220 research outputs found

    Memanage Performance Karyawan dengan Pemberian Kompensasi

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    Bagi manajemen, masalah kompensasi karyawan mungkin merupakan masalah personalia yang membingungkan dan paling sulit.Walaupun pengupahan harus mempunyai dasar yang logik dan dapat dipertahankan, hal ini mencakup banyak faktor-faktor emosional dari sudut pandangan para karyawan.Namun dalam prakteknya, masalah kompensasi selalu saja menjadi acuan yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja atau performance karyawan.Oleh karena itu, mau tidak mau Perusahaan juga perlu menganalisa kembali kebijakan-kebijakan yang diterapkan dalam hal pemberian kompensasi.Hal ini semata-mata guna menciptakan kinerja atau performance karyawan yang lebih baik, yang pada akhirnya juga dapat menjadi kunci keberhasilan Perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan sebelumny

    Memahami Sosiologi Sebagai Reposisi Ilmu Dalam Islam

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    Among the weakness of human resources in Islam is rooted on the way Muslims perceived knowledge. Within the everyday life of Muslims, there are some branches of knowledge that are considered as less important. Furthermore, some conservative Muslims even see those less important knowledge as prohibited to be learnt based on Westerners domination of those knowledge and ignore the use of those knowledge for human beings. This model of perceiving knowledge has serious impact on individual as well as Muslim as the whole ummah in leading the development of knowledge in the world. This article tries to correct or at least to give a contribution in building opinion in order to provide more suitable perspective of Islam in perceiving knowledge. By employing Islam as a framework to portray the development of science in Islam is necessary in order to create awareness among Muslims on the necessity of acquiring and developing knowledge for the sake of better life for all human being

    Pengaruh Metode dan Kemampuan Motorik terhadap Keterampilan Jurus Tunggal Pencak Silat

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    Looking at the learning outcomes data obtained by FIK UNP students who took basic martial arts courses from 1380 students, as many as 402 people (29.13%) who did not graduate and delayed scores were 278 (20.14%). That is, most students fail in basic pencak silat lectures. The purpose of this study was to see this study in general aiming to determine the differences in the results of learning methods and motor skills on the skills of a single stance Pencak Silat FIK UNP students in Padang. This type of research is Comparative. The research method used was an experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial design. As a population were all students of sports education study programs who took the basic martial arts courses at FIK UNP. The random sampling technique so that the sample in this study were 132 male students. The pencak silat single skill skill test uses the standard single test from IPSI. Tests of motor skills are used for the 40 m run test, throwing the ball into the wall, Shuttle run, throwing medicine balls, stand test strokes, and repeated flexibility for 20 seconds. Testing the hypothesis of this study uses two-way analysis of variance (ANAVA) techniques. Based on the analysis, it was found that Inquiry Methods were more effective in improving students' skills in the Single Pencak Silat Skill than the command method. There was an interaction between the method with Motorized Skill and the improvement of the student's Single Pencak Silat Skill. At a high level of Motor Capability, Inquiry methods are more effective than the command method for improving student Single Pencak Silat Skills. At a low Motor Capability level, the Command method is more effective than the Inkuri method for improving students' Single Skill Pencak Silat skills &nbsp

    Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Hak Cipta Dalam Bidang Industri Kreatif Di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia

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    Penegakan hukum hak cipta belum dilakukan secara maksimal sesuai Pasal 113 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2014 Nomor 266, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5599). Oleh karenanya, penulis meneliti penegakan hukum terhadap hak cipta dalam bidang industri kreatif di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Dapat diselesaikan dengan penelitian hukum normatif. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa kurangnya penegakan hukum sanksi pidana terhadap pelanggaran hak cipta dalam bidang industri kreatif, oleh pengadilan terdakwa dijatuhi hukuman ringan, sehingga tidak mempunyai efek jera. Saran yaitu dengan melalui penyuluhan, seminar, lomba karya ilmiah, Wahana Musik Indonesia dan Sentral Lisensi Musik Indonesia sebagai lembaga manajemen kolektif harus bertindak aktif dan peneliti selanjutnya meneliti Kepolisian Republik Indonesia

    Tatakelola Perlindungan Pengetahuan Obat Tradisional : Keberpihakan Kepada Kepentingan Rakyat Banyak

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    Ironic, indeed, Indonesia with rich natural resources, cultural diversity, especially traditional medicinal knowledge has no protection management. As a result, valuable traditional medicinal knowledge brings no potential benefit for its owner, community and country in general. Compared to ASEAN countries, especially Phillipines, Thailand and Vietnam, Indonesia is left 2 decades behind in organizing traditional medicinal knowledge. This writing is aimed to discuss, first, why traditional knowledge have to be protected and second, how management of traditional medicinal knowledge stands on the side of interest and benefit for communitie

    Fungsi Negara Dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Perburuhan

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    Involvement of the country in employment case related with function and duty of the country/government is how to create, to look after, to maintain, and to increase the orderliness of social condition that to flow into public service. So, the function of country (government) basically is the function of public service. The definition of duty of the country in macro context is to do the policies to get the goal of the country governance, and the country governance basically is the national goal of its country.Involvement of the country (government) in law context about employment is to create fair employment relationship to become a part of function and duty of the government. However, if the relationship between worker and boss/entrepreneur that very different in social economy is delivered to all sides, so the goal to create social justice in life society is very difficult to get, because the strong side will be always control the weak side, that case already become an adagio, which the strong and authorized side will inclined to delude the weak side. Because of that, the weak side should be get protection from the country.In context of collective work agreement, the involvement of the country is a rule of legislation that should be bothered, concerning the system of remunerating (mulberry minimum such as UMR), health, working safety, and others, basically those as a part of government duty in running of function of political that including in formula of national goal in Indonesian Republic that loaded in fourth paragraph of opening of UUD 1945, that is β€œto create social justice and to move forward public prosperity for socialize and for Indonesian nation

    Keterkaitan antara Pelanggaran Lalu-lintas dan Motivasi Keselamatan pada Pengemudi

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    Transportasi umum sudah menjadi transportasi yang vital. Namun fenomenanya transportasi umum yang digunakan oleh masyarakat tidak lagi mengutamakan kedisiplinan dalam berlalu-lintas dengan cara melakukan pelanggaran, maka sudah pasti risiko untuk kecelakaanlebih besar dan hal itu dapat merugikan pengemudi, penumpang ataupun pengguna jalan yang lain.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan motivasi keselamatan internal atau eksternal yang lebih berpengaruh pada pelanggaran lalu lintas. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatifkomparatif, pengambilan data menggunakan skala motivasi keselamatan dan skala pelanggaran lalul-lintas. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu accidental sampling dan didapat responden sebanyak 100 pengemudi bus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikanpada motivasi keselamatan yang diketahui dengan membandingkan hasil uji anova nilai sig (0,000) dengan taraf signifikansi (0,000< 0,05). Dalam penelitian ini motivasi keselamatan eksternal lebih banyak memiliki rata – rata skor pelanggaran lalu-lintas yaitu (16,8) dibanding dengan rata – rataskor pelanggaran motivasi keselamatan internal yang hanya (7,07) secara keseluruhan
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