26 research outputs found

    Conspecific coprophagy stimulates normal development in a germ-free model invertebrate

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    Microbial assemblages residing within and on animal gastric tissues contribute to various host beneficial processes that include diet accessibility and nutrient provisioning, and we sought to examine the degree to which intergenerational and community-acquired gut bacteria impact development in a tractable germ-free (GF) invertebrate model system. Coprophagy is a common behavior in cockroaches and termites that provides access to both nutrients and the primary means by which juveniles are inoculated with beneficial gut bacteria. This hypothesis was tested in the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) by interfering with this means of acquiring gut bacteria, which resulted in GF insects that exhibited prolonged growth rates and gut tissue dysmorphias relative to wild-type (WT) P. americana. Conventionalization of GF P. americana via consumption of frass (feces) from conspecifics and siblings reared under non-sterile conditions resulted in colonization of P. americana gut tissues by a diverse microbial community and a significant (p < 0.05) recovery of WT level growth and hindgut tissue development phenotypes. These data suggest that coprophagy is essential for normal gut tissue and organismal development by introducing beneficial gut bacteria to P. americana, and that the GF P. americana model system is a useful system for examining how gut bacteria impact host outcomes

    Metal Reduction at Cold Temperatures by Shewanella Isolates from Various Marine Environments

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    Members of the genus Shewanella capable of reducing metals and forming minerals under cold-temperature conditions were isolated from 3 distinct marine habitats (the coast of Wash- ington State, the Puget Sound, and an iron-rich microbial mat off Hawaii). Cultures of microorgan- isms were isolated at 8°C on nutrient agar medium prepared in artificial seawater. Isolates in this study could use a wide variety of electron acceptors such as oxygen, nitrate, and metals, and reduce various metals coupled to the oxidation of several organic acids, glucose or hydrogen at temperatures down to 0°C. Akaganeite was reduced to either magnetite or siderite, depending on the test condi- tions. The geochemical profiles at the sample sites from which these strains were isolated spanned a temperature range of 1.8 to 11°C, and all showed active oxygen and nitrate reduction as well as metal reduction. This confirms previous reports that sediment microorganisms participating in biogeo- chemical cycles remain active at low temperatures

    Origin and Examination of a Leafhopper Facultative Endosymbiont

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    Eukaryotes engage in intimate interactions with microbes that range in age and type of association. Although many conspicuous examples of ancient insect associates are studied (e.g., Buchneraaphidicola), fewer examples of younger associations are known. Here, we further characterize a recently evolved bacterial endosymbiont of the leafhopper Euscelidius variegatus (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae), called BEV. We found that BEV, continuously maintained in E. variegatus hosts at UC Berkeley since 1984, is vertically transmitted with high fidelity. Unlike many vertically transmitted, ancient endosymbioses, the BEV–E. variegatus association is not obligate for either partner, and BEV can be cultivated axenically. Sufficient BEV colonies were grown and harvested to estimate its genome size and provide a partial survey of the genome sequence. The BEV chromosome is about 3.8 Mbp, and there is evidence for an extrachromosomal element roughly 53 kb in size (e.g., prophage or plasmid). We sequenced 438 kb of unique short-insert clones, representing about 12% of the BEV genome. Nearly half of the gene fragments were similar to mobile DNA, including 15 distinct types of insertion sequences (IS). Analyses revealed that BEV not only shares virulence genes with plant pathogens, but also is closely related to the plant pathogenic genera Dickeya, Pectobacterium, and Brenneria. However, the slightly reduced genome size, abundance of mobile DNA, fastidious growth in culture, and efficient vertical transmission suggest that symbiosis with E. variegatus has had a significant impact on genome evolution in BEV

    Distinctive Gut Microbiota of Honey Bees Assessed Using Deep Sampling from Individual Worker Bees

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    Surveys of 16S rDNA sequences from the honey bee, Apis mellifera, have revealed the presence of eight distinctive bacterial phylotypes in intestinal tracts of adult worker bees. Because previous studies have been limited to relatively few sequences from samples pooled from multiple hosts, the extent of variation in this microbiota among individuals within and between colonies and locations has been unclear. We surveyed the gut microbiota of 40 individual workers from two sites, Arizona and Maryland USA, sampling four colonies per site. Universal primers were used to amplify regions of 16S ribosomal RNA genes, and amplicons were sequenced using 454 pyrotag methods, enabling analysis of about 330,000 bacterial reads. Over 99% of these sequences belonged to clusters for which the first blastn hits in GenBank were members of the known bee phylotypes. Four phylotypes, one within Gammaproteobacteria (corresponding to “Candidatus Gilliamella apicola”) one within Betaproteobacteria (“Candidatus Snodgrassella alvi”), and two within Lactobacillus, were present in every bee, though their frequencies varied. The same typical bacterial phylotypes were present in all colonies and at both sites. Community profiles differed significantly among colonies and between sites, mostly due to the presence in some Arizona colonies of two species of Enterobacteriaceae not retrieved previously from bees. Analysis of Sanger sequences of rRNA of the Snodgrassella and Gilliamella phylotypes revealed that single bees contain numerous distinct strains of each phylotype. Strains showed some differentiation between localities, especially for the Snodgrassella phylotype

    Can 13C stable isotope analysis uncover essential amino acid provisioning by termite-associated gut microbes?

