20 research outputs found

    RED WoLF Hybrid Energy Storage System: Algorithm Case Study and Green Competition Between Storage Heaters and Heat Pump

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    Green house gases reduction is critical in current climate emergency and was declared as major target by United Nations. This manuscript proposes the progressive adaptive recursive multi threshold control strategy for hybrid energy storage system that combines thermal storage reservoirs, heat pumps, storage heaters, photovoltaic array and a battery. The newest control strategy is tested in numerical experiment against primal dual simplex optimisation method as benchmark and previous iterations of RED WoLF threshold approaches. The proposed algorithm allows improvement in reduction of CO2 emissions by 9 % comparatively to RED WoLF double threshold approach and by 26 % comparatively to RED WoLF single threshold approach. Besides, the proposed technique is at least 100 times faster than linear optimisation, making the algorithm applicable to edge systems. The proposed method is later tested in numerical experiment on two measured datasets from Luxembourg school and office, equipped with batteries and ground source heat pumps. The system allows the reduction of CO2 emission and improvement of self-consumption, size reduction of the photovoltaic array installed at the facilities by at least by half as well as substituting battery storage by thermal storage, reducing the initial investment to the system. Intriguingly, despite 3.6 times difference in efficiency between heat pumps and storage heaters, the system equipped with latter have potential to achieve similar performance in carbon reduction, suggesting that energy storage have more prominent carbon reduction effect, than the power consumption, making cheaper systems with storage heaters a possible alternative to heat pumps

    A deep neural network application for improved prediction of HbA1c in type 1 diabetes

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    HbA1c is a primary marker of long-term average blood glucose, which is an essential measure of successful control in type 1 diabetes. Previous studies have shown that HbA1c estimates can be obtained from 5- 12 weeks of daily blood glucose measurements. However, these methods suffer from accuracy limitations when applied to incomplete data with missing periods of measurements. The aim of this work is to overcome these limitations improving the accuracy and robustness of HbA1c prediction from time series of blood glucose. A novel data-driven HbA1c prediction model based on deep learning and convolutional neural networks is presented. The model focuses on the extraction of behavioral patterns from sequences of self-monitored blood glucose readings on various temporal scales. Assuming that subjects who share behavioral patterns have also similar capabilities for diabetes control and resulting HbA1c, it becomes possible to infer the HbA1c of subjects with incomplete data from multiple observations of similar behaviors. Trained and validated on a dataset, containing 1543 real world observation epochs from 759 subjects, the model has achieved the mean absolute error of 4.80±0.62 mmol/mol, median absolute error of 3.81±0.58 mmol/mol and R2 of 0.71±0.09 on average during the 10 fold cross validation. Automatic behavioral characterization via extraction of sequential features by the proposed convolutional neural network structure has significantly improved the accuracy of HbA1c prediction compared to the existing methods

    Ten-year experience of transbronchial endosonography in single center

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    Objective Transbronchial endosonography (EBUS) is a relatively new method for diagnosing of the pathological condition of the thoracic organs. Analysis of 10 years of our experience in the use of transbronchial endosonography in a specialized center.Material and Methods During the period from April 2010 to April 2020, 756 transbronchial endosonographies were conducted on 756 patients. The studies were carried out for various indications: 1) Group 1 (483) – transbronchial puncture of the lymph nodes in order to obtain morphological confirmation of the etiology; 2) Group 2 (260) – staging of suspected or verified lung cancer to determine the descriptor N; 3) Group 3 (13) – a study that ended only with obtaining an endosonographic image. All patients underwent transbronchial endosonography using the special ultrasound bronchoscope EB-1970UK (Pentax Corp.) and the ultrasound scanner EUB 5000 Plus G OB/GYN – Vascular Ultrasound (HITACHI Corp.).Results General information content was 78%; verification of mediastinal lymphadenopathy was 72% (57, 79, 58% for smears, cytoblocks and smears + cytoblocks, cytoblocks vs smears + cytoblocks, p < 0.05). Verification of local changes in the mediastinum – 66%; verification of peribronchial tumor – 87%. Lung cancer staging – 87% (82, 88, 86% for smears, cytoblocks vs smears + cytoblocks, respectively, р > 0.05)Conclusion Тhe diagnostic utility of EBUS for the verification of mediastinal lymphadenopathy can range from 37,5 to 83% and rise with increasing experience for all persons involved. The use of cytoblocks showed the best results. The diagnostic utility of staging varies from 60 to 100% and does not depend on the method of processing the aspiration material

    Органосохраняющее лечение атипической гиперплазии и рака эндометрия: современные тенденции

