36 research outputs found

    Fenomena LGBT di Malaysia: Analisis Faktor dan Kaedah Pemulihan [The Phenomenon of LGBT In Malaysia: Factor Analysis and Rehabilitation Services for LGBT]

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    Golongan Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) bukan komuniti baru dalam kalangan masyarakat di Malaysia. Malah terdapat pihak yang cuba untuk menuntut agar Malaysia memberi pengiktirafan serta hak sama rata kepada golongan LGBT ini. Fakta menunjukkan bahawa penglibatan golongan LGBT semakin membimbangkan dalam kalangan masyarakat malah, gejala ini semakin menular tidak hanya terbatas dalam kalangan dewasa bahkan turut mempengaruhi remaja yang masih dibangku sekolah. Oleh yang demikian, artikel ini akan mengupas mengenai fenomena LGBT di Malaysia dari sudut ciri-ciri golongan LGBT, faktor kepada berlakunya gejala ini serta pendekatan pemulihan yang sesuai bagi menangani isu LGBT ini dari terus berleluasa. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis akan menggunakan analisis dokumen sebagai metode pengumpulan data dan analisis dapatan menggunakan kaedah tematik. Pelbagai faktor yang menyumbang kepada gejala kecelaruan jantina dan LGBT. Manakala terdapat fatwa kebangsaan, negeri menyatakan LGBT merupakan perilaku haram dan songsang. Manakala kaedah telah diambil oleh pelbagai pihak bagi menangani gejala ini dari terus berleluasa. Kajian ini mencadangkan kerjasama pelbagai pihak perlu ditingkatkan lagi agar objektif bagi memulihkan komuniti LGBT daripada gejala kecelaruan jantina dan perilaku songsang. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) are not a new community among society in Malaysia. In fact, there are those who are trying to demand that Malaysia give recognition and equal rights to this LGBT group. Facts show that the involvement of people in LGBT is increasingly intriguing in society and this symptom is increasingly contagious not only limited to adults and even affects adolescents who are still in school. Therefore, this article will explore the LGBT phenomenon in Malaysia from the point of view of LGBT characteristics, factors for the validity of these symptoms and appropriate recovery approaches to dealing with this LGBT issue from a continuous discretion. In this study, the authors will use document analysis as a method of data collection and analysis can use thematic methods. A variety of factors contribute to the symptoms of gender identity disorder and LGBT distress. When there is a national fatwa, the state declares LGBT to be an illegitimate and inverse behavior. Whenever methods have been taken by various parties to deal with this symptom from continuing to be flexible. This study suggests that the cooperation of various parties needs to be improved to be objective for restoring the LGBT community rather than the symptoms of gender identity disorder and inverse behavior


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    Al-Quran is the word of Allah was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through Jibril AS. Appearances ‘ilmu Tafsir’ is the position of al-Quran as the primary source of Islamic law. The importance of studying the interpretation of the Quran is very high so it is difficult to understand the language, thus requiring the interpretation of Rasulullah saw, sahabat, tabiin and ulama. This knowledge also to understand the meanings of the Quran with more complete and accurate and can be picked up and passed a law contained therein. Thus, preventing a person from understanding the sentence the wrong way or deviate from its true meaning. This article aims to explain the history of the interpretation on the three days of the beginning of the time of the Rasulullah saw, sahabat and tabiin. The results showed that the interpretation of the rapid development has occurred in the day’s tabiin and have a tendency israilliyyat histor

