111 research outputs found

    Pathogenicity of Colletotrichum dematium (FR.) grove to caraway Carum carvi L.

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    The aim of present work was to determine pathogenicity of three Colletotrichum dematium isolates to caraway. The effect of post-culture liquids and water suspension of conidia on germination of caraway schizocarps was studied in laboratory conditions. The effect of C. dematium on shooting up and healthiness of the seedlings was carried out in the climatic chamber using the method with infested soil and solidified plaster of culture medium overgrown by the mycelium of the pathogen. The studied isolates of fungus made the germination of parts of tested schizocarps impossible. On the other hand, all isolates caused necrosis of germs and roots of the other germinated schizocarps. The method with Colletotrichum dematium post-culture liquids was recognized as the best to a fast estimation of pathogenicity of fungus to caraway. Based on the positive results of pathogenicity tests the studied isolates of C. dematium were recognized as pathogenic to caraway. Considering this fact and repeated frequency of isolation of the fungus from various organs of this plant (Machowicz - Stefaniak , 2010), C. dematium was recognized as a potentially pathogenic species to caraway

    Fungi inhabiting the aboveground organs of downy willow (Salix lapponum L.) and swamp willow (Salix myrtilloides L.)

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    The species of downy willow (Salix lapponum) and swamp willow (Salix myrtilloides) are extremely rare relicts among all members of the genus Salix. In Poland, they occur only in the eastern part of the Karkonosze Mountains, Masurian Lake District, and Polesie Lubelskie area. A huge threat to both species is the drainage of peat bogs and their excessive exploitation as well as diseases caused by bacteria and fungi. The present study aimed identify fungal species colonizing the aboveground organs of plants with disease symptoms and to indicate which species may pose a threat towards S. lapponum and S. myrtilloides growing under natural conditions. This research was conducted in Polesie National Park as a part of a research project by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Plant health assessments were carried out in natural habitats, while aboveground organs with disease symptoms were collected for laboratory mycological analysis. Colletotrichum salicis (teleomorph Glomerella salicis), Coniothyrium concentricum, Cylindrosporium salicinum, Phomopsis spp., Truncatella angustata, and Cytospora chrysosperma (teleomorph Valsa sordida) were the fungal species most frequently isolated from leaves and shoots of both willow species. The above-mentioned fungi are dangerous plant pathogens from the family Salicaceae. There were no obligatory parasites or monophagous pathogens on the aboveground organs of downy or swamp willow. Obligatory parasites may indicate a markedly low population of host plants in Polish conditions

    Udział polskiej Policji w misjach pokojowych ONZ i UE w Afryce

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    Przedmiotem artykułu jest przedstawienie w zarysie zaangażowania polskiej policji w operacjach pokojowych na przykładzie misji prowadzonych w Afryce. Formą wprowadzenia do zasadniczej tematyki jest syntetyczne omówienie problematyki misji pokojowych, w którym zwrócono przede wszystkim uwagę na różnice między misjami prowadzonymi pod egidą ONZ oraz przez Unię Europejską. W dalszej części tekstu zaprezentowano obowiązujące w Polsce rozwiązania prawne dotyczące udziału policjantów w misjach zagranicznych. Zasadniczą część artykułu stanowi omówienie działalności dwóch polskich kontyngentów policyjnych uczestniczących w misjach na kontynencie afrykańskim (tj. Polskiego Kontyngentu Policyjnego Misji Pokojowej Obserwatorów ONZ w Republice Liberii UNMIL oraz Polskiego Kontyngentu Policyjnego Unii Europejskiej wspierającego misję Unii Afrykańskiej w Sudanie). W obu przypadkach przedstawiono również w syntetycznej formie tło konfl iktów, do których zażegnania wysłane zostały siły międzynarodowe.The purpose of the present article is to briefl y present the involvement of the Polish National Police in peacekeeping operations in Africa. The introductory part of the article focuses on the differences between UN and EU missions and includes a concise description of peacekeeping operations. Later in the article the author reviews Polish legislation on the involvement of police offi cers in international peacekeeping missions. The main part of the article describes two Polish contingents participating in peacekeeping operations in Africa, i.e. UNMIL Polish Police Contingent in Liberia and Polish Police Contingent in Sudan supporting EU operations in Sudan – AMIS II. In both the above named cases, the author has illustrates the background of armed confl icts and the quenching of which required the involvement of international forces.В статье рассмотрено участие польской полиции в миротворческих операциях на примере миссий, которые имели место в Африке. Введением к основной те- матике является синтетический осмотр проблематики миротворческих миссий, в котором, прежде всего, обращено внимание на разницу между операциями проводимыми под эгидой ООН и Европейского Союза. Далее автор описала существующее в Польше законодательство, касающееся участия полицейских в зарубежных миссиях. В основной части статьи рассмотрено деятельность двух польских контингентов полицейских, участвующих в операциях на Африкан- ском континенте (Польский полицейский контингент миротворческой миссии наблюдателей ООН в Республике Либерии [UNMIL] и Польский полицейский контингент Европейского Союза действующий в рамках миссии Африканского союза в Судане). В обоих случаях, в синтетической форме, указаны причины конфликтов, для прекращения которых были высланы международные силы