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    The high prevalence and steady increase in the incidence of endometrial cancer dictate the need to prevent and improve the effectiveness of treatment of this disease. The solution of these issues is possible either by expanding the indications for surgical treatment in endometrial proliferative processes, or by improving conservative methods of therapy, which is of priority importance, since some patients often have the question of preserving reproductive function.Leading oncogynecological communities have come to a consensus: conservative treatment with preservation of fertility is possible and safe for young patients with endometrioid endometrial cancer of a high degree of differentiation, limited to endometrial damage only. According to published studies, the use of progestins gives a high frequency response to treatment in patients with atypical hyperplasia and early endometrial cancer. Combined treatment methods, including the use of metformin or hysteroscopic resection after drug therapy, can reduce the frequency of relapses.In the absence of larger prospective studies, it is very important to consider a woman's overall health and fertility potential before recommending conservative treatment for early endometrial cancer. It is necessary to conduct further randomized controlled trials in order to provide more convincing evidence of the benefits of a particular technique.Высокая распространённость и неуклонный рост заболеваемости раком эндометрия диктуют необходимость профилактики и повышения эффективности лечения данного заболевания. Решение этих вопросов возможно либо за счёт расширения показаний к хирургическому лечению при пролиферативных процессах эндометрия, либо за счёт совершенствования консервативных методов терапии, что имеет приоритетное значение, поскольку у части пациенток часто стоит вопрос о сохранении репродуктивной функции.Ведущие онкогинекологические сообщества пришли к единому мнению: консервативное лечение с сохранением фертильности возможно и безопасно для молодых пациенток с эндометриоидным типом рака эндометрия высокой степени дифференцировки, ограниченным поражением только эндометрия. Согласно опубликованным исследованиям, использование прогестинов дает высокую частоту полного ответа на лечение у пациенток с атипической гиперплазией и ранним РЭ. Комбинированные методы лечения, включающие использование метформина или гистероскопической резекции после медикаментозной терапии, могут снизить частоту рецидивов.В отсутствие более крупных проспективных исследований очень важно учитывать общее состояние здоровья и потенциал фертильности женщины, прежде чем рекомендовать консервативное лечение раннего рака эндометрия. Необходимо проведение дальнейших рандомизированных контролируемых исследований, чтобы предоставить более убедительные доказательства преимуществ той или иной методики


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    Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) is a common manifestation of progression in peritoneal and gynecologic malignancies. Current primary strategy in treatment of PC is the concept of regional influence by the way of cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy, which has proven the efficiency in treatment of common appendicitis tumors, peritoneum mesothelioma, advanced colorectal cancer, ovarian and gastric cancers. However, in spite of the existing unified criteria for performing cytoreductive surgeries, we observe a lack of a standardized approach for intra-peritoneal chemotherapy, which is used in various variants and regimens in modern clinical practice. Further studies of effectiveness of various intra-peritoneal chemotherapy methods and their combinations are necessary for the development of modern algorithms in treatment of PC.Карциноматоз брюшины (КБ) – частое проявление прогрессирования злокачественных заболеваний органов брюшной полости и малого таза. В основе современной стратегии лечения КБ лежит концепция регионарного воздействия в виде циторедуктивных операций и внутрибрюшной химиотерапии, доказавшая свою эффективность при лечении распространенных новообразований аппендикса, мезотелиомы брюшины, распространенного колоректального рака, рака яичников и желудка. Однако при существующих четких критериях выполнения циторедуктивных операций мы наблюдаем отсутствие стандартизованного подхода для внутрибрюшной химиотерапии, которая используется в различных вариантах и режимах в современной практике.Дальнейшие исследования эффективности различных методик внутрибрюшной химиотерапии и различных вариантов комбинаций их применения необходимы для разработки современных алгоритмов лечения КБ

    Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of the DAFNEplus (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) intervention compared with 5x1 DAFNE : a lifelong approach to promote effective self-management in adults with type 1 diabetes

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    Introduction: The successful treatment of type 1 diabetes (T1D) requires those affected to employ insulin therapy to maintain their blood glucose levels as close to normal to avoid complications in the long-term. The Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE) intervention is a group education course designed to help adults with T1D develop and sustain the complex self-management skills needed to adjust insulin in everyday life. It leads to improved glucose levels in the short term (manifest by falls in glycated haemoglobin, HbA1c), reduced rates of hypoglycaemia and sustained improvements in quality of life but overall glucose levels remain well above national targets. The DAFNEplus intervention is a development of DAFNE designed to incorporate behavioural change techniques, technology and longer-term structured support from healthcare professionals (HCPs). Methods and analysis: A pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial in adults with T1D, delivered in diabetes centres in National Health Service secondary care hospitals in the UK. Centres will be randomised on a 1:1 basis to standard DAFNE or DAFNEplus. Primary clinical outcome is the change in HbA1c and the primary endpoint is HbA1c at 12 months, in those entering the trial with HbA1c >7.5% (58 mmol/mol), and HbA1c at 6 months is the secondary endpoint. Sample size is 662 participants (approximately 47 per centre); 92% power to detect a 0.5% difference in the primary outcome of HbA1c between treatment groups. The trial also measures rates of hypoglycaemia, psychological outcomes, an economic evaluation and process evaluation. Ethics and dissemination: Ethics approval was granted by South West-Exeter Research Ethics Committee (REC ref: 18/SW/0100) on 14 May 2018. The results of the trial will be published in a National Institute for Health Research monograph and relevant high-impact journals. Trial registration number ISRCTN42908016