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    Gut-associated microbes of insects are postulated to provide a variety of nutritional functions including provisioning essential amino acids (EAAs). Demonstrations of EAA provisioning in insect-gut microbial systems, nonetheless, are scant. In this study, we investigated whether the eastern subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes sourced EAAs from its gut-associated microbiota. δ13CEAA data from termite carcass, termite gut filtrate and dietary (wood) samples were determined following 13C stable isotope analysis. Termite carcass samples (−27.0 ± 0.4‰, mean ± s.e.) were significantly different from termite gut filtrate samples (−27.53 ± 0.5‰), but not the wood diet (−26.0 ± 0.5‰) (F(2,64) = 6, P < 0.0052). δ13CEAA-offsets between termite samples and diet suggested possible non-dietary EAA input. Predictive modeling identified gut-associated bacteria and fungi, respectively as potential major and minor sources of EAAs in both termite carcass and gut filtrate samples, based on δ13CEAA data of four and three EAAs from representative bacteria, fungi and plant data. The wood diet, however, was classified as fungal rather than plant in origin by the model. This is attributed to fungal infestation of the wood diet in the termite colony. This lowers the confidence with which gut microbes (bacteria and fungi) can be attributed with being the source of EAA input to the termite host. Despite this limitation, this study provides tentative data in support of hypothesized EAA provisioning by gut microbes, and also a baseline/framework upon which further work can be carried out to definitively verify this function

    Inside or out? Possible genomic consequences of extracellular transmission of crypt-dwelling stinkbug mutualists.

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    Genome reduction has been widely studied in obligate intracellular bacterial mutualists of insects because they have, in comparison to closely-related, nonhost-associated bacteria, extremely small genomes. Pentatomid stinkbugs also maintain bacterial symbionts, yet they are extracellular, residing within host-derived crypts, and are transmitted to offspring outside of the host's tissues, which exposes them to the external environment. In this review, we explore how the biphasic lifestyle of stinkbug symbionts (e.g. on the surfaces of eggs in various matrices during transmission and inside host-derived tissues during much of the host's life), in contrast with the solely intracellular lifestyle of many insect endosymbionts, may impact their genome's architecture, size and content. Furthermore, we demonstrate how additional stinkbug symbiont genomes are needed to more fully explore these questions and the potential value of the stinkbug-symbiont system in understanding genome evolution and reduction in the absence of intracellularity

    Many of the most active taxa from the Mattila et al. [15] study are identical to known bee species groups.

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    *<p>-Species tags for known bee-associated species are the same as those in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0041250#pone.0041250-CoxFoster1" target="_blank">[7]</a>–<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0041250#pone.0041250-Martinson2" target="_blank">[10]</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0041250#pone.0041250-Moran1" target="_blank">[14]</a>.</p

    Independent Studies Using Deep Sequencing Resolve the Same Set of Core Bacterial Species Dominating Gut Communities of Honey Bees

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    <div><p>Starting in 2003, numerous studies using culture-independent methodologies to characterize the gut microbiota of honey bees have retrieved a consistent and distinctive set of eight bacterial species, based on near identity of the 16S rRNA gene sequences. A recent study [<em>Mattila HR, Rios D, Walker-Sperling VE, Roeselers G, Newton ILG (2012) Characterization of the active microbiotas associated with honey bees reveals healthier and broader communities when colonies are genetically diverse. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32962</em>], using pyrosequencing of the V1–V2 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene, reported finding entirely novel bacterial species in honey bee guts, and used taxonomic assignments from these reads to predict metabolic activities based on known metabolisms of cultivable species. To better understand this discrepancy, we analyzed the Mattila et al. pyrotag dataset. In contrast to the conclusions of Mattila et al., we found that the large majority of pyrotag sequences belonged to clusters for which representative sequences were identical to sequences from previously identified core species of the bee microbiota. On average, they represent 95% of the bacteria in each worker bee in the Mattila et al. dataset, a slightly lower value than that found in other studies. Some colonies contain small proportions of other bacteria, mostly species of Enterobacteriaceae. Reanalysis of the Mattila et al. dataset also did not support a relationship between abundances of <em>Bifidobacterium</em> and of putative pathogens or a significant difference in gut communities between colonies from queens that were singly or multiply mated. Additionally, consistent with previous studies, the dataset supports the occurrence of considerable strain variation within core species, even within single colonies. The roles of these bacteria within bees, or the implications of the strain variation, are not yet clear.</p> </div