at two points in time (in the second half of the 1920s and the 1950s) regionalism gave the business considerable financial returns: first, together with the translated literature published for the masses, it supported the expansion of the editorial structure of the old bookstore, and then it ensured a dependable revenue in times of crisis.Keywords: Editora Globo, gaĂșcho regionalism, History of Culture

    O retorno de Sepé Tiaraju:

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    Neste artigo, buscarei elaborar uma breve genealogia das representaçÔes e dos usos do passado missioneiro no Rio Grande do Sul com enfoque na figura de SepĂ© Tiaraju. Como a memĂłria popular, a historiografia e as demandas sociais de histĂłria modelaram os sentidos atribuĂ­dos Ă  experiĂȘncia das MissĂ”es JesuĂ­ticas e as possiblidades de seu pertencimento Ă  histĂłria brasileira na regiĂŁo Sul? As fontes principais sĂŁo o folclore – no poema lendĂĄrio “O Lunar de SepĂ©â€ (1910) – a historiografia tradicional – no chamado “Caso SepĂ©â€ (anos 1950) – e os usos polĂ­ticos do passado guarani missioneiro e do mito de SepĂ© nas lutas populares pela terra e por reconhecimento – especialmente nos movimentos de trabalhadores sem-terra e na organização dos MbyĂĄ-Guarani da regiĂŁo de SĂŁo Miguel. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a persistĂȘncia das perspectivas populares, apesar das tentativas de exclusĂŁo e de assimilação do patrimĂŽnio missioneiro no campo intelectual e no discurso oficial ao longo do sĂ©culo 20, constituindo um registro de memĂłria folk rebelde que tensiona a identidade gaĂșcha conservadora