    Study on gender equality: overview the reality of muslim feminist movement

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    Nowadays, the Muslim communities are confronted with the grups of people thatdemand for the opening of the gate of ijtihad by putting the rational first before the Quran and al-Sunnah. These groups do not disclose themselves as people who reject religion, but they hide behind the idea of reviewing the religion. They reassess the Shari’a and fiqh statutes and reject any interpretation of scholars on religious grounds. For them, the laws in Islam must be compatible with the current realities, even they have to deny the laws that have been thabit with Islamic texts for qatc i. Among the thinkers are the feministswho struggle for women’s rights. They argue that there are some laws in the Quran which have oppressed and discriminated women. Thus, these Muslim feminists who fight to defend the Muslim women,standing up for the issue of gender equality in the hope to revise the Shari’a laws in accordance to theirliking. This article aims to analyse the issues of gender equality brought by feminist groups to explain the reality in Malaysia. The results showed that the issues propagated by them is theconsequenceof the Quran re-interpretation. The implications of this study indicate that the movement should be observedand taken seriously because the idea of gender equality is not initially derived from Islam. Thus, the thoughts of having the openness in ijtihad by putting rational over al-Quran and al-Sunnah like what the feminists advocate must be controlled from penetrating into the minds of the Muslim community

    Pendekatan Jemaah Tabligh dalam Penyebaran Dakwah Kepada Masyarakat Islam di Malaysia: Preaching Approach of the Tabligh Congregation for Muslim Community in Malaysia

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    Manusia dipertanggungjawabkan di atas muka bumi ini untuk menjadi seorang dai yang berperanan untuk berdakwah. Selain itu, peranan ini termasuklah meleraikan umat manusia dari sudut kemusyrikan kepada keimanan terhadap Allah SWT, merubah daripada mungkar kepada makruf, berusaha merubah situasi negatif kepada positif, mencegah dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar kepada menegakkan kebenaran serta mencari kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat. Namun dalam menyempurnakan agama dengan cara menyebarkan dakwah bukanlah satu tugas yang mudah namun tidak susah. Perkara ini selari dengan kehendak Allah SWT yang telah menetapkan hidup manusia ini hanyalah untuk mengabdikan diri kepada-Nya. Justeru, kajian ini berusaha mengetengahkan hal berkaitan pendekatan dakwah Jemaah Tabligh dalam membentuk motivasi dalam kalangan masyarakat. Kajian perpustakaan dengan mengaplikasikan metode analisis data dan kandungan digunakan bagi mencapai objektif kajian ini. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat beberapa metode dan prinsip yang digunakan oleh Jemaah Tabligh dalam urusan berdakwah kepada golongan masyarakat. Implikasi kajian ini memberi serba sedikit input kepada masyarakat untuk menyedari bahawa pendekatan Jemaah Tabligh merupakan salah satu mekanisme terbaik dalam penyebaran dakwah Islam. Man is responsible on this earth to be a dai who has the role in Islamic preaching. In addition, this role includes disbanding mankind from polytheism to faith in Allah SWT, changing from evil to good, trying to change negative situations to positive, preventing from heinous and evil acts to upholding the truth and finding happiness in this world and the hereafter. However, spreading Islamic preaching is not an easy task but it is not difficult. This matter is in line with the will of Allah SWT who has determined that human life is only to devote oneself to Him. Therefore, this article tries to highlight matters related to the preaching approach of the Tabligh Congregation in forming Islamic preaching among muslim community in Malaysia. This article applies library research and content analysis methods to collect data. Meanwhile, thematic analysis is used for data analysis. The results of the study found that there are several methods and principles used by the Tabligh Congregation in preaching to the community. The implications of this study provide a little input to the community to realize that the Tabligh Congregation approach is one of the best mechanisms in the spread of Islamic preaching for muslim community in Malaysia

    Sheikh Daudal-Fatani as scholar in Malay Archipelago: overview on his writings

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    This paper explores the biography of Sheikh Daud al-Fatani, one of the most famous and prolific authors among Muslims in South East Asia. He produced writings in Madhhab Shafi’i in the Malay World during the nineteenth-century. This paper discusses his background as well as the lineage of his descendants. In addition, it discusses various opinions about the date of his birth, the place he was born and the date of his death. The paper also explores his education and his teachers, and emphasizes his contribution in producing kitab and other writings that have had a huge impact on the religious education of Muslims in this region of the Malay World. To achieve the article’s objectives, content analysis method was applied to the Sheikh Daud’s writing

    Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd as a modern Muslim thinker

