42 research outputs found

    Effect of Orally Administrated Acriflavine to larval of Red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) on Their Sex Ratio

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    Uncontrolled and excessive spawning of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) hinders fish growth to reach marketable size.  Several techniques have been developed to produce monosex population to overcome the problem, such as sex reversal by hormonal administration.  Androgen hormone is generally employed to meet the goal, although the use of this hormone had been restricted and its price is relatively high. Acriflavine is an alternative chemical and its effect on sex development toward male fish has been proved.  In this study, acriflavine at dose of 0, 15, 25 and 35 mg/kg feed were fed to 10-day-old larvae for 6 weeks.  Feeding of larvae by diet containing 17a-methyltestosterone (MT) at dose of 50 mg/kg was also observed as a comparison of acriflavin treatment.  The results indicated that feeding of larvae by diet containing acriflavine 25 mg/kg (78.3%) and 35 mg/kg (79.0%) produced significantly higher percentage of male fish compared to 15 mg/kg and control.  However, the result is still lower compared to that of MT treatment (99.2%).  Acriflavine treatment had no effect on survival of red tilapia and survival rate was similar among treatments, ranged from 91.7% to 95.0%. Keywords: red tilapia, Orechromis sp., monosex,  acriflavine   ABSTRAK Pemijahan tak terkontrol dan berlebih pada ikan nila merah (Oreochromis sp.) menghambat pertumbuhan ikan untuk mencapai ukuran konsumsi. Beberapa teknik yang telah dikembangkan untuk menghasilkan ikan monosek sebagai solusi permasalahan tersebut antara lain dengan seks reversal menggunakan hormon. Secara umum, hormon golongan androgen digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan, namun penggunaannya mulai dibatasi dan harganya relatif mahal. Akriflavin merupakan bahan alternatif yang terbukti dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan kelamin ke arah jantan.  Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemberian akriflavin dengan dosis 0, 15, 25 dan 35 mg/kg pakan ke larva umur 10 hari selama 6 minggu. Sebagai pembanding juga dilakukan pemberian pakan yang mengandung hormon 17a-metiltestosteron dosis 50 mg/kg pakan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan yang mengandung akriflavin 25 mg/kg pakan (78,3%) dan 35 mg/kg pakan (79,0%) menghasilkan ikan jantan dengan persentase lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan perlakuan 15 mg/kg (72,46%) dan kontrol (58,37%).   Namun demikian, hasil tersebut masih lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan perlakuan MT (99,2%).  Perlakuan akriflavin tidak mempengaruhi kelangsungan hidup ikan nila merah dan tidak berbeda  nyata dengan kontrol, berkisar antara 91,7-95,0%. Kata kunci: Nila merah, Orechromis sp., monoseks, akriflavi

    Spawning Induction System of Puntius javanicus using Common Carp as a Trigger

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    This study was carried out to determine the effect of induction using common carp as a trigger on spawning of Puntius javanicus.  Mature male and female of Puntius javanicus were reared in outer of the hapa that contains mature male common carp, mature female common carp, or mature male and female common carp as a control.  Common carp broodstock was injected or not injected by ovaprim.  The result of study show that the use of male common carp injected or not injected by ovaprim could induced spawning of Puntius javanicus, without the release of sperm and eggs of common carp.   Fertilization rate of Puntius javanicus eggs was high, reached of 91.4%, by using ovaprim-injected male common carp as trigger. Keywords: Puntius javanicus, common carp, Cyprinus carpio, spawning, induction system   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem imbas menggunakan ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) sebagai pemicu terhadap pemijahan ikan tawes (Puntius javanicus). Induk ikan tawes jantan dan betina yang telah matang gonad ditempatkan di luar hapa tempat ikan mas jantan matang gonad, ikan mas betina matang gonad, atau sepasang ikan mas matang gonad sebagai perlakuan kontrol. Induk ikan mas disuntik atau tidak dengan ovaprim.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan ikan mas yang disuntik ovaprim maupun tidak, dapat mengimbas ikan tawes untuk memijah meskipun tidak terjadi pengeluaran sperma dan telur ikan mas. Derajat pembuahan telur ikan tawes cukup tinggi, mencapai 91,4%, pada perlakuan induksi ikan mas jantan yang disuntik ovaprim. Kata kunci: Puntius javanicus, common carp, Cyprinus carpio, pemijahan, sistem imbas</p

    Optimasi transplantasi menggunakan sel donor dari ikan gurame muda dan ikan nila triploid sebagai resipien

