33 research outputs found

    Energy Conservation as a Factor of Regional Development

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    The article deals with legal and normative requirements for energy conservation and increasing of energy efficiency in the sphere of the Russian economy. We notes a number of problems: low rates of major repairs of residential buildings, contradictory in a field of normative basis in the design, construction and maintenance of buildings and structures, lack of funds in the regions, absence of the executive’s motivation. These problems lead to a waste of energy resources and, as a consequence, reduce the efficiency of the Russian economy. The statutory mandatory energy audit was carried out in about half of the total number of objects, and the introduction of effective energy-saving measures affected a minor amount . Control and supervisory bodies in the face of The Russian Agency for Atomic, Technologic and Ecologic Supervision, regional committees on energy and other structures didn’t use adequate penalties against those who didn’t have fulfilled the legal requirements. Ministry for Regional Development (in the period of its activity) did not determine a base for indicating of energy efficiency’ s classes for residential buildings . There is no funding mechanism for energy efficiency measures in the regions ; there is practically no funding from extra-budgetary sources. One of the reasons of this situation is the lack of stimulating factors (tax cuts, soft loans, reduced rents, partial compensation of the cost for energy efficiency improvements). Energy-service contracts are not implemented for the same reason. Insufficient activity takes place in the field of introduction of new technologies and equipment with low power consumption, there are not created the demonstration zones with high energy efficiency. On the base of analysis the author proposes a scheme for development and inculcationreal energysaving measures in the region. The important point of it is to identify, large energy consumers and electricity and heating plants on the regional or municipal level. These factories should be subjected mandatory energy audits. The next step should be the preparation of a program to improve energy efficiency and the gradual implementation of it by own or borrowed funds. Particular attention should be paid to the housing sector, where there are the most significant losses of energy and form arbitrary tariffs for businesses and households

    Optimization of The Soil Agrophysical Properties for Spring Rape on Leached Black Soil

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    An important agronomic task in cultivating spring rape is improving the physical properties of leached black soil, which are extremely important for increasing its productivity. A central role in the physics of these soils is played by studying its density, which helps regulate the soil processes and maintain favorable conditions for spring rape. According to the studies, the highest productivity of spring rape is observed in the case of the arable layer density of 1.00 – 1.10 g/cm3. Moreover, in the case of soil density of 1.10 g/cm3, productivity is better by 5.6 – 8.5 % than in the case of 1.00 g/cm3. The number of seeds per pod has increased especially strongly (by 13.8 %). In the subsurface layer (30 – 40 cm), soil density of 1.10 – 1.20 g/cm3 is optimal for spring rape growth and development

    The content of polyphenols in low-growing apple rootstocks depending on the type of soil in Central Russia

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    Field studies were carried out in 2017-2021. in horticultural farms of Central Russia. We analyzed 11 varieties of apple trees in four seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn) for the content of polyphenols in the rootstocks of apple trees - dwarf 62-396, semi-dwarf 54-118 and dwarf PB-9, grown on 7 types of soil: floodplain granular, floodplain layered , podzolized chernozem, leached chernozem, meadow-chernozem, gray forest and sod-podzolic soil. It was found that of all the organs of cultivated varieties of apple trees, the largest amount of polyphenols is concentrated in 1-2-year-old shoots. The highest concentration of flavonols in the shoots of all studied rootstocks and catechins in the shoots of rootstock 54-118 was when growing on the most low-fertile soddy-podzolic soil. It was found that the content of flavonols in apple shoots is less affected by the weather conditions of the year than the content of catechins. The content of catechins in the annual shoots of the apple tree is an unstable variable indicator. Its value may increase or decrease by 5.4-12.0 times during the first two years. Of the three apple tree rootstocks, the largest amount of flavonols was noted in shoots 62-396, and catechins - in shoots 54-118. It was found that with an increase in the proportion of fine dust and physical sand and a decrease in the proportion of medium dust in the soil, the content of flavonols in the shoots of the dwarf apple rootstock 62-396 increases, the less medium dust in the soil, the more flavonols are contained in the shoots of the semi-dwarf apple rootstock 54-118. With an increase in the content of medium dust in the soil, the content of catechins increases in the shoots of the dwarf rootstock of the PB-9 apple tree. It was proposed that the accumulation of flavonols in the annual shoots of apple rootstocks should be considered as an adaptation to a decrease in soil fertility

    Granulometric composition and moisture capacity of the soil in old-age apple orchards of the Lipetsk region

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    The research was carried out in 2018-2021 in the old fruit-bearing, but not yet uprooted apple orchards of the Lipetsk region. The lowest moisture capacity was determined by the method of gypsum casts, the granulometric composition was determined by the pyrophosphate method. In old age (40-98 years) in apple orchards on chernozems leached in a layer of 10-40 cm of trunk strips, the granulometric composition changes: the proportion of physical sand increases, but the percentage of physical clay decreases. An increase in the proportion of physical sand in the trunk strips occurs mainly due to an increase in the proportion of fine sand (0.05-0.25 mm), and in the aisles an increase in the amount of physical clay occurs due to an increase in the proportion of medium dust (0.001-0.05 mm). With the age of the garden, the decrease in the proportion of physical clay in the trunk strips occurs due to the removal of medium dust (0.001-0.05 mm) and coarse silt (less than 0.001 mm) down the profile. The lowest moisture capacity increases with an increase in the proportion of coarse silt in the soil (r = 0.5), but decreases with an increase in the percentage of medium (r=-0.65) and coarse (r=-0.53) sand. A decrease in the percentage of physical clay in the trunk strips leads to a decrease in the lowest moisture capacity in a layer of 10-40 cm only by the age of the garden of 98 years. The change of the granulometric composition to a lighter one and the reduction of the lowest moisture capacity of the soil in the trunk strips of old apple orchards are evidence of the podzol–forming activity of apple roots

