4 research outputs found

    Gambaran Problematic Internet Use Pada Remaja Pengguna TikTok di Kota Padang

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    Internet merupakan sistem jaringan yang sudah dikenal oleh banyak orang. Pengguna internet tidak hanya berasal dari kalangan berusia dewasa, tetapi juga remaja. Salah satu daya tarik internet ini adalah ketersediaan beragam fitur. Misalnya adalah Tiktok. Tiktok merupakan media yang banyak digunakan oleh remaja untuk hiburan. Akibatnya ketika menggunakan TikTok, banyak remaja ini yang lupa terhadap waktu dan menimbulkan dampak negatif. Hal ini kemudian menjadi pemicuterjadinya problematic internet use (PIU). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran PIU pada remaja pengguna TikTok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan, yaitu kuantitatif deskriptif dengan jumlah sample sebanyak 483 remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data ialah generalized problematic internet use scale 2 (GPIUS2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remaja pengguna TikTok di Kota Padang memiliki tingkat problematic internet use dalam kategori sedang, yaitu sebanyak 296 remaja. Implikasinya adalah remaja pengguna TikTok di Kota Padang mengalami problematic internet use ketika menggunakan internet khususnya untuk mengatur suasana hati. Kata Kunci: Problematic Internet Use, Remaja, TikTo

    Emoticons Unveiled: A Multifaceted Analysis of Their Linguistic Impact

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    This study aims to thoroughly investigate the linguistic impact of emojis and emoticons in modern written communication. This work attempts to shed light on these digital symbols’ linguistic structure, social implications, and evolution through a multidisciplinary research method. A mixed-methods approach was used in the research, integrating interdisciplinary viewpoints with quantitative and qualitative analyses. A vast amount of data was gathered from various digital communication channels, such as email exchanges, messaging apps, and social media. A sizable collection of text messages with emojis and emoticons was assembled. Emotional cons and emojis were categorized using linguistic analysis, breaking down their structure into visual components and repeating patterns. Their grammatical and syntactic effects on written language were also evaluated in this investigation. The findings indicate that using emojis in writing positively correlates with emotional expressiveness. This implies that when people wish to express emotions and subtlety in their messages, they typically utilize more emoticons. They enhance digital etiquette, reduce misunderstandings, improve emotional connection, and foster cross-cultural understanding. Emoticons are a global visual language that helps people communicate, create empathy, and navigate digital communication


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    What people say can bring about some reactions. These reactions are called a perlocutionary act.  This paper is aimed at describing the perlocutionary act of verbal violence against women.  The objective of this writing is to identify the perlocutionary acts of  the women as the victims of the violence verbally. The data were taken in DKI Jakarta and Sumatera Barat by using interviews, note-taking, recording, and questionnaires. There were around women as 30 respondents. These women were the victims of verbal violence domestically.  The analysis was done by using the concept of speech act and verbal violence against women. The result of the analysis was descriptively and narratively done. Besides, the percentage was also used to highlight the number of occurrences of a certain perlocution.  Having analyzed the data, it is found that there are two general reactions as the perlocution of the women, victims of verbal violence domestically. They are 1) arguing, 2) replying with the same words, 3) groveling,  and 4) saying nothing but doing something like crying or being silent. ‘Saying nothing’ occurs more than others because the women surrendered with the circumstances that are also in line with the cycle of the violence itself.

    The impact of the top-down approach of the Huta Siallagan tradition on post-revitalization

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    AbstractTourism currently affects several sectors, so the tourism sector’s development supports New Opportunities and Sustainable Development (SDGs). Samosir, North Sumatra, is a destination targeted by the government, especially Huta Siallagan, which has been revitalized. Previously the revitalization process was carried out using a top-down approach. This raises questions about the integrity of existing traditions in the region. Thus, tracing related traditions before and after revitalization is an important part of knowing. Data collection was carried out using observation and interview methods. The data collected was analyzed by looking at aspects of folklore and grouping traditions. The description of the data will be described narratively. The research results show that the traditions and culture in the Huta Siallagan community are still being applied, which is also what visitors always say. This is evidenced by the performance of the Gale-gale dance, which also invites visitors to join in the dance. However, the starting point of the traditional procession is different, so that part of the story is lost