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    Testicular cell transplantation technology can be used in fish seed production engineering. In this study, optimization of transplantation using donor cells from young gouramy and triploid tilapia (3N) as recipient. Triploid tilapia is produced using heat shock method. The testes of male gouramy (body weight of 400- 850 g) was dissociated using 0.5% trypsin. Dissociated testicular cells was injected into the peritoneal cavity of tilapia larvae. Analysis of donor cell colonization was carried out using PCR method with DNA template that had been extracted from the gonad of 2-month-old tilapia. PCR was performed using specific primers for the growth hormone gene and (3-actin as an internal control of DNA loading. The results of nucleoli preparation showed that the success of triploidyzation was 88.5%. The gonad size of diploid (2N) and 3N recipient were relatively similar, while in not transplanted 3N tilapia was rudimentary. PCR results showed that the transplanted 3N tilapia has a DNA band of the same size with gouramy, while in control was not. This indicated that donor cells have been colonized in the gonads of recipient. The donor cell colonization in recipient 3N (78%) was higher than that of 2N (50%). Further research is required to determine the ability of donor cells differentiate into sperm and eggs in recipient gonad


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    Despite as high price consumption fish, humpback grouper grow out take very long time so its culture considered not efficient. Therefore to accelerate its growth rate and make grow out culture more efficient, recombinant Epinepheluslanceolatus growth hormone (rElGH) was applied by oral route. Daily application of rough rElGH at a dose of 5 mg/100 g commercial diet for 42 days resulted significance increase in growth rate compared to control groups. No specific histological damage on kidney, liver and spleen which was attributable to rElGH administration. These results strongly suggested that growth stimulation following oral administration was due to a specific action of rElGH and recombinant GH as mentioned above save for fish consumption. Keywords: growth, histology, humpback grouper, recombinant growth hormone

    Optimasi transplantasi menggunakan sel donor dari ikan gurame muda dan ikan nila triploid sebagai resipien

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    Testicular cell transplantation technology can be used in fish seed production engineering. In this study, optimization of transplantation using donor cells from young gouramy and triploid tilapia (3N) as recipient. Triploid tilapia is produced using heat shock method. The testes of male gouramy (body weight of 400- 850 g) was dissociated using 0.5% trypsin. Dissociated testicular cells was injected into the peritoneal cavity of tilapia larvae. Analysis of donor cell colonization was carried out using PCR method with DNA template that had been extracted from the gonad of 2-month-old tilapia. PCR was performed using specific primers for the growth hormone gene and (3-actin as an internal control of DNA loading. The results of nucleoli preparation showed that the success of triploidyzation was 88.5%. The gonad size of diploid (2N) and 3N recipient were relatively similar, while in not transplanted 3N tilapia was rudimentary. PCR results showed that the transplanted 3N tilapia has a DNA band of the same size with gouramy, while in control was not. This indicated that donor cells have been colonized in the gonads of recipient. The donor cell colonization in recipient 3N (78%) was higher than that of 2N (50%). Further research is required to determine the ability of donor cells differentiate into sperm and eggs in recipient gonad

    Effect of Thyroxine Hormone by Oral on Growth and Survival Rate of Coral Platy Xiphophorus maculates

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    Thyroxine is known as a hormone that can affect growth of fish by increasing the metabolic rate, feed efficiency and protein retention.  In this study, effect of thyroxine administration through feed on growth and survival of coral platy fish (Xiphophorus maculatus) was observed.  Dosage of thyroxine used was 0.2, 2 and 20 mg/kg of feed, and were combined with duration time of treatment i.e. 1, 2 and 3 weeks.  All treatments were performed triplicate.  The results of study show that higher growth in length (21.3 mm) and weight (244.5 mg) was obtained by administration of 20 mg thyroxine per kilogram of feed for two weeks and this treatment had no effect on the survival rate of coral platy fish Keywords: coral platy, Xiphophorus maculatus, tyroxine, growth   ABSTRAK Tiroksin diketahui sebagai hormon yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dengan jalan meningkatkan laju metabolisme tubuh, efisiensi makanan dan retensi protein. Pada penelitian ini dipelajari pengaruh pemberian hormon tiroksin melalui pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup ikan plati koral (Xiphophorus maculatus). Dosis tiroksin yang digunakan yaitu 0,2; 2 dan 20 mg/kg pakan, dan dikombinasikan dengan lama waktu perlakuan satu, dua dan tiga pekan. Semua perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian hormon tiroksin sebesar 20 mg/kg pakan selama dua pekan memberikan pertumbuhan panjang dan pertambahan berat terbaik masing-masing 21,3 mm dan 244,5 mg dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan platy koral. Kata kunci: ikan plati koral, Xiphophorus maculatus, tiroksin, pertumbuha

