9 research outputs found

    Keberpihakan Pemerintah dalam Mendukung Daya Saing UMKM Melalu Pendaftaran Merek Kolektif

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keberpihakan pemerintah dalam mendukung daya saing UMKM melalui pendaftaran merek kolektif. Maka untuk itu Pemerintah diharapkan ada keberpihakan kepada UMKM sehingga daya saing dapat meningkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Yuridis empris, dimana dalam penelitian ini memfokuskan pada kebijakan dan implementasinya bagi pelaku UMKM .Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pemerintah belum optimal dalam menyusun kebijakan berkaitan dengan merek kolektif, pemerintah baru sekedar sosialisasi namun belum memberikan fasilitas yang optimal bagi pelaku USAh

    Kajian Yuridis terhadap Peran Serta Sukarelawan Pengatur Lalu – Lintas (Supeltas) dalam Menciptakan Ketertiban Lalu – Lintas di Surakarta

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    Implementation of law enforcement should be consistent, consistent, and very thorough in dearer society, and in order pass - cross so is diwajib obey the signs - signs traffic - and also includes not break through light signals traffic -. And what if on a road that is very crowded intersection in the city center Surakarta there has been no traffic lights - laintas, would be very chaotic and mutual seized occur among road users. And here the necessity of their governing officials would smooth the traffic -. But with the limitations of police officers so frequent congestion - traffic. Here the authors raise the research titled "Study of Juridical Against Participation of Volunteers Regulatory Then - Cross (Supeltas) In creating Ketertuban Then - Traffic in Surakarta" because in Surakarta when we meet the members of the Volunteer Manager Then - Cross (Supeltas) set up in several road intersection in Surakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of, the legality of existence, and hope - hope Regulatory Then Volunteers - Cross (Supeltas) in creating an orderly traffic in city of Surakarta. This research is descriptive and views of its objectives including empirical legal research. The location of this research is done on some streets intersection. That is the first in the Crossroads JL. National Awakening And JL. Bhayangkara, both at the Crossroads JL. K.H. Samanhudi And JL. Pioneer Independence, third at the Crossroads JL. M.T. Haryono And JL. SEMARANG - Surakarta, and the fourth at the Crossroads JL. Wora - Wari and JL. DR. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Data used include primary data and secondary data. Data collection through interviews and research of literature both books, legislation, papers, results of previous studies, documents, and so on. Analysis of data using qualitative analysis. Based on this research, the result that the legality of the law in terms of the members of the Governing Then Volunteers - Cross (Supeltas) does not have the legal or weeks to set the right road. But in order to create the smooth running of life passed lintas required the participation of parties outside the police, one of which is the Volunteer Manager Then - Cross(Supeltas)

    Perlindungan Hukum Hak Cipta Terhadap Musik Di Indonesia Yang Di Upload Di Media Massa

