124 research outputs found

    Materializmo tradicijos Kauno Medicinos institute

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    Paveldimumo ir aplinkos vaidmuo sugebėjimų formavimesi

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    Religija ir nacionalizmas

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    Minor and Trace Elements in Whole Blood, Tissues, Proteins and Immunoglobulins of Mammals

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    Microelements play different important roles in many physiological processes in all biological systems in both normal physiological and pathological conditions. They take part in the transport of nutrients and gases, support temperature, acid-base balance, homeostasis of the human organisms, maternal and child mental health, the functioning of enzymes, protein and DNA syntheses, cytoskeleton activation, etc. We have performed simultaneous determination of a number of minor and trace elements in whole blood and tissues of mammals by two-jet plasma atomic emission spectrometry (TJP-AES). TJP-AES allows direct analysis of powders without wet acid digestion and can be used for analysis of both large and small amount of the sample, which is important for biomedical investigations with humans and experimental animals. In addition, a content of different elements in preparations of human immunoglobulins was estimated by TJP-AES as well as using different physicochemical methods, the functional role of metal ions in antibodies functioning was analyzed. The analysis of the relative activity of antibodies with catalytic activity (abzymes) in the hydrolysis of DNA, RNA, proteins, peptides and oxidation-reduction reactions and the role of metal ions in the catalysis of these reactions by abzymes were carried out

    Paveldimumo ir aplinkos vaidmuo sugebėjimų formavimesi

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    Santrauka ruošiam

    Gamtamokslinis materializmas buržuazinėje Lietuvoje

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    Straipsnyje analizuojamos kai kurios pagrindinės problemos, kurias sprendė gamtamokslinis materializmas buržuazinėje Lietuvoje. Smulkiau nagrinėjamos žymiausio jo atstovo J. Kairiūkščio filosofinės pažiūros. Aiškindamas filosofijos ir gamtos mokslų sąjungos reikšmę, jis nurodo, jog filosofijos uždavinys yra apibendrinti atskirų gamtos mokslų rezultatus. Nagrinėdamas materijos problemą, jis gina materialistinį teiginį, kad mokslas, fizika, matematika yra tikrovės atspindys, o ne laisvas proto kūrinys. J. Kairiūkštis kritikavo vitalistus, kurie pripažino antgamtinių jėgų buvimą gyvojoje gamtoje ir skelbė agnosticizmą. Gamtamokslinio materializmo atstovai buržuazinėje Lietuvoje parodė gyvosios ir negyvosios gamtos ryšį, skelbė, jog gyvybė atsirado iš negyvosios gamtos ir yra materiali. Spręsdami žmogaus kilmės problemą, jie įrodė žmogaus kilmę iš gyvūnų. Šį įrodymą jie grindė lyginamosios anatomijos, biochemijos, lyginamosios embriologijos ir kitų gamtos mokslų duomenimis, kritikavo Biblijos pasakojimus apie dieviškąjį žmogaus sutvėrimą. J. Kairiūkštis atskleidė neigiamą religijos poveikį moralei ir kartu parodė, jog mokslas, kultūra sušvelnino žmonių. papročius, pakėlė atskiro asmens vertę

    Religija ir nacionalizmas

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    Santrauka ruošiam

    Mirties problema

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    I. Death is an objective biological process manifesting itself in the irreversible ceasing of the vital activity that is characteristic of any biological system. II. Death has its subjective aspect too: feelings, emotional experiences which are associated with this objective biological process and characteristic of a man. III. Subjective emotional experiences associated with death are comprehensively reflected in art. IV. Religion, in particular Christianity, pays great attention to the problem of death. The dogma about immortality of human soul plays an ever important part in strengthening the influence of the church. V. The history of philosophy deals with the problem of death in accordance with three principal aspects: 1) the grounding and criticism of the immortality of human soul; 2) the new sense of a man’s immortality as preservation of his works and good deeds; 3) emotional experiences associated with death as an essential element of man's spiritual life – this aspect is being worked out by philosophy of existentialism in particular. VI. The present day -Marxist philosophers should work out the problem of death according to the three principal aspects taking into account the grounding of the scientific conception of 's immortality and subjecting to severe criticism the interpretation of death practised by existentialism.Straipsnyje įvairiais aspektais nagrinėjama mirties problema. Teigiama, kad mirtis yra objektyvus biologinis procesas, pasireiškiantis organizmo gyvybinės veiklos galutiniu nutrūkimu ir būdingas žmogui kaip biologinei sistemai. Mirties problemai didelį dėmesį skiria religijos, ypač krikščionybė: žmogaus sielos nemirtingumo dogma įgyja vis didesnę reikšmę išlaikant ir stiprinant bažnyčios įtaką. Filosofijos istorijoje mirties problema nagrinėjama trimis svarbiausiais aspektais: sielos nemirtingumo sampratos pagrindimas ir kritika; naujos žmogaus nemirtingumo, kaip kūrinių ir gerų darbų išlikimo, sampratos plėtotė; su mirtimi susijusių išgyvenimų, kaip žemiškojo žmogaus dvasinio gyvenimo esminių aspektų, analizė, kurią atlieka daugiausia egzistencializmo filosofija. Daroma išvada, kad marksistinės filosofijos atstovai dabarties sąlygomis turi nagrinėti mirties problemą minėtais aspektais, didžiausią dėmesį skirdami žmogaus nemirtingumo mokslinės sampratos pagrindimui ir egzistencializmo kritikai