    The inclusive education for children with disabilities as a direction of humanization of the pedagogical process and the arrangement of conditions for humanitarian security

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    Under the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the State takes liabilities for the arrangement of the barrier free educational environment for children with disabilities. The national program “Barrier free environment for physically challenged people” is aimed at creation of necessary conditions for education and integration of people with disabilities. The psychological safety and the humanitarian security are main conditions of a coeducation of children with disabilities and children without disabilities. The developed humanist values impact on the realization of children’s safety. The children’s humanitarian security implies the humanization of relationships, the formation of positive attitudes towards these values and having trust in the outside world. The concept of the inclusive education is based on the idea of equality of humans which denies any discrimination. The developing of humanitarian educational security policy for children with disabilities in institution for supplementary education is provided by schools, teachers, municipal officials, school administrators, parents and children, as well as other stakeholders. The inclusive education in institution for supplementary education allows children with disabilities to achieve their full potential and to live a full life. Involvement of children themselves, including children with disabilities in interaction acts allows to build safe environment, to develop tolerance relationship and to provide peer-to-peer support.Согласно закону «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» государство берет на себя обязательства по созданию условий для обучения детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Программа «Доступная среда» призвана создать такие условия. Одно из основных условий совместного обучения здоровых детей и детей инвалидов –психологическая и гуманитарная безопасность обучающихся. Безопасность ребенка может быть реализована лишь в той мере, в какой сформированы гуманистические ценности. Гуманитарная безопасность ребенка требует гуманизации отношений; формирование позитивного отношения к этим ценностям, доверия к миру. В основу инклюзивного образования положена идея равенства всех людей, исключающая любую дискриминацию детей Гуманитарная безопасность образовательной среды для детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья и здоровых детей в учреждениях дополнительного образования реализуется усилиями администрации, преподавателей, психологов, социальных работников. Инклюзивное обучение в дополнительном образовании позволяет детям-инвалидам развить свои способности, почувствовать себя успешными, полноценными людьми. Здоровые дети в ситуациях взаимодействия с такими детьми учатся строить равноправные отношения с разными людьми, сочувствию, толерантности, взаимопомощи

    RED WoLF hybrid storage system: Comparison of CO2 and price targets

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    Innovative control method is prosed for the RED WoLF hybrid storage system. The technology is aimed for residential dwellings and allows to reduce the load from the electrical grid during time with high CO emissions. The RED WoLF system consists of a battery, water cylinder, PV array and storage heaters. This technology allows the grid energy to be stored at the “greenest” time, in order to accommodate needs of dwellings with the aid of AI. The original RED WoLF algorithm is considerably improved, following modified progressive threshold approach up to additional 14% savings of CO could be obtained. Intriguingly, savings are only slightly lower than global possible mathematical minimum, for the system barred of predictions errors. However, the computation time of the proposed control method is lower by a few orders of magnitudes, with comparison to standard optimisation techniques. Furthermore, the investigation on 11 months period was performed in order find out if there is significant difference between following a time of use tariff or an environmental signal. Results, suggest that the differences are minor in both cases following any signal improves the used energy quality. Although, the price signal has been affected slightly more to the choice of a target. Finally, the average system composition with 2 kWh battery and 4 kW PV array provides reduction by 55%–60% of both CO emissions and the bill. Such achievement could potentially lead to smooth substitution of carbon intensive residential systems with gas and oil heaters

    New polymer-graphene nanocomposite electrodes with platinum-palladium nanoparticles for chemical power sources

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    In the present experimental work new polymer-reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanocomposites with bimetallic platinum-palladium nanoparticles as functional electrodes for chemical power sources were prepared. The size and shape of nanoparticles in the composites have been studied by use of atomic force and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy techniques, X-ray phase analysis and small-angle X-ray scattering. Model tests on the basis of chemically-obtained composite electrodes under operating conditions of fuel elements with formic acid oxidation were carried out