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    In this era of globalization, people are pampered with any technology made easy with technological developments. With this technology able to create many opportunities one of them for the development of music in Indoneisa with social media in Indonesia can be rapidly spread and can be accessed by everyone so that the music can be Opportunities for artists to be commercialized. But with these developments many Parties are not responsible by doing music piracy by downloading so as to save or record with recording technology and storage nowadays, such as Memory card or flash disk with different types of brands. The advancement of storage technology has made it easier for users to record or duplicate a large number of creations that appear on internet media with ease and cheap cost even free, thus it does not comply with article 9 paragraph (3) UUHC Number 28 Year 2014: Any person without permission the creator or copyright holder is prohibited from making a reproduction and/or commercial use of the creation. And article 4 Law No 28 year 2014 part of article by article is a right that is only intended for the author, so that no other party can exploit that right without the permission of the creator. Copyright holders who are not creators only have a portion of the exclusive right of economic rights. Legal protections that government grants to songwriters or rights holders are now in two ways, first being a site blocking that is deemed to commit copyright infringement despite not running maximally and not reducing The occurrence of violations, and the second is to socialize both the songwriters or the rightsholders on the importance of registering the creation, as well as to the public about the culture respecting the work of the nation for law enforcement rights Intellectual property can be implemented well and currently the government has established a new institution of non-Ministry called Creative Economic Agency (BEKRAF). The liability made by the provider of free download sites is not compliant with the law. Providers of illegal sites even circumcarent their existence as illegal sites by way of positioning itself as a song search site that does not upload songs in the site but rather equate its site with search sites such as Google and Ymail.Di era Globalisasi ini manusia dimanjakan dengan teknologi apapun dipermudah dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi. Dengan adanya teknologi ini mampu menciptakan berbagai banyak peluang salah satunya untuk perkembangan musik di Indoneisa dengan adanya media sosial di Indonesia dapat cepat tersebar luas dan dapat di akses oleh semua orang sehingga musik tersebut dapat menjadi peluang bagi seniman untuk di komersilkan hasil ciptanya. Tetapi dengan adanya perkembangan tersebut banyak pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab dengan melakukan pembajakan musik dengan cara mendownload sehingga dapat menyimpan atau merekam dengan  teknologi perekaman dan penyimpanan dijaman sekarang, seperti memory card atau flash disk dengan berbagai jenis merek. Kemajuan teknologi penyimpanan telah mempermudah pengguna untuk merekam atau menggandakan suatu ciptaan dalam jumlah besar yang tampil di media internet dengan mudah dan biaya murah bahkan gratis, dengan demikian hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan pasal 9 ayat (3) UUHC nomer 28 tahun 2014: Setiap Orang yang tanpa izin Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta dilarang melakukan Penggandaan dan/atau Penggunaan Secara Komersial Ciptaan. Dan pasal 4 uu no 28 tahun 2014 bagian pasal demi pasal adalah hak yang hanya diperuntukan bagi pencipta, sehingga tidak ada  pihak lain yang dapat memanfaatkan hak tersebut tanpa izin pencipta. Pemegang hak cipta yang bukan pencipta hanya memiliki sebagian dari hak eksklusif berupa hak ekonomi. Perlindungan hukum yang diberikan pemerintah kepada pencipta lagu atau pemegang hak saat ini dilakukan dengan dua cara, pertama adalah pemblokiran situs yang dianggap melakukan pelanggaran hak cipta meskipun tidak berjalan secara maksimal dan tidak mengurangi terjadinya pelanggaran, dan yang kedua adalah melakukan sosialisasi baik terhadap para pencipta lagu atau pemegang hak tentang penting mendaftarkan ciptaan, maupun terhadap masyarakat tentang budaya menghargai hasil karya anak bangsa agar penegakan hukum hak kekayaan intelektual dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik serta saat ini pemerintah telah Membentuk lembaga baru non kementerian bernama Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Bekraf).  Pertanggungjawaban yang dilakukan oleh penyedia situs download lagu gratis tidak sesuai dengan undang-undang. Penyedia situs ilegal bahkan mengelak akan keberadaan mereka sebagai situs ilegal dengan jalan memposisikan dirinya sebagai situs pencari lagu yang tidak meng-upload lagu dalam situs tersebut melainkan menyamakan situsnya dengan situs pencari seperti Google dan Ymail


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    The purpose of this research is to know the process of the implementation of the investigation against the crime of narcotics in a drug Polresta Surakarta Reskrim Units and to know the obstacles faced by Police investigators in conducting the process of investigation the Crime Unit in the Narcotics Drug Reskrim Polresta Surakarta. Research methods used are empirical juridical. Based on the results of research and analysis of the data it can be concluded that the process of case investigation of narcotics crime in Drug Polresta Surakarta Reskrim Units namely (1) received a report (2) the first Action after receiving a report from the someone then the investigators conducted a series of investigations and pembuntutan against someone suspected of (3)(4) Arrest Search Seizure (5) (6) the examination of the suspect and Witness Detention (7) (8) the completion of the Investigation. Obstacles in by investigators in conducting investigation is many people who don't want to inform the user about the Narcotics to the police.Key Words: Process, Investigators, Narcotics