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    Determination of impurities in tungsten oxide (WO3) and cadmium tungstate crystals CdWO4 (CWO) was performed by atomic emission spectrometry with a two-jet arc plasma (TJP-AES) after ion exchange tungsten separation. Tungsten metal obtained under reduction of WO3 and CWO by hydrogen was dissolved in 30 % hydrogen peroxide solution and passed through a cation exchange column. Impurities adsorbed on the column were eluted by nitric acid solution and evaporated on graphite powder. Element concentrations in graphite concentrate of impurities were determined by TJP-AES. The technique developed allows the determination of Ag, Al, Ba, Bi, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Dy, Eu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Mg, Mn, Ni, Sm, and Ti with detection limits in the range of 0.5-500 (WO3) and 0.3-350 (CWO) ng/g.Keywords: tungsten oxide, cadmium tungstate, reduction by hydrogen, ion exchange chromatography, two-jet arc plasma, impurities, atomic emission spectrometry.(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.1.006 N.P. Zaksas, L.N. Komissarova, P.S. Galkin, A.P. Zubareva Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian FederationОпределение примесей в оксиде вольфрама (WO3) и кристаллах вольфрамата кадмия CdWO4 (CWO) проводили методом атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с двухструйной дуговой плазмой (ДДП-АЭС) после ионообменного отделения вольфрама. Металлический вольфрам, полученный при восстановлении WO3 и CWO водородом, растворяли в 30 % растворе пероксида водорода и пропускали через катионообменную колонку. Примеси, адсорбированные на колонке, элюировали раствором азотной кислоты и упаривали на графитовый порошок. Содержание элементов в графитовом концентрате микропримесей определяли методом ДДП-АЭС. Разработанная методика позволяет определять Ag, Al, Ba, Bi, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Dy, Eu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Mg, Mn, Ni, Sm и Ti с пределами обнаружения 0.5-500 (WO3) и 0.3-350 (CWO) нг/г.Ключевые слова: оксид вольфрама, вольфрамат кадмия, восстановление водородом, ионообменная хроматография, двухструйная дуговая плазма, примеси, атомно-эмиссионный анализ.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.1.00

    Sensitive Period for a Multimodal Response in Human Visual Motion Area

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    The middle temporal complex (MT/MST) is a brain region specialized for the perception of motion in the visual modality [ [1], [2], [3] and [4]]. However, this specialization is modified by visual experience: after long-standing blindness, MT/MST responds to sound [5]. Recent evidence also suggests that the auditory response of MT/MST is selective for motion [ [6] and [7]]. The developmental time course of this plasticity is not known. To test for a sensitive period in MT/MST development, we used fMRI to compare MT/MST function in congenitally blind, late-blind, and sighted adults. MT/MST responded to sound in congenitally blind adults, but not in late-blind or sighted adults, and not in an individual who lost his vision between ages of 2 and 3 years. All blind adults had reduced functional connectivity between MT/MST and other visual regions. Functional connectivity was increased between MT/MST and lateral prefrontal areas in congenitally blind relative to sighted and late-blind adults. These data suggest that early blindness affects the function of feedback projections from prefrontal cortex to MT/MST. We conclude that there is a sensitive period for visual specialization in MT/MST. During typical development, early visual experience either maintains or creates a vision-dominated response. Once established, this response profile is not altered by long-standing blindness.David and Lucille Packard FoundationNational Center for Research Resources: Harvard-Thorndike General Clinical Research Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (NCRR MO1 RR01032)Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center (UL1 RR025758)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant K24 RR018875)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant RO1-EY12091