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    Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd is a thinker who has produced works in the fields of theology, philosophy, law, politics and humanities. Abu Zayd’s thought, partly on the Quran and its hermeneutics has stirred controversy in Egypt and the Muslim world. This research focuses on the controversy surrounding Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd which led to the declaration of his apostasy by the Supreme Court of Egypt in 1995, as well as his controversial thoughts on the Quran, its method of exegesis and certain fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) issues such as the hijab (veil) and polygamy. This paper serves as a literature review which employs the content analysis as a methodology to elaborate on Abu Zayd’s controversial thoughts based on his books, as well as through the views of Muslim and Western scholars on those thoughts

    Implikasi pentafsiran Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd terhadap isu wanita dalam al-Qur’an

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    Ulama tafsir telah bersepakat tentang metode untuk mentafsirkan al-Qur’an, namun Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd telah menganjurkan metode tafsir moden dengan mengaplikasikan hermeneutik kerana beliau berpendapat metode tersebut ialah metode terbaik untuk mentafsirkan al-Qur’an. Angggapan Abu Zayd adalah berdasarkan al-Qur’an perlu ditafsirkan kepada konteks sejarah dan budaya semasa. Metode tafsir Abu Zayd telah menimbulkan polemik dalam dunia Islam. Objektif artikel ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti metode tafsir Abu Zayd dan menganalisis implikasi metode tersebut terhadap isu-isu berkaitan dengan wanita. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis kandungan yang terdiri daripada karya Abu Zayd untuk mengeluarkan kaedah pentafsirannya. Hasil pentafsiran Abu Zayd dibandingkan dengan pendapat mufassir. Hasil kajian mendapati metode pentafsiran Abu Zayd bersifat relatif serta memberi polemik besar terhadap isu wanita

    The impact of personality trait on the relationship of emotional intelligence and self-esteem

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    Fundamental science of psychology often rooted in diversity theory that touching reality of human and humanity. Theoretical solution alone may not be able to unlock the psychological issues because it is closely related to affective, cognitive and human behaviour in the workplace. In this study, the issues in the workplace are referring to personality, emotional intelligence and self-esteem of employees. The specific purpose of this study was to test the effect of extraversion personality as a moderator towards the relationship of emotional intelligence and self-esteem of employees. A total of 196 civil servants in the Local Authority (LA) have been selected as respondents. Measurement tools that used is Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Short Form (EPQR-S), Emotional Intelligence Self-Description Inventory (EISDI), and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). The data was analysed by using the hierarchical regression analysis. The finding shows that the two hypotheses are accepted. From this analysis as well, there was a moderating effect of extraversion personality on the relationship between emotional intelligence (perception and appraisal of emotion, and understanding emotions) with self-esteem of employees. The most important finding shows that extraversion personality serves as moderator when the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-esteem are enhanced if extraversion were on a high level. This is compared with the low levels of extraversion personality that causing on relationship of emotional intelligence with self-esteem more weaker

    Peranan Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) akibat Pandemik COVID-19

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    The Johor State Islamic Religious Council (MAIJ) was established on 1925 under the authority of Part IV, Chapter XV, Board of Regulations for the Rule of the King. There are initial functions and main functions for MAIJ. MAIJ's initial function was to manage religious affairs, provide advice on the King's customs, provide lessons / education to the King's relatives and manage the welfare of the Muslim community. Meanwhile, its main function is to manage and administer the Group of Zakat & Fitrah Fund (Kumpulan Wang Zakat & Fitrah) and distribute the fund according to asnaf, manage and administer the Fund / Baitulmal Property and the Wakaf Fund as a Wakaf Trustee. This article aims to analyze the types of assistance and contributions due to Covid-19 pandemic during the Movement Control Order (MCO) on 18 March 2020 to 31 March 2020 organized by the Johor Islamic Religious Council. This study is a qualitative study with content analysis design. The results show that the Johor Islamic Religious Council provides assistance to people in need with a set amount along with the number of recipients to be in line with the budget. This study lists the types of donations along with the amount of aid money as a reference for recipients during the period of the Movement Control Order (MCO