544 research outputs found

    Methodology for comparative analysis of university rankings, with the Mediterranean and Black sea region countries taken as an example

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    The article develops quantitative methodology of comparative analysis of global university rankings for the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. In its frameworks three analytical procedures are proposed. They are used to build university and country matricesyesBelgorod State Universit

    The effect of a new coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus on microcirculation in the conjunctiva

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    Introduction. The availability of an objective assessment of the microcirculatory bed is possible when examining the vessels of the conjunctiva. This is especially true in individuals who have had COVID-19 and have diseases associated with endothelial dysfunction.Aim. To study the microcirculation in the conjunctiva after a new coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.Materials and methods. 83 patients with a history of coronavirus infection were examined. Patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the presence or absence of comorbidities. Group 1 patients (n = 42) with post-COVID changes in the conjunctiva (severe  injection of  the eyeball, chemosis, microhemorrhagia, folliculosis of  the tarsal and bulbar conjunctiva, the  presence of  a  nodular formation  (conflicts), slight edema of  the corneal epithelium) and a  history of  concomitant diseases: arterial hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis. Group 2 patients (n = 41) with no history of concomitant diseases and similar post-COVID changes in  the conjunctiva. The control group consisted of  healthy volunteers without a  history of coronavirus infection (n = 30). All subjects underwent laser Doppler flowmetry of the bulbar conjunctiva 3, 6, 12 months after the coronavirus infection.Results and discussion. In comparison with the control group of persons after 3 months, microcirculatory disorders were detected in both groups (group 1 – subcompensated, group 2 – decompensated). In group 1, after 6 months and 12 months, violations persisted in  the subcompensation stage, which were accompanied by an increase in  the intensity of  the functioning of  the regulatory systems of the microcirculation: the M index corresponded to normal values, and the values of σ and Kv were above the norm. After 6 months in group 2, compensation of microcirculatory disorders was noted (indicators M, σ, Kv were normal), which persisted even by 12 months of observation.Conclusion. The data obtained indicate that in patients with concomitant endothelial dysfunction, the processes of restoration of the microvasculature are slowed down

    Intuition in business: Empirical base

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    In this article, the authors propose economic projection of the views of Daniel Kahneman on intuition. The authors believe intuition to act as an operative category in entrepreneurship. The results of given statistical experiment prove viability of the phenomenon of intuition when making investment decisions. Two independent mechanisms for investment decisions are being defined - the «rational» and the «intuitive» ones. The research leads to conclusion that entrepreneurs’ intuitive decisions possess a relatively high level of efficiency. © 2016 Fomin et al

    Multi-critera selection of a corporate system by using paired comparison analysis

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    The paper presents the results of comparing foreign corporate information systems (CISs) obtained by using the classical analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The eight most common corporate information systems of international standards were analyzed, there were determined some classes of criteria which are vital when selecting a system, and for each criterion 3-4 most suitable systems were identifie

    Formal methods of analysis and synthesis for decisions options during corporate information system development

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    The article presents a generalized approach to decision making in the process of application development based on cyclically repeating actions, including the synthesis of solution options and their analysis. They considered the basic methods of analysis and synthesis used in decision-making process on the design of corporate information systems (CIS). The description of the proposed generalized semantic model is given on the example of component interaction of the Integrated complex of high-level development tools and the functioning environment of corporate-level information systems (Platform). They analyzed the process of CIS IT infrastructure on the basis of the Platform and the specific steps of making a management decision for this exampl

    Dynamics of СО2 evolution bу plants at low pressure

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    Dynamics of СО2 evolut:ion at low pressure was studied in barley, maize, реа, wheat and pine seedlings using the gas exchange system with laser photoacoust:ic spectrometer. The СО2 evolut:ion from plant surfaces to environment increased with decreasing air pressure. Simultaneously the changes in act:ivities of phosphoenolpyruvat

    Development of information technology to identify the imbalance between labor and educational services markets in the construction sector

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    The paper analyzes the current state of the labor market in Russia, shows the need to improve mathematical and software tools for managing the regional human resources potential and the imbalance between the labor markets (LM) and educational services market (ESM), and suggests an approach to building a model for identifying criteria that affect LM and ESM in the construction sector on the example of the Belgorod region. The features of the development of the construction sector in the Belgorod region are considered. Based on the analysis of the collected statistical data and expert judgments, groups of criteria and criteria in each group that affect the amount of imbalance are identifie

    Effect of intake of Vitrum vitamin-mineral complex in combination with adaptogens on immune status and physical work capacity in highly skilled student athletes

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    Purpose of the study: to study the effect of Vitrum in combination with adaptogens on immunological reactivity and physical performance in athletes under conditions of intense training.Materials and methods: 4 groups of athletes, 10 people in each, went through a cycle of intensive training according to a specially developed methodology. Group I took Vitrum, group II — Vitrum + Eleutherococcus extract, group III — Vitrum + ginseng tincture. Group IV — ascorbic acid and was used as a control. Blood for analysis was taken from the cubital vein before and after 28 days of drug administration. Indicators of immunological reactivity were determined by modern laboratory methods. Physical performance was determined by the index of the Harvard step test (IHST) and the PWC170 test.Results: the use of Vitrum in combination with adaptogens promotes a significant increase in the parameters of humoral (increase in IgA by 32–40 %, IgM by 28–43 %, IgG by 9–14 %) and cellular (increasing the completeness of phagocytosis by 9–37 % immunity.Conclusion: intake of Vitrum in combination with adaptogens was accompanied by a significant increase in nonspecific immunity and increased the level of fitness

    Modern requirements to preparation of professional and pedagogical personnel

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    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the need of providing the educational organizations of the system of professional education with specialists in projecting and implementation of educational programs of training of workers and specialists of a middle link, and formation of a personnel resource for innovative productions. The purpose of the presented article consists in consideration of the discrepancies arising while introduction of the professional standard "Teacher of Vocational Training, Vocational Education and Further Vocational Education" and changes revelation of a pedagogical personnel which are necessary for improvement of preparation quality. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the system-based approach which allows us to reveal the discrepancies arising by the comparison of the professional standard and educational programs that are developed taking into account requirements of the educational standard for the direction of preparation Vocational Training (branch-wise). According to the analysis results, the option of adjustment of educational programs for the direction of preparation Vocational Training (branch-wise) is offered; it promotes improvement of preparation quality of pedagogical personnel for the system of professional education and further vocational education, and also the corporate educational organizations and innovative productions. The materials of the publication can be useful to heads of educational organizations while forming the personnel potential in educational institutions. © 2016 Zyryanova et al