    Estimation of the antifungal activity of some preparations against Diaporthe eres under in vitro conditions

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    Six fungicides from various chemical groups and two natural products, i.e., Biosept Active (grapefruit extract) and Beta-Chikol (chitosan) were tested in vitro against Diaporthe eres isolated from the shoots of fruit trees. The preparations were incorporated in PDA medium to provide final fungicide concentrations of 1, 10, and 100 g cm−3. Biosept Active concentrations of 0.05%, 0.075%, and 0.1%, and Beta-Chikol concentrations of 1%, 2%, and 2.5%, respectively. The antifungal activity of the preparations was evaluated based on mycelial growth of D. eres strains after 4 and 8 days of culture and changes in the morphological structures of the fungus. The highest antifungal activity was registered for thiophanate-methyl at all tested concentrations, followed by thiram, which showed the same activity but only at 100 g cm−3. Among the preparations of natural origin, Beta-Chikol was more effective against D. eres than Biosept Active. The effects achieved by the former preparation were comparable with those achieved by some of the most effective fungicides tested against D. eres


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    Abstract. Phomopsis diachenii belongs to the fungi increasingly noted on herbal plants from Apiaceae family. Considering the documented fungal pathogenicity for herbs, the possibility of limiting the growth and development of P. diachenii was studied. Two biotechnical preparations i.e. Biosept Active and Beta-chikol and 12 fungicides from different chemical groups as well as one isolate of P. diachenii K 651, obtained from caraway were used for the study. Tests were performed by poisoning the culture media with each of the tested preparations, which were then inoculated with the P. diachenii inoculum. The percentage of inhibition of the growth of four-and eight-day-old fungus colonies on the medium with preparations in comparison to the control colonies was a measure of the toxic activity of the preparations. The effectiveness of Beta-chikol in limiting P. diachenii growth was significantly higher than the efficiency of Biosept Active. All fungicides limited the growth and development of P. diachenii, and the effectiveness of inhibitory activity was correlated with the concentration of the active ingredient in fungicide. The most promising compound in reducing the growth and development of P. diachenii was mancozeb

    Interleukin 6 and 8 Levels in Plasma and Fibroblast Cultures in Psoriasis

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    Fibroblasts have been implicated in psoriatic inflammatory processes. The aim of the study was to evaluate soluble interleukin 2 receptor (sIL-2R), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and interleukin 8 (IL-8) plasma levels in psoriatic patients and IL-6 and IL-8 levels in fibroblast culture supernatants. Cytokines levels in plasma and supernatants were measured by ELISA. Plasma sIL-2R, IL-6, and IL-8 levels were higher before the treatment in comparison to healthy controls (P < 0.001) and decreased after treatment. Fibroblasts from healthy controls, psoriatic lesional skin, and noninvolved psoriatic skin, when stimulated with tumor necrosis factor alpha, released considerable amounts of IL-6 and IL-8. No significant difference between healthy controls and psoriatic fibroblasts was observed. Monitoring plasma sIL-2R levels could be employed as a reliable method of psoriasis activity. IL-8 and IL-6 plasma levels seem to reflect psoriasis activity, and treatment response, respectively. Fibroblasts are not a major source of increased IL-6 and IL-8 production in psoriasis

    Stereotypes and prejudice against people of different cultures in the awareness of the students of nursing

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    In the 21st century, the world is more often referred to as the global village, and societies are called Internet or digital communities. Distance no longer has the same meaning as in the past. Therefore we often meet people of a different race or religious denomination not only in our virtual lives (the network), but in our daily and professional lives as well. Therefore, it seems essential in the modern world to be able to exist in multiculturalism. This is not an easy task, especially since stereotypes and prejudice are deeply ingrained in Polish culture and mentality. The aim of this study was to identify the opinions and knowledge of the students of nursing about stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination against people of different cultures. The research was conducted in a group of 100 students of nursing and used a questionnaire form and a test of knowledge designed by the authors. Statistical analysis used Statistica 9.0, the Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson’s test of correlation (χ2\chi^{2}). The level of knowledge about stereotyping, national and ethnic minorities has proven to be very low; it did not depend on the respondents' place of residence or the frequency of their trips abroad. The vast majority of students had some experience with stereotypes and prejudice. In the students' opinion, discrimination can be prevented by obtaining the information about other cultures. In their professional life, students of nursing will need to utilize much of their cultural competence. Therefore prospective healthcare professionals should be taught how to understand cultural differences and how to prevent discrimination. Nowadays not only emotional sensitivity or empathy, but also cultural sensitivity seem to be necessary in the work of nurses