    Investigation of spaceborne trace gas products over St Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, Russia, by using COllaborative Column Carbon Observing Network (COCCON) observations

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    This work employs ground- and space-based observations, together with model data, to study columnar abundances of atmospheric trace gases (XH2_2O, XCO2_2, XCH4_4 and XCO) in two high-latitude Russian cities, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Two portable COllaborative Column Carbon Observing Network (COCCON) spectrometers were used for continuous measurements at these locations during 2019 and 2020. Additionally, a subset of data of special interest (a strong gradient in XCH4 and XCO was detected) collected in the framework of a mobile city campaign performed in 2019 using both instruments is investigated. All studied satellite products (TROPOMI, OCO-2, GOSAT, MUSICA IASI) show generally good agreement with COCCON observations. Satellite and ground-based observations at high latitudes are much sparser than at low or mid latitudes, which makes direct coincident comparisons between remote-sensing observations more difficult. Therefore, a method of scaling continuous Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) model data to the ground-based observations is developed and used for creating virtual COCCON observations. These adjusted CAMS data are then used for satellite validation, showing good agreement in both Peterhof and Yekaterinburg. The gradients between the two study sites (ΔXgas) are similar between CAMS and CAMS-COCCON datasets, indicating that the model gradients are in agreement with the gradients observed by COCCON. This is further supported by a few simultaneous COCCON and satellite ΔXgas measurements, which also agree with the model gradient. With respect to the city campaign observations recorded in St Petersburg, the downwind COCCON station measured obvious enhancements for both XCH4_4 (10.6 ppb) and XCO (9.5 ppb), which is nicely reflected by TROPOMI observations, which detect city-scale gradients of the order 9.4 ppb for XCH4_4 and 12.5 ppb for XCO


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    In scientific literature the structure there aren’t enough data on influence of ways of preservation of fruits of a mountain ash on their vitamin. As object of research fruits of grades of a mountain ash served. Fruits were analysed by chemical methods on the content of some vitamins, then preserved in the form of compotes, the mountain ash wiped with sugar and dried up. The product was sterilized at a different temperature. Conditions for the best safety of some vitamins are revealed.В научной литературе мало сведений о влиянии способов консервации плодов рябины на их витаминных состав. Объектом исследования служили плоды сортов рябины. Плоды были проанализированы химическими методами на содержание некоторых витаминов, затем законсервированы в виде компотов, рябины протёртой с сахаром и высушены. Стерилизовался продукт при разной температуре. Выявлены условия для наилучшей сохранности некоторых витаминов


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    The new models of finite-automaton type and automaton modelling methods for modelling of the new class finite-valued random sequences and also the development of the methodology for hardware-software organization of the probabilistic automata have been developed. The new designs and proposals on the synthesis of the processors, equipment prototypes, board of the specialized co-processor and algorithms for technical diagnostics of the digital devices have been developed. The specialized devices of the computer engineering and diagnostic algorithms of the digital devices have been introducedAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Experimental Study of Methane Combustion Efficiency in a High-Enthalpy Oxygen-Containing Flow

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    The article presents the experimental study analysis results of the methane combustion efficiency in a high-enthalpy oxygen-containing flow (HOF) inside of constant cross-section channel, finite along the length. The range of initial HOF enthalpies was considered from 350 to 700 kJ/kg. The regularities of the HOF initial enthalpy influence on the methane combustion efficiency were obtained. The values of the fuel excess coefficient under which the maximum coefficients of methane combustion completeness in the HOF are realized were determined. The data obtained indicate the realization of transitional diffusion-kinetic modes of methane combustion and make it possible to assess the factors limiting the combustion process

    The content of polyphenols in low-growing apple rootstocks depending on the type of soil in Central Russia

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    Field studies were carried out in 2017-2021. in horticultural farms of Central Russia. We analyzed 11 varieties of apple trees in four seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn) for the content of polyphenols in the rootstocks of apple trees - dwarf 62-396, semi-dwarf 54-118 and dwarf PB-9, grown on 7 types of soil: floodplain granular, floodplain layered , podzolized chernozem, leached chernozem, meadow-chernozem, gray forest and sod-podzolic soil. It was found that of all the organs of cultivated varieties of apple trees, the largest amount of polyphenols is concentrated in 1-2-year-old shoots. The highest concentration of flavonols in the shoots of all studied rootstocks and catechins in the shoots of rootstock 54-118 was when growing on the most low-fertile soddy-podzolic soil. It was found that the content of flavonols in apple shoots is less affected by the weather conditions of the year than the content of catechins. The content of catechins in the annual shoots of the apple tree is an unstable variable indicator. Its value may increase or decrease by 5.4-12.0 times during the first two years. Of the three apple tree rootstocks, the largest amount of flavonols was noted in shoots 62-396, and catechins - in shoots 54-118. It was found that with an increase in the proportion of fine dust and physical sand and a decrease in the proportion of medium dust in the soil, the content of flavonols in the shoots of the dwarf apple rootstock 62-396 increases, the less medium dust in the soil, the more flavonols are contained in the shoots of the semi-dwarf apple rootstock 54-118. With an increase in the content of medium dust in the soil, the content of catechins increases in the shoots of the dwarf rootstock of the PB-9 apple tree. It was proposed that the accumulation of flavonols in the annual shoots of apple rootstocks should be considered as an adaptation to a decrease in soil fertility