    Kedudukan Asas Hukum dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Melalui Arbitrase Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999

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    The enactment of Law No. 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution is a step forward in dispute resolution in Indonesia, especially the settlement of disputes in the field of trade in response to the deadlock in the settlement of trade disputes that require resolutions quickly, cheaply, informally, and maintained interests and the secrets of the parties. However, there are still some rules and practices that are not in line with the principle of arbitration law itself. In this paper will be reviewed and analyzed the position of the legal principle used in resolving disputes through arbitration, so it is hoped that these legal principles can be upheld by all interested parties, if there are legal rules and legal practices that are contrary to this legal principle, they can be ruled out

    Perlindungan Data Konsumen Transaksi Online Melalui Penerapan Advance Data Protection System

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    The concept of a welfare state is the basis for the position and function of government (bestuurfunctie) in modern countries. The application of the law that is obeyed and followed will lead to law and order which maximize the potential of the community. Furthermore, in accordance with the objectives of the state set out in the fourth paragraph of the opening of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia that one of the objectives of the state is to protect the entire Indonesian nation and to advance the general welfare. By the establishment of the country’s goals in the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the answer is that in fact Indonesia has tried to create a welfare state. The main key in the welfare state is regarding the guarantee of people’s welfare given by the State. Basically, the regulation concerning the right to privacy of personal data is a manifestation of the recognition and protection of basic human rights. Therefore, the drafting of the Personal Data Protection Bill has a strong philosophical foundation and can be accounted for. Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 006 / PUU-I / 2003 further emphasized that the regulation of Personal Data Protection must be in the form of a law. In the Constitutional Court Decision, among others, it was stated that the provisions concerning human rights must be in the form of laws. As a form of the state present to protect as well as the welfare of its people, the government as the highest authority as well as those who run the government is obliged to carry out efforts that are felt needed. One way that the government can do to answer and minimize the problems faced is by implementing the Advance Data Protection System as a form of protection

    Analisis Pengamanan dan Pemanfaatan Tanah Desa Berdasarkan Peraturan Desa Sapta Mulia Nomor 14 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Aset Desa (Studi di Desa Sapta Mulia Kecamatan Rimbo Bujang Kabupaten Tebo)

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the security and distribution of village cash land based on the regulation of sapta mulia village, The research method used is an empirical juridical method the results of the research show that the safeguard and utilization has not been running in accordance with Sapta Mulia Village Regulation No. 14 of 2017. For administrative safeguards it was found that the village land assets did not yet fully have documents or archives supporting the legitimate administration, for the protection of the land law the village was new in the form of a land deed and did not have a valid land certificate of ownership, and for physical security it was found that no attempt to install a placemark or peg and name board ownership of the village's land assets made vulnerable to claims by other parties. On the utilization side such as the utilization of land in the form of leases, it was found that for the leasing of the village land was not done in writing and it was still found that many communities had expired their leases but they did not renew the lease. For the utilization of land in the form of borrowed use, it was found that for the loan of use has not been implemented at all, while for the utilization of land in the form of cooperation, it was found that there has been no cooperation in engaging other parties to manage the land, and researchers assessed the Sapta Mulia Village Government in creating cooperation with third parties seemed lacking initiative and innovation so that the land could not be utilized as it should be.

    Protection Intellectual Property Right in Indonesia and Holland (Study Comparative Both Country)

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    This article has aim for knowing how protection Intelectual property right in Indonesia and Holland and how effort for protect IPR particularly in copyright. Methodologies research in study normative approach, where date use is regulation both country, and see many literature, we use internet for looking for date. Result this article there is difference for protection in Indonesia and Holand, in Indonesia government not optimal for reduce unfair ipr, in Holland optimal use rule for law enforcement. Keywords: Protection, I

    Legal Analysis of The Arrangement of Wakaf Agricultural Agencies On Endowments Copyright In Perspective Legislation

