513 research outputs found

    An Interacting Scenario for Dark Energy in Bianchi Type-I Universe

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    We study the interaction between dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM) in the scope of anisotropic bianchi type I space-time. First we derive the general form of the dark energy equation of state parameter (EoS) in both non-interacting and interacting cases and then we examine it's future by applying a hyperbolic scale factor. It is shown that in non-interacting case, depending on the value of the anisotropy parameter KK, the dark energy EoS parameter is varying from phantom to quintessence whereas in interacting case EoS parameter vary in quintessence region. However, in both cases the dark energy EoS parameter ωde\omega^{de}, ultimately (i. e at z=1z=-1) tends to the cosmological constant (ωde=1\omega^{de}=-1). Moreover, we fixed the cosmological bound on the anisotropy parameter KK by using the recent observational data of Hubble parameter.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 201

    Subcritical and supercritical fluid extraction a critical review of its analytical usefulness

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    Subcritical R134a is suggested as a low-pressure alternative to supercritical CO2 in the supercritical fluid extraction technology in particular of palm oil application. Therefore, a measurement of solubility of palm oil in subcritical Rl34a will be carried out at temperatures of 40, 60, 70 and 80°C and pressures up to 300 bar. The solubility of carotene are also will be measured using UV Spectrophotometer. Results obtained from this study will be compared with the previous work and for the first time, simulation for the SFE process of palm oil will be performed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and it will be implemented in comparisons as well when the operating conditions of the previous findings are different from this study. It is expected that the solubility of the palm oil in subcritical Rl34a is much higher than SC-C02, and it is expected that R134a could be a viable alternative solvent to supercritical carbon dioxide as R134a could be perform well at a lower pressure used whereas can achieved a higher solubility compared to SC-C0

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Media Kantong Bilangan pada Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar

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    The research aims to determine how to improve Mathematics learning result of student at 3rd class of elemantary school by using media the bag of number.This research is a collaborative Classroom Action Researchm based on the result, how to teacher make plan of learning activities in the classroom gained the avarage value 2,30 in before action increased to 2,47 in cycle I. In cycle II the avarage level of teacher ability is 3,13 to 3,82 in cycle III. The avarage value of implementation plan of study by teacher before action is 2,44 increased to 2,49 in the cycle I to 3,29 in the cycle II increased to 3,95 in the cycle III. The avarage value of learning result of student before action is on level 47,90 beforre action increased to 69,68 at cycle I to 82,58 at cycle II increased to 97,42 at cycle III

    Pengaruh Metode Role Playing Terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Dalam Pembelajaran Pkn Kelas IV

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    .This study aimed to obtain information on the effect of role playing methods to the study of students in civic education fourth grade of SDN 01 Kecamatan selakau. The research method used is the method to shape development experimental studies. based on statistical calculation of the average post-test results of the control class at 67.40 and 77.25 for the experimental classes obtained thitung of 4.602 and ttable (a = 5% and dk = 1.602) mean t hitung> t table then this means that application of role playing method gives a considerable influence on the high learning outcomes to fourth grade of SDN 01 Kecamatan selakau

    Korelasi Penggunaan Media Gambar dengan Hasil Belajar Pkn Kelas V Sdn 06 Sungai Raya

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    Correlation media use images with classroom learning outcomes Pkn SDN 06 Sungai Raya. The purpose of this research is to gain an overview on the correlation between the use of media images with the learning outcomes of students in class V Citizenship Education Elementary School 06 Sungai Raya. This study used a descriptive method. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between the use of media images with the learning outcomes of students in the class V Pkn SDN 06 Sungai Raya. It can be seen from the number of rxy> rtabel (0.48> 0.284)

    Analisis Ketersediaan dan Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Nonproyeksi Pkn Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    The purposes of this research are describing about the availability and utilization of learning nonproyection Civic Education media Classes Five Elementary School District Pontianak Tenggara. This research used method of descriptive method. The result of this research is availability of media is the globe available in all of school. But the relief not available in all of school. In the form of printed primer book and secondary book available in all of school. The teaching media of graphics about photos not available in all of school. But the graphics media about picture and map is available in all of school. The thing of utilization learning media, teachers used conform with the material of civic education but they are use the media dependent with availability of media Social science. The obctacle of use the media is student ability to understand civic education lesson and the differrent student charracter