    Spawning Induction System of Puntius javanicus using Common Carp as a Trigger

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    This study was carried out to determine the effect of induction using common carp as a trigger on spawning of Puntius javanicus.  Mature male and female of Puntius javanicus were reared in outer of the hapa that contains mature male common carp, mature female common carp, or mature male and female common carp as a control.  Common carp broodstock was injected or not injected by ovaprim.  The result of study show that the use of male common carp injected or not injected by ovaprim could induced spawning of Puntius javanicus, without the release of sperm and eggs of common carp.   Fertilization rate of Puntius javanicus eggs was high, reached of 91.4%, by using ovaprim-injected male common carp as trigger. Keywords: Puntius javanicus, common carp, Cyprinus carpio, spawning, induction system   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem imbas menggunakan ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) sebagai pemicu terhadap pemijahan ikan tawes (Puntius javanicus). Induk ikan tawes jantan dan betina yang telah matang gonad ditempatkan di luar hapa tempat ikan mas jantan matang gonad, ikan mas betina matang gonad, atau sepasang ikan mas matang gonad sebagai perlakuan kontrol. Induk ikan mas disuntik atau tidak dengan ovaprim.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan ikan mas yang disuntik ovaprim maupun tidak, dapat mengimbas ikan tawes untuk memijah meskipun tidak terjadi pengeluaran sperma dan telur ikan mas. Derajat pembuahan telur ikan tawes cukup tinggi, mencapai 91,4%, pada perlakuan induksi ikan mas jantan yang disuntik ovaprim. Kata kunci: Puntius javanicus, common carp, Cyprinus carpio, pemijahan, sistem imba

    Effect of Thyroxine Hormone Administration in Female Broodstock on Metamorphosis and Survival Rates of Marble Goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata, BLKR.) Larva

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    The experiment was conducted to study the effect of thyroxine hormone injection on female marble goby on metamorphosis and survival rate of their larva. Thyroxine hormone was injected into female at the dosage of 0,25 and 50 µg/g body weight. And then the female were reared with males in spawning tanks. Spawned eggs were hatched and the larva was observed for organogenesis, yolk absorption and growth in length. Formation of eye spot, swim bladder and body pigment becoming faster as the increase in thyroxine hormone dose. Yolk volume in larva that was obtained form thyroxine injected female decreased faster than those of control. Thyroxine hormone did not affected length growth and survival rate Key words: Marble goby, broodstock, thyroxine, metamorphosis, survival rate, larv

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Tepung Testis Sapi dalam Alih Kelamin Ikan Nila, Oreochromis niloticus L. Melalui Teknik Perendaman (The Effectiveness of BTME (Bull Testes Meal Extract) in Sex-Reversal of Tilapia through Immersion Technique)

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    Synthetic steroids are commonly used to sex-reverse tilapia to produce male tilapia commercially, but gradually feared a negative impact on food security and environmental sustainability. The use of new natural compound is a potential alternative to be explored, one of which is bull testes meal extract (BTME). This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of BTME immersion and optimal concentrations for sex-reverse tilapia to produce monosex male tilapia, and its influence on survival and growth of fish. The study consisted of 5 treatments with 3 replications: immersion treatment with BTME concentration of 1 ml l-1 (A), 3 ml l-1 (B), 5 ml l-1 (C), immersion treatment in 17α-methyltestosterone of 500 µg l-1 (K+) and without hormone immersion treatment (K-). Hormone immersion was performed on tilapia larvae aged 4 and 7 days after hatching.The fish were then maintained for 60 days. The parameters observed were: the percentage of male tilapia and intersex tilapia, survival rates, and growth rate of fish. BTME immersion for sex-reverse the tilapia larvae have significant effect on masculinization of tilapia. The highest percentage of male fish was obtained on treatment C (85.56%) and was not significantly different from K (+) (81.11 %). Immersion of tilapia in BTME or 17α-MT did not affect the survival and growth of tilapia fish.Keywords: sex reversal, bull testes meal extract (BTME), tilapi

    Study of gonadotropin (GtH) stimulating hormone on gonad maturation of climbing perch Anabas testudineus Bloch

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    Gonadotropin can quicken the process of 17α-hidroxyprogesterone hormone synthesis becoming 17α, 20β-di hidroxyprogesterone as the maturation inducing steroids (MIS) and quicken the process of egg nucleus integration to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) position. This research aimed to know the efficacy of gonadotropin hormone in the form of ovaprim on gonad maturation of climbing perch (Anabas testudineus Bloch). Stimulation of GtH with a dose of 0.5 ml/kg of fish body weight could improve the fish gonado somato index (GSI) to 2.72 %, improve the the final egg diameter to  0.70 mm (71.50 %), and shorten ovulation time which down to 4.30 hours. Key words: Gonadotropin hormone, gonad maturation, Anabas testudineus   ABSTRAK Hormon gonadotropin dapat mempercepat proses sintesa hormon 17α-hidroksiprogesteron menjadi 17α, 20β-dihidroksiprogesteron yang berfungsi sebagai steroid yang merangsang pematangan gonad dan mempercepat proses integrasi inti sel telur menuju posisi germinal vesicle breakdowan (GVBD). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas hormon gonadotropin yang terdapat dalam ovaprim terhadap pematangan gonad ikan betook Anabas testudineus Bloch. Pemberian hormon GtH dalam bentuk ovaprim dengan dosis 0,5 ml/kg bobot ikan dapat memperbaiki perkembangan gonad yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan nilai gonado somatik indeks (GSI) sebanyak 2,72%, peningkatan diameter telur menjadi 0,77 mm (71,50%) dan mempercepat waktu ovulasi menjadi 4,3 jam. Kata-kata kunci: Hormon gonadotropin, pematangan gonad, ikan betok</p