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    AbstractIntellectual Property Rights include movable property that can be represented, one of which is Copyright. Copyright as a property of Waqf is formulated in Article 16 paragraph (2) of Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tntang Hak Cipta (Law Number 28 of 2014 About Copyright). In the waqf, there is a transfer of rights as outlined in the form of a waqf pledge made before PPAIW (Officials Maker of the Waqf Pledge Deed) in the AIW (Deed of Waqf Pledge). The purpose of this study is to find out the implementation of a copyright waqf by the Officials Maker of the Waqf Pledge Deed and the obstacles that may arise in its implementation. The research method used in the preparation of this paper is the Normative research method, using qualitative analysis techniques. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the implementation of copyright waqf is done the same as the waqf of other objects, namely based on Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Wakaf (Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 About Implementation of Waqf Law), by officials making deed of waqf pledges. The obstacle that appears in the implementation of the waqf copyright is the lack of knowledge/understanding of a KUA (Office of Religious Affairs) head as PPAIW (Officials Maker of the Waqf Pledge Deed) in the implementation of the Pledge of Waqf on Copyright. Another obstacle is that there are no specific regulations governing the implementation of waqf on Intellectual Property.Keyword: Waqf, Intellectual Property Rights, Copyrights, PPAIW (Officials Maker of the Waqf Pledge Deed) AbstrakHak Kekayaan Intelektual termasuk harta benda bergerak yang bisa diwakafkan, salah satunya adalah Hak Cipta. Hak Cipta sebagai harta Wakaf dirumuskan dalam Pasal 16 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta. Dalam wakaf terjadi peralihan hak yang dituangkan dalam bentuk ikrar wakaf yang dibuat dihadapan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Ikrar Wakaf dalam bentuk Akta  Ikrar Wakaf (AIW). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan wakaf hak cipta oleh Pejabat Pembuat Akta Ikrar Wakaf serta kendala yang mungkin muncul dalam pelaksanaannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penyusunan skripsi ini adalah metode penelitian Normatif, dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa pelaksanaan wakaf hak cipta dilakukan sama seperti wakaf benda lainnya, yaitu berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pelaksanaan Wakaf yang dilaksanakan oleh Pejabat-Pembuat-Akta-Ikrar-Wakaf. Kendala yang muncul dalam pelaksanaan wakaf hak cipta adalah kurangnya pengetahuan/pemahaman seorang kepala KUA sebagai PPAIW dalam pelaksanaan Ikrar Wakaf terhadap Hak Cipta. Kendala lainnya adalah tidak ada peraturan yang khusus mengatur tentang pelaksanaan wakaf terhadap Harta Kekayaan Intelektual.Kata Kunci: Wakaf, Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Hak Cipta, Pejabat Pembuat Akta Ikrar АннотацияПрава интеллектуальной собственности включают движимое имущество, которое может стать вакфом, одним из таких прав является Авторское право. Авторское право как имущество Вакфа сформулировано в Главе 16  пункта (2) Закона № 28 от 2014 года об Авторском праве. На Вакфе есть переход прав, описанный в форме заверения Вакфа, сделанного перед официальным представителем по созданию акта об заверении Вакфа в форме Акта об заверении Вакфа (AIW). Цель этого исследования состоит в том, чтобы определить реализацию вакфа авторского права официальным представителем по созданию акта об заверении Вакфа и препятствия, которые могут возникнуть при его реализации. Метод исследования, использованный при подготовке данной статьи, является нормативным методом исследования с использованием методов качественного анализа. Из результатов исследования можно сделать вывод, что реализация вакфа авторских прав осуществляется так же, как и вакф других объектов, а именно на основании Постановления правительства № 42 от 2006 года о реализации вакфов официальным представителем по созданию акта об заверении Вакфа. Препятствием, возникающим при реализации закона о вакфе авторского права, является недостаток знаний/понимания главы Офиса по Духовным Делам как PPAIW при реализации Заверения Вакфа по Авторскому Праву. Еще одно препятствие заключается в том, что не существует конкретного регулирования о реализации Вакфа  по объекту интеллектуальной собственности. Ключевые слова: вакф, права на интеллектуальную собственность, авторские права, официальный представитель по созданию акта